玩泥巴變健康? . 在2500年前,釋迦…


Playing with mud makes you healthy?

2500 years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha revealed that the Universe is made up of many different elements.

Another scientist discovered that an African volcano on a grassland spewed volcanic ashes and smoke every two to three years, destroying the neighboring grass. Remnants of ashes would float and land on the grass nearby.

Newly grown grass is healthy since they have been fertilized by the abundance of minerals and elements found in volcanic ashes. When cows eat these newly grown grass the following year, they become strong and healthy.

We also find that animals like horses, cows, goats and donkeys like to roll in the mud to ruffle their body’s fur and give out two grunts when they feel exhausted. Through this action, the animals alleviate their tiredness, rest and recharge.

When they are rolling, their spines touch the ground and are being stretched, while the muscles and skin will relax. In the process, they are receiving an abundance of elements from the mud, stones and water, which replenishes their energy quickly.

Hence, human beings also need to come into contact with nature by rolling or playing games in the mud, regardless of whether we are an adult or a child. Or we can choose to walk barefooted on the sandy beaches or in sea water, so as to absorb energy. Through coming into contact with nature, we strengthen our immunity system and are less likely to fall sick.

Hence, do not be afraid to come into contact with mud. Even when your hands, body or clothes are covered with mud, it is not dirty. You are returning to nature to receive energy and this is an excellent way to gain good health.

#Energy, #TracesOfMinerals, #Elements, #GetNearNature, #PlayingWithMudMakesYouHealthyrnrn玩泥巴變健康?

Playing with mud makes you healthy?

2500 years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha revealed that the Universe is made up of many different elements.

Another scientist discovered that an African volcano on a grassland spewed volcanic ashes and smoke every two to three years, destroying the neighboring grass. Remnants of ashes would float and land on the grass nearby.

Newly grown grass is healthy since they have been fertilized by the abundance of minerals and elements found in volcanic ashes. When cows eat these newly grown grass the following year, they become strong and healthy.

We also find that animals like horses, cows, goats and donkeys like to roll in the mud to ruffle their body’s fur and give out two grunts when they feel exhausted. Through this action, the animals alleviate their tiredness, rest and recharge.

When they are rolling, their spines touch the ground and are being stretched, while the muscles and skin will relax. In the process, they are receiving an abundance of elements from the mud, stones and water, which replenishes their energy quickly.

Hence, human beings also need to come into contact with nature by rolling or playing games in the mud, regardless of whether we are an adult or a child. Or we can choose to walk barefooted on the sandy beaches or in sea water, so as to absorb energy. Through coming into contact with nature, we strengthen our immunity system and are less likely to fall sick.

Hence, do not be afraid to come into contact with mud. Even when your hands, body or clothes are covered with mud, it is not dirty. You are returning to nature to receive energy and this is an excellent way to gain good health.

#Energy, #TracesOfMinerals, #Elements, #GetNearNature, #PlayingWithMudMakesYouHealthy

