什麼是法喜? . 孔夫子說:「學而時習之…

?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
What is Dharma Bliss?

According to Confucius: 「One will experience joy when one applies one’s theoretical knowledge into practice.」 Is this dharma bliss?!

Another popular saying by Confucius: 「One feels happy when one’s friend comes from afar for a visit.」 Is this dharma bliss?!

Or 「the pleasure and happiness one experiences from leading a Bodhisattva way of life to help and benefit sentient beings.」 Is this dharma bliss?

So, what exactly is dharma bliss?

In reality, dharma bliss is the joy that comes naturally from our heart when we helped others!
It’s the compassionate energy blessing from Buddha!
Dharma joy brings happiness to us and Buddha!
Because when we and Buddha feel happy, we gain dharma joy!

Today, let us connect with Buddha and Bodhisattvas to receive the most splendid and auspicious energy bestowed!

The more you share, the more blessings you will receive!!

#WhatIsDharmaBliss, #DharmaBliss, #CompassionateEnergy, #Auspicious, #SplendidEnergy, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings



【2011 Chinese New Year Great Blessings】 A thought of compassion brings wealth of fortune
Regardless of whether our destiny is good or bad this year or this life, when we have compassion in our heart, we will be blessed with wealth of fortune.
When there is hurt, be more forgiving and tolerance;
When scolding others such as your child or friend, be tactful;
When there is a conflict of interest, be less greedy and let others benefit.
【The willingness to give】 – Give and you will receive. Not only will you be rich, you will also be auspicious and peaceful.
If you want to grow your business, please do as I say. If you want to have a more harmonious relationship with your family, a more successful career or better interpersonal relationships, please be more compassionate and giving.
People who always give to help others will enjoy prosperity, auspiciousness and peace.
Welcome all to join me this coming Saturday to chant with compassion and receive Buddha’s auspicious blessings.
May everyone be healthy, auspicious and happiness!
If you like this post, please share this thought of kindness and auspiciousness.
More sharing, more blessings.
#2011ChineseNewYearGreatBlessings, #ChantWithCompassion, #HarmoniousFamilyRelationship, #InterpersonalRelationship, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings


【週六網路共修】苦修10年,不如一句話 …

歡迎大家一起來暢談,祝福大家在新的一年裡,十全十美,吉祥圓滿 !
【Saturday Online Global Group Practice】
A wise phrase is worth more than ten years of intensive training!

According to legend, there was a great archery master whose disciples were great shooters who could shoot through the square hole of a copper coin from 30 steps away. Thus many people came to learn archery from him.

Among them was an extremely smart person. He would try to sneak for opportunities to pick up special secret skills from his master.

This day, the master was out in the forest with everyone to practice archery. A sudden gust of wind caused many leaves to fall from trees. The master suddenly drew his bow, shot his arrow through a bunch of fallen leaves. The smart disciple thought to himself, “Wow, this is like a divine arrow in action. I must master this special skill.” Subsequently he tried many methods to seek this special method from his master. But his master always responded with a smile and walked away. The smart disciple was baffled, not knowing why his master refused to teach him this secret skill.

The very same year, the master imparted this skill to a senior disciple, one who was slow but a down-to-earth person with a good heart.
This time, the smart disciple tried ways to get the senior disciple to disclose the secret skill. The senior disciple said, Dear brother, I know you are a keen learner. But if master does not teach me, given my intelligence and wisdom, I will never be able to get it even for another 100 years. I doubt you will get it even with your intelligence.”

The senior disciple continued, “What Master taught me is not only the special skill but also the importance of a respectful heart!” Master always says – we practice not only for kung fu, but to cultivate our heart.”

Let’s try to understand “The Six Perfections” in today’s group practice.
Welcome all to join in this discussion.
Wishing all a perfect and auspicious year ahead!
#Respect, #Sincerity, #LearnAboutTheSixPerfectionsPart2, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings, #SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice


八風吹不動,穩坐紫金蓮? . . 宋朝大…

Sit firm on golden lotus and unmoved by wind from eight directions?

Su Dongpo was a great scholar and renowned literature writer of the Song Dynasty. But his career was bumpy with many ups and downs. During his demotion to Jianbei, Guazhou, he became a good friend to a Buddhist monk whose temple was just across the river from where he was based.
One day, Su Dongpo experienced good feeling after his meditation. He immediately penned down a poem as he felt his body was emitting golden light. He wrote: “Like an awaken one, unmoved by wind from eight directions, sit firmly on a golden lotus and emit brilliant rays from the sky.”
He felt pleased with his masterpiece and sent it to the Buddhist monk for his comment.

Unexpectedly, he received a faint note “Nonsense!” from the monk.

He was furious and immediately rowed a boat across the river to confront the monk.

