【浴佛節限量版】禪意典藏品 . 在忙碌的…

1. 龍泉窯_荷葉香盤。
2. 龍泉窯_雙耳香爐。
3. 龍泉窯_證道茶具。
4. 龍泉窯_葵口香盤。
請洽全球菩提禪堂: https://www.puti.org/ch/worldwide-centers

【Limited Edition available at Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony】Exquisite Zen Collection

In our busy lives, do we remember to take some moments to enjoy the beautiful scenery around us?
The Zen philosophy teaches us to adopt the approach of drawing upon the abundant resources from heaven and earth to contemplate life and elevate our characters …

In a similar vein, ‘meditative practice’ is for us to learn to transform into an elevated form of perspective from our otherwise obstructed, dull predicaments. It helps calm our volatile temperaments in order to appreciate every creation and majesty from heaven to earth, so that we can derive inexhaustible inspirations from our source. In this manner, we become not only more creative, but can appreciate the true meaning of life! Life then can actualize and exemplify such qualities.

You are welcomed to enhance the quality and elevate your perspective of life.

‘Limited Edition’ Exquisite Zen Collection:
1. Longquan Celadon _ Lotus-Leaf Incense Plate
2. Longquan Celadon _ Two-Eared Incense Burner
3. Longquan Celadon _ Tea Set
4. Longquan Celadon _ Sunflower-Shaped Incense Plate

May all with the karmic relation to bring these Zen artifacts home, be lavished with the Buddhas’ blessings, and the Eight Bodhisattvas’ illumination and protection, so that any calamity turns into auspiciousness. May you and your family enjoy prosperity and peace, be free of obscurations, and endowed with exceptional wisdom.
May everyone be blessed with familial warmth and happiness, sustained prosperity through to the descendants, wealth and harmony, and wholesome merits.

#BathingTheBuddhaFestival, #LimitedEdition, #ExquisiteCollection, #ZenPhilosophy, #BlessingAndEnergy

1. 龍泉窯_荷葉香盤。
2. 龍泉窯_雙耳香爐。
3. 龍泉窯_證道茶具。
4. 龍泉窯_葵口香盤。
請洽全球菩提禪堂: https://www.puti.org/ch/worldwide-centers
【Limited Edition available at Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony】Exquisite Zen Collection
In our busy lives, do we remember to take some moments to enjoy the beautiful scenery around us?
The Zen philosophy teaches us to adopt the approach of drawing upon the abundant resources from heaven and earth to contemplate life and elevate our characters ...
In a similar vein, 'meditative practice' is for us to learn to transform into an elevated form of perspective from our otherwise obstructed, dull predicaments.  It helps calm our volatile temperaments in order to appreciate every creation and majesty from heaven to earth, so that we can derive inexhaustible inspirations from our source.  In this manner, we become not only more creative, but can appreciate the true meaning of life!  Life then can actualize and exemplify such qualities.
You are welcomed to enhance the quality and elevate your perspective of life.
'Limited Edition' Exquisite Zen Collection:
1. Longquan Celadon _ Lotus-Leaf Incense Plate
2. Longquan Celadon _ Two-Eared Incense Burner
3. Longquan Celadon _ Tea Set
4. Longquan Celadon _ Sunflower-Shaped Incense Plate
May all with the karmic relation to bring these Zen artifacts home, be lavished with the Buddhas' blessings, and the Eight Bodhisattvas' illumination and protection, so that any calamity turns into auspiciousness.  May you and your family enjoy prosperity and peace, be free of obscurations, and endowed with exceptional wisdom.
May everyone be blessed with familial warmth and happiness, sustained prosperity through to the descendants, wealth and harmony, and wholesome merits.
#BathingTheBuddhaFestival, #LimitedEdition, #ExquisiteCollection, #ZenPhilosophy, #BlessingAndEnergy


在〈【浴佛節限量版】禪意典藏品 . 在忙碌的…〉中有 23 則留言

  1. 感恩師父 對修行逆增上緣 慈悲開示 貼文 香盤 我的房間有點線香 抽空會去台北禪堂了解請購順便請購 八卦內功 教學CD片感恩師父

  2. 感恩慈悲的师父分享”浴佛节限量版“禅意典藏品,太精美、太漂亮了,色泽美丽大方。

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享与加持!弟子收到!好美典雅!而且?️佛菩萨和师父的大加持护佑!好吉祥的宝物!祝福迎请者真是住福啊……!愿人人都能迎请慈悲吉祥大加持和护佑!?叩拜

  4. 感恩师父!菩提法宝每样都值得拥有!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!愿人人都能得到师父慈悲加持!顶礼师父!

  5. 感恩师父!一切祝福都收到!不但要自己提升!还要带着身边的人一起提升!刚带着两个人修了一个半小时大光明,一个是新人又念了师父昨天直播的释迦牟尼佛圣号!效果挺好的感恩师父!

  6. 感恩师父!菩提法宝每样都值得拥有!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!愿人人都能得到师父慈悲加持!顶礼师父!

  7. 真羡慕有机缘请到这些宝物的金刚兄弟!等弟子参加工作以后,一定不错过师父新设计的美丽吉祥的宝物。哈哈哈,我是不是太贪了?

  8. 感恩佛师分享宝贝禅意典藏品???随喜恭请到的师兄师姐们???感恩佛师加吉祥收到???

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享禅意典藏品真美!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  10. 每个禅意典藏品都好精美漂亮,还有师父的大加持祝福,祝愿有缘的你吉祥,平安,家和万事兴,感恩师父!

  11. 願有緣迎請者,
