今天是亞洲的「母親節」 這裡先預祝全天下的母親:母親節快樂!

今天是亞洲的「母親節」 這裡先預祝全天下的母親:母親節快樂!(金菩提宗師 Facebook)

這天晚上,母親領到錢高興地說:「孩子,媽媽今天賺了200塊錢。」 說著就掏口袋,誰知口袋裏只剩下一張百元紙鈔!母親一下子慌了,二話沒說就慌慌張張地轉身跑了出去。我也隨著母親一起去找錢。外面很黑,不僅風大還飄著雪,母親打著手電筒,邊走邊找,在寒風中來來回回地找了三趟。我看見母親的淚流了下來,母親卻笑說是外邊風雪大。
我心疼地說:「媽,別找了,天亮了再找吧。」 母親卻執意地找下去。
我只好偷偷從母親給的生活費中抽出100元,放在院子裏。果然,沒多久就聽見母親驚喜的聲音:「孩子,找到了!錢找到了!」 我奔出去,配合著母親的驚喜。母親說:「找著的這張就給你在學校買零食吃,千萬別餓著了。」
過了幾年,我笑著對母親說:「那100元其實是我放在那裏的。」母親卻回我:「我知道的!」我吃了一驚:「媽,妳怎麼知道的?」 母親說:「我領回的錢都會做記號,那張百元紙上的記號不是當天的,又是在院子裏撿的。我就知道那是你怕我著急放的。我想,兒子這樣心疼我,我不能再找了!」
#母愛 #母親節 #親情 #溫暖 #孝敬親恩

這天晚上,母親領到錢高興地說:「孩子,媽媽今天賺了200塊錢。」 說著就掏口袋,誰知口袋裏只剩下一張百元紙鈔!母親一下子慌了,二話沒說就慌慌張張地轉身跑了出去。我也隨著母親一起去找錢。外面很黑,不僅風大還飄著雪,母親打著手電筒,邊走邊找,在寒風中來來回回地找了三趟。我看見母親的淚流了下來,母親卻笑說是外邊風雪大。
我心疼地說:「媽,別找了,天亮了再找吧。」 母親卻執意地找下去。 
我只好偷偷從母親給的生活費中抽出100元,放在院子裏。果然,沒多久就聽見母親驚喜的聲音:「孩子,找到了!錢找到了!」 我奔出去,配合著母親的驚喜。母親說:「找著的這張就給你在學校買零食吃,千萬別餓著了。」
過了幾年,我笑著對母親說:「那100元其實是我放在那裏的。」母親卻回我:「我知道的!」我吃了一驚:「媽,妳怎麼知道的?」 母親說:「我領回的錢都會做記號,那張百元紙上的記號不是當天的,又是在院子裏撿的。我就知道那是你怕我著急放的。我想,兒子這樣心疼我,我不能再找了!」 
#母愛 #母親節 #親情 #溫暖 #孝敬親恩


【菩提禪修青年營,改變了我的兩個兒子】 . 曾經,她因為生病




#菩提禪修青年營 #親子關係 #親情


請勇敢說愛 . 「家」是什麼? 家是歡笑…




濃情臘八粥 . 臘八了,給大家講個故事。…




【有你真好】影評 . 想想,為什麼我們對…

快來點這兒上傳照片? http://t.cn/EUxA91g
.【The Way Home】 Film review

Let’s think about it. Why is our attitude towards our family always worse than how we treat our friends?

I recommend a popular film directed by the Korean director Lee Jeong-hyang called .

In the film, San-woo, a seven-year-old boy, was sent to the countryside by his unmarried mother for his grandmother to take care of him. His grandmother was mute but not deaf and lives a simple and hardworking life, a life of diligence and simplicity. San-woo, who is used to living in the city, is disgusted with this grandmother whom he has yet to meet. He observes the dirty and unsophisticated way of life in the countryside and feels even more annoyed. Although he always argues with his grandmother, she does not ever raise her temper at him but instead uses her unconditional love to tolerate his misbehavior and acts of defiance. Love the is the core value of this film.

In the face of the mischievous San-woo, what method did his grandmother use to touch his heart?

Summary of the story:
San-woo is very fond of playing video games, eating potato chips and fried chicken. Going to the countryside where there is no electricity and little entertainment, he feels that he does not fit in. On one occasion, San Woo’s electrical motor ran out of power and he asked his grandmother to buy batteries. However, she was too poor and did not have extra money to afford them. As a result, San-Woo flew into a rage and broke his grandmother’s vase and hid her shoes, forcing her to walk barefooted. Even worse, he stole his grandmother’s precious hairpin and secretly went to the city to sell it for money which he used to buy his batteries. However, he became lost on his way back but thankfully a kind old man helped him find his way back.

