是誰,帶她走出一個人的世界 . 藹昌__…

How did she break out of her loneliness?

Ai Chang lives in Malaysia. She was only 21 years old then but at such a youthful and blossoming age, she withdrew and isolated herself from others, due to severe skin allergy. She did not have friends and she did not communicate with her relatives; not even interacting with her younger sister who lives under the same roof.

Yet she was fortunate. After attending an 8.5-day Health & Happiness retreat at Bodhi Meditation, she was confident enough to share her feelings on stage. She embraces her relatives and friends again and was beaming happily!

#SkinAllergy, #Pimples, #Autism, #FeelingInferior, #BodhiMeditationAndHealthClass”
From the Video:
Ai Chang is the dharma name of Chen Yun-Wen, an ordinary girl from Kepong, Kuala-Lumpur in Malaysia. She used to wear a broad smile in the past, but due to her skin condition, she withdrew and isolated herself from the once glittering world.

(Ai Chang): Because of my skin allergy, I lost my confidence and retreated into solitude! I shunned talking to people especially strangers, for fear of being disliked! I felt unclean and tried to distant myself from others, the further, the better.
Whenever she recalled the strange look of others upon her, she would feel deep sadness. She became embarrassed by her facial skin disease….

(Ai Chang): My facial skin disease deteriorated after I graduated from Form 5 (High School). During the college orientation, I would collect my lunch and ate alone while other students would stare at me, ignored me or walked away. I knew I would be unable to make new friends, and knew they disliked me from their expressions. But this was only the beginning of the college years, and an important period of one’s life. I usually wear long pants and long sleeved blouse in school. When the allergy was severe, I would even wear a face mask and a hat. When queried by the teachers, I would lie that I was sick. After school, my classmates would normally had lunch together, but I would head for home directly.

She was easily upset by what her classmates and relatives said about her, even if they were merely expressing their concern for her, or were just joking.

(AiChang): We are quite close to one of my aunts. Whenever I visited her home, she would quip about my grumpy look. Actually I was not angry with anyone or in bad mood, that was just me, typically wearing an unhappy and disappointed expression…

(Aunty): Before Ai Chang participated in the Bodhi Meditation retreat, whenever she came to my place, she would sit on the sofa and fell sleep, or she would just play with her cell phone. She would not interact with anybody.

(Sister): I thought my elder sister prefers to do her own things and does not like to communicate with others! So, although we share the same room, we have our own separate bed and desk in there and she would do her own stuff and I attended to mine! We do not interact very much.

(AiChang): My uncle would advise me to take more fruits and vegetables. But he usually does this during meals, in the presence of relatives.

Because of her skin condition, Ai Chang’s mother introduced her to the 8.5-day Health & Happiness retreat, and hoped it would help resolve her problem.

(Ai Chang): I knew nothing about the retreat initially and my mother accompanied me. After half a day of class, I could not take it anymore, and told my mother I wanted to quit!

(Mother): When I registered Ai Chang for the course, I told her to accompany her father. At the same time, I told her father to attend for the sake of his daughter. This way, I got both of them to attend. She was reluctant on the first day and kept complaining that she was forced to attend the retreat and wondered what place this is.

The PJ meditation centre was huge and filled with people, particularly housewives and Ai Ching felt awkward.

(Mother): Surprisingly, she attended class on the second day. On the evening of the third day, she told me, ” Mum! I will definitely complete the remaining 8 days classes with you!”.

The sudden change in Ai Chang’s attitude surprised her mother. She was further surprised beyond expectation; for someone who is so reluctant to attend the retreat, Ai Chang volunteered to share her testimonial on stage on the last day of the course!

(Aunty): Initially she refused to participate and just laid down, being very stubborn! She said the course contents were extremely boring! Along the way, I could not recall exactly when and why, but I realized she has started to practice GI (Greater Illumination) along with us. I signaled to her mother! Great! When we started to chant, she joined us. She stopped lying down, and would practice diligently till the end of the 8-day retreat!

(Mother) On the last day, she raised her hand suddenly and wanted to go on stage to share her testimonial. Some teammates asked if I had prepared a script for her. I had not and I was not even expecting her to share! Her sharing was excellent and I was so surprised! As I recall the scene now, I am fighting back my tears!

(Aunty): Ai Chang walked to the front and told the whole class what truly changed her was the 8.5-day Health & Happiness retreat. She thanked her parents, and invited me on stage even though I had scolded her just a few days earlier. We were very touched when she invited me up the stage and hugged everyone of us. At that moment, we were really impressed by her transformation! An excellent change!

(Sister): Around the third or fourth day of the class, we noticed her face turning slightly reddish, but without the itch. Her pale face gradually vanished! Throughout the retreat, she has gradually learn to relax and would even smile to me!

