一分恭敬心,福田百萬頃。 . 有一次,六…


A Respectful Heart Accumulates Immeasurable Merits

Once, the Sixth Patriarch Huineng received a monastic named Venerable Fada.

As Venerable Fada paid his respects to the Sixth Patriarch, he vehemently refused to bow with his head to the ground. Knowing that there was a sense of obstruction in his heart, the Sixth Patriarch asked, “You pay respects, yet are not willing to bow fully. Perhaps you should just dispense with it. You seem to have a concern, would you like to share it?”

Fada replied, “(I’ve) Recited the Lotus Sutra for more than 3,000 times.”
Apparently, Venerable Fada presumed that with his more than 3,000 recitations of the Lotus Sutra, he had fully grasped the Dharma, and attained exceptional realization. Consequently, he need not bow with his head touching the ground.

The Sixth Patriarch listened, smiled, and added, “Undue fixation on The Lotus Sutra, detracts one from the real essence of the Sutra; without correct contemplation on its essence, one is none the wiser; non-‘grasping’ (attachment) is key to benevolence, for ‘grasping’ leads to evil; yet if one is without any fixation on ‘grasping’ and non-‘grasping’, that is of the supreme vehicle (Mahayana practice)”.

Fada listened, and experienced an instant epiphany, “With a respectful and sincere heart, one can eliminate a negative karmic trait”.

Sentient beings tend to develop a false sense of self-importance and arrogance over perceived individual capability and status. Practitioners too, tend to be attached to the accumulation of spiritual powers and merits, and may even start to withdraw socially, and impose self-limits. They would not be able to realize the real meaning of life through self-seclusion, not to mention about the effective use of Buddhadharma to help more sentient beings.

As the scriptures expound, “With a respectful and sincere heart, one can eliminate a negative karmic trait”.
Further, with this sincere reverence, one lays the foundation to his or her immeasurable merit field.

May everyone be blessed with,
‘A sincere reverence that brings immeasurable merits’.


A Respectful Heart Accumulates Immeasurable Merits

Once, the Sixth Patriarch Huineng received a monastic named Venerable Fada.

As Venerable Fada paid his respects to the Sixth Patriarch, he vehemently refused to bow with his head to the ground. Knowing that there was a sense of obstruction in his heart, the Sixth Patriarch asked, “You pay respects, yet are not willing to bow fully. Perhaps you should just dispense with it. You seem to have a concern, would you like to share it?”

Fada replied, “(I’ve) Recited the Lotus Sutra for more than 3,000 times.”
Apparently, Venerable Fada presumed that with his more than 3,000 recitations of the Lotus Sutra, he had fully grasped the Dharma, and attained exceptional realization. Consequently, he need not bow with his head touching the ground.

The Sixth Patriarch listened, smiled, and added, “Undue fixation on The Lotus Sutra, detracts one from the real essence of the Sutra; without correct contemplation on its essence, one is none the wiser; non-‘grasping’ (attachment) is key to benevolence, for ‘grasping’ leads to evil; yet if one is without any fixation on ‘grasping’ and non-‘grasping’, that is of the supreme vehicle (Mahayana practice)”.

Fada listened, and experienced an instant epiphany, “With a respectful and sincere heart, one can eliminate a negative karmic trait”.

Sentient beings tend to develop a false sense of self-importance and arrogance over perceived individual capability and status. Practitioners too, tend to be attached to the accumulation of spiritual powers and merits, and may even start to withdraw socially, and impose self-limits. They would not be able to realize the real meaning of life through self-seclusion, not to mention about the effective use of Buddhadharma to help more sentient beings.

As the scriptures expound, “With a respectful and sincere heart, one can eliminate a negative karmic trait”.
Further, with this sincere reverence, one lays the foundation to his or her immeasurable merit field.

May everyone be blessed with,
‘A sincere reverence that brings immeasurable merits’.



在〈一分恭敬心,福田百萬頃。 . 有一次,六…〉中有 22 則留言

  1. 感恩师父!恭敬一切佛恭敬一切法!恭敬才能消除障碍,增长傲慢之心就是给自己增长业力,消减福田。顶礼师父!

  2. 感恩师父师父的慈悲开示,弟子我一定看住自己的心,把握住们,不让傲慢留进来。顶礼恩师。

  3. 师父,我觉得您太辛苦了!我好心疼您!!!……我想像您一样去承担并解救众生的痛苦,给您减轻一些负担。???

  4. 师父好!

  5. 感恩师父提醒。永远的考验,没完没了的出现—时刻警惕”我执傲慢”,时刻觉察”恭敬谦卑之心”。

  6. 感恩师父的慈悲开示!师父曾说过:“把自己放在最低处,实际上你是在最高处”弟子一定要铭记,一分恭敬心,福田百万顷!感恩师父!??????

  7. 感恩师父慈悲的开示与分享!有一分恭敬心,就能消除一分業障,有一分恭敬心,更能締造自己的百萬福田!感恩师父!收到;一分恭敬心,福田百萬頃!顶礼叩拜感恩师父!!!

  8. 感恩佛师慈悲开示???我执我慢……感恩佛师教悔???一念心真诚一念心恭敬???阿弥陀佛???

  9. 感恩师父慈悲的开示与分享!有一分恭敬心,就能消除一分業障,有一分恭敬心,更能締造自己的百萬福田!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜感恩师父!!!

  10. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!一份恭敬,福田百万顷,弟子谨记!恭敬师父!恭敬佛菩萨!恭敬父母!恭敬所有众生!有了恭敬心,就是把自己身心放在最低的位置,就能更多接收到真理能量的加持!让自己成长,顶礼师父!

  11. 师父,您好!謝謝師父上传分享和禅語开示!「一分恭敬心,福田百萬頃。」感恩师父!

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享“一分恭敬心,福田百万頃”六祖惠能大师接,接見僧人法达的故事。

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示:有一分恭敬心,就能消除一分业障。

  14. Thank you Shi Fu for the guidance, this particular story has allowed me to pick up on which door to close and which one to open. An excellent wake up call….??

  15. 顶礼感恩最慈悲尊贵的上师!反观自心,时刻觉察自心,弟子深深忏悔,祈请师父原谅弟子一切的不如法,感恩师父慈悲开示,顶礼叩拜最慈悲尊贵的师父!

  16. 恭敬感恩师父慈悲的开示与分享!有一分恭敬心,就能消除一分業障,有一分恭敬心,更能締造自己的百萬福田!感恩师父!收到;一分恭敬心,福田百萬頃!顶礼叩拜感恩师父!!!???