On another occasion, San-woo had a craving for fried chicken sold at a fast food restaurant. However there were no fast food restaurants in the countryside.
To fulfill his wish, his grandmother sold her dowry and crossed the mountains in rainy weather just so to bring a chicken home for him to eat. After cooking the chicken, his grandmother happily called out for him to try her cooking. However, upon seeing that what she cooked wasn’t the fried chicken he wanted, he flew into a rage and broke a bowl, running away. Grandma had no choice but to pick up the pieces of chicken from the ground. Unknown to San-woo, Grandma did everything she could to satisfy his demands. She willingly starved herself so that San-woo would have enough food to eat, accompanied him to the toilet in frosty weather and even sneakily put money in San-woo’s present so that he could buy the batteries he wanted for his video games.

During this period, San-woo started becoming aware of the sacrifices that Grandma had made for him and slowly became touched by her actions. A few months later, San-woo’ s mother was ready to bring him back to the city . The night before he left, San-woo taught his grandmother how to write. Before getting on the bus, he gave his handwritten card to his grandmother and said, “If Grandma wishes to see me, send this card to me!” The words “I miss you” was written on the card.

In fact, this is what San-woo wishes to say to Grandma!

The learning point of the movie is that perhaps when we were younger and had actions and behavior similar to San-woo, we were highly dependent on our elders and were playful. Real growth and gratitude are derived from the experiences that we encounter as we grow up. While others may give advice, only by experiencing events yourself will you fully comprehend it. In fact, the love from our elders is as selfless and boundless as our parents and they do so without any complaints or rewards.

Does this story give you some inspiration?

We occupy very precious positions in our parents’ hearts. However, as because we become more adored and accustomed to their love and care, do we take for granted all their sacrifices and contributions? Please take a look at their tired faces – who was it that made them what they look like today?

I believe that as long as we spend time by their side, we will notice that love is everywhere.
This way, we will develop new insights everyday!

Discussion questions
1. What kind of mentality do you hold regarding your family’s care and concern? Or do you feel indifferent towards them?
2. Why are our attitudes towards our family always worse than to our friends?
3. Why do you learn to be grateful and cherish your family and friends only after suffering or losing them?

?Join in the Christmas Photo Event!
Click here to upload your photos ? http://t.cn/EUxA91g

Image source: http://www.korseries.com/kormovies-the-way-home-2002/
#TheWayHome #FilmReview #FamilyTies #ActsOfLovernrn【有你真好】影評
快來點這兒上傳照片? http://t.cn/EUxA91g
.【The Way Home】 Film review

Let’s think about it. Why is our attitude towards our family always worse than how we treat our friends?

I recommend a popular film directed by the Korean director Lee Jeong-hyang called .

In the film, San-woo, a seven-year-old boy, was sent to the countryside by his unmarried mother for his grandmother to take care of him. His grandmother was mute but not deaf and lives a simple and hardworking life, a life of diligence and simplicity. San-woo, who is used to living in the city, is disgusted with this grandmother whom he has yet to meet. He observes the dirty and unsophisticated way of life in the countryside and feels even more annoyed. Although he always argues with his grandmother, she does not ever raise her temper at him but instead uses her unconditional love to tolerate his misbehavior and acts of defiance. Love the is the core value of this film.

In the face of the mischievous San-woo, what method did his grandmother use to touch his heart?

Summary of the story:
San-woo is very fond of playing video games, eating potato chips and fried chicken. Going to the countryside where there is no electricity and little entertainment, he feels that he does not fit in. On one occasion, San Woo’s electrical motor ran out of power and he asked his grandmother to buy batteries. However, she was too poor and did not have extra money to afford them. As a result, San-Woo flew into a rage and broke his grandmother’s vase and hid her shoes, forcing her to walk barefooted. Even worse, he stole his grandmother’s precious hairpin and secretly went to the city to sell it for money which he used to buy his batteries. However, he became lost on his way back but thankfully a kind old man helped him find his way back.

