?好雜誌推薦? 扭轉你生命的一本雜誌 ─…

扭轉你生命的一本雜誌 ──《禪修與健康》
在全球,已經有許多的人們通過《禪修與健康》雜誌,接觸并參與了禪修,獲得了身、心、靈的幫助和解放。 並且很多人得到了真正長久的身心健康、甚至扭轉了生命!

? Good magazine recommendation?
A magazine that transform your life – 《Meditation and Health 》

Currently, there are many people around the world who get to know and practice meditation through 《Meditation and Health 》magazine. They have since gained liberation of body, mind and spirit. Many have also gained long-term physical and spiritual health benefits and thus transformed their life!

Welcome all who wishes to transform their body, mind and spirit to read《Meditation and Health》magazine!

The latest magazines, issue #37 in Mandarin and issues #25 in English, are now available at our meditation centers. You can also read other issues of the magazines on our official website :
Mandarin :https://www.puti.org/ch/category/cxyp_zzqk_chanxiuyujiankang

#SpiritualBooks, #MeditationAndHealth, #TransformYourLife


讓你變美麗的一本書 . 有人說禪修出美女…

A book that enables you to become beautiful
Some people say that meditation makes ladies beautiful, while others say that meditation makes ladies talented.
What is it that endows these lovely ladies with both beauty and confidence?
What is the method that empowers them to take charge of their own lives?
These ladies gain beauty, wisdom, talent and confidence through meditation. If you have the chance, will you pick a path that will help you surpass who you were yesterday?
I invite you to pick up this Mediation and Health magazine and start reading. It may be just what you need to unlock the door to a beautiful life!
To download the latest Mediation and Health magazine (Issue 17):
#MeditationAndHealth, #MagazineIssue17, #Download, #Confidence, #Beautiful
#禪修與健康、 #雜誌29期、 #下載、 #自信、 #美麗rnrn讓你變美麗的一本書
A book that enables you to become beautiful
Some people say that meditation makes ladies beautiful, while others say that meditation makes ladies talented.
What is it that endows these lovely ladies with both beauty and confidence?
What is the method that empowers them to take charge of their own lives?
These ladies gain beauty, wisdom, talent and confidence through meditation. If you have the chance, will you pick a path that will help you surpass who you were yesterday?
I invite you to pick up this Mediation and Health magazine and start reading. It may be just what you need to unlock the door to a beautiful life!
To download the latest Mediation and Health magazine (Issue 17):
#MeditationAndHealth, #MagazineIssue17, #Download, #Confidence, #Beautiful
#禪修與健康、 #雜誌29期、 #下載、 #自信、 #美麗


你也可以盡情揮灑青春的汗水 . 年輕_是…


我的法名叫備帆,今年(2017年)16歲。 。




You can also relish your youth with uplifting purposes

Youth – is the capital for learning
Youth – is the expression of vitality
Youth – is the foundation for success.

We have all experienced youth, yet our ensuing life outcomes tend to be varied and different.
This young and capable practitioner has, through meditation, made his life more uplifting.
My Dharma name is Beifan, 16 years old of age (in year 2017).
I’m a high school student and my favorite sport is ice hockey.
In August 2013, I took my mother’s advice and participated in Bodhi Meditation’s Summer Camp for the first time. The comprehensive and stimulating programs during the summer camp were enjoyable and drew me to more activities from Bodhi Meditation.

In August 2015, I participated in Bodhi Meditation’s summer camp for the third time. In addition to the activities, I benefited tremendously by serving as a group leader. I have learned to take the initiative to care for others, to put myself in others’ shoes to understand their perspectives, and also to put others before self. During the prior two summer camps, I would shirk at team members who had lagged behind, such as in mountain-climbing. But this time, I felt a sense of responsibility to support the last team member and encourage those who had fallen behind. Eventually, as we surmounted the mountain and stood tall at its peak, hand-in-hand, with smiles all round, there was an overwhelming sense of relief and exhilaration. I genuinely appreciated that true happiness is derived from the joy that we bring to others.

