【金菩提養生】降三高 烏梅醋

【金菩提養生】降三高 烏梅醋
給大家傳授一個有效降三高的小秘方 — 烏梅醋!✨

1. 烏梅
2. 糧食釀造的陳醋或米醋(不建議用化學勾兌的醋)
🌱 製作過程:
1️⃣ 準備500毫升的醋,泡上6-8顆烏梅。

2️⃣ 密封後,放入冰箱冷藏。溫度不高的地區,可以室溫避光保存。

3️⃣ 7天后即可食用!
🥃 食用方式:

每天早上喝一次,或者早晚各喝一次。每次10ml 烏梅醋,加上4-6倍室溫的清水,即可飲用(水量可以按照個人口感的喜好調整)
1. 開瓶後,冰箱冷藏保存,建議兩個月內喝完

2. 個人體質不同,如有疑問,請諮詢醫生。
✅ 時常飲用烏梅醋,搭配健康飲食與八卦內功的修練,讓你輕鬆遠離三高的困擾!
📣 我親自加持了一些烏梅,會送到各地菩提禪堂,與大家免費結緣。
☎️ 歡迎聯繫您就近的菩提禪堂,諮詢如何領取烏梅:https://www.puti.org/cn/worldwide-centers/
📹 了解烏梅醋的更多功效,歡迎收看《一招降三高 2》:https://youtu.be/shjlkL6s0sc?t=5576
[JinBodhi Wellness] Lowering “Three Highs” with Black Plum Vinegar
Sharing with you a special recipe to effectively lower the “Three Highs” – Black Plum Vinegar! ✨
Drinking black plum vinegar consistently can lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, promote blood circulation, unclog arteries, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. In addition, black plum vinegar can also aid digestion, enhance immunity, and promote liver detoxification.
In traditional Chinese medicine, black plum has a strong astringent effect and is helpful for various inflammations and wound healing. Studies have shown that black plum also has a preventive and inhibitory effect on cancer cells like liver cancer, colon cancer etc.
1. Black Plum
2. Naturally fermented vinegar made from grains or rice vinegar (we do not recommend using chemically synthesised vinegar or imitation vinegar)
🌱 Preparation Process:
1️⃣ Prepare 500ml of vinegar and soak 6-8 black plums in it.

2️⃣ Seal the bottle and put it in the refrigerator. If the ambient temperature is not high, it can be stored at room temperature away from light.

3️⃣ Start consuming after 7 days!
🥃 How to consume:
Drink once in the morning or once in the morning and evening. Add 10ml of black plum vinegar to 4-6 times the amount of room-temperature water and mix well before drinking (you may adjust the amount of water to taste).
Store in the refrigerator and finish drinking within two months.
Please consult a doctor if you have any questions or concerns about consuming black plum vinegar.
✅ Drinking black plum vinegar regularly, coupled with healthy eating habits and practicing Energy Bagua, will help you easily overcome the “Three Highs”!
📣 I personally blessed some black plums and will be sending them to Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide for free distribution.
☎️ Contact your nearest Bodhi Meditation Center for instructions on how to collect the blessed black plums: https://www.puti.org/en/worldwide-centers/
📹 To learn more about the benefits of black plum vinegar, watch “Cardiovascular Health Hack 2” (turn on cc for English subtitles): https://youtu.be/shjlkL6s0sc?t=5576


在〈【金菩提養生】降三高 烏梅醋〉中有 6 則留言

  1. Thank you dear Sifu for thy blessings, compassion, love and care to share the black plum vinegar recipe to reduce the Three Highs. Very grateful for Sifu’s guidance and teachings. All good wishes to Sifu. Take care and stay safe Sifu.

  2. 南无阿弥陀佛

  3. Como conseguir éste vinagre en Uruguay 🇺🇾mi esposo tiene mucho colesterol y los medicamentos no lo bajan , gracias

  4. Gracias amigo…como puedo preparar el vinagre
    Podía traducir al español agradezco su voluntad de ayudarnos a mejorar nuestra salud ❤️‍🩹 .
