「八卦內功」趣聞??? . 在台灣發生了…

「 老師啊!每次走八卦的時候,您一直提示說『晨間墜肘』!但為什麼,連下午走的時候,老師還是說『晨間墜肘』,為什麼沒改成『午間墜肘』呢?這疑問在我心裡憋得慌,卻始終沒敢提問。」


Interesting anecdote on Energy Bagua ???

A humorous story about Energy Bagua in Taiwan.

As the rising sun beams over the luxuriant trees in the early morning, a group of people were walking around a huge tree, focusing on their practice of Energy Bagua….

They walked with steady and easy steps with natural breathing. The chirping birds accompanied the group of diligent practitioners.

Suddenly, a fellow practitioner asked a question “Teacher, you keep reminding us to ‘drop the elbows in the morning (晨間墜肘)’ ( 晨間= morning sounds similar to 沉肩 = drop the elbows, in Mandarin) Every time, we practice Energy Bagua. I wonder why you keep reminding us the same thing even when we practice in the afternoon. Why don’t you say ‘Drop the elbows in the afternoon’? I’m so confused but I didn’t get a chance to ask about it.”

The practitioner looked at the teacher with a curious look….

The Energy Bagua teacher was about to answer but another practitioner also agree and said “I can’t figure out why, too.” The teacher was exasperated, thinking that all his effort in explaining Energy Bagua the past few days was futile.

That afternoon, the teacher decided to test the practitioners. He asked a difficult question “Do you know exactly which two Chinese characters are 墜肘 (drop the elbows)?”

A senior female practitioner said with a serious look “Drunk walking.” ( 醉走 = drunk walking sounds the same in Mandarin to 墜肘 = drop the elbows.) The teacher was dumbfounded!

Another senior teacher who also teaches Energy Bagua heard this teacher grimacing; smiled and said “As a teacher, you should be more flexible. Other than teaching “drop your elbows ‘in the morning’” you can also teach – ‘drop your elbows ‘in the afternoon’ (sounds similar to hold your elbows in mandarin) and drop your elbows ‘in the evening’ (sounds similar to underarms).” The teacher was also amused at the end.

So….what is ‘drop the elbows’ (墜肘)? What’s the purpose of this posture?

Please tell us which type of ‘drop the elbows or drunk walking’ (墜肘) did you practice this morning?

Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide–Mandarin Ver.

#EnergyBagua, #DropTheShouldersAndElbows, #ContinuePracticingAfterLaughterrnrn「八卦內功」趣聞???
「 老師啊!每次走八卦的時候,您一直提示說『晨間墜肘』!但為什麼,連下午走的時候,老師還是說『晨間墜肘』,為什麼沒改成『午間墜肘』呢?這疑問在我心裡憋得慌,卻始終沒敢提問。」


Interesting anecdote on Energy Bagua ???

A humorous story about Energy Bagua in Taiwan.

As the rising sun beams over the luxuriant trees in the early morning, a group of people were walking around a huge tree, focusing on their practice of Energy Bagua….

They walked with steady and easy steps with natural breathing. The chirping birds accompanied the group of diligent practitioners.

Suddenly, a fellow practitioner asked a question “Teacher, you keep reminding us to ‘drop the elbows in the morning (晨間墜肘)’ ( 晨間= morning sounds similar to 沉肩 = drop the elbows, in Mandarin) Every time, we practice Energy Bagua. I wonder why you keep reminding us the same thing even when we practice in the afternoon. Why don’t you say ‘Drop the elbows in the afternoon’? I’m so confused but I didn’t get a chance to ask about it.”

The practitioner looked at the teacher with a curious look….

The Energy Bagua teacher was about to answer but another practitioner also agree and said “I can’t figure out why, too.” The teacher was exasperated, thinking that all his effort in explaining Energy Bagua the past few days was futile.

That afternoon, the teacher decided to test the practitioners. He asked a difficult question “Do you know exactly which two Chinese characters are 墜肘 (drop the elbows)?”

A senior female practitioner said with a serious look “Drunk walking.” ( 醉走 = drunk walking sounds the same in Mandarin to 墜肘 = drop the elbows.) The teacher was dumbfounded!

Another senior teacher who also teaches Energy Bagua heard this teacher grimacing; smiled and said “As a teacher, you should be more flexible. Other than teaching “drop your elbows ‘in the morning’” you can also teach – ‘drop your elbows ‘in the afternoon’ (sounds similar to hold your elbows in mandarin) and drop your elbows ‘in the evening’ (sounds similar to underarms).” The teacher was also amused at the end.

So….what is ‘drop the elbows’ (墜肘)? What’s the purpose of this posture?

Please tell us which type of ‘drop the elbows or drunk walking’ (墜肘) did you practice this morning?

Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide–Mandarin Ver.