Back in school, I started to take the initiative to help my friends. There was a schoolmate who was two grades my junior. Introverted, he was mistaken for a “nerd”, often subjected to ridicule and being ostracized. Nevertheless, I took the opportunity to chat with him. As I got to know and understand him better, I realized that he was not the “nerd” that others made him out to be. Whenever I had the chance, I would engage with him. Gradually, he began to open up and became more lively and cheerful, interacting harmoniously with his contemporaries. This was a departure from his isolated persona previously, and I was happy for him from the bottom of my heart!

I also registered and took part in a Bodhi Meditation Wisdom Awakening course, from March 20-27, 2016. In the process of learning, I was drawn to The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom. After the course, I continued to practice this meditation technique at home. Gradually, I found myself playing faster, becoming more agile and nimble, mentally sharper and more focused when playing ice hockey. As a result, my self-confidence increases. Till today, I conscientiously practice The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom and supplement this with at least 36 prostrations in the evenings.

After learning meditation, my mother and I have more topics in common. In my opinion, one’s mission in life is to care for and to help others. I want to be such a person, caring for and serving others, and bringing happiness and joy all around!

If you like, please share, and reach out to more children who needs help. More sharing begets more blessings!!!

(Note: The benefits of meditation can vary from person to person)
#MeditationAndHealth, #MeditationJournal, #MeditationOfAwakeningWisdom, #Prostration, #Dream, #InterpersonalCommunication,
#禪修與健康 #見證禪修 #開智功 #大禮拜 #青春 #夢想 #人際溝通 #溫哥華rnrn你也可以盡情揮灑青春的汗水

我的法名叫備帆,今年(2017年)16歲。 。




You can also relish your youth with uplifting purposes

Youth – is the capital for learning
Youth – is the expression of vitality
Youth – is the foundation for success.

We have all experienced youth, yet our ensuing life outcomes tend to be varied and different.
This young and capable practitioner has, through meditation, made his life more uplifting.
My Dharma name is Beifan, 16 years old of age (in year 2017).
I’m a high school student and my favorite sport is ice hockey.
In August 2013, I took my mother’s advice and participated in Bodhi Meditation’s Summer Camp for the first time. The comprehensive and stimulating programs during the summer camp were enjoyable and drew me to more activities from Bodhi Meditation.

In August 2015, I participated in Bodhi Meditation’s summer camp for the third time. In addition to the activities, I benefited tremendously by serving as a group leader. I have learned to take the initiative to care for others, to put myself in others’ shoes to understand their perspectives, and also to put others before self. During the prior two summer camps, I would shirk at team members who had lagged behind, such as in mountain-climbing. But this time, I felt a sense of responsibility to support the last team member and encourage those who had fallen behind. Eventually, as we surmounted the mountain and stood tall at its peak, hand-in-hand, with smiles all round, there was an overwhelming sense of relief and exhilaration. I genuinely appreciated that true happiness is derived from the joy that we bring to others.

Back in school, I started to take the initiative to help my friends. There was a schoolmate who was two grades my junior. Introverted, he was mistaken for a “nerd”, often subjected to ridicule and being ostracized. Nevertheless, I took the opportunity to chat with him. As I got to know and understand him better, I realized that he was not the “nerd” that others made him out to be. Whenever I had the chance, I would engage with him. Gradually, he began to open up and became more lively and cheerful, interacting harmoniously with his contemporaries. This was a departure from his isolated persona previously, and I was happy for him from the bottom of my heart!

I also registered and took part in a Bodhi Meditation Wisdom Awakening course, from March 20-27, 2016. In the process of learning, I was drawn to The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom. After the course, I continued to practice this meditation technique at home. Gradually, I found myself playing faster, becoming more agile and nimble, mentally sharper and more focused when playing ice hockey. As a result, my self-confidence increases. Till today, I conscientiously practice The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom and supplement this with at least 36 prostrations in the evenings.

After learning meditation, my mother and I have more topics in common. In my opinion, one’s mission in life is to care for and to help others. I want to be such a person, caring for and serving others, and bringing happiness and joy all around!

If you like, please share, and reach out to more children who needs help. More sharing begets more blessings!!!

