27年 一個不變的願望 . 27年了,不…

27年 一個不變的願望
For 27 years, an unchanging aspiration

For 27 years, an unchanging desire to help all sentient beings and relentless willpower and footsteps!

The only difference is that more people have obtained health, happiness and blissful smiles!

Let us come together to help others and in the process, form the incarnation of the thousand eyes and arms, great compassionate Guanyin Boddhisatva. Together, we can help those in need to gain health, happiness and blissfulness!



母親——是我們生命中的佛菩薩 . . 母…

經常有人問 :「如何改變我們不如意的命運呢?」那就請從回報母親開始吧!因為我們今天的健康、命運的好壞,與我們的祖宗或父母有著直接的關係。
?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2018年5月12日,上午9:00開始 
Mother – The Buddha of our Life

Mother is the closest and most important person in our life.

I once saw this news on the Internet: “In a house that was destroyed by an earthquake, a deformed body of a mother was found kneeled over her knees, with her arms supporting her body which was bending over. A three or four-month-old child was found alive underneath her body. As the mother had used her body to shield the baby, the baby was unharmed and was still sleeping peacefully when he was rescued.”

Mothers care for us from pregnancy till we were born. When we were young, our mothers took care of us day and night. When we were adolescents, our parents put up with our mischief and educate us so that we could become better persons and have a bright future.

We could never repay our mother’s love for us. On the occasion of Mothers’ Day, let us sincerely pray before Buddha to bless our mothers with auspiciousness and happiness. I believe this is the best gift for our mothers.
People often ask, “How do we change the fate of our unhappy lives?” Start from showing gratitude and love towards our mothers. Our health and destiny today have a direct relationship with our ancestors or parents.

We welcome you to join me on this Saturday’s group practice to “Chant for our mothers”. Let’s send our best wishes to our mothers. May they always be at ease and auspicious!

?Welcome to share! ! ?

[Network hours around the world] 1. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore Time: May 12, 2018, 9:00am
2. South Korea time: May 12, 2018, 10:00 am
3. North American Eastern Time: May 11, 2018, starting at 9:00 pm
4. North American Pacific Time: May 11, 2018, starting at 6:00 PM
5. Melbourne, Australia: May 12, 2018, starting at 11:00 noon
6. Jakarta, Indonesia: May 12, 2018, 8:00 am
7. Romania time: May 12, 2018, beginning at 4:00 in the morning
8. London, United Kingdom: May 12, 2018, 2:00 AM
9. Australia (Sydney) Time: May 12, 2018, at 11:00 in the morning
10. Myanmar (Yangon) Time: May 12, 2018, 7:30am
Remarks: The general meditation time for all local meditation halls starts at 9:00 am on Saturday. If you want to go to the meditation halls of various meditation halls, please consult the meditation halls in different places beforehand.
#SaturdayGlobalGroupPractice, #ChantingForOurMothers, #Mothers’Love, #Gratitude, #AuspiciousAndHappy


孩子青春期的叛逆如何面對? . 是甚麼東…

#積極、#正向陽光、#葉嘉俊、#叛逆期、#青春熱血、#親情、#感恩rnrnHow do we manage our children’s rebellious adolescent years?

What is it –
in the scolding that exudes love;
in the nagging that reveals care;
in the silence that reflects concern;
between the cease of the forehead that always long for the safety and peace of the children? It is “motherly love”..

This weekend is Mother’s Day. We must remember to find time to return home often to visit our fathers and mothers. Even if it is a phone call, or a simple greeting, these are the most precious gifts for our parents.

This is because love is not merely expressed in speech, in material gifts or gestures in names or appearances, but from the heart… May all the fathers and mothers in the world be blessed with good health, auspiciousness and fulfilling lives! Similarly, may everyone be blessed with familial bliss.

I am Jiajun Ye, from Malaysia. My Dharma name is Laixiao. In the past, I was particularly rebellious and had a poor relationship with my parents. We would quarrel after speaking no more than 3 sentences. I couldn’t control my emotions at all during the arguments, and would be rude to my parents, slam the desk, and even harbor the urge to hit them. In reality, I know that my parents love me, but as I grew up, I became more and more frustrated by their strict discipline.

