

This sharing is from Los Angeles, U.S.A. – Ruxiang’s story on his relaxation and slimming journey.

Practice Energy Bagua gives me relaxation, slimming and hearing improvements!

I am a high school teacher. I teach biology and geography. I typically need to pay much attention to the learning situation for all profiles of students, and found many issues that irritated me. Whenever the pressure to perform rose, I would experience heart palpitations (unhealthy fluctuations in heartbeat rates).

I grew up in the highlands, and after moving to Los Angeles in the year 2000, the change in altitude resulted in negative pressure in my ears, causing my hearing to deteriorate. There were times when I could not clearly hear my students speak in class.

Subsequently, I was introduced to Bodhi Meditation by my wife. In April 2017, I participated in the Energy Bagua foundation class. When I started practicing initially, it was difficult for me to focus. I was also lethargic. But after two days, it became easier, and the more relaxed I was, the more I could focus not only my mind, my body would also be full of energy.

After practicing the Energy Bagua for 3 months, my hearing improved, and I could clearly hear the students speak in class! Moreover, when I encountered various student issues, I could remain calm while resolving them. I realized that there was less burden on my heart, and felt that my heart was serene. I did not tense up as easily; my heartbeat was also relatively stable.

In addition, my weight continued to regulate, falling from the original 205 pounds to 185 pounds. Practicing the Energy Bagua helped me lose 20 pounds; I was really happy!

The Energy Bagua is particularly beneficial, so now as long as I am less busy at work, I will practice it.
I highly recommend that you also come to experience the Energy Bagua and its effects. I believe that we will certainly benefit from it.

* The effect of meditation varies from person to person.
* One pound = 453.59237 grams

#MeditationJournal, #LosAngelesUSA, #RuXiang, #EnergyBagua, #SlimmingAndWeightLossrnrn分享來自於美國洛杉磯_如響的減壓瘦身故事:

This sharing is from Los Angeles, U.S.A. – Ruxiang’s story on his relaxation and slimming journey.

Practice Energy Bagua gives me relaxation, slimming and hearing improvements!

I am a high school teacher. I teach biology and geography. I typically need to pay much attention to the learning situation for all profiles of students, and found many issues that irritated me. Whenever the pressure to perform rose, I would experience heart palpitations (unhealthy fluctuations in heartbeat rates).

I grew up in the highlands, and after moving to Los Angeles in the year 2000, the change in altitude resulted in negative pressure in my ears, causing my hearing to deteriorate. There were times when I could not clearly hear my students speak in class.

Subsequently, I was introduced to Bodhi Meditation by my wife. In April 2017, I participated in the Energy Bagua foundation class. When I started practicing initially, it was difficult for me to focus. I was also lethargic. But after two days, it became easier, and the more relaxed I was, the more I could focus not only my mind, my body would also be full of energy.

After practicing the Energy Bagua for 3 months, my hearing improved, and I could clearly hear the students speak in class! Moreover, when I encountered various student issues, I could remain calm while resolving them. I realized that there was less burden on my heart, and felt that my heart was serene. I did not tense up as easily; my heartbeat was also relatively stable.

In addition, my weight continued to regulate, falling from the original 205 pounds to 185 pounds. Practicing the Energy Bagua helped me lose 20 pounds; I was really happy!

The Energy Bagua is particularly beneficial, so now as long as I am less busy at work, I will practice it.
I highly recommend that you also come to experience the Energy Bagua and its effects. I believe that we will certainly benefit from it.

* The effect of meditation varies from person to person.
* One pound = 453.59237 grams

#MeditationJournal, #LosAngelesUSA, #RuXiang, #EnergyBagua, #SlimmingAndWeightLoss