(Note: The benefits of meditation can vary from person to person)
#MeditationAndHealth, #MeditationJournal, #MeditationOfAwakeningWisdom, #Prostration, #Dream, #InterpersonalCommunication,
#禪修與健康 #見證禪修 #開智功 #大禮拜 #青春 #夢想 #人際溝通 #溫哥華


不用手術。。。 一起來看看多倫多同修的分…



#禪修與健康 #多倫多禪堂見證 #八卦內功 #健步如飛
Without any surgery…

Lets look at the testimonial from a Toronto student

Practicing Energy Bagua has relieved me of my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi, I’m Kunjie from Bodhi Meditation Center in Toronto, Canada. I’m in my forties.
In 2013, I attended the 8 5-day Health and Happiness Retreat and learnt Energy Bagua. With regular practice, I was relieved of many minor illnesses in my body and felt much healthier.

In 2014, my aunt had a meniscal surgery on both her knees. After the surgery, she was ill and was unable to stand for more than 5 minutes or walk. As I already learnt how Energy Bagua can restore one’s inner energy, I managed to convince her to try Energy Bagua with me. At the start, she had to rest after struggling with Energy Bagua for barely 10 minutes After more than 10 days of practice, her legs got stronger until she could walk with us for an hour.

I was very encouraged by the improvement in my aunt’s knees and her ability to walk through practicing Bagua. From then on, I took Energy Bagua seriously and even signed my son up on a 7-day class. During the first 3 days of the Energy Bagua course, most of us would feel the aches in our upper limbs and muscles. On the 4th and 5th day, these aches will spread to the bones and one could even feel some warmth in the bones. It was painful yet pleasant to experience; something difficult to describe and could only be felt through experience.

I had rheumatoid arthritis since young and I believe that practicing the Bagua flushed out the illness within me. By the 6th day of my Bagua practice, I felt warm energy surged through my legs and cleared the blockages in my limbs. I was pleasantly surprised that my legs gained strength and felt very relaxed.

I cannot thank Grandmaster JinBodhi enough for teaching me the Energy Bagua. Since then, I’ve gained confidence to improve my health. I’ve even initiated sharing on the wonderful effects of Energy Bagua in Bodhi Meditation class with new friends with the hope that more people can benefit from Bagua practice.

Link to tathagata forum: http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47678&extra=page%3D1%26amp%3Bfilter%3Dtype%26amp%3Btypeid%3D67
#MeditationAndHealth, #TorontoBodhiMeditationCenterTestimonial, #EnergyBagua, #WalkAtLightningSpeedrnrn不用手術。。。


#禪修與健康 #多倫多禪堂見證 #八卦內功 #健步如飛
Without any surgery…

Lets look at the testimonial from a Toronto student

Practicing Energy Bagua has relieved me of my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi, I’m Kunjie from Bodhi Meditation Center in Toronto, Canada. I’m in my forties.
In 2013, I attended the 8 5-day Health and Happiness Retreat and learnt Energy Bagua. With regular practice, I was relieved of many minor illnesses in my body and felt much healthier.

In 2014, my aunt had a meniscal surgery on both her knees. After the surgery, she was ill and was unable to stand for more than 5 minutes or walk. As I already learnt how Energy Bagua can restore one’s inner energy, I managed to convince her to try Energy Bagua with me. At the start, she had to rest after struggling with Energy Bagua for barely 10 minutes After more than 10 days of practice, her legs got stronger until she could walk with us for an hour.

I was very encouraged by the improvement in my aunt’s knees and her ability to walk through practicing Bagua. From then on, I took Energy Bagua seriously and even signed my son up on a 7-day class. During the first 3 days of the Energy Bagua course, most of us would feel the aches in our upper limbs and muscles. On the 4th and 5th day, these aches will spread to the bones and one could even feel some warmth in the bones. It was painful yet pleasant to experience; something difficult to describe and could only be felt through experience.

I had rheumatoid arthritis since young and I believe that practicing the Bagua flushed out the illness within me. By the 6th day of my Bagua practice, I felt warm energy surged through my legs and cleared the blockages in my limbs. I was pleasantly surprised that my legs gained strength and felt very relaxed.

