「八卦內功」趣聞??? . 在台灣發生了…

「 老師啊!每次走八卦的時候,您一直提示說『晨間墜肘』!但為什麼,連下午走的時候,老師還是說『晨間墜肘』,為什麼沒改成『午間墜肘』呢?這疑問在我心裡憋得慌,卻始終沒敢提問。」


Interesting anecdote on Energy Bagua ???

A humorous story about Energy Bagua in Taiwan.

As the rising sun beams over the luxuriant trees in the early morning, a group of people were walking around a huge tree, focusing on their practice of Energy Bagua….

They walked with steady and easy steps with natural breathing. The chirping birds accompanied the group of diligent practitioners.

Suddenly, a fellow practitioner asked a question “Teacher, you keep reminding us to ‘drop the elbows in the morning (晨間墜肘)’ ( 晨間= morning sounds similar to 沉肩 = drop the elbows, in Mandarin) Every time, we practice Energy Bagua. I wonder why you keep reminding us the same thing even when we practice in the afternoon. Why don’t you say ‘Drop the elbows in the afternoon’? I’m so confused but I didn’t get a chance to ask about it.”

The practitioner looked at the teacher with a curious look….

The Energy Bagua teacher was about to answer but another practitioner also agree and said “I can’t figure out why, too.” The teacher was exasperated, thinking that all his effort in explaining Energy Bagua the past few days was futile.

That afternoon, the teacher decided to test the practitioners. He asked a difficult question “Do you know exactly which two Chinese characters are 墜肘 (drop the elbows)?”

A senior female practitioner said with a serious look “Drunk walking.” ( 醉走 = drunk walking sounds the same in Mandarin to 墜肘 = drop the elbows.) The teacher was dumbfounded!

Another senior teacher who also teaches Energy Bagua heard this teacher grimacing; smiled and said “As a teacher, you should be more flexible. Other than teaching “drop your elbows ‘in the morning’” you can also teach – ‘drop your elbows ‘in the afternoon’ (sounds similar to hold your elbows in mandarin) and drop your elbows ‘in the evening’ (sounds similar to underarms).” The teacher was also amused at the end.

So….what is ‘drop the elbows’ (墜肘)? What’s the purpose of this posture?

Please tell us which type of ‘drop the elbows or drunk walking’ (墜肘) did you practice this morning?

Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide–Mandarin Ver.

#EnergyBagua, #DropTheShouldersAndElbows, #ContinuePracticingAfterLaughterrnrn「八卦內功」趣聞???
「 老師啊!每次走八卦的時候,您一直提示說『晨間墜肘』!但為什麼,連下午走的時候,老師還是說『晨間墜肘』,為什麼沒改成『午間墜肘』呢?這疑問在我心裡憋得慌,卻始終沒敢提問。」


Interesting anecdote on Energy Bagua ???

A humorous story about Energy Bagua in Taiwan.

As the rising sun beams over the luxuriant trees in the early morning, a group of people were walking around a huge tree, focusing on their practice of Energy Bagua….

They walked with steady and easy steps with natural breathing. The chirping birds accompanied the group of diligent practitioners.

Suddenly, a fellow practitioner asked a question “Teacher, you keep reminding us to ‘drop the elbows in the morning (晨間墜肘)’ ( 晨間= morning sounds similar to 沉肩 = drop the elbows, in Mandarin) Every time, we practice Energy Bagua. I wonder why you keep reminding us the same thing even when we practice in the afternoon. Why don’t you say ‘Drop the elbows in the afternoon’? I’m so confused but I didn’t get a chance to ask about it.”

The practitioner looked at the teacher with a curious look….

The Energy Bagua teacher was about to answer but another practitioner also agree and said “I can’t figure out why, too.” The teacher was exasperated, thinking that all his effort in explaining Energy Bagua the past few days was futile.

That afternoon, the teacher decided to test the practitioners. He asked a difficult question “Do you know exactly which two Chinese characters are 墜肘 (drop the elbows)?”

A senior female practitioner said with a serious look “Drunk walking.” ( 醉走 = drunk walking sounds the same in Mandarin to 墜肘 = drop the elbows.) The teacher was dumbfounded!