Playing with mud makes you healthy?
2500 years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha revealed that the Universe is made up of many different elements.
Another scientist discovered that an African volcano on a grassland spewed volcanic ashes and smoke every two to three years, destroying the neighboring grass. Remnants of ashes would float and land on the grass nearby.
Newly grown grass is healthy since they have been fertilized by the abundance of minerals and elements found in volcanic ashes. When cows eat these newly grown grass the following year, they become strong and healthy.
We also find that animals like horses, cows, goats and donkeys like to roll in the mud to ruffle their body’s fur and give out two grunts when they feel exhausted. Through this action, the animals alleviate their tiredness, rest and recharge.
When they are rolling, their spines touch the ground and are being stretched, while the muscles and skin will relax.  In the process, they are receiving an abundance of elements from the mud, stones and water, which replenishes their energy quickly.
Hence, human beings also need to come into contact with nature by rolling or playing games in the mud, regardless of whether we are an adult or a child. Or we can choose to walk barefooted on the sandy beaches or in sea water, so as to absorb energy. Through coming into contact with nature, we strengthen our immunity system and are less likely to fall sick.
Hence, do not be afraid to come into contact with mud. Even when your hands, body or clothes are covered with mud, it is not dirty. You are returning to nature to receive energy and this is an excellent way to gain good health.
#Energy, #TracesOfMinerals, #Elements, #GetNearNature, #PlayingWithMudMakesYouHealthyrnrn玩泥巴變健康?
Playing with mud makes you healthy?
2500 years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha revealed that the Universe is made up of many different elements.
Another scientist discovered that an African volcano on a grassland spewed volcanic ashes and smoke every two to three years, destroying the neighboring grass. Remnants of ashes would float and land on the grass nearby.
Newly grown grass is healthy since they have been fertilized by the abundance of minerals and elements found in volcanic ashes. When cows eat these newly grown grass the following year, they become strong and healthy.
We also find that animals like horses, cows, goats and donkeys like to roll in the mud to ruffle their body’s fur and give out two grunts when they feel exhausted. Through this action, the animals alleviate their tiredness, rest and recharge.
When they are rolling, their spines touch the ground and are being stretched, while the muscles and skin will relax.  In the process, they are receiving an abundance of elements from the mud, stones and water, which replenishes their energy quickly.
Hence, human beings also need to come into contact with nature by rolling or playing games in the mud, regardless of whether we are an adult or a child. Or we can choose to walk barefooted on the sandy beaches or in sea water, so as to absorb energy. Through coming into contact with nature, we strengthen our immunity system and are less likely to fall sick.
Hence, do not be afraid to come into contact with mud. Even when your hands, body or clothes are covered with mud, it is not dirty. You are returning to nature to receive energy and this is an excellent way to gain good health.
#Energy, #TracesOfMinerals, #Elements, #GetNearNature, #PlayingWithMudMakesYouHealthy


在〈玩泥巴變健康? . 在2500年前,釋迦…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲开示与呵护!泥土里有微量元素,弟子小的时候几乎都是在有泥土的地方里玩耍,那时刚记事想起自已吃过我们家乡的黄土,估计身体里缺少啥元素。??顶礼叩拜感恩师父!☕????????

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示!我以我是农村人而自豪而骄傲!因为以前我们天天接触土,天天跟土地打交道。虽然有时候晒得一笑就漏出白白的牙齿,师父这么一说,我们是最富有的人。可是现在,我就不行了。因为自己干点小买卖接触土壤就是很局限性。但是偶尔也干农活。自己家有菜园子。真高兴!顶礼师父!

  3. 小时候我们都到户外去玩儿,在田野里摸爬滚打,一年到头也不会生病,最多是吃了脏东西拉肚子,拉完了就好了,完全不在意。冬天在户外冻得流鼻涕,就用袖子擦,棉袄袖子黑的发亮。现在的孩子好可怜,这种在野外奔跑的机会就很少,只能在手机上玩,身体素质比我们小时候差很多,风一吹就爱感冒。

  4. 师父师母好!我们小时候没有什么玩具,野外就是天然的游乐场,基本上除了上学,都在野外赤脚跑来跑去,采野果摘野花与天地溶为一体,很少生病,我们才知道其中原由和道理。感恩师父慈悲开示!让我们的子孙按师父教导去做,多接触大自然,在广扩天地,经风雨见世面,在师父和诸佛菩萨光芒照耀下在禅修大道上奋勇前进!顶礼感恩致敬!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲教授:其乐无穷的妙法!走出屋门,融入自然,玩泥巴吸收自然能量及微量元素身心变健康!回想起儿童时与泥巴相伴的日子真的太幸福了!感恩师父带我们回到七八岁时的无忧无虑天真幸福的美好时光!??????

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!我小时候经常玩泥巴,摔OO斗玩,太开心了!现在孩子不赶玩泥,怕脏了手,不卫生!现在科学发达了!孩子们玩的向皮泥!十二种色,不知道卫生还是不卫生!太讲究了,现在孩子玩的都是钱买的,我们小时候玩的都是大自然土地上长的玩具!感恩师父提醒我玩泥巴!叩拜恩师!

  7. 感恩师父的分享!自然是美丽的!自然是想受的!自然是带有能量的!人的情绪不好的时候,走到大自然里呆一呆,我们负面的情绪就没有啦!神清气爽就出来啦!这就是大自然的能量!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲开示!记得小时候我的腿被玻璃划开一个很大的口子,我也不怕疼就往伤口上一把一把撒泥土感觉很好玩。这个伤口后来继好了。等到长大看到腿肚上的伤疤,才想起来小时候玩泥土的事情。这个泥土真是天然的药,以后要多接触自然。感恩师父!祝师父法体安康,笑口常开!