In the second year of middle school, I befriended a girl. One day after school, I was late for home as I accompanied my girlfriend. My mother was concerned and called to ask my whereabouts. At that moment, an inexplicable anger in me exploded and I had a big quarrel with her on the phone. Back home, my mother asked me what happened. I was unrepentant, saying, “(it was) only a normal conversation, nothing to be concerned about!” Dad was most flustered, and gave me a slap. Since then, cold war began between my parents and I. Daily activities with them such as during mealtimes were in silence, as there was now a “thick layer of ice” between us.

In July 2016, I graduated from university, but struggled for 3 months without finding work. At my most depressed state, my mother asked me to attend a “chanting class”. I agreed only half-heartedly. At the beginning, I totally ignored the class and was not engaged, only doing as I was told. On the fourth day, when the class chanted for our parents, past scenes of the quarrels with my parents flash-backed before me like a movie reel in action. I began to feel ashamed of my disrespectful behavior toward my parents, and tears streamed uncontrollably.

After the repentant chanting, my heart felt a sense of calm that I had never experienced. When I heard Master Jin Bodhi’s advice that, “as children, we should fulfill our obligations, be filial, and do not do hurtful things to our parents”, I resolved never to hurt my parents anymore. From that day on, I changed my attitude towards my parents. I began to be thankful, and learned to understand and care for them.
Now, I happily embrace the care and concern of my parents, accompany them in enjoying TV shows, and have chats with them. It is now a warm atmosphere at home, and most delightful!

I’m most thankful to my mother who had handed me the application form for the class. It is the most precious gift in my growing up years. It inspired me toward the illuminated path, develop an amiable heart and appreciate gratitude! At the beginning of this year, I achieved another breakthrough, as I sent a message to mum and dad expressing, “Mom and Dad, I love you!

#Proactive, #TowardIlluminatedPath, #JiajunYe, #RebelliousStage, #HotBloodedTeenager, #FamilialAffection, #Gratitude


恭敬不如孝敬 孝敬不如行動 . 傳說中,…

恭敬不如孝敬 孝敬不如行動
#恭敬不如孝敬、 #孝敬不如行動、#烏鴉反哺、 #感恩、 #幸福
恭敬不如孝敬 孝敬不如行動
It is not sufficient to just be respectful or filial to our parents, rather it is how we treat them that is most important

Legend has it that mother crows are the ones who search for food for their babies. When they return, they will always feed the babies first regardless of how little food they find, even if it means that they themselves will have to go hungry. Eventually, under such tender care, the babies grow up into sturdy adults. By then, the mother crows are old and can no longer fly. They do not have the strength to fly out to look for food any more. This is when their children reciprocate what their mothers used to do for them and go out in search for food. When they return, they will feed their mothers patiently. This happens every day until the mama crows pass away. This is the story of the “Filial crows feeding the parents.”

Think of what our parents have done for us and think of the care and concern that they have showered on us. Some people think that the presents that they bought for their parents are sufficient repayment. But if you compare that to the unconditional love and tolerance that they have given us, you will understand that it is clearly not enough. Not to forget everything else that they have gone through in order to bring us up,

Instead of showering our parents with material goods, let us spend more time with them. Let us pray for them and seek Buddha’s blessings of health, happiness and good fortune for them. I hope to inspire all of you to reflect on what you have done for your parents lately. While we still have the opportunity, let us spend more time with them and help them with what they need.

Consider this Chinese saying…
“The trees would like to remain still but the winds will not stop;
The children would like to care for their parents but the parents are no longer around…”

As Mother’s Day approaches, I wish that you and your family will be blessed with happiness, good health and joy!

*According to records, it is the crows’ custom to reciprocate and feed their parents when they are old. In the classic volume “Compendium of Materia Medica”, crows are called “birds of compassion”. From the time the baby is born, its mother feeds it for 60 days. When the mother is old, its offspring also feeds it for 60 days. The filialness of the crows makes them role models for us in how we ought to treat our parents.

#FilialPietyIsBetterThanRespect, #HelpingThemIsBetterThanBeingFilial, #FilialCrowsFeedingTheParents, #Gratitude, #Joy