I cannot thank Grandmaster JinBodhi enough for teaching me the Energy Bagua. Since then, I’ve gained confidence to improve my health. I’ve even initiated sharing on the wonderful effects of Energy Bagua in Bodhi Meditation class with new friends with the hope that more people can benefit from Bagua practice.

Link to tathagata forum: http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47678&extra=page%3D1%26amp%3Bfilter%3Dtype%26amp%3Btypeid%3D67
#MeditationAndHealth, #TorontoBodhiMeditationCenterTestimonial, #EnergyBagua, #WalkAtLightningSpeed


菩提供燈,助妳好孕。 . . 佛前供燈,…

4 年前的因緣際會,我得到一本《禪修與健康》雜誌,這本雜誌的到來,不但使我的身心狀態更健康了,更感恩的是,我的雙胞胎寶寶也因此而得救,以下是我的菩提供燈受益。
起初,寶寶吃奶都是1毫升 、1毫升地吃。月子期間,我每天都在擔憂寶寶的成長。那段時間,我想起了金菩提宗師和藥師佛,就經常來禪堂「供燈」,祈求佛菩薩保佑寶寶能健康地成長。令我欣慰的是,寶寶在醫院住了2個月後都能出院了,體重也大幅度進步與成長,一個是在55天后達到1.7公斤,另一個是在60天后達到1.9公斤。出院後寶寶進食狀況又更進步了。
*備註:禪修的效果因人而異 Individual Results may vary
Offering lights in Bodhi Meditation Center enabled my twin babies to pull through difficult moments.

As we offer lights to the Buddha, we light up the Buddha’s face and illuminate our paths ahead.

This is a sharing of a true story in our BaoLing, Petaling Jaya Bodhi Meditation Center in Malaysia.

Meditation Journal of Huifen Qiu

Four years ago, I came across the Meditation & Health magazine by chance. This chance encounter not only improved my physical and mental health, it also saved my twin babies, for which I am truly grateful. This is the story of how I benefited from light offerings at Bodhi Meditation Center.

My health was never good and was further challenged when I became pregnant in my thirties. I was torn between happiness and worry when I learnt that I was carrying twins. True enough, due to my poor health, the babies began to be active at 20 weeks, and were prematurely born at 27 weeks.

Prior to their birth, the doctor had cautioned me that the babies must be at least 1 kg in weight for a chance to survive. The doctor also prepared me to be mentally prepared for the fact that the babies would need to be incubated for awhile as their lungs and other organs might not be fully developed. There was also a chance that they would have to undergo surgery, the cost of which would be rather substantial.

On behalf of my babies, I offered lights to the Buddha at the Meditation Center. To my joy, the delivery of my babies went well. Although they resembled little kittens at only 32cm in length, both of them weighed more than 1kg. I was so touched to tears to see the babies healthy and safe.

In the initial days, the babies drank milk by the millimeters. During my confinement period, I worried over the babies’ development everyday. I thought frequently about Grandmaster JinBodhi and Medicine Buddha, and made frequent visits to the Meditation Center to offer lights and prayed to Buddha and the Bodhisattvas to bless my babies so that they can grow up healthily. To my relief, my babies were discharged after two months. They have grown substantially during this period, with one baby weighing 1.7kg after 55 days and the other baby weighing 1.9kg after 60 days. The babies’ food intake improved tremendously after discharged.

I have greatly benefited from offering lights at Bodhi Meditation Center. I am very grateful for the chance encounter with Meditation & Health magazine, which gave me the help when I needed it most.

I hope to share this good fortune as well as Buddha’s light with all of my dearest friends and relatives.

If you like this story, please share it out so that more people in need can receive the help they need. The more you share, the more blessings you will get.

To read the full story in detail, please visit
*Note: Results of meditation may vary according to individuals.