On another occasion, San-woo had a craving for fried chicken sold at a fast food restaurant. However there were no fast food restaurants in the countryside.
To fulfill his wish, his grandmother sold her dowry and crossed the mountains in rainy weather just so to bring a chicken home for him to eat. After cooking the chicken, his grandmother happily called out for him to try her cooking. However, upon seeing that what she cooked wasn’t the fried chicken he wanted, he flew into a rage and broke a bowl, running away. Grandma had no choice but to pick up the pieces of chicken from the ground. Unknown to San-woo, Grandma did everything she could to satisfy his demands. She willingly starved herself so that San-woo would have enough food to eat, accompanied him to the toilet in frosty weather and even sneakily put money in San-woo’s present so that he could buy the batteries he wanted for his video games.

During this period, San-woo started becoming aware of the sacrifices that Grandma had made for him and slowly became touched by her actions. A few months later, San-woo’ s mother was ready to bring him back to the city . The night before he left, San-woo taught his grandmother how to write. Before getting on the bus, he gave his handwritten card to his grandmother and said, “If Grandma wishes to see me, send this card to me!” The words “I miss you” was written on the card.

In fact, this is what San-woo wishes to say to Grandma!

The learning point of the movie is that perhaps when we were younger and had actions and behavior similar to San-woo, we were highly dependent on our elders and were playful. Real growth and gratitude are derived from the experiences that we encounter as we grow up. While others may give advice, only by experiencing events yourself will you fully comprehend it. In fact, the love from our elders is as selfless and boundless as our parents and they do so without any complaints or rewards.

Does this story give you some inspiration?

We occupy very precious positions in our parents’ hearts. However, as because we become more adored and accustomed to their love and care, do we take for granted all their sacrifices and contributions? Please take a look at their tired faces – who was it that made them what they look like today?

I believe that as long as we spend time by their side, we will notice that love is everywhere.
This way, we will develop new insights everyday!

Discussion questions
1. What kind of mentality do you hold regarding your family’s care and concern? Or do you feel indifferent towards them?
2. Why are our attitudes towards our family always worse than to our friends?
3. Why do you learn to be grateful and cherish your family and friends only after suffering or losing them?

?Join in the Christmas Photo Event!
Click here to upload your photos ? http://t.cn/EUxA91g

Image source: http://www.korseries.com/kormovies-the-way-home-2002/
#TheWayHome #FilmReview #FamilyTies #ActsOfLove

<img src="https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/q81/s130x130/41294267_2241754032778410_4439194088801042432_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ht=scontent.xx&oh=1ec297ed1f5c45940466b0cd68f69342&oe=5C93094A" alt="【有你真好】影評
快來點這兒上傳照片? http://t.cn/EUxA91g
.【The Way Home】 Film review

Let's think about it. Why is our attitude towards our family always worse than how we treat our friends?

I recommend a popular film directed by the Korean director Lee Jeong-hyang called .

In the film, San-woo, a seven-year-old boy, was sent to the countryside by his unmarried mother for his grandmother to take care of him. His grandmother was mute but not deaf and lives a simple and hardworking life, a life of diligence and simplicity. San-woo, who is used to living in the city, is disgusted with this grandmother whom he has yet to meet. He observes the dirty and unsophisticated way of life in the countryside and feels even more annoyed. Although he always argues with his grandmother, she does not ever raise her temper at him but instead uses her unconditional love to tolerate his misbehavior and acts of defiance. Love the is the core value of this film.

In the face of the mischievous San-woo, what method did his grandmother use to touch his heart?

Summary of the story:
San-woo is very fond of playing video games, eating potato chips and fried chicken. Going to the countryside where there is no electricity and little entertainment, he feels that he does not fit in. On one occasion, San Woo’s electrical motor ran out of power and he asked his grandmother to buy batteries. However, she was too poor and did not have extra money to afford them. As a result, San-Woo flew into a rage and broke his grandmother’s vase and hid her shoes, forcing her to walk barefooted. Even worse, he stole his grandmother’s precious hairpin and secretly went to the city to sell it for money which he used to buy his batteries. However, he became lost on his way back but thankfully a kind old man helped him find his way back.

On another occasion, San-woo had a craving for fried chicken sold at a fast food restaurant. However there were no fast food restaurants in the countryside.
To fulfill his wish, his grandmother sold her dowry and crossed the mountains in rainy weather just so to bring a chicken home for him to eat. After cooking the chicken, his grandmother happily called out for him to try her cooking. However, upon seeing that what she cooked wasn’t the fried chicken he wanted, he flew into a rage and broke a bowl, running away. Grandma had no choice but to pick up the pieces of chicken from the ground. Unknown to San-woo, Grandma did everything she could to satisfy his demands. She willingly starved herself so that San-woo would have enough food to eat, accompanied him to the toilet in frosty weather and even sneakily put money in San-woo’s present so that he could buy the batteries he wanted for his video games.