Another senior teacher who also teaches Energy Bagua heard this teacher grimacing; smiled and said “As a teacher, you should be more flexible. Other than teaching “drop your elbows ‘in the morning’” you can also teach – ‘drop your elbows ‘in the afternoon’ (sounds similar to hold your elbows in mandarin) and drop your elbows ‘in the evening’ (sounds similar to underarms).” The teacher was also amused at the end.

So….what is ‘drop the elbows’ (墜肘)? What’s the purpose of this posture?

Please tell us which type of ‘drop the elbows or drunk walking’ (墜肘) did you practice this morning?

Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide–Mandarin Ver.

#EnergyBagua, #DropTheShouldersAndElbows, #ContinuePracticingAfterLaughter

「 老師啊!每次走八卦的時候,您一直提示說『晨間墜肘』!但為什麼,連下午走的時候,老師還是說『晨間墜肘』,為什麼沒改成『午間墜肘』呢?這疑問在我心裡憋得慌,卻始終沒敢提問。」
Interesting anecdote on Energy Bagua ??? 
A humorous story about Energy Bagua in Taiwan. 
As the rising sun beams over the luxuriant trees in the early morning, a group of people were walking around a huge tree, focusing on their practice of Energy Bagua.... 

They walked with steady and easy steps with natural breathing. The chirping birds accompanied the group of diligent practitioners. 
Suddenly, a fellow practitioner asked a question “Teacher, you keep reminding us to ‘drop the elbows in the morning (晨間墜肘)’ ( 晨間= morning sounds similar to 沉肩 = drop the elbows, in Mandarin) Every time, we practice Energy Bagua. I wonder why you keep reminding us the same thing even when we practice in the afternoon. Why don’t you say ‘Drop the elbows in the afternoon’? I’m so confused but I didn’t get a chance to ask about it.” 
The practitioner looked at the teacher with a curious look.... 
The Energy Bagua teacher was about to answer but another practitioner also agree and said “I can't figure out why, too.” The teacher was exasperated, thinking that all his effort in explaining Energy Bagua the past few days was futile. 
That afternoon, the teacher decided to test the practitioners. He asked a difficult question “Do you know exactly which two Chinese characters are 墜肘 (drop the elbows)?” 
A senior female practitioner said with a serious look “Drunk walking.” ( 醉走 = drunk walking sounds the same in Mandarin to 墜肘 = drop the elbows.) The teacher was dumbfounded! 
Another senior teacher who also teaches Energy Bagua heard this teacher grimacing; smiled and said “As a teacher, you should be more flexible. Other than teaching “drop your elbows ‘in the morning’” you can also teach – ‘drop your elbows ‘in the afternoon’  (sounds similar to hold your elbows in mandarin) and drop your elbows ‘in the evening’ (sounds similar to underarms).” The teacher was also amused at the end. 
So....what is 'drop the elbows' (墜肘)? What’s the purpose of this posture? 
Please tell us which type of 'drop the elbows or drunk walking' (墜肘) did you practice this morning? 
Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide–Mandarin Ver. 
#EnergyBagua, #DropTheShouldersAndElbows, #ContinuePracticingAfterLaughterrnrn「八卦內功」趣聞???
「 老師啊!每次走八卦的時候,您一直提示說『晨間墜肘』!但為什麼,連下午走的時候,老師還是說『晨間墜肘』,為什麼沒改成『午間墜肘』呢?這疑問在我心裡憋得慌,卻始終沒敢提問。」
Interesting anecdote on Energy Bagua ??? 
A humorous story about Energy Bagua in Taiwan. 
As the rising sun beams over the luxuriant trees in the early morning, a group of people were walking around a huge tree, focusing on their practice of Energy Bagua.... 