(Ai Chang): I discovered during the 8.5 days class that my parents loved me too! I realized that I rebelled against my parents and they had no choice but became more stern. Their intention was to help me cultivate good behavior! Sometimes, to correct my attitude for my own good, they had to confront me directly despite my resistance.
During the 8.5 days, the improvement for Ai Chang is not just physical but extended to her relationship with her family and friends!

(Ai Chang): Kudos to Bodhi meditation and Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings!!! I improved my relationship with my family, particularly my sister. I also made new friends and more importantly, regained my confidence. With confidence, everything is not a problem to me anymore!

The 8.5-day Retreat allowed Ai Chang to regain her confidence. Because of Bodhi Meditation and Master, she found good health and happiness!


在〈是誰,帶她走出一個人的世界 . 藹昌__…〉中有 40 則留言

  1. 感恩师父!我也好想找回自己小的时候的那种快乐!看到师姐那种快乐和自信很替她开心!前天念佛号突然想到了以前的很多事!就心里特别的想哭!哭过后就感觉心里轻松了不少!感恩师父的妙法让好多人都受益!也感恩师父的慈悲!???

  2. 师父好!吉祥如意!恭喜祝福葛昌师姐身体健康!心想事成!因为菩提禅修,因为金菩提禅师,让我们所有禅修的朋友都得到了健康和快乐!感恩一路上有您佛师!??????

  3. 师父早上好!菩提禅修让这位女孩重生,师父赐殊胜妙法,让一个个有缘众生脱胎换骨,破出无名,提升心性,找到回家的路,顶礼伟大的恩师!

  4. 藹昌師姐好年輕,是生命開始起步的最美好時候,幸好遇上有緣善知識,封閉的心靈得以邁向美麗人生,真是太好了!師姐加油,在菩提的花園只有更燦爛更盛開,祝福藹昌師姐持續開創更美麗人生。

  5. 师父好!感恩师姐的分享!通过禅修皮肤病好了,找回了自信,找回了美丽。走出了星星的世界。真是太好了。神奇的菩提禅修救人无数。身体健康,心灵健康。感恩师父的妙法!!!

  6. 师父好!师父吉祥如意!祝贺这位小美女能在这几天禅修班中,很幸运的受益于佛法。让她脱胎换骨,真有福气啊!感恩师父传授的神奇妙法!

  7. 好棒哦!这么美的一个小姑娘,幸亏遇上了菩提禅修,开始了充满阳光的生活。。菩提禅修改变了千千万万人的生活和命运。我所认识的一位同修,以前也不爱说话、总是忧郁样子;禅修之后,变得开朗了,有时还会开开玩笑,满面阳光与灿烂了。。感恩今生遇上菩提!

  8. 謝謝師父,藹昌師姐的故事,讓我很感動,也覺得很神奇,有一點點明白她的痛苦,但是她也真的很幸運,很有福氣;感謝她的分享,常常在菩提視頻看到她的身影,知道這位年青的師姐很發心,希望她繼續努力,跟隨著師父拓展更美好的人生,合十感恩(:。

  9. 有福气的人才有幸,走进菩提,是菩提禅修给了师姐自信,是伟大师父给了我们大家吉祥幸福的生活!是尊贵上师传无上妙法,使得更多的人有了健康快乐生活!感恩师父!

  10. 感恩师父赐给我们菩提法宝!让我们无数人从病痛中解脱出来,走向健康快乐幸福美好的人生!恭喜祝福葛昌师姐!感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  11. 师父早上好早安,感恩师父有一个菩提禅堂让我们每一个来禅修的个个都健健康康,感恩大慈大悲师父,祝愿恩师一家大小健康平安幸福快乐,祝愿法力无边的恩师师父!法体安康。

  12. 感恩師父慈悲分享藹昌師姐的見證視頻!
    恭喜藹昌師姐,有愛她的父母陪她參加菩提禪修的健身班,沐浴在 師父慈悲所傳的妙法―大光明中,敞亮了心靈,打開了心扉,讓慈悲的法雨甘露得以流布身心,獲得健康重展笑顏!
    吉祥如意 幸福安康

  13. 师父好 我是蔼昌 感恩师父 是您让我走出自闭 给我一个新的生活 新的自己 八天班后 我不再是那个不爱说话 躲在家不出门的蔼昌 和家人朋友的关系也越来越好 能遇见菩提禅修真的是我们家的福气! 希望我的见证能帮到更多的人 谢谢师父 我们爱您❤

  14. 师父好!恭喜蔼昌通过禅修找回了自信!感恩佛师赐我们无上妙法!使数不清的有缘人从痛苦中走向光明!让我们用感恩的心跟随佛师,去帮助更多有缘人。让自己更强大,让世界更美好!感恩师父!!!