During this period, San-woo started becoming aware of the sacrifices that Grandma had made for him and slowly became touched by her actions. A few months later, San-woo’ s mother was ready to bring him back to the city . The night before he left, San-woo taught his grandmother how to write. Before getting on the bus, he gave his handwritten card to his grandmother and said, “If Grandma wishes to see me, send this card to me!” The words “I miss you” was written on the card.

In fact, this is what San-woo wishes to say to Grandma!

The learning point of the movie is that perhaps when we were younger and had actions and behavior similar to San-woo, we were highly dependent on our elders and were playful. Real growth and gratitude are derived from the experiences that we encounter as we grow up. While others may give advice, only by experiencing events yourself will you fully comprehend it. In fact, the love from our elders is as selfless and boundless as our parents and they do so without any complaints or rewards.

Does this story give you some inspiration?

We occupy very precious positions in our parents’ hearts. However, as because we become more adored and accustomed to their love and care, do we take for granted all their sacrifices and contributions? Please take a look at their tired faces – who was it that made them what they look like today?

I believe that as long as we spend time by their side, we will notice that love is everywhere.
This way, we will develop new insights everyday!

Discussion questions
1. What kind of mentality do you hold regarding your family’s care and concern? Or do you feel indifferent towards them?
2. Why are our attitudes towards our family always worse than to our friends?
3. Why do you learn to be grateful and cherish your family and friends only after suffering or losing them?

?Join in the Christmas Photo Event!
Click here to upload your photos ? http://t.cn/EUxA91g

Image source: http://www.korseries.com/kormovies-the-way-home-2002/
#TheWayHome #FilmReview #FamilyTies #ActsOfLovernrn【有你真好】影評
快來點這兒上傳照片? http://t.cn/EUxA91g
.【The Way Home】 Film review

Let’s think about it. Why is our attitude towards our family always worse than how we treat our friends?

I recommend a popular film directed by the Korean director Lee Jeong-hyang called .

In the film, San-woo, a seven-year-old boy, was sent to the countryside by his unmarried mother for his grandmother to take care of him. His grandmother was mute but not deaf and lives a simple and hardworking life, a life of diligence and simplicity. San-woo, who is used to living in the city, is disgusted with this grandmother whom he has yet to meet. He observes the dirty and unsophisticated way of life in the countryside and feels even more annoyed. Although he always argues with his grandmother, she does not ever raise her temper at him but instead uses her unconditional love to tolerate his misbehavior and acts of defiance. Love the is the core value of this film.

In the face of the mischievous San-woo, what method did his grandmother use to touch his heart?

Summary of the story:
San-woo is very fond of playing video games, eating potato chips and fried chicken. Going to the countryside where there is no electricity and little entertainment, he feels that he does not fit in. On one occasion, San Woo’s electrical motor ran out of power and he asked his grandmother to buy batteries. However, she was too poor and did not have extra money to afford them. As a result, San-Woo flew into a rage and broke his grandmother’s vase and hid her shoes, forcing her to walk barefooted. Even worse, he stole his grandmother’s precious hairpin and secretly went to the city to sell it for money which he used to buy his batteries. However, he became lost on his way back but thankfully a kind old man helped him find his way back.

On another occasion, San-woo had a craving for fried chicken sold at a fast food restaurant. However there were no fast food restaurants in the countryside.
To fulfill his wish, his grandmother sold her dowry and crossed the mountains in rainy weather just so to bring a chicken home for him to eat. After cooking the chicken, his grandmother happily called out for him to try her cooking. However, upon seeing that what she cooked wasn’t the fried chicken he wanted, he flew into a rage and broke a bowl, running away. Grandma had no choice but to pick up the pieces of chicken from the ground. Unknown to San-woo, Grandma did everything she could to satisfy his demands. She willingly starved herself so that San-woo would have enough food to eat, accompanied him to the toilet in frosty weather and even sneakily put money in San-woo’s present so that he could buy the batteries he wanted for his video games.

During this period, San-woo started becoming aware of the sacrifices that Grandma had made for him and slowly became touched by her actions. A few months later, San-woo’ s mother was ready to bring him back to the city . The night before he left, San-woo taught his grandmother how to write. Before getting on the bus, he gave his handwritten card to his grandmother and said, “If Grandma wishes to see me, send this card to me!” The words “I miss you” was written on the card.

In fact, this is what San-woo wishes to say to Grandma!