They walked with steady and easy steps with natural breathing. The chirping birds accompanied the group of diligent practitioners. 
Suddenly, a fellow practitioner asked a question “Teacher, you keep reminding us to ‘drop the elbows in the morning (晨間墜肘)’ ( 晨間= morning sounds similar to 沉肩 = drop the elbows, in Mandarin) Every time, we practice Energy Bagua. I wonder why you keep reminding us the same thing even when we practice in the afternoon. Why don’t you say ‘Drop the elbows in the afternoon’? I’m so confused but I didn’t get a chance to ask about it.” 
The practitioner looked at the teacher with a curious look.... 
The Energy Bagua teacher was about to answer but another practitioner also agree and said “I can't figure out why, too.” The teacher was exasperated, thinking that all his effort in explaining Energy Bagua the past few days was futile. 
That afternoon, the teacher decided to test the practitioners. He asked a difficult question “Do you know exactly which two Chinese characters are 墜肘 (drop the elbows)?” 
A senior female practitioner said with a serious look “Drunk walking.” ( 醉走 = drunk walking sounds the same in Mandarin to 墜肘 = drop the elbows.) The teacher was dumbfounded! 
Another senior teacher who also teaches Energy Bagua heard this teacher grimacing; smiled and said “As a teacher, you should be more flexible. Other than teaching “drop your elbows ‘in the morning’” you can also teach – ‘drop your elbows ‘in the afternoon’  (sounds similar to hold your elbows in mandarin) and drop your elbows ‘in the evening’ (sounds similar to underarms).” The teacher was also amused at the end. 
So....what is 'drop the elbows' (墜肘)? What’s the purpose of this posture? 
Please tell us which type of 'drop the elbows or drunk walking' (墜肘) did you practice this morning? 
Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide–Mandarin Ver. 
#EnergyBagua, #DropTheShouldersAndElbows, #ContinuePracticingAfterLaughter


在〈「八卦內功」趣聞??? . 在台灣發生了…〉中有 35 則留言

  1. 哈?趣闻!好开心的趣闻!感恩师父分享!师父今天走完八卦,天空上只有一片金黄色的阳光在走八卦的上空边出现,好美好美哦?

  2. 师父早上好!好开心!

  3. 师父早上好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲分享!好幽默啊!真诚叩拜慈悲尊贵的恩师!??????????

  4. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲分享!哈哈哈,师父太幽默了!八卦内功生命能量!身体放松时才能沉肩坠肘!气沉丹田!能量迅速!趣闻太有意思了!走八卦时也轻松不累!感恩师父!叩拜恩师感恩!!!

  5. 感恩師父 八卦內功專有名詞等等 我有 常常看社團PO的貼文有空會到台北禪堂 前幾天外出洽公 順便 到咖啡館用餐 小姐問我你是用滑的進來的嗎 如同師父貼文 八卦內功 笑笑 再前進

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!哈哈哈哈太有意思了!中国文化博大精深!一个词有好几种意思,关键看你理解的程度。顶礼师父!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享!走八卦就听师父的导引为准!师父怎么说就怎么观想,师父为标准!走八卦天地人合而为一!观想到宇宙大自然!身体健康快乐长寿!这是真的!感恩师父大慈大悲大爱!弟子叩拜恩师!

  8. 哈哈哈?好有趣哦!我理解为!沉肩!意思整个肩部就像沉在水里的石头!彻底放松!?坠肘!意思是两个手肘好像挂在家里的菩提堂里的玉坠子!清净!无力!稳重!不摇晃!请问理解的对吗?感恩尊贵的大慈大悲的金菩提上师!???

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享!正确德是:沉肩坠肘,作用是在走八卦的时候双肩往下沉,膀子往下压。主要是把能量积聚丹田部。感恩师父弟子早上走八卦时观想的是沉肩坠肘,肩往下压膀子往下沉,整个人略蹬下来,积聚能量!感恩师父分享的趣闻!祝师父法体安康,欢喜自在!???????

  10. 墜肘讓雙肩下沉達放鬆狀態,墜肘讓手臂成圓弧狀,觀想宇宙的能量聚合引動自身小宇宙能量充滿,感恩師父傳授八卦內功

  11. 哈哈,很有趣?
    是因为语文的水准下降了吗?因为平时很少听到这样的字眼。不过也给大家带来了一些乐趣!笑一笑 少一少!感恩这几位师兄,带给大家的快乐?????‍♀️?‍♂️走八卦时,大家都紧绷绷的,师父引导我们要放松心情的走……

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享!???心中不仅很开心!同时想到了关于文字的趣味游戏!真的太有意思了?!