  9. 是呢,记得小时候邻居家的孩子多,他妈妈又忙于工作,最小的孩子经常早晨起来光着腚就跑出来坐在地上玩土玩泥巴,大人们看着他好玩,有时就给他点吃的,他抓起来就放嘴里吃的津津有味,也没看见过他生病,而且他就是比一般孩子长得又高又壮。原来土壤里有我们人体需要的微量元素,接触到自然界的营养。看来我们要经常亲近大自然,和大自然来个大大的拥抱,来补充我们人体需要的微量元素。感恩佛师慈悲开示!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲开示!返璞归真,融于自然,亲近大自然,吸收土壤中的微量元素让身体免疫系统增强,像大地母亲一样能承载万物包容一切!

  11. 师父晚上好,现在想想农民其实挺好的,出门空气是新鲜的,吃的菜是自己种的绿色食品,面也是自己地里生产的,突然觉得好知足尼,唯有钱没有城里人挣得多吧,不过不奢侈够花就好了,挺知足的?,感恩师父

  12. 师父晚上好?感恩师父慈悲分享,看到师父分享,就想起小时候也玩过泥,把泥弄成窝窝头一样,往墙上使劲一扔,像放炮一样响,常常弄滿脸泥,身上全是泥土,想起小时候真好,没有烦恼或闲事,现在这小孩子们的父母不让干这不让干那,整天给孩子报这班那班,弄的孩子没有玩的时间,唉,一切随缘吧,

  13. 小时候经常玩玩泥巴游戏,将泥巴捏成圆筒形,然后摔在地上,比谁摔的响。那时候小孩子们很少感冒。感恩师父!

  14. 金木水火土,土在中央,可生长万物!在五脏,五行分配上,脾为土!脾为气血生化之源!师父的开示很科学,只有土可以让我们健康成长。

  15. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示,看了这段开示使我想起了童年,儿时的我如同一个男孩子,时常和小朋友挖泥巴,做泥球,做小动物还摔泥泡泡玩,因生在农村,长在农村,自然就离不开泥巴来玩,还做一些棋子等等,儿时的我们真的好快乐美好,感恩师父的关爱,我们一定多在户外接触大自然的恩赐,土养生长万物,不排除我们也是大地母亲所养,感恩大地母亲,我们爱地球母亲!

  16. 感恩师父!我不用故意玩泥巴!种地除草收割!每天都像个泥人?!感恩师父!感恩一切!

  17. 感恩师父慈悲开示!我們人類也需要回到自然界,無論大人或小孩,都需要去摸摸泥土,在泥坑裡滾一滾,或做個小遊戲,多去接觸自然中的土壤、接觸自然;去海邊踩踩沙、踏踏海水,吸收海水中的能量。經常接觸大自然,身體免系系統會增強,也就不容易生病了!???

  18. 人类就是自然宇宙的之中的一份子,人与自然为一体,天人合一最健康。当人与自然天地隔绝,反自然法则而行之,人一定会生病的。原因,缺少能量,其次失去阴阳平衡等抗俱自然规律,抵抗力、免疫力都会下降。

  19. 师父晚上好!记得小时候天天可以和泥土亲密接触,也不嫌脏啊,也很好啊!记得玩胶泥,就是那种有点粘而且很硬的泥巴,(不知道师父知道胶泥吗?)在很平的地上摔,摔出形状,像男孩子一样玩泥巴。好怀念小时候的美好时光。

  20. 收到!感恩师父分享!认识了这重要知识,也让孩子玩泥巴。 不知道玩种菜买回来的肥料也会有同样作用吗?

  21. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑我们健康成长!玩泥巴变健康!吸收大自然的营养!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  22. 感恩师父教导,好好享受大自然的美好和能量,我现在住的离海边就不远,去海边走去八卦踩踩沙,踩踩海水,多和大自然近距离接触,吸收能量享受健康快乐!

  23. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示分享!师父时刻的无微备致的关怀与教诲让我们身体健康快乐幸福吉祥!融入大自然的怀抱,与万物融为一体身体健康吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲大爱加持护佑!顶礼叩拜恩师!???