【清明祭祖 點燈祈福】 . . 「四月」…

【清明祭祖 點燈祈福】



Light a Blessing – Remembrance of Our Ancestors
The forth lunar month is the time to commemorate and remember our ancestors. When we make a light offering during Ching Ming Festival, it will bring immense benefits for our ancestors, ourselves and our descendants.
As described in the Great Bodhisattva’s Scriptural Basket Sutra, “The brilliance of the thousand lights will banish guilt and conviction”. When we offer a light in front of Buddha, we are harnessing Buddha’s light of compassion and wisdom to convey blessings to our ancestors and ourselves. Buddha’s light will shine upon our ancestors as they are reincarnated to the Pure Land. That same light will shine upon our descendants, blessing them with wisdom and good fortune. When our ancestors are showered in Buddha’s light, our descendants will naturally prosper and flourish.
With this knowledge in mind, go forth and offer a light for your ancestors. Chant and pray for them. Rid them of karmic debts and accumulate merits on their behalf. Let Buddha’s light guide them out of darkness and towards the light of the Pure Land. At the same time, let the light shine upon you and your descendants to bring endless blessings.
The benefits of Light Offering:
1. First, benefits to our secular life: Good health and bright vision. Freedom from all darkness. Respected by others. Elimination of karmic debts and accumulation of merits. Abundance of wealth.
2. Second, benefits to our cultivation: Present with right dharma. Free from obstacles in cultivation. Free from reincarnation. Noble and full of ease. Attainment of accelerated enlightenment.
3. Third, benefits to children and grandchildren: Supreme wisdom. Dignified and majestic appearance. Wealth and fortune.
4. Forth, benefits to ancestors: Buddha’s light shines upon ancestors and benefits future generations. Gain spiritual liberation to Pure Lands.
During this season of remembering and showing gratitude to your ancestors, seize this opportunity and come down to the Meditation Centre to offer a light to your ancestors and loved ones!
I wish the best to all of you. May you be blessed with wisdom, good fortune, health, happiness and longevity.
To offer light, please click on the below link:

Worldwide Centers

One of the three auspicious Bodhi treasures: – Bodhi Lamp Offering

#RemembranceOfOurAncestors, #LightABlessing, #GreatIllumination, #Gratitude, #GoodFortune, #Auspicious, #CeremonyForAncestorsToFindPeace


自我改造_我的吸引力法則 . . 所謂:…

?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年1月6日,上午9:00開始 
Self-improvement – Law of attraction
As mentioned in Confucian Analects: “The virtuous are not left alone.”
As early as 2,500 years ago, Confucius said, “Those who are virtuous will not be lonely.”
A couple of years ago, there was a lady whose marriage was on the rocks as she faced tense relationship with her husband. No matter what happened, she would blame it on her husband and she was on the verge of divorcing her husband. She tried hard to find solutions to her marriage problems but to no avail.
Later, through a friend’s introduction, she joined Bodhi Meditation class. Upon the completion of her class, she was so excited and shared with this dharma sister, “I have found the solution, I am not getting a divorce.”
She continued, “Initially, I thought my husband was the one to blame for our marital problems. Now I realized I was the one at fault. I didn’t really give him the wife’s love and support. I’m not getting a divorce. I will try to mend our relationship. ”
When we have compassion and gratitude in daily lives, we become more tolerant and attractive. We will have more fulfilling and happy relationships with others.
Do you want to strengthen your “magnetic field of life” and make your life and work more pleasant?
Let’s explore “What is Buddha” this Saturday.
Wishing all becoming more attractive and auspicious!
“Like” is a form of encouragement; share is a form of support.
More sharing, more blessings!
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Jan 6, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Jan 6, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Jan 5, 2017 at 21:00hrs
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Jan 5, 2017 at 18:00hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): Jan 6, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Jan 6, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Jan 6, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Jan 6, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Jan 6, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Jan 6, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPracticeNotice, #BodhiMeditation, #LawOfAttraction, #HarmoniousMartitialRelationship, #Compassion, #Gratitude


