非凡的菩提子 . 他和一般的青年孩子一樣…

2017 年 12 月,第一期菩提禪修青年營,金菩提宗師講到「孝敬父母」這個話題時我深受感動。明白 了父母的愛是不求回報的,他們每一次嘮叨都是擔心我誤入歧途。
所以我要好好報答、孝敬他 們。參加青年營活動後我很少玩手機,沒再頂撞過父母。

An extraordinary Bodhi Meditation practitioner

Like any other youths, he has great dreams and grand aspirations…
However, his lack of confidence made him believe that he can only achieve his dreams in the virtual world.

A chance encounter brought him into the youth camp organized by Bodhi Meditation and he was profoundly inspired by it. From there, he learned to stand tall at the peak of his life and radiated dazzling rays of confidence and brightness. Even he was amazed by his own transformation.

Let us listen to the amazing story of an extraordinary Bodhi Meditation practitioner – Zeng-tou!
Bodhi Meditation youth camp thought me the value of filial piety.

In the past, I was addicted to my cell phone and was always playing with it. When my parents nagged me about it, I would always argue with them as I felt that they were intruding on my interest.

In the first Bodhi Meditation youth camp held in December 2017, Grandmaster JinBodhi talked about filial piety and what he said moved me deeply. I realized how unconditional my parents’ love for me is, and I also understood that their nagging was out of concern for me.

After the camp, I resolved to be filial to my parents to repay them for their love. Since then, I have drastically reduced the time spent on the cell phone and I no longer argue with them.

I found my aspiration in that first Bodhi Meditation youth camp: I want to be a compassionate, filial entrepreneur who takes a long-term view and helps those in need.

In the second and third youth camps, I experienced breakthroughs in my growth and development. I was honored to be assigned as a group leader and the deputy camp leader. From these experiences, I gained a sense of responsibility, improved communication skills and learned the importance of teamwork.

I am very thankful to Grandmaster JinBodhi for being a beacon of hope to me when I was feeling lost. Since then, I have also joined the Health and Happiness Meditation retreat and the Higher Level Energy Enhancement Retreat.

Many people are curious about what made a young man like me so passionate about meditation. My response is that I have been inspired to follow Master’s footsteps in walking the path of compassion and helping others.

#MeditationJournal, #LuZiLe #ZengTou #BodhiMeditationYouthCamprnrn非凡的菩提子
2017 年 12 月,第一期菩提禪修青年營,金菩提宗師講到「孝敬父母」這個話題時我深受感動。明白 了父母的愛是不求回報的,他們每一次嘮叨都是擔心我誤入歧途。
所以我要好好報答、孝敬他 們。參加青年營活動後我很少玩手機,沒再頂撞過父母。

An extraordinary Bodhi Meditation practitioner

Like any other youths, he has great dreams and grand aspirations…
However, his lack of confidence made him believe that he can only achieve his dreams in the virtual world.

A chance encounter brought him into the youth camp organized by Bodhi Meditation and he was profoundly inspired by it. From there, he learned to stand tall at the peak of his life and radiated dazzling rays of confidence and brightness. Even he was amazed by his own transformation.

Let us listen to the amazing story of an extraordinary Bodhi Meditation practitioner – Zeng-tou!
Bodhi Meditation youth camp thought me the value of filial piety.

In the past, I was addicted to my cell phone and was always playing with it. When my parents nagged me about it, I would always argue with them as I felt that they were intruding on my interest.

In the first Bodhi Meditation youth camp held in December 2017, Grandmaster JinBodhi talked about filial piety and what he said moved me deeply. I realized how unconditional my parents’ love for me is, and I also understood that their nagging was out of concern for me.

After the camp, I resolved to be filial to my parents to repay them for their love. Since then, I have drastically reduced the time spent on the cell phone and I no longer argue with them.

I found my aspiration in that first Bodhi Meditation youth camp: I want to be a compassionate, filial entrepreneur who takes a long-term view and helps those in need.

In the second and third youth camps, I experienced breakthroughs in my growth and development. I was honored to be assigned as a group leader and the deputy camp leader. From these experiences, I gained a sense of responsibility, improved communication skills and learned the importance of teamwork.

I am very thankful to Grandmaster JinBodhi for being a beacon of hope to me when I was feeling lost. Since then, I have also joined the Health and Happiness Meditation retreat and the Higher Level Energy Enhancement Retreat.

Many people are curious about what made a young man like me so passionate about meditation. My response is that I have been inspired to follow Master’s footsteps in walking the path of compassion and helping others.