#BodhiLightOfferings, #MeditationAndHealth, #MeditationJournal, #Twins, #HealthyAndSafe, #BlessedWithGoodFortunes
4 年前的因緣際會,我得到一本《禪修與健康》雜誌,這本雜誌的到來,不但使我的身心狀態更健康了,更感恩的是,我的雙胞胎寶寶也因此而得救,以下是我的菩提供燈受益。
起初,寶寶吃奶都是1毫升 、1毫升地吃。月子期間,我每天都在擔憂寶寶的成長。那段時間,我想起了金菩提宗師和藥師佛,就經常來禪堂「供燈」,祈求佛菩薩保佑寶寶能健康地成長。令我欣慰的是,寶寶在醫院住了2個月後都能出院了,體重也大幅度進步與成長,一個是在55天后達到1.7公斤,另一個是在60天后達到1.9公斤。出院後寶寶進食狀況又更進步了。
*備註:禪修的效果因人而異 Individual Results may vary
Offering lights in Bodhi Meditation Center enabled my twin babies to pull through difficult moments.

As we offer lights to the Buddha, we light up the Buddha’s face and illuminate our paths ahead.

This is a sharing of a true story in our BaoLing, Petaling Jaya Bodhi Meditation Center in Malaysia.

Meditation Journal of Huifen Qiu

Four years ago, I came across the Meditation & Health magazine by chance. This chance encounter not only improved my physical and mental health, it also saved my twin babies, for which I am truly grateful. This is the story of how I benefited from light offerings at Bodhi Meditation Center.

My health was never good and was further challenged when I became pregnant in my thirties. I was torn between happiness and worry when I learnt that I was carrying twins. True enough, due to my poor health, the babies began to be active at 20 weeks, and were prematurely born at 27 weeks.

Prior to their birth, the doctor had cautioned me that the babies must be at least 1 kg in weight for a chance to survive. The doctor also prepared me to be mentally prepared for the fact that the babies would need to be incubated for awhile as their lungs and other organs might not be fully developed. There was also a chance that they would have to undergo surgery, the cost of which would be rather substantial.

On behalf of my babies, I offered lights to the Buddha at the Meditation Center. To my joy, the delivery of my babies went well. Although they resembled little kittens at only 32cm in length, both of them weighed more than 1kg. I was so touched to tears to see the babies healthy and safe.

In the initial days, the babies drank milk by the millimeters. During my confinement period, I worried over the babies’ development everyday. I thought frequently about Grandmaster JinBodhi and Medicine Buddha, and made frequent visits to the Meditation Center to offer lights and prayed to Buddha and the Bodhisattvas to bless my babies so that they can grow up healthily. To my relief, my babies were discharged after two months. They have grown substantially during this period, with one baby weighing 1.7kg after 55 days and the other baby weighing 1.9kg after 60 days. The babies’ food intake improved tremendously after discharged.

I have greatly benefited from offering lights at Bodhi Meditation Center. I am very grateful for the chance encounter with Meditation & Health magazine, which gave me the help when I needed it most.

I hope to share this good fortune as well as Buddha’s light with all of my dearest friends and relatives.

If you like this story, please share it out so that more people in need can receive the help they need. The more you share, the more blessings you will get.

To read the full story in detail, please visit
*Note: Results of meditation may vary according to individuals.

#BodhiLightOfferings, #MeditationAndHealth, #MeditationJournal, #Twins, #HealthyAndSafe, #BlessedWithGoodFortunes


看見幸福的臉龐… . . 練習快樂,…

Saw a Face of Happiness…

Practice being happy in order to be healthy!
“What we know about karma is that’s its an accumulation of all the mistakes we have made in the past. The moment karma manifests, there will be a lot of obstacles obstructing our way forward. However, we can easily overcome these obstacles if we have accumulated sufficient merits and virtues.”

Life is never easy. Not only do we have to toil to feed ourselves, we also have to worry about the challenges faced during the four stages of life – birth, old age, sickness and death. Practicing dharma and meditation brings us the wisdom and energy to liberate ourselves and to face those challenges with a positive mindset.

We only have one chance at this life. We should use this opportunity to learn to be happy, which will help us become healthy and blissful! Let us listen to the touching story of how Xiaomei Li found her happiness…

Xiaomei Li from Vancouver:
I used to bear resentment towards my father due to the quarrels we had in the past. The accumulation of negative emotions in my body caused my health to take a turn for the worse some time back and I began to show symptoms of internal hemorrhage.

