【清明祭祖 點燈祈福】 . . 「四月」…

【清明祭祖 點燈祈福】



Light a Blessing – Remembrance of Our Ancestors
The forth lunar month is the time to commemorate and remember our ancestors. When we make a light offering during Ching Ming Festival, it will bring immense benefits for our ancestors, ourselves and our descendants.
As described in the Great Bodhisattva’s Scriptural Basket Sutra, “The brilliance of the thousand lights will banish guilt and conviction”. When we offer a light in front of Buddha, we are harnessing Buddha’s light of compassion and wisdom to convey blessings to our ancestors and ourselves. Buddha’s light will shine upon our ancestors as they are reincarnated to the Pure Land. That same light will shine upon our descendants, blessing them with wisdom and good fortune. When our ancestors are showered in Buddha’s light, our descendants will naturally prosper and flourish.
With this knowledge in mind, go forth and offer a light for your ancestors. Chant and pray for them. Rid them of karmic debts and accumulate merits on their behalf. Let Buddha’s light guide them out of darkness and towards the light of the Pure Land. At the same time, let the light shine upon you and your descendants to bring endless blessings.
The benefits of Light Offering:
1. First, benefits to our secular life: Good health and bright vision. Freedom from all darkness. Respected by others. Elimination of karmic debts and accumulation of merits. Abundance of wealth.
2. Second, benefits to our cultivation: Present with right dharma. Free from obstacles in cultivation. Free from reincarnation. Noble and full of ease. Attainment of accelerated enlightenment.
3. Third, benefits to children and grandchildren: Supreme wisdom. Dignified and majestic appearance. Wealth and fortune.
4. Forth, benefits to ancestors: Buddha’s light shines upon ancestors and benefits future generations. Gain spiritual liberation to Pure Lands.
During this season of remembering and showing gratitude to your ancestors, seize this opportunity and come down to the Meditation Centre to offer a light to your ancestors and loved ones!
I wish the best to all of you. May you be blessed with wisdom, good fortune, health, happiness and longevity.
To offer light, please click on the below link:

Worldwide Centers

One of the three auspicious Bodhi treasures: – Bodhi Lamp Offering

#RemembranceOfOurAncestors, #LightABlessing, #GreatIllumination, #Gratitude, #GoodFortune, #Auspicious, #CeremonyForAncestorsToFindPeace


在〈【清明祭祖 點燈祈福】 . . 「四月」…〉中有 27 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!弟子今天为爸爸和历代祖先各点七天灯!感恩师父赐福给弟子!弟子懂得了点灯的作用!?叩拜

  2. 感恩師父启示录!

  3. 感恩师父!收到师父的祝福!智慧通达无碍,福 禄 寿 享,吉祥康泰!顶礼叩拜师父!祈愿我们的恩师法体安康!法轮常转!吉祥自在!

  4. 师父,您好!非常感谢师父的提醒!我己忘记了,幸好明天我休息还来得及,那么我明天就要去禅堂办供灯手续了。我们本来很早就计划在3月24日去扫墓了,由于我的二舅父两周前在中国我的外家过世,农村风俗,我们今年不能去为我双亲扫墓,所以取消导致现在忘记了。由于二舅父突如其来的过世,所以我也很难过,我也为我的二舅父在禅堂为他供49天的超度灯了,希望他得到佛光普照,往生极乐世界,离苦得乐,永脱轮回吧。谢谢师父的提醒!感恩师父!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲开示!我为祖先点灯祈福!愿我们的祖先,親人得到佛光加持,轉生極樂, 同时為後代子孫帶來庇蔭与光明,增添福慧。也為自己和子孫後代帶來光明,同享福慧。顶礼叩拜感恩师父!!!????????????

  6. 感恩师父慈悲教诲!「百千燈明,懺除悔罪」,在佛前點燈,藉著佛的慈悲、智慧光芒能量,幫助我們,以及祖先們帶來吉祥能量和利益。愿祖先,親人得到佛光加持,轉生極樂,為後代子孫帶來庇蔭与光明,增添福慧,興旺發達!愿生命中遇到的每个人智慧通達無礙,福、祿、壽、享、吉祥康泰!叩拜恩师!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲教诲!「百千燈明,懺除悔罪」,在佛前點燈,藉著佛的慈悲、智慧光芒能量,幫助我們,以及祖先們帶來吉祥能量和利益。愿祖先,親人得到佛光加持,轉生極樂,為後代子孫帶來庇蔭与光明,增添福慧,興旺發達!愿生命中遇到的每个人智慧通達無礙,福、祿、壽、享、吉祥康泰!叩拜恩师!

  8. Gud morning! Master JinBodhi, I’am filipina , every tym I see ur wall I feel something deferent, and when I see the God Budhay she olways smiled at me. Thanks loveng Budhaya , give me gud furtune.. Wealth , gud health .. Thanks Master jinBodhi..
