如何感恩,學會了就去做吧! . . 有個…

#感恩、#一碗麵、#太陽、#淬煉rnrnHow to be grateful- Learn and put into action immediately!
Ling Ling quarreled with her mother and left her house in anger. She decided not to go back to her detestable home anymore! As she loitered outside for one full day without food, her stomach growled in hunger. She had forgotten to bring money with her after she quarreled with her mother. Yet she refused to back down and return home for a meal. Ling Ling put up with her hunger till late evening.
Unknowingly, Ling Ling walked to a shop selling noodles. Smelling the aroma from the noodle shop, she yearned for a bowl of noodles. However as she had no money with her, she could only swallow her saliva.
The boss of the shop saw Ling Ling’s glances towards his shop and asked: “Young lady, would you like to come in for a bowl of noodles?”
Ling Ling replied with embarrassment: “Yes but I left my house after quarreling with my mother and forgot to bring money with me…”
When the boss heard her reply, he laughed: “It’s all right, let me give you a treat today!”
Ling Ling could not believe her ears. She sat down immediately. A short while later, the boss served her a bowl of noodles and she began to eat with relish. She told the boss: “You are such a nice person! If not for your generosity, I have no idea what I can do tonight”.
The boss smilingly replied: “Young lady, I only cook a bowl of noodles for you and you are already so grateful. Your mother has been cooking for you for the last 20 years, shouldn’t you be more appreciative and grateful to her? What harm can her nagging do?”
As she listened to the boss, she felt as if she had just woken up from a dream! She left half of her noodles unfinished and ran home immediately. When she reached the alley in front of her house, she could see from afar that her mother looking around anxiously!
Ling Ling wanted to apologize to her mother but before she could say anything, her mother embraced her and asked: “Where did you go? I have been looking for you the whole day. You must be ravenous. Come in and wash your hands. Mum is waiting for you to have dinner together.”
Today Ling Ling could feel her mother’s love for her deeply. Her mother’s love was as brilliant as the sun, bringing her warmth.
Learn to be grateful!
Learn to live life with a grateful heart. Be thankful for life’s obstacles as they help to build up your perseverance; feel grateful to cheaters for they broaden your life experience; be grateful to people who looked down on you for they awaken your self-esteem, feel grateful for all the good and bad affinities that enter your life.
Be thankful to life for it bestows you with radiant sunshine.
If you like this post, please share with your loved ones. The more you share, the more blessings you will receive.
#Gratitude, #ABowlOfNoodles, #Sun, #Quenching


在〈如何感恩,學會了就去做吧! . . 有個…〉中有 33 則留言

  1. 感恩师父的教诲!感恩的心真的很保贵,一直在学习中,希望自己用感恩的心来面对一切!给自己加油!!!学会感恩吧!!!!

  2. 師父師母午安吉祥???感恩师父慈悲分享与教诲?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️弟子感恩一生中所遇到的善缘与恶缘。。更感恩遇到師父。。???

  3. 师父好,今天又看到了师父讲的这一段母女真情故事,不,应该说累式这样的实事很多,师父所讲真的教育人。不光是我们的父母亲,我们周围的一切,天地,自然,一切的一切都要感恩。弟子感恩师父让我懂得了宇宙人生!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!感恩!感恩活到现在所经历的种种!更感恩身边所有的人!最感恩的是师父您!是您让弟子懂得了感恩!更拥有了慈父般的爱!感恩老师解释了师父的慈悲!弟子得到了师父和老师的一路加持和呵护!??️尽的感恩⋯祈愿天下的众生爱好父母家人和生活身边的人!?叩拜

  5. 學習用感恩的心面對生命。感恩挫折磨練了我们的意志;感恩那些欺騙你的人,因為他豐富了我的經驗;感激那些輕視我的人,因為他覺醒了我的自尊,感激一切淬煉我人生的善、惡因緣。感恩生活,賜予我们的燦爛陽光。???

  6. 感恩上师慈悲教诲!最近才深深體會到母親的愛、全身心的给予与付出。子女对父母的回报与之相比是那样的微少。真实地學着用感恩的心面對生命中的每一天、每个人、每一次相遇!感恩生命中的挫折,是它磨練了我的意志;感恩那些欺騙我的人,因為他豐富了我的經驗;感激那些輕視我的人,因為他覺醒了我的自尊,感激一切淬煉我人生的善、惡因緣,感恩生活賜予我的燦爛陽光!真诚顶礼尊贵的佛师!

  7. 感恩师父,学会感恩!只有感恩,才不会被外物所障碍住,也是强大自己的根本,也只有感恩,才能跨越。感恩一切,欢喜接受,一切为我所用,如一年四季的春花夏风秋月冬雪,酷署严寒;也如师父说的淬铁,才能百炼成钢。海阔天作岸,山高人为峰,只有心有阳光,一切都是养料。感恩师父教化!???

  8. 感恩师父关心爱惜弟子,用心良苦,故事深深打动我们的心,懂得感恩所有生活中我们遇到的人和事,生活更灿烂美好!叩拜师父

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享!父母就如同佛菩萨一般无条件的呵护着我们,可是我们呢?又是如何回报她们呢?惭愧!弟子做的不到位!以后要多加改进!顶礼师父!