When he arrived at the temple, he was told not to disturb the monk as the monk had given prior instruction to be left alone. Su Dongpo became more agitated and decided to barge directly into the abbot’s room. When he approached the room and was about to knock the door, he spotted a note on the door. It said – “Unmoved by wind from eight directions but a “nonsense” is enough for you to charged across the river”.

Su Dongpo immediately understood and felt deeply ashamed. His meditation skill and spirituality pale in comparison with the monk.

Meditation is a form of cultivation to develop fortitude. Without such unmoved mental strength, we will not be firm and we will not accomplish much in life.

Today, we shall learn about “The Six Perfections – Part 1”. Let’s explore how we can nurture our fortitude.

Wishing all a fruitful cultivation, health, happiness, prosperity and auspiciousness!

#SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #TheSixPerfections-Part1, #SuDongpo, #BuddhistMonkCumMeditator, #UnmovedByWindfromEightDirections, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings


聰明反被聰明誤? . . 人總習慣用自己…


?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2018年2月3日,上午9:00開始 


#認識六度上、#謙虛、#客觀、#同理心、#週六共修預告、#金菩提宗師開示rnrnSmart people may be victims of their own cleverness
People are always accustomed to understand others in their own way. This often causes misunderstandings and even hatred and dislike for one another. They can also get hurt in the process.
Let me share a story that took place in Qinghai province, China:
Once, on my way to Qinghai, I saw a moving truck with one of its tires turning abnormally. From experience, I knew that the screws of the wheel had loosened and if it comes off, it could hurt someone else.
I waved to the driver, pointing to his rear tire and signaling him to look at it. The man gave me a stare and scolded me, “Why, you want a free ride?” Apparently, he thought I wanted to take advantage of him. I frowned and shouted, “It’s serious!” He ignored me and drove driving away.
Shortly after, the wheel came off and flew towards the hillside. He had to run almost a kilometer to get the wheel from the hillside that was at least 50 meters in height. By the time he climbed down to pick up the heavy tire that weight almost 50 kg, he was too tired to get up. Eventually, I helped him to fit the tire. I said, “Friend, didn’t I try to remind you of your wheel?”
Some people always assume that they are always right when they make judgement or decision. They are not open to other’s opinion. Such mentality and attitude could cloud one’s objectivity and ultimately lead to a bias decision. In more serious case, such wrong decision might even cause harm to them or others.
Today, let’s talk about “The Six Perfections – Part 1” and explore how we can break away from accustomed thinking so that it does not affect our objective judgement, thus allowing us to lead a wiser, happier and more harmonious life.
Finally, bless all with auspiciousness and peace!
Welcome all to share!
?More sharing, more blessings!?
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Feb 3, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Feb 3, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Feb 2, 2017 at 20:00hrs
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Feb 2, 2017 at 17:00hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): Feb 3, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Feb 3, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Feb 3, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Feb 3, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Feb 3, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Feb 3, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#GettingToKnowSixPerfectionsPart1, #Humble, #Objective, #Compassion, #SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings


如何守住福氣,成為世代富有的人? . 曾…





?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年1月27日,上午9:00開始 
How to keep blessing and fortune for future generations?
Once, I met a young man less than thirty of age in the United States. He was very smart and had good upbringing. His father left him a sizable fortune and he managed a large organization in the United States with yearly profits exceeding ten million dollars.
But this fellow led a tough life. He worn patched shoes and only patronized cheap food outlets. His watch was an old Shanghai watch his father left him. I could literally see sweat in his watch. Later on, I discovered this young man actually did a great deal of absurd things — visiting casino once every three months. He was a company boss, but he was so poor that he came to me.
He asked, “Master, can you give some advice?”
I wrote him Chinese calligraphy, “Working hard to earn money for casino” and said to him, “You are very loyal to the casino!”
He cried and asked me, “How do I hold on to my fortune?”
I said to him, “You need to stop gambling and stop being greedy. Try to accumulate merit for yourself so that you can enjoy longer fortune. Otherwise, your wealth will not last beyond three generations!”
Perhaps many people do not gamble. But in their busy life, merit is lost unknowingly through their inappropriate actions and words. Though it is important for us to earn money, it is even more important for us to retain wealth. Only then will fortune truly belong to us!
So what can be done to keep this fortune?
In this Saturday, we will discuss “The Keys to Buddhist Practice” and explore how we can pass on such fortune to our descendants and future generations.
Finally, I wish all my friends — luck, health, happiness and peace!
Like is a form of encouragement, share is the best support.
?More sharing, more blessings!?
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Jan 27, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Jan 27, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Jan 26, 2017 at 21:00hrs
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Jan 26, 2017 at 18:00hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): Jan 27, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Jan 27, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Jan 27, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Jan 27, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Jan 27, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Jan 27, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #EssenceOfSelfCultivation, #QuitGambling, #RetainGoodFortune, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings


你也有下面這幾種情緒問題嗎? . . 「…



.Do you have any of these emotional problems? .“I always think too much, indecisive and full of troubling thoughts.” – Sad Kitty“When people around me conduct themselves in a dishonest way, I always get angry and my entire day will be spoilt by such emotion.” –Righteous Calf “Why is my emotion so difficult to manage? I know it’s wrong to blow up but I am unable to control myself. I always regret after losing my temper. What should I do?” –Grumpy Lion.Happiness is indispensable in people’s lives. Yet, with a fast pace of modern life, more people are facing various physical and emotional pressure and annoyance. Are people becoming increasingly unhappy? .I conclude there are several reasons:★. First, people who lose temper tend to have more energy.★.Second, do not eat chili and food that can replenish Qi. For example, egg, meat etc. There will be less internal heat if you consume less of such food. (In addition, try to drink some cooling herbal tea) ★.Third, people who have partial brain blockage tend to lose temper easily. Because of the mental block, they are not able to see things in the right perspective. .Thus meditation is very suitable for bad-tempered people. You will find that through meditation, your relationship with your family members will improve. You will have a harmonious relationship with your colleagues and friends. Now, I welcome you to join me in our discussion on how to create happiness through meditation!.Wishing everyone good luck and happiness!..#SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #LearnToBeHappy, #Meditation, #EmotionalProblem, #InternalHeat, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings


【春天勤耕耘 ,天祥地厚孕收成。】 . …

【春天勤耕耘 ,天祥地厚孕收成。】






?新視頻出爐 ? _認識六度(下) . …

?新視頻出爐 ? _認識六度(下)
Newly released : Learn About the Six Perfections – Part 2
How do we attain the highest level of the Six Perfections: “Generosity, discipline, tolerance, diligence, meditation and wisdom”? How do we truly gain happiness and auspiciousness?
According to legend, there was once a “fool” who practiced martial arts. His master instructed him to use his finger to touch every brick of the city wall. He did that diligently for three years and attained mastery. He became well-known for his finger’s enormous strength and many people came to learn from him.
His neighbor thought to himself, “He was once a fool. I used to win him in fights when we were young. Who would have guessed that he became so strong today? I must be better than him.” Thus, his neighbor became his disciple and asked him, “How did you manage to train your finger to be so powerful?”
The “fool” replied, “You need to touch every brick of the city wall daily. But remember, only one touch per brick.”
This neighbor was eager for result. Instead of touching every brick once, he touched each brick ten times. Half a year later, his finger broke. There is a Chinese saying: trying to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward. The original intention was to let the seedlings grow fast for fast harvest. However, the deliberate pulling of the seedlings caused the shoots to die instead.
Similarly, the essence of self-cultivation is not speed but perseverance and sincerity. Only when we attain the highest state of wisdom, letting go of ego and selfishness moving towards altruism, can we reach the spiritual realm of Buddhahood – a transformation of selfishness to selflessness.
I welcome everyone to join me in the discussion of how to attain the highest spiritual realm of Six Perfections. I hope everyone can absorb and benefit from our discussion so that you can attain early enlightenment and be a most sincere and compassionate sage.
May you attain the Six Perfections and enjoy health and happiness.
If you like this post, please share.
More sharing, more blessings!
#MasterJinBodhiTeachings、#認識六度下、 #學佛、 #精進、#人禪定、 #智慧、#金菩提宗師開示
#LearnAboutTheSixPerfectionsPart2, #LearnBuddhadharma, #Diligence, #Meditative, #Wisdom,


?新視頻出爐? _認識六度(上) . ….

?新視頻出爐? _認識六度(上)
Newly released : Learn About the Six Perfections – Part 1
Ask: “How do we recognize a living Bodhisattva?”
Answer: “He is the person who possesses six perfections.”
Ask: “What constitutes six perfections? How does it help us in our life?”
Answer: “Six perfections are generosity, discipline, tolerance, diligence, meditation and wisdom.”
Six perfections can purify our body and mind so that we are free from obstacles!
Six perfections can clear our mind and achieve perfect wisdom!
Six perfections can free us from the entanglements of greed, illnesses, sufferings and pain, leading us to a bright future!
Six perfections can bless our descendants with auspiciousness, wisdom, prosperity and a smooth sailing life!
People who practice six perfections will be rewarded with positive merits and good fortunes. Such is the blessing of Buddha.
How do we go about completing six perfections in order to gain auspiciousness and happiness?
Lets listen to what I have to say. Hopefully this can help to inspire more people.
We welcome you to share the post. The more you share, the more blessings you receive!!
May all complete six perfections, enjoy great health, peace and happiness.
#LearnAboutTheSixPerfectionsPart1, #LearnBuddhism, #LivingBodhisattvas, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings, #AuspiciousAndProsperity, #認識六度上、 #學佛、 #入手、#人間菩薩、#金菩提宗師開示、#吉祥富貴