#EnergyBagua, #DropTheShouldersAndElbows, #ContinuePracticingAfterLaughter

「 老師啊!每次走八卦的時候,您一直提示說『晨間墜肘』!但為什麼,連下午走的時候,老師還是說『晨間墜肘』,為什麼沒改成『午間墜肘』呢?這疑問在我心裡憋得慌,卻始終沒敢提問。」
Interesting anecdote on Energy Bagua ??? 
A humorous story about Energy Bagua in Taiwan. 
As the rising sun beams over the luxuriant trees in the early morning, a group of people were walking around a huge tree, focusing on their practice of Energy Bagua.... 

They walked with steady and easy steps with natural breathing. The chirping birds accompanied the group of diligent practitioners. 
Suddenly, a fellow practitioner asked a question “Teacher, you keep reminding us to ‘drop the elbows in the morning (晨間墜肘)’ ( 晨間= morning sounds similar to 沉肩 = drop the elbows, in Mandarin) Every time, we practice Energy Bagua. I wonder why you keep reminding us the same thing even when we practice in the afternoon. Why don’t you say ‘Drop the elbows in the afternoon’? I’m so confused but I didn’t get a chance to ask about it.” 
The practitioner looked at the teacher with a curious look.... 
The Energy Bagua teacher was about to answer but another practitioner also agree and said “I can't figure out why, too.” The teacher was exasperated, thinking that all his effort in explaining Energy Bagua the past few days was futile. 
That afternoon, the teacher decided to test the practitioners. He asked a difficult question “Do you know exactly which two Chinese characters are 墜肘 (drop the elbows)?” 
A senior female practitioner said with a serious look “Drunk walking.” ( 醉走 = drunk walking sounds the same in Mandarin to 墜肘 = drop the elbows.) The teacher was dumbfounded! 
Another senior teacher who also teaches Energy Bagua heard this teacher grimacing; smiled and said “As a teacher, you should be more flexible. Other than teaching “drop your elbows ‘in the morning’” you can also teach – ‘drop your elbows ‘in the afternoon’  (sounds similar to hold your elbows in mandarin) and drop your elbows ‘in the evening’ (sounds similar to underarms).” The teacher was also amused at the end. 
So....what is 'drop the elbows' (墜肘)? What’s the purpose of this posture? 
Please tell us which type of 'drop the elbows or drunk walking' (墜肘) did you practice this morning? 
Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide–Mandarin Ver. 
#EnergyBagua, #DropTheShouldersAndElbows, #ContinuePracticingAfterLaughterrnrn「八卦內功」趣聞???
「 老師啊!每次走八卦的時候,您一直提示說『晨間墜肘』!但為什麼,連下午走的時候,老師還是說『晨間墜肘』,為什麼沒改成『午間墜肘』呢?這疑問在我心裡憋得慌,卻始終沒敢提問。」
Interesting anecdote on Energy Bagua ??? 
A humorous story about Energy Bagua in Taiwan. 
As the rising sun beams over the luxuriant trees in the early morning, a group of people were walking around a huge tree, focusing on their practice of Energy Bagua.... 

They walked with steady and easy steps with natural breathing. The chirping birds accompanied the group of diligent practitioners. 
Suddenly, a fellow practitioner asked a question “Teacher, you keep reminding us to ‘drop the elbows in the morning (晨間墜肘)’ ( 晨間= morning sounds similar to 沉肩 = drop the elbows, in Mandarin) Every time, we practice Energy Bagua. I wonder why you keep reminding us the same thing even when we practice in the afternoon. Why don’t you say ‘Drop the elbows in the afternoon’? I’m so confused but I didn’t get a chance to ask about it.” 
The practitioner looked at the teacher with a curious look.... 
The Energy Bagua teacher was about to answer but another practitioner also agree and said “I can't figure out why, too.” The teacher was exasperated, thinking that all his effort in explaining Energy Bagua the past few days was futile. 
That afternoon, the teacher decided to test the practitioners. He asked a difficult question “Do you know exactly which two Chinese characters are 墜肘 (drop the elbows)?” 
A senior female practitioner said with a serious look “Drunk walking.” ( 醉走 = drunk walking sounds the same in Mandarin to 墜肘 = drop the elbows.) The teacher was dumbfounded! 
Another senior teacher who also teaches Energy Bagua heard this teacher grimacing; smiled and said “As a teacher, you should be more flexible. Other than teaching “drop your elbows ‘in the morning’” you can also teach – ‘drop your elbows ‘in the afternoon’  (sounds similar to hold your elbows in mandarin) and drop your elbows ‘in the evening’ (sounds similar to underarms).” The teacher was also amused at the end. 
So....what is 'drop the elbows' (墜肘)? What’s the purpose of this posture? 
Please tell us which type of 'drop the elbows or drunk walking' (墜肘) did you practice this morning? 
Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide–Mandarin Ver. 
#EnergyBagua, #DropTheShouldersAndElbows, #ContinuePracticingAfterLaughter