This sharing is from Los Angeles, U.S.A. - Ruxiang's story on his relaxation and slimming journey.
Practice Energy Bagua gives me relaxation, slimming and hearing improvements! 
I am a high school teacher.  I teach biology and geography.  I typically need to pay much attention to the learning situation for all profiles of students, and found many issues that irritated me.  Whenever the pressure to perform rose, I would experience heart palpitations (unhealthy fluctuations in heartbeat rates).
I grew up in the highlands, and after moving to Los Angeles in the year 2000, the change in altitude resulted in negative pressure in my ears, causing my hearing to deteriorate.  There were times when I could not clearly hear my students speak in class.  
Subsequently, I was introduced to Bodhi Meditation by my wife.  In April 2017, I participated in the Energy Bagua foundation class.  When I started practicing initially, it was difficult for me to focus.  I was also lethargic.  But after two days, it became easier, and the more relaxed I was, the more I could focus not only my mind, my body would also be full of energy.
After practicing the Energy Bagua for 3 months, my hearing improved, and I could clearly hear the students speak in class!  Moreover, when I encountered various student issues, I could remain calm while resolving them.  I realized that there was less burden on my heart, and felt that my heart was serene.  I did not tense up as easily; my heartbeat was also relatively stable.
In addition, my weight continued to regulate, falling from the original 205 pounds to 185 pounds.  Practicing the Energy Bagua helped me lose 20 pounds; I was really happy!
The Energy Bagua is particularly beneficial, so now as long as I am less busy at work, I will practice it.
I highly recommend that you also come to experience the Energy Bagua and its effects.  I believe that we will certainly benefit from it.
* The effect of meditation varies from person to person.
* One pound = 453.59237 grams
#MeditationJournal, #LosAngelesUSA, #RuXiang, #EnergyBagua, #SlimmingAndWeightLossrnrn分享來自於美國洛杉磯_如響的減壓瘦身故事:
This sharing is from Los Angeles, U.S.A. - Ruxiang's story on his relaxation and slimming journey.
Practice Energy Bagua gives me relaxation, slimming and hearing improvements! 
I am a high school teacher.  I teach biology and geography.  I typically need to pay much attention to the learning situation for all profiles of students, and found many issues that irritated me.  Whenever the pressure to perform rose, I would experience heart palpitations (unhealthy fluctuations in heartbeat rates).
I grew up in the highlands, and after moving to Los Angeles in the year 2000, the change in altitude resulted in negative pressure in my ears, causing my hearing to deteriorate.  There were times when I could not clearly hear my students speak in class.  
Subsequently, I was introduced to Bodhi Meditation by my wife.  In April 2017, I participated in the Energy Bagua foundation class.  When I started practicing initially, it was difficult for me to focus.  I was also lethargic.  But after two days, it became easier, and the more relaxed I was, the more I could focus not only my mind, my body would also be full of energy.
After practicing the Energy Bagua for 3 months, my hearing improved, and I could clearly hear the students speak in class!  Moreover, when I encountered various student issues, I could remain calm while resolving them.  I realized that there was less burden on my heart, and felt that my heart was serene.  I did not tense up as easily; my heartbeat was also relatively stable.
In addition, my weight continued to regulate, falling from the original 205 pounds to 185 pounds.  Practicing the Energy Bagua helped me lose 20 pounds; I was really happy!
The Energy Bagua is particularly beneficial, so now as long as I am less busy at work, I will practice it.
I highly recommend that you also come to experience the Energy Bagua and its effects.  I believe that we will certainly benefit from it.
* The effect of meditation varies from person to person.
* One pound = 453.59237 grams
#MeditationJournal, #LosAngelesUSA, #RuXiang, #EnergyBagua, #SlimmingAndWeightLoss


在〈分享來自於美國洛杉磯_如響的減壓瘦身故事…〉中有 10 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享洛杉矶如响师兄减压班走八卦不医自癒多年听力弱的耳病、烦燥情绪和瘦身三个多月走八卦减肥20磅,从205一20(磅),还有心率平稳了。他真的开心?了!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜洛杉磯教师师兄減壓、瘦身、改善了聽力!愿更多的人们走入菩提,受益于八卦内功—这个动作简单,对健康见效快,凝结着上师修炼精华的殊胜的功法!???

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享???只要坚持加恭敬修炼师父所传授的妙法,定会让我们获得身心的健康甚至会出现奇迹!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享八卦见证禅修!随喜赞叹师兄受益于八卦!???感恩师父传授的妙法!☕?????

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父传授我们神圣无比八卦内功!让世界有缘人快速解脱病苦,获得健康自在幸福的人生!恭喜洛杉磯教师师兄減壓、瘦身、改善了聽力!越走越輕鬆,不但可以集中精神去觀想,而且感覺身體充滿了能量!顶礼感恩大慈大悲金菩提上师!!!

  6. 师父,您好!师父的八卦内功真是很棒啊!謝謝師父大慈大悲傳給我們的八卦内功!感恩师父!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享!又一例见证奇迹者。因为有了师父传授的妙法很多人都从痛苦之中解脱出来。脱离地狱般的苦恼,重回天堂般的生活。感恩顶礼师父!师父就是我们的再生父母!
