
✨ 我親自加持了一些烏梅,會送到各地菩提禪堂,與大家免費結緣。

🔗 https://my.puticollege.com/

✅ 如何製作烏梅醋?:https://www.facebook.com/jinbodhiworld/posts/pfbid0BxpYWBXDcmrXLuwcERN35cAh7n8CbUWaQUSMyGdzdVa1dtPHyaYfDNJNeioaHdxVl
✅ 了解烏梅醋使用方法和功效,歡迎收看《一招降三高 2》:https://youtu.be/shjlkL6s0sc?t=5576
Black plum vinegar has many health benefits. It not only lowers blood pressure, blood sugar and blood cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also promotes digestion, clears the liver, enhances immunity, and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Studies have even shown that it can reduce and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
I personally blessed some black plums, and will be sending them to all Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide, for distribution to those in need. Please contact your nearest Bodhi Meditation Center for information on how to collect the blessed plums: 🔗https://www.puti.org/en/worldwide-centers/
Malaysian netizens are also welcome to register to collect the black plum vinegar I made at the Kuala Lumpur Bodhi Meditation Center. First come first served! 🔗https://my.puticollege.com/
Wishing that all who consume the blessed plums can eliminate the “three highs”, and be blessed with good health and longevity! 🥃🌱
✅ How to make black plum vinegar? : https://www.facebook.com/jinbodhiworld/posts/pfbid0BxpYWBXDcmrXLuwcERN35cAh7n8CbUWaQUSMyGdzdVa1dtPHyaYfDNJNeioaHdxVl
✅ To learn more about the usage and functions of black plum vinegar, please watch “Cardiovascular Health Hack 2” (turn on cc for english subtitles): https://youtu.be/shjlkL6s0sc?t=5576


在〈烏梅醋有很多保健的好處,不僅能降三高,減低心血管疾病的風險,〉中有 7 則留言

  1. 感恩大慈大悲的佛师万岁万岁万万岁🙏🙏🙏💘💘💘🪷🪷🪷💎💧🌼🌹🌈🍎🍏☀️🔑🎁❤️‍🔥

  2. Thank you dear Sifu for thy blessings, compassion, love and care to share the black plum vinegar recipe to reduce the Three Highs. Very grateful for Sifu’s guidance and teachings. All good wishes to Sifu. Take care and stay safe Sifu.

  3. 感恩師父慈悲分享寶貴的生活智慧!我們只要按照師父所傳授的方法用就好了!有師父真好至誠頂禮叩拜感恩師父慈悲恩賜殊勝妙法和祝福加持護佑!收到!🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🤗🤗🍎🍎🍎❤️
