一路相伴,感謝有您??? . ?臉書粉絲…

? 歡喜 感恩 熱鬧滾滾滾……
金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi粉絲頁於2015年10月份成立至今,短短不到兩年時間,粉絲數已突破200萬人!!!
Thank you for accompanying us on this journey.
Our fan base on Facebook has already broke through 2,000,000 people..
With happiness, gratitude and much fanfare……Master Jin Bodhi’s fan page that was established on October 2015, has now exceeded 2 million followers in less than two years!!!
Thank you so much!! With every friend’s appreciation and encouragement, ‘likes’ and enthusiastic sharings, there are now more than 2,000 new global friends joining us daily on my fan page. Due to all your efforts at managing the portal all this while, I have friends who join us from more than 60 countries and regions worldwide. Both new and old friends from all over the world share not only a variety of interesting happenings with me; they also help promote Bodhi Meditation’s culture, and integrate it into their lives. It is heartening to see everyone has experienced physical and psychological benefits, and has happily introduced their friends and family to join us for health and happiness – this is my basis for this platform, and my mission to bring health and happiness to everyone.
Going forward, whether you are an old friend or a new one, I hope everyone continues to support my Facebook page, engage enthusiastically and help share you advice.
Wishing all great health, prosperity and peace!.
#ThankYouForYourSupport, #Joy, #Grateful, #2MillionLikes, #Healthy, #Happy


保溫瓶綠豆湯 . 綠豆性涼、味甘,具有清…

Green Bean Soup in Thermos Flask

Green beans are sweet and cooling in nature. They can be used to remove heat in the body, detox, quench thirst and strengthen the stomach. It is commonly used in summer as a beverage for young and old. If you are busy with work and do not have time to boil soup, here’s a simple way to prepare it using a thermos flask as recommended by a netizen. Ingredients needed and method of preparation are as follows:

Ingredients : Green Beans 50g

Method :
1. Wash 50g green beans
2. Rinse thermal flask with boiling water
3. Put green beans into thermal flask
4. Pour in 100 degrees boiling water to about 80% full, cover over and tighten the cap of the thermal flask
5. Green bean soup will be ready in 4 hours

Please note: for those whose body are weaker in constitution should not take green bean soup frequently. Similarly, those who are taking Chinese medication should not consume green bean soup too.

#Summer, #Healthy, #GreenBean, #Cooling, #RelieveHeatrnrn保溫瓶綠豆湯
Green Bean Soup in Thermos Flask

Green beans are sweet and cooling in nature. They can be used to remove heat in the body, detox, quench thirst and strengthen the stomach. It is commonly used in summer as a beverage for young and old. If you are busy with work and do not have time to boil soup, here’s a simple way to prepare it using a thermos flask as recommended by a netizen. Ingredients needed and method of preparation are as follows:

Ingredients : Green Beans 50g

Method :
1. Wash 50g green beans
2. Rinse thermal flask with boiling water
3. Put green beans into thermal flask
4. Pour in 100 degrees boiling water to about 80% full, cover over and tighten the cap of the thermal flask
5. Green bean soup will be ready in 4 hours

Please note: for those whose body are weaker in constitution should not take green bean soup frequently. Similarly, those who are taking Chinese medication should not consume green bean soup too.

#Summer, #Healthy, #GreenBean, #Cooling, #RelieveHeat


八卦在印尼_雅加達(2017年) . 融…

#八卦內功、 #印尼、 #自在、 #健康、 #長壽
Energy Bagua in Jakarta, Indonesia (2017)
Blend with nature, free and unrestrained.
A group of people spreading out their wings like the garuda soaring high in the sky.
Energy Bagua is getting popular in Indonesia.
As you see them practicing freely and with ease, do your heart follow suits and open up?
#EnergyBagua, #Indonesia, #Ease, #Healthy, Longevity