  13. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!好搞笑……??。应该是把肩膀稍微沉下些,胳膊肘稍微向下坠一些。感恩师父!☕??????????

  14. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享八卦内功每天坚持走八卦! 能量满满!轻松自在!气沉丹田!沉肩坠肘!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  15. 师父好!祝福师父法体安康!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父这么幽默的分享,让我们笑一笑,健康快乐每一天!沉肩坠肘,放松身心走八卦,能量充满,身体通畅,越来越健康快乐!身心光明!智慧通达!顶礼叩拜恩师!

  16. 哈哈?尊贵的师父好?看了师父的分享,弟子太开心了?同时也感恩那些可爱?的师兄师姐们。听说过耳听为虚眼见为实,其实这就是我们耳根而驱动意识然后又动了舌根,才把沉肩当做晨间,坠肘当成醉走,于是才有了这段开心?弟子想到了《心经》。师父沉肩坠肘的意思是想让我们放松肩肘部位,使胳膊自然形成一个半圆形,与道法自然相合,吸收能量,走出八卦内功的效果。不知道弟子理解对吗?感恩师父???

  17. 感恩师父慈悲教导与分享!感恩师父幽默的加持让我们,正确走八卦吸收更多生命能量!雙肩平齊,含胸拔背,沉肩墜肘,坐胯收腹,兩腿微蹲,内直外扣,全身放鬆。所有動作協調統一:神與意合,意與氣合,氣與力合。手與腳合,肘與膝合,肩與胯合。

  18. 师父好!中国文字博大精深,同音不同字,闹出笑话来了。我个人认为肘部自然下沉,不要问内或外拐,目的是身体自然放松,让身体更好的吸收自然的能量。感恩师父!

  19. 感恩师父妙法指点!同修们的歪解太有趣了!?沉肩坠肘,简单的四个字,做到位却不易。我今天早晨修練八卦內功时,听着师父的导引词,意识中也想的是:沉肩坠肘,但是也清楚地感受到自己的肩没有放松下来,肘部下垂的不够。恳请师父慈悲指导!???

  20. 中文就妙在这里,同音不同意义 ☺️ 沉着肩手肘朝下,以达圆弧状,轻松的接受天地能量。每次走着时都要时时提醒自己这口令,才不会不经意的耸起肩膀来。。感恩师父!

  21. 师父,您好!「八卦內功」真是有很多趣聞了,不過有時也会令人哭笑不得了。「沉肩墜肘」墜肘應該表示收集能量的地方了,是吗!最近,我和我的八卦老師正在为走八卦收工的動作争论不休了,我的八卦老師教我們走八卦收工时的口令是:“转身,背向树,温养五分钟……”所以我对老师说:“这个动作不正确,应该面向树,温养五分钟……”师父,我反对无效了,您来帮我们解决吧!哈哈!想起也很搞笑了,师父还眼瞪瞪,就把师父傳授的八卦內功变了種。謝謝師父大慈大悲传給我們的八卦內功!感恩师父!

  22. 师父看了这分享,终于明白什么是”晨间坠肘了″。其实我也有很多不明白的,虽然修八卦不象别人那样有暖热,而是修到两手冰冷,但也很希望有一天也想像师父说的修到觉悟。

  23. 师父好,好有意思,中国汉字太丰富了,闹出的笑话也不少,沉肩和晨间音也是相同,沉肩是指肢体的一个动作,肩要放松,自然松沉下来,才能气沉丹田,心平气和,轻松自在,感恩师父分享,有趣的问题!

  24. 师父好!感恩师父分享!走八卦正确语音提示、走八卦时观想的是沉肩坠肘是让我们放松肩部、胳膊自然行成一个圆弧、与道法自然相合、吸收天地能量、走出一个八卦内功的效果、中国汉字太复杂了、音同字不同、造成太大的差距、给意思搞错了、感恩师父讲解、

  25. 感恩禅师的慈悲分享!太幽默了,我每天都是听着八卦音乐中,禅师的导引词,在经常纠正自己的动作,力求做到准确,走完100分钟的八卦。身体也越来越健康。身体健康了心情也好了。八卦走一走,能活九十九???