如何感恩,學會了就去做吧! . . 有個…

#感恩、#一碗麵、#太陽、#淬煉rnrnHow to be grateful- Learn and put into action immediately!
Ling Ling quarreled with her mother and left her house in anger. She decided not to go back to her detestable home anymore! As she loitered outside for one full day without food, her stomach growled in hunger. She had forgotten to bring money with her after she quarreled with her mother. Yet she refused to back down and return home for a meal. Ling Ling put up with her hunger till late evening.
Unknowingly, Ling Ling walked to a shop selling noodles. Smelling the aroma from the noodle shop, she yearned for a bowl of noodles. However as she had no money with her, she could only swallow her saliva.
The boss of the shop saw Ling Ling’s glances towards his shop and asked: “Young lady, would you like to come in for a bowl of noodles?”
Ling Ling replied with embarrassment: “Yes but I left my house after quarreling with my mother and forgot to bring money with me…”
When the boss heard her reply, he laughed: “It’s all right, let me give you a treat today!”
Ling Ling could not believe her ears. She sat down immediately. A short while later, the boss served her a bowl of noodles and she began to eat with relish. She told the boss: “You are such a nice person! If not for your generosity, I have no idea what I can do tonight”.
The boss smilingly replied: “Young lady, I only cook a bowl of noodles for you and you are already so grateful. Your mother has been cooking for you for the last 20 years, shouldn’t you be more appreciative and grateful to her? What harm can her nagging do?”
As she listened to the boss, she felt as if she had just woken up from a dream! She left half of her noodles unfinished and ran home immediately. When she reached the alley in front of her house, she could see from afar that her mother looking around anxiously!
Ling Ling wanted to apologize to her mother but before she could say anything, her mother embraced her and asked: “Where did you go? I have been looking for you the whole day. You must be ravenous. Come in and wash your hands. Mum is waiting for you to have dinner together.”
Today Ling Ling could feel her mother’s love for her deeply. Her mother’s love was as brilliant as the sun, bringing her warmth.
Learn to be grateful!
Learn to live life with a grateful heart. Be thankful for life’s obstacles as they help to build up your perseverance; feel grateful to cheaters for they broaden your life experience; be grateful to people who looked down on you for they awaken your self-esteem, feel grateful for all the good and bad affinities that enter your life.
Be thankful to life for it bestows you with radiant sunshine.
If you like this post, please share with your loved ones. The more you share, the more blessings you will receive.
#Gratitude, #ABowlOfNoodles, #Sun, #Quenching


感恩_來到自己生命中的一切 . . 人生…



Be grateful for everything that you encounter in your life
Three important things in life:
1. Have 「tolerance」 for the world and in life’s encounters.
2. Shape the world and transform the future with a 「happy」heart.
3. With「gratitude 」, feel the world and share your life.
Say thanks ~
There is no complaint about tiredness throughout the year; no greeting too trivial.
No concern is too vexing, a life of predestined affinity is not too long.
Express your thanks to all the people around you!
In the United States and many other countries, today is “Thanksgiving Day.” Let us give thanks regardless of time and nationality. May we all be grateful every day. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Welcome to share this 「Thanksgiving」 positive energy with the world.
May the world, together with you and I, be forever auspicious and happy. The more you share, the more you gain!
#Gratitude, #Happiness, #GiftsBestowedByBuddha
#感恩、 #幸福、 #快樂、 #佛賜予的禮物


一路相伴,感謝有您??? . ?臉書粉絲…

? 歡喜 感恩 熱鬧滾滾滾……
金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi粉絲頁於2015年10月份成立至今,短短不到兩年時間,粉絲數已突破200萬人!!!
Thank you for accompanying us on this journey.
Our fan base on Facebook has already broke through 2,000,000 people..
With happiness, gratitude and much fanfare……Master Jin Bodhi’s fan page that was established on October 2015, has now exceeded 2 million followers in less than two years!!!
Thank you so much!! With every friend’s appreciation and encouragement, ‘likes’ and enthusiastic sharings, there are now more than 2,000 new global friends joining us daily on my fan page. Due to all your efforts at managing the portal all this while, I have friends who join us from more than 60 countries and regions worldwide. Both new and old friends from all over the world share not only a variety of interesting happenings with me; they also help promote Bodhi Meditation’s culture, and integrate it into their lives. It is heartening to see everyone has experienced physical and psychological benefits, and has happily introduced their friends and family to join us for health and happiness – this is my basis for this platform, and my mission to bring health and happiness to everyone.
Going forward, whether you are an old friend or a new one, I hope everyone continues to support my Facebook page, engage enthusiastically and help share you advice.
Wishing all great health, prosperity and peace!.
#ThankYouForYourSupport, #Joy, #Grateful, #2MillionLikes, #Healthy, #Happy


沉默的溫柔__父愛擎天 . 父親是一個家…

#父親節 #父愛 #感恩 #吉祥健康 #長命百歲
The silent gentleness – Father’s love strong enough to prop up the sky
A father is the strongest pillar of the family, yet often neglected.
Quietly and selflessly giving to the family, till the very end.
This profound love of the father is taciturn and yet amazingly gentle ˜
Give your father a big hug on this International Father’s Day, which falls on 18th of June this year. Proclaim your love to him loudly by shouting out the words “I love you!”
#Father’sDay, #FatherlyLove, #Gratitude, #GoodHealthAndFortune, #Longevity