羅馬尼亞「FB 新粉絲專頁」已經開張啦 …

羅馬尼亞「FB 新粉絲專頁」已經開張啦 ? ?
在這一次溫哥華課程中,有好些位羅馬尼亞同修也來了,在聊天中他們希望能有更多羅馬尼亞的有缘人,也能够常常和我在網络上聊天,因為這漾的緣起,「金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi in Romania 」FB 粉絲專頁,於羅馬尼亞(Romania)開張啦.. ?
? ? ?FB前進東歐_羅馬尼亞!
有著「 ?東方巴黎 ?」美譽的—羅馬尼亞。
A “New Facebook” page in Romanian launches today! ? ?
A number of participants who attended the recent Vancouver class were from Romania. They shared with me their wish to have a Facebook page in their local language so that more from Romania will have the opportunity to engage with me via the Internet. As such, I am happy to announce the launch of a Grandmaster JinBodhi – Romania Facebook page today. ?
?? ?? ??My FB is making its way into Eastern Europe- Romania!
With this, let’s help to spread the word and welcome our Romanian friends. Together, we shall receive blessings of auspiciousness, health and happiness!

Bucharest, the capital of Romania, also known as ?“Paris of the East” ?. Romania has many beautiful castles and churches.
Below is a photo of Peles Castle.
Located at Sinaia, Peles Castle was built between 1873 and 1914. It is renowned for its majestic architecture. Today, Peles castle still preserves the rich traditional cultures of ancient Romanians.
Are you keen to learn more about this beautiful country and its culture?
Feel free to share your thoughts and let us treasure this rare opportunity to engage with our Romanian friends!

#MasterJinBodhiFansPage, # Romania, #Dawn, #Auspicious, #Healthy, #Happiness


【芒種忙,心清爽】 . 芒種是夏季的第三…


Grain in Ear (“Mang Zhong” in Mandarin) — being busy with a relaxed mind
Grain in Ear is the third solar term in summer and symbolizes the start of midsummer. During this time, the sun is at 75 degrees longitude. This year, the date falls on 5th June on the Gregorian calendar.

In Mandarin, the term “Mang Zhong” sounds similar to another term that means ‘busy farming’. The “Mang” refers to the harvesting of plants with awns; the word “Zhong” refers to the planting of grains. Put together, the term “Mang Zhong” means that farmers have to quickly harvest plants with awns that mature during summer, and quickly sow the seeds for the plants that will be planted for the next cycle. This is perfectly demonstrated by the Chinese saying “During spring, we plan our work daily; During summer, we need to plan by the hour”. Harvesting the grains too late could lead to them being destroyed in a second by a sudden bout of rain, hail or tornado. Delay the planting of new seeds by a day and the plants may not reach full maturity by autumn, thus drastically reducing the harvest. The Grain in Ear solar term is the best illustration of the ancestors’ wisdom when it comes to planning ahead for changes in the weather.

The Grain in Ear period is also the time when the supply of melons, fruits and vegetables are most bountiful, with different varieties appearing on the marketplace almost simultaneously, example: cherries, peaches, strawberries and mulberries. These ‘cool-natured’’ fruits are also exactly what our bodies need during summer. People with allergies though, should stay away from peaches, watermelons and durians etc.
During this hot summer period, another important point is that we should not gulp down large quantities of cold or iced drinks after sports, when the body is giving out tremendous amount of heat. Similarly, we should not take cold showers or go into air-conditioned spaces when the body is giving out lots of heat and sweat. This will cause serious damage to our health.

I would suggest that this is a good time to do more exercises. Winter and summer are the best times to nurture the bodies through exercising and meditation, even though one is extremely cold and the other is extremely hot. During summer, the sky brightens very early in the morning. This is the best time to practice Energy Bagua. One hour of Bagua practice in the morning will maintain your state of mind in top condition for the rest of the day.

As we meditate more during summer, our mind will calm down. This helps us to control the irritation and bad temper brought about by the hot weather. In this way, we can live everyday healthily and at ease.

#GrainInEar, #Healthy, #ReduceConsumptionOfColdDrinks, #Allergies, #EnergyBaguarnrn【芒種忙,心清爽】

Grain in Ear (“Mang Zhong” in Mandarin) — being busy with a relaxed mind
Grain in Ear is the third solar term in summer and symbolizes the start of midsummer. During this time, the sun is at 75 degrees longitude. This year, the date falls on 5th June on the Gregorian calendar.