  15. 是上师的禅法让她有了新生。对于一个年纪女孩来说,美丽健康是她整个世界。感恩上师帮助无数的人解除身心痛苦,获得幸福的人生。

  16. 看了之后特别感动!师父,是您的慈悲改变了无数人的生命,给绝望的人以希望,给在黑暗里不知所措的人送去光明!这样的慈悲大业,弟子愿总是追随!师父,您辛苦了!顶礼感恩我最最尊贵的上师!

  17. 随喜赞叹? 真是同修、弟子们天天都在感恩师父?是师父传播的佛法拯救了无数人的生命,从痛苦中解脱出来,这位小美女的皮肤病好了,脸上的笑容是那么美好灿烂,

  18. 感恩师父慈悲!是您的甘露冼礼了我们的灵魂!是您让我们得以光明,是您让我们战胜了恐惧!是您让我们明白了真相,是您让我们懂得了慈悲!愿所有众生皆能沐浴在师父慈悲的妙法里!佛光普照!?叩拜

  19. 一个花样年华的少女,如果没有遇到师父,没有走进菩提禅修很难想象会是什么样子。看到她的无助悲伤很是心疼,幸好遇到的师父进入了菩提禅修,可以重获健康,重获新生!为藹昌师姐喝彩!感恩师父妙法让这么多有缘人都能获得健康,重获新生!头些日子我大姨因为尿毒症透析突发脑出血去世了,可是今天又听说我姑父得了淋巴癌晚期,最多活七八个月。深感惋惜,不是每个人都能有幸走进菩提的。能走进菩提的人都是几世修来的福气!感恩今生遇到师父,更有幸走进了菩提!

  20. 感恩师父分享。是菩提禅修让藹昌走出了自我封闭的世界,八天半的健身班让她找到了自信快乐与健康,收获了家人朋友爱和鼓励,不在为皮肤敏感而自卑自闭,花一样的笑容又重新绽放在她的脸上。菩提禅修的效果超乎想象,不可思议的神奇,改写着每一位受益者的命运,爱在菩提禅修,感受师父的慈悲能量加持,人生不再迷茫,生命变得更加精彩而有意义。感恩顶礼大慈大悲法力无边的师父!

  21. 恭喜小师姐!也是大福报,走进菩提禅修,从此人生快乐,重得幸福美好!现在好像醒悟到,菩提禅修的价值,就是看到人们因禅修而露出的一张张快乐的脸,这是多有功德的一件事情。菩提禅修也真是化腐朽为神奇。师父的慈悲大爱如大地的一缕清风,一抹阳光,陪增人间的美好。自己变的“美好”,如以前看到美好的东西心态是怀疑负面或冷膜的,现却是随喜和祝福及快乐,也是因师父的赐予啊,师父太伟大了。真心祈愿师父的慈悲大爱之光照遍世界每一个角落,人们因而光明、阳光、温暖、快乐地生活着!感恩顶礼叩拜慈爱的师父!

  22. 感恩师父普度众生的大愿 太多的人因菩提禅修健康快乐,我的一位朋友每天跟我走八卦,一年后她过敏体质就好了。没进入菩提前 每到春天都要但医院因过敏输液。现在两年了,她20几种过敏原,因走八卦 康复了感恩师父 为菩提点赞?

  23. 感恩师父分享蔼昌师姐的见证!心里欢喜激动,又庆幸自己遇到了师父,同时心里又升起一种“责任感”,“迫切感”感觉自己太应该积极一点,将师父的法尽可能的要传播告知更多的有缘人,他们可能正在苦痛中,需要一个机缘,….感恩叩拜师父!

  24. 师父早上好!吉祥如意!感恩师父传授我们菩提妙法,让我们有缘人从病痛中解脱出来,走上我们向往幸福美好的人生。祝福这位师姐身体健康!万事如意!心想事成!感恩师父!

  25. 感恩师父分享!走进菩提注定了你是一个吉祥的人,各种各样的病都在接触菩提后好转或痊愈,看到同修们分享受益,真为他们高兴。我常常会对有各种问题的新同修说:“好好练,一定会好的。”我就是这么认为的。愿所有有缘走进菩提的同修都珍惜这殊胜难得的机缘,好好修行,获得快乐和健康。

  26. 感恩分享,遇上了菩提褝修,让我们重新绽放出自信的笑容,重获健康,祈愿师姐的見证能鼓励到更多更多的人,让我们的菩提之花开在人群中,燦爛盛开,永不谢。。

  27. 摯誠感恩師父慈悲妙法!恭喜譪昌師姊,因為妳內心的善與愛全釋放了,所以就相應到師父的慈悲開示與大光明的吉祥,獲得煥然一新的妳。清秀自信的美女,感恩妳的分享,也祝福闔家平安健康,吉祥如意!菩提襌修帶给有缘朋友身心靈的健康,快樂!讚!?