The learning point of the movie is that perhaps when we were younger and had actions and behavior similar to San-woo, we were highly dependent on our elders and were playful. Real growth and gratitude are derived from the experiences that we encounter as we grow up. While others may give advice, only by experiencing events yourself will you fully comprehend it. In fact, the love from our elders is as selfless and boundless as our parents and they do so without any complaints or rewards.

Does this story give you some inspiration?

We occupy very precious positions in our parents’ hearts. However, as because we become more adored and accustomed to their love and care, do we take for granted all their sacrifices and contributions? Please take a look at their tired faces – who was it that made them what they look like today?

I believe that as long as we spend time by their side, we will notice that love is everywhere.
This way, we will develop new insights everyday!

Discussion questions
1. What kind of mentality do you hold regarding your family’s care and concern? Or do you feel indifferent towards them?
2. Why are our attitudes towards our family always worse than to our friends?
3. Why do you learn to be grateful and cherish your family and friends only after suffering or losing them?

?Join in the Christmas Photo Event!
Click here to upload your photos ? http://t.cn/EUxA91g

Image source: http://www.korseries.com/kormovies-the-way-home-2002/
#TheWayHome #FilmReview #FamilyTies #ActsOfLove” />


孩子青春期的叛逆如何面對? . 是甚麼東…

#積極、#正向陽光、#葉嘉俊、#叛逆期、#青春熱血、#親情、#感恩rnrnHow do we manage our children’s rebellious adolescent years?

What is it –
in the scolding that exudes love;
in the nagging that reveals care;
in the silence that reflects concern;
between the cease of the forehead that always long for the safety and peace of the children? It is “motherly love”..

This weekend is Mother’s Day. We must remember to find time to return home often to visit our fathers and mothers. Even if it is a phone call, or a simple greeting, these are the most precious gifts for our parents.

This is because love is not merely expressed in speech, in material gifts or gestures in names or appearances, but from the heart… May all the fathers and mothers in the world be blessed with good health, auspiciousness and fulfilling lives! Similarly, may everyone be blessed with familial bliss.

I am Jiajun Ye, from Malaysia. My Dharma name is Laixiao. In the past, I was particularly rebellious and had a poor relationship with my parents. We would quarrel after speaking no more than 3 sentences. I couldn’t control my emotions at all during the arguments, and would be rude to my parents, slam the desk, and even harbor the urge to hit them. In reality, I know that my parents love me, but as I grew up, I became more and more frustrated by their strict discipline.

In the second year of middle school, I befriended a girl. One day after school, I was late for home as I accompanied my girlfriend. My mother was concerned and called to ask my whereabouts. At that moment, an inexplicable anger in me exploded and I had a big quarrel with her on the phone. Back home, my mother asked me what happened. I was unrepentant, saying, “(it was) only a normal conversation, nothing to be concerned about!” Dad was most flustered, and gave me a slap. Since then, cold war began between my parents and I. Daily activities with them such as during mealtimes were in silence, as there was now a “thick layer of ice” between us.

In July 2016, I graduated from university, but struggled for 3 months without finding work. At my most depressed state, my mother asked me to attend a “chanting class”. I agreed only half-heartedly. At the beginning, I totally ignored the class and was not engaged, only doing as I was told. On the fourth day, when the class chanted for our parents, past scenes of the quarrels with my parents flash-backed before me like a movie reel in action. I began to feel ashamed of my disrespectful behavior toward my parents, and tears streamed uncontrollably.

After the repentant chanting, my heart felt a sense of calm that I had never experienced. When I heard Master Jin Bodhi’s advice that, “as children, we should fulfill our obligations, be filial, and do not do hurtful things to our parents”, I resolved never to hurt my parents anymore. From that day on, I changed my attitude towards my parents. I began to be thankful, and learned to understand and care for them.
Now, I happily embrace the care and concern of my parents, accompany them in enjoying TV shows, and have chats with them. It is now a warm atmosphere at home, and most delightful!

I’m most thankful to my mother who had handed me the application form for the class. It is the most precious gift in my growing up years. It inspired me toward the illuminated path, develop an amiable heart and appreciate gratitude! At the beginning of this year, I achieved another breakthrough, as I sent a message to mum and dad expressing, “Mom and Dad, I love you!

#Proactive, #TowardIlluminatedPath, #JiajunYe, #RebelliousStage, #HotBloodedTeenager, #FamilialAffection, #Gratitude


孩子最真實的感受 . 孩子突然見到久別重…