In Mandarin, the term “Mang Zhong” sounds similar to another term that means ‘busy farming’. The “Mang” refers to the harvesting of plants with awns; the word “Zhong” refers to the planting of grains. Put together, the term “Mang Zhong” means that farmers have to quickly harvest plants with awns that mature during summer, and quickly sow the seeds for the plants that will be planted for the next cycle. This is perfectly demonstrated by the Chinese saying “During spring, we plan our work daily; During summer, we need to plan by the hour”. Harvesting the grains too late could lead to them being destroyed in a second by a sudden bout of rain, hail or tornado. Delay the planting of new seeds by a day and the plants may not reach full maturity by autumn, thus drastically reducing the harvest. The Grain in Ear solar term is the best illustration of the ancestors’ wisdom when it comes to planning ahead for changes in the weather.

The Grain in Ear period is also the time when the supply of melons, fruits and vegetables are most bountiful, with different varieties appearing on the marketplace almost simultaneously, example: cherries, peaches, strawberries and mulberries. These ‘cool-natured’’ fruits are also exactly what our bodies need during summer. People with allergies though, should stay away from peaches, watermelons and durians etc.
During this hot summer period, another important point is that we should not gulp down large quantities of cold or iced drinks after sports, when the body is giving out tremendous amount of heat. Similarly, we should not take cold showers or go into air-conditioned spaces when the body is giving out lots of heat and sweat. This will cause serious damage to our health.

I would suggest that this is a good time to do more exercises. Winter and summer are the best times to nurture the bodies through exercising and meditation, even though one is extremely cold and the other is extremely hot. During summer, the sky brightens very early in the morning. This is the best time to practice Energy Bagua. One hour of Bagua practice in the morning will maintain your state of mind in top condition for the rest of the day.

As we meditate more during summer, our mind will calm down. This helps us to control the irritation and bad temper brought about by the hot weather. In this way, we can live everyday healthily and at ease.

#GrainInEar, #Healthy, #ReduceConsumptionOfColdDrinks, #Allergies, #EnergyBagua


健康過端午 . 端午,又稱端陽節、五月節…

Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival healthily

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Tuen Ng Festival, Double Fifth Festival, Dumpling Festival, falls on May 30, 2017 of the Gregorian calendar.

Since ancient times, the Dragon Boat Festival is a festival for hygiene because it is the first festival in summer. During summer, with temperature on the rise, people tend to fall sick easily. Therefore, people undertake a massive scale of preventive measures like detoxification before the peak of summer heat to avoid plague and illnesses.

A volatile oil of the Artemisia argyi (Chinese mugwort) has a unique fragrance that can help to repel insects and purify air. Hence, around the Dragon Boat festival period, people like to hang Artemisia argyi on the latch of their doors to drive away diseases and dispel negative chills or even burn them to repel insects, dispel illnesses, avoid negative chills and purify air. Some people will use some aromatic “qi” regulating herbs, for instance agastache rugosa, acorus calamus, mint etc. to create a scented sachet to wear on their body to dispel negative chills, diseases and keep their minds clear.

With the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, may everyone be health, full of vitality and celebrate the festival happily with family members.

#DragonBoatFestival, #ScentedSachet, #CustomaryTradition, #ArtemisiaArgyi ,#HealthFestival, #Healthyrnrn健康過端午
Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival healthily

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Tuen Ng Festival, Double Fifth Festival, Dumpling Festival, falls on May 30, 2017 of the Gregorian calendar.

Since ancient times, the Dragon Boat Festival is a festival for hygiene because it is the first festival in summer. During summer, with temperature on the rise, people tend to fall sick easily. Therefore, people undertake a massive scale of preventive measures like detoxification before the peak of summer heat to avoid plague and illnesses.

A volatile oil of the Artemisia argyi (Chinese mugwort) has a unique fragrance that can help to repel insects and purify air. Hence, around the Dragon Boat festival period, people like to hang Artemisia argyi on the latch of their doors to drive away diseases and dispel negative chills or even burn them to repel insects, dispel illnesses, avoid negative chills and purify air. Some people will use some aromatic “qi” regulating herbs, for instance agastache rugosa, acorus calamus, mint etc. to create a scented sachet to wear on their body to dispel negative chills, diseases and keep their minds clear.

With the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, may everyone be health, full of vitality and celebrate the festival happily with family members.

#DragonBoatFestival, #ScentedSachet, #CustomaryTradition, #ArtemisiaArgyi ,#HealthFestival, #Healthy