One day, when I was at the center to register for meditation class, I happened to hear Master say: “Ingratitude towards your parents will cause bad karma to befall you.” This astounded me and made me realize how poor my attitude has been towards my parents. They love me a lot. They have gone through a lot of hardship to bring me up and put me through school to get my medical doctorate. Yet I have never felt gratitude towards them. I even harbored prejudices against my own father, and rebutted him frequently. Come to think about it, I have been really petty.

Not long after that, I also heard Master say: “I am here to help people; to help petty people become magnanimous, and to help magnanimous people become saints.” Knowing that Master will not give up on me gave me the determination to correct my wrongdoings and to persevere in my practice.

The moment I reached home that day, I made a long distance call to my father. He was gratified by my concern, and was so touched that tears filled his eyes. I couldn’t stop my own tears too. The unhappiness that has lived in my heart for so many years melted away in that instant.

From then on, my mood improved. Whenever I am out, I cannot help but admire the sky that is so blue. The air smelled especially clean and fresh. The flowers are so vibrantly beautiful. Even the birds’ songs are especially pleasant to the ears.

Through chanting and practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination, my internal hemorrhage was cured. The hard shell that has wrapped around me felt off layer by layer and I became more relaxed and at peace.

I have never felt so touched, grateful and relaxed in my life. I realized there are many other people who are suffering from mental and physical ailments in this world. I would like to learn to spread this joy to them and help them achieve happier and healthier lives.

#Happiness, #Health, #Chanting, #MeditationAndHealth, #Karma, #GratitudeToFamilyrnrn看見幸福的臉龐…
Saw a Face of Happiness…

Practice being happy in order to be healthy!
“What we know about karma is that’s its an accumulation of all the mistakes we have made in the past. The moment karma manifests, there will be a lot of obstacles obstructing our way forward. However, we can easily overcome these obstacles if we have accumulated sufficient merits and virtues.”

Life is never easy. Not only do we have to toil to feed ourselves, we also have to worry about the challenges faced during the four stages of life – birth, old age, sickness and death. Practicing dharma and meditation brings us the wisdom and energy to liberate ourselves and to face those challenges with a positive mindset.

We only have one chance at this life. We should use this opportunity to learn to be happy, which will help us become healthy and blissful! Let us listen to the touching story of how Xiaomei Li found her happiness…

Xiaomei Li from Vancouver:
I used to bear resentment towards my father due to the quarrels we had in the past. The accumulation of negative emotions in my body caused my health to take a turn for the worse some time back and I began to show symptoms of internal hemorrhage.

One day, when I was at the center to register for meditation class, I happened to hear Master say: “Ingratitude towards your parents will cause bad karma to befall you.” This astounded me and made me realize how poor my attitude has been towards my parents. They love me a lot. They have gone through a lot of hardship to bring me up and put me through school to get my medical doctorate. Yet I have never felt gratitude towards them. I even harbored prejudices against my own father, and rebutted him frequently. Come to think about it, I have been really petty.

Not long after that, I also heard Master say: “I am here to help people; to help petty people become magnanimous, and to help magnanimous people become saints.” Knowing that Master will not give up on me gave me the determination to correct my wrongdoings and to persevere in my practice.

The moment I reached home that day, I made a long distance call to my father. He was gratified by my concern, and was so touched that tears filled his eyes. I couldn’t stop my own tears too. The unhappiness that has lived in my heart for so many years melted away in that instant.

From then on, my mood improved. Whenever I am out, I cannot help but admire the sky that is so blue. The air smelled especially clean and fresh. The flowers are so vibrantly beautiful. Even the birds’ songs are especially pleasant to the ears.

Through chanting and practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination, my internal hemorrhage was cured. The hard shell that has wrapped around me felt off layer by layer and I became more relaxed and at peace.

I have never felt so touched, grateful and relaxed in my life. I realized there are many other people who are suffering from mental and physical ailments in this world. I would like to learn to spread this joy to them and help them achieve happier and healthier lives.

#Happiness, #Health, #Chanting, #MeditationAndHealth, #Karma, #GratitudeToFamily
