孩子青春期的叛逆如何面對? . 是甚麼東…

#積極、#正向陽光、#葉嘉俊、#叛逆期、#青春熱血、#親情、#感恩rnrnHow do we manage our children’s rebellious adolescent years?

What is it –
in the scolding that exudes love;
in the nagging that reveals care;
in the silence that reflects concern;
between the cease of the forehead that always long for the safety and peace of the children? It is “motherly love”..

This weekend is Mother’s Day. We must remember to find time to return home often to visit our fathers and mothers. Even if it is a phone call, or a simple greeting, these are the most precious gifts for our parents.

This is because love is not merely expressed in speech, in material gifts or gestures in names or appearances, but from the heart… May all the fathers and mothers in the world be blessed with good health, auspiciousness and fulfilling lives! Similarly, may everyone be blessed with familial bliss.

I am Jiajun Ye, from Malaysia. My Dharma name is Laixiao. In the past, I was particularly rebellious and had a poor relationship with my parents. We would quarrel after speaking no more than 3 sentences. I couldn’t control my emotions at all during the arguments, and would be rude to my parents, slam the desk, and even harbor the urge to hit them. In reality, I know that my parents love me, but as I grew up, I became more and more frustrated by their strict discipline.

In the second year of middle school, I befriended a girl. One day after school, I was late for home as I accompanied my girlfriend. My mother was concerned and called to ask my whereabouts. At that moment, an inexplicable anger in me exploded and I had a big quarrel with her on the phone. Back home, my mother asked me what happened. I was unrepentant, saying, “(it was) only a normal conversation, nothing to be concerned about!” Dad was most flustered, and gave me a slap. Since then, cold war began between my parents and I. Daily activities with them such as during mealtimes were in silence, as there was now a “thick layer of ice” between us.

In July 2016, I graduated from university, but struggled for 3 months without finding work. At my most depressed state, my mother asked me to attend a “chanting class”. I agreed only half-heartedly. At the beginning, I totally ignored the class and was not engaged, only doing as I was told. On the fourth day, when the class chanted for our parents, past scenes of the quarrels with my parents flash-backed before me like a movie reel in action. I began to feel ashamed of my disrespectful behavior toward my parents, and tears streamed uncontrollably.

After the repentant chanting, my heart felt a sense of calm that I had never experienced. When I heard Master Jin Bodhi’s advice that, “as children, we should fulfill our obligations, be filial, and do not do hurtful things to our parents”, I resolved never to hurt my parents anymore. From that day on, I changed my attitude towards my parents. I began to be thankful, and learned to understand and care for them.
Now, I happily embrace the care and concern of my parents, accompany them in enjoying TV shows, and have chats with them. It is now a warm atmosphere at home, and most delightful!

I’m most thankful to my mother who had handed me the application form for the class. It is the most precious gift in my growing up years. It inspired me toward the illuminated path, develop an amiable heart and appreciate gratitude! At the beginning of this year, I achieved another breakthrough, as I sent a message to mum and dad expressing, “Mom and Dad, I love you!

#Proactive, #TowardIlluminatedPath, #JiajunYe, #RebelliousStage, #HotBloodedTeenager, #FamilialAffection, #Gratitude


在〈孩子青春期的叛逆如何面對? . 是甚麼東…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 感恩师父!可怜天下父母心!愿所有的子女对父母都充满爱!没有叛逆期!有叛逆反应的孩子请到菩提禅修来。顶礼师父!

  2. 孩子的懂事是父母最大的安慰!师父和佛菩萨对众生的教化都是最好和最恰当的。为来孝这位可爱的小师兄祝福!愿自己能够理解父母,做父母的好孩子;愿自己能理解师父,做师父的好弟子;愿自己的孩子也能得到师父和佛菩萨的教化,做个懂事的孩子;愿天下所有孩子孝顺体谅父母!!!愿师父师母,自己的父母亲和天下父母母亲节快乐!!!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!来孝做的太棒了!???来孝是我儿子的组长,感恩师父慈悲的教化让更多的年轻孩子们都改变了。在母亲节来临之际祝福天下所有的母亲身体健康!幸福吉祥!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!?❤???

  4. 真诚感恩师父???母亲节马上就要到来了,孩子是父母亲心中最大的牵挂,父母对孩子的爱是最无私的!“母亲节”在外打工、工作的儿女们,别忘了给母亲送件礼物☔?哪怕是打个电话问候一下你对母亲的爱♥️做母亲的会感到非常知足???

  5. 感恩师父!感恩师父慈悲引领与教化!让无数的孩子青春期叛逆变得正向陽光、內心柔軟,懂得感恩!愿更多的轻孩子们都向来孝小师兄学习!祝福天下所有的父母身体健康幸福快乐每一天!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!弟子收到!恭喜师兄!其实每个人成长过程里都有这么段判逆期!幸运的是你遇到了师父缩短了时间,让家人更幸福快乐!祈愿天下父母都健康长寿!快乐幸福!?叩拜

  7. 师父,您好!哈哈!我們的师父真是神通广大,無所不能啊!为每个弟子名的法名很合適啊!謝謝師父上传分享和大慈大悲的开示!我知道每个人進入菩提禪修后受益良多,所以我一向来很想我的儿女也去參加菩提禪修课程,希望將來有机会吧!感恩师父!

  8. 感恩师父分享!恭喜来孝小师兄变得懂事“成长”了。如果小孩能听父母的话,都不会“坏”到那里去,问题是听了社会上其他人的“疯语疯语”,要把其再拉回来,才能真需要时机了。我儿子当初跟老板娘的儿子在一起,“近朱者赤”,两个更有理由白天睡觉晚上上网玩游戏了。自从用钱哄他去上了一期健身班的课,结束后第四天就找到工作并肯去工作了,并且思想转变很大。再后又听话参加了一期闭关班的课,没想到最后参加拍买,中途他就走了回来。以后他再也不肯去了。我现在也是只有为他点灯念佛,静等花开吧。他现在能肯去念大学,也是佛菩萨的保佑、师父的加持了。当妈的也只有赋予更大的爱心。感恩师父!??????

  9. 謝謝分享菩提感動的故事,來孝師兄很棒,法名也很有意思;師父晚上好,有位師姐因要照顧丈夫年長的父母,需大部份時間而少了回家,故未能看管子女的成長,兒子漸漸表態不想讀書無乜心機,之後他沒有讀完中三,又未夠18歲難以找工作;最近在娛樂場所找了份工作做,師父請問有什麼方法呢?謝謝感恩.

  10. 感恩师父传播的菩提法们,让很多孩子接触佛法,开启了心中的智慧之门,懂得慈悲孝顺,祝福来孝师兄得佛师指导,人生更精彩美好!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲分享!好感动!恭喜来孝,愿天下所有的孩子都有一颗孝顺感恩的心。祝福天下所有的母亲母亲节快乐!吉祥如意!顶礼感恩师父!

  12. 真诚感恩师父!我女儿是菩提送子,是师父所赐,15岁了,也是叛逆期,希望女儿也能向这位小师兄一样,得恩师的引领与教化,愿女儿和天下孩子都像小师兄一样棒,祝师父师母及天下所有父母健康吉祥快乐,顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  13. 感恩师父的慈悲开示❤️。