#MeditationJournal, #LuZiLe #ZengTou #BodhiMeditationYouthCamp

2017 年 12 月,第一期菩提禪修青年營,金菩提宗師講到「孝敬父母」這個話題時我深受感動。明白 了父母的愛是不求回報的,他們每一次嘮叨都是擔心我誤入歧途。
所以我要好好報答、孝敬他 們。參加青年營活動後我很少玩手機,沒再頂撞過父母。 
An extraordinary Bodhi Meditation practitioner
Like any other youths, he has great dreams and grand aspirations…
However, his lack of confidence made him believe that he can only achieve his dreams in the virtual world. 
A chance encounter brought him into the youth camp organized by Bodhi Meditation and he was profoundly inspired by it. From there, he learned to stand tall at the peak of his life and radiated dazzling rays of confidence and brightness. Even he was amazed by his own transformation. 
Let us listen to the amazing story of an extraordinary Bodhi Meditation practitioner – Zeng-tou! 
Bodhi Meditation youth camp thought me the value of filial piety.
In the past, I was addicted to my cell phone and was always playing with it. When my parents nagged me about it, I would always argue with them as I felt that they were intruding on my interest. 
In the first Bodhi Meditation youth camp held in December 2017, Grandmaster JinBodhi talked about filial piety and what he said moved me deeply. I realized how unconditional my parents’ love for me is, and I also understood that their nagging was out of concern for me.
After the camp, I resolved to be filial to my parents to repay them for their love. Since then, I have drastically reduced the time spent on the cell phone and I no longer argue with them. 
I found my aspiration in that first Bodhi Meditation youth camp: I want to be a compassionate, filial entrepreneur who takes a long-term view and helps those in need. 
In the second and third youth camps, I experienced breakthroughs in my growth and development. I was honored to be assigned as a group leader and the deputy camp leader. From these experiences, I gained a sense of responsibility, improved communication skills and learned the importance of teamwork.
I am very thankful to Grandmaster JinBodhi for being a beacon of hope to me when I was feeling lost. Since then, I have also joined the Health and Happiness Meditation retreat and the Higher Level Energy Enhancement Retreat.  
Many people are curious about what made a young man like me so passionate about meditation. My response is that I have been inspired to follow Master’s footsteps in walking the path of compassion and helping others.
#MeditationJournal, #LuZiLe  #ZengTou  #BodhiMeditationYouthCamprnrn非凡的菩提子
2017 年 12 月,第一期菩提禪修青年營,金菩提宗師講到「孝敬父母」這個話題時我深受感動。明白 了父母的愛是不求回報的,他們每一次嘮叨都是擔心我誤入歧途。
所以我要好好報答、孝敬他 們。參加青年營活動後我很少玩手機,沒再頂撞過父母。 
An extraordinary Bodhi Meditation practitioner
Like any other youths, he has great dreams and grand aspirations…
However, his lack of confidence made him believe that he can only achieve his dreams in the virtual world. 
A chance encounter brought him into the youth camp organized by Bodhi Meditation and he was profoundly inspired by it. From there, he learned to stand tall at the peak of his life and radiated dazzling rays of confidence and brightness. Even he was amazed by his own transformation. 
Let us listen to the amazing story of an extraordinary Bodhi Meditation practitioner – Zeng-tou! 
Bodhi Meditation youth camp thought me the value of filial piety.
In the past, I was addicted to my cell phone and was always playing with it. When my parents nagged me about it, I would always argue with them as I felt that they were intruding on my interest. 
In the first Bodhi Meditation youth camp held in December 2017, Grandmaster JinBodhi talked about filial piety and what he said moved me deeply. I realized how unconditional my parents’ love for me is, and I also understood that their nagging was out of concern for me.
After the camp, I resolved to be filial to my parents to repay them for their love. Since then, I have drastically reduced the time spent on the cell phone and I no longer argue with them. 
I found my aspiration in that first Bodhi Meditation youth camp: I want to be a compassionate, filial entrepreneur who takes a long-term view and helps those in need. 
In the second and third youth camps, I experienced breakthroughs in my growth and development. I was honored to be assigned as a group leader and the deputy camp leader. From these experiences, I gained a sense of responsibility, improved communication skills and learned the importance of teamwork.
I am very thankful to Grandmaster JinBodhi for being a beacon of hope to me when I was feeling lost. Since then, I have also joined the Health and Happiness Meditation retreat and the Higher Level Energy Enhancement Retreat.  
Many people are curious about what made a young man like me so passionate about meditation. My response is that I have been inspired to follow Master’s footsteps in walking the path of compassion and helping others.
#MeditationJournal, #LuZiLe  #ZengTou  #BodhiMeditationYouthCamp


在〈非凡的菩提子 . 他和一般的青年孩子一樣…〉中有 26 則留言

  1. 感恩师父的分享,师父的慈悲大爱 让无数个沉沦与低谷的人们 都找到了人生的真谛!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲分享!好幸运的菩提子!愿所有孩子都能得到师父佛菩萨的加持护佑懂得恭敬感恩!为菩提事业贡献自己的一份力量!随喜赞叹!又一个例见证奇迹!顶礼师父!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!随喜赞叹小菩提弟子师兄在师父教诲下进步成长!成为一个恭敬孝敬父母的好孩子!成为一个慈悲的菩提弟子!祈愿师父、佛菩萨加持所有的孩子都能走进菩提,跟师父学习慈悲之道,都成为社会栋梁之材!顶礼师父!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享!让有缘的学子找回自信和人生的目标!随喜赞叹参加青年营改变人生!真的好幸福快乐!真棒!????

  5. 师父,您好!這位菩提子_璔透很棒啊!我們要向他學習,坚定不移地跟隨師父走向大慈大悲之道!謝謝師父上传分享!感恩师父!

  6. 感恩慈悲的师父分享”非凡的菩提子“增透的故事。走进”青年營”后发生了翻来覆去的变化”孝敬父母、有了人生目标、责任感、团队重要性、跨越式成長、懂得感恩奉献,追随慈悲的师父用慈悲理念去邦人。

  7. 感恩师父!随喜赞叹!這位菩提子_璔透,感恩师父和佛菩萨的加持护佑!在迷茫的人生中的璔透找到了曙光!顶礼叩拜感恩师父!!!

  8. 今天是浴佛节沐浴佛陀就沐浴自己的身心灵,去除贪嗔痴慢疑,叫自己与佛陀无差别,祝福师父法体安康恒久驻世吉祥如意。

  9. 师父早安吉祥?看到您分享菩提子的人生大逆袭好感动?真的好想让自己的儿子也去师父的青年禅修营学习?师父的慈悲与大爱时刻照亮护佑着众生?感恩慈母恩师?顶礼叩拜恩师??????

  10. 太棒了璔透!在师父慈悲的指引下你找到了一个自信的你,一个有远大目标的你,还有回报师父帮助众生的你!感恩师父!❤❤❤???
