一通百通 . 當身體能量暢通了,結果自然…


Grasp the fundamental point, all the rest will follow

When the body energy flows smoothly, the outcomes will naturally be different.
Meditation does not just improve our health. In fact, in the long run, it transforms our entire life!

The following is Fanguai’s testimonial sharing.

Grandmaster JinBodhi said in one of the Dharma Events: “There is a reason for every thing that you have to do.” This sentence created a deep impression on me.

Looking back, the two years that I have spent as a volunteer have presented many challenges to me. I am a volunteer in the caring team. As a care group member, I need to have a lot of patience, love and compassion. In the early days, I did not have a good grasp of what compassion was.

During those days, whenever I was asked to perform certain tasks, I would feel a bit resentful, with thoughts like “Why do I have to be the one to do it, instead of others?” I would complete the tasks that I was assigned but, in my heart, I would be unwilling and resentful. My interactions with my fellow dharma practitioners suffered as a result of my poor attitude. Whenever friction arose between me and my fellow dharma practitioners, I had thoughts of dropping out.

From this particular dharma event, I came to understand causality. I understood the principle that “There must be a reason why you are asked to perform a certain task.” I felt that this was Master’s blessing for me. I also understood then that dharma practice requires us to overcome many tribulations and challenges. Since then, I no longer feel troubled in the course of volunteering.

Another instance of Master’s blessing that created a strong impression on me was Master’s “auspicious oracular words”.

I always had a wish that Master would bless me to be more diligent in my practice so that I can attain enlightenment in my current lifetime. My wish came true that day. Master read out my wish in class. For the rest of the class, I no longer felt drowsy. I could remember every word of Master’s dharma teachings. There was even a moment when I felt enlightened.

That very day, I went to visit my mother. As I saw her pushing her bicycle on the way out, I ran up to give her a big hug and said to her: “I love you, Mum!” Her smile lit up her face. I also gave her the bottle of water that had been blessed by Master. The look of happiness on her face moved me so much that I teared. I am very thankful to Master for giving me the strength and courage to express my love to my mother.

*Effects of meditation varies among individuals
*The above sharing is an individual’s perspective and not representative of Bodhi Meditation’s view

#MeditationJournal #AuspiciousOracularWords #Malaysia #FanGuairnrn一通百通

Grasp the fundamental point, all the rest will follow

When the body energy flows smoothly, the outcomes will naturally be different.
Meditation does not just improve our health. In fact, in the long run, it transforms our entire life!

The following is Fanguai’s testimonial sharing.

Grandmaster JinBodhi said in one of the Dharma Events: “There is a reason for every thing that you have to do.” This sentence created a deep impression on me.

Looking back, the two years that I have spent as a volunteer have presented many challenges to me. I am a volunteer in the caring team. As a care group member, I need to have a lot of patience, love and compassion. In the early days, I did not have a good grasp of what compassion was.

During those days, whenever I was asked to perform certain tasks, I would feel a bit resentful, with thoughts like “Why do I have to be the one to do it, instead of others?” I would complete the tasks that I was assigned but, in my heart, I would be unwilling and resentful. My interactions with my fellow dharma practitioners suffered as a result of my poor attitude. Whenever friction arose between me and my fellow dharma practitioners, I had thoughts of dropping out.

From this particular dharma event, I came to understand causality. I understood the principle that “There must be a reason why you are asked to perform a certain task.” I felt that this was Master’s blessing for me. I also understood then that dharma practice requires us to overcome many tribulations and challenges. Since then, I no longer feel troubled in the course of volunteering.

Another instance of Master’s blessing that created a strong impression on me was Master’s “auspicious oracular words”.

I always had a wish that Master would bless me to be more diligent in my practice so that I can attain enlightenment in my current lifetime. My wish came true that day. Master read out my wish in class. For the rest of the class, I no longer felt drowsy. I could remember every word of Master’s dharma teachings. There was even a moment when I felt enlightened.

That very day, I went to visit my mother. As I saw her pushing her bicycle on the way out, I ran up to give her a big hug and said to her: “I love you, Mum!” Her smile lit up her face. I also gave her the bottle of water that had been blessed by Master. The look of happiness on her face moved me so much that I teared. I am very thankful to Master for giving me the strength and courage to express my love to my mother.

*Effects of meditation varies among individuals
*The above sharing is an individual’s perspective and not representative of Bodhi Meditation’s view

#MeditationJournal #AuspiciousOracularWords #Malaysia #FanGuai

Grasp the fundamental point, all the rest will follow
When the body energy flows smoothly, the outcomes will naturally be different.
Meditation does not just improve our health. In fact, in the long run, it transforms our entire life! 
The following is Fanguai’s testimonial sharing. 
Grandmaster JinBodhi said in one of the Dharma Events: “There is a reason for every thing that you have to do.” This sentence created a deep impression on me. 
Looking back, the two years that I have spent as a volunteer have presented many challenges to me. I am a volunteer in the caring team. As a care group member, I need to have a lot of patience, love and compassion. In the early days, I did not have a good grasp of what compassion was. 
During those days, whenever I was asked to perform certain tasks, I would feel a bit resentful, with thoughts like “Why do I have to be the one to do it, instead of others?” I would complete the tasks that I was assigned but, in my heart, I would be unwilling and resentful. My interactions with my fellow dharma practitioners suffered as a result of my poor attitude. Whenever friction arose between me and my fellow dharma practitioners, I had thoughts of dropping out. 
From this particular dharma event, I came to understand causality. I understood the principle that “There must be a reason why you are asked to perform a certain task.” I felt that this was Master’s blessing for me. I also understood then that dharma practice requires us to overcome many tribulations and challenges. Since then, I no longer feel troubled in the course of volunteering. 
Another instance of Master’s blessing that created a strong impression on me was Master’s “auspicious oracular words”. 
I always had a wish that Master would bless me to be more diligent in my practice so that I can attain enlightenment in my current lifetime. My wish came true that day. Master read out my wish in class. For the rest of the class, I no longer felt drowsy. I could remember every word of Master’s dharma teachings. There was even a moment when I felt enlightened. 
That very day, I went to visit my mother. As I saw her pushing her bicycle on the way out, I ran up to give her a big hug and said to her: “I love you, Mum!” Her smile lit up her face. I also gave her the bottle of water that had been blessed by Master. The look of happiness on her face moved me so much that I teared. I am very thankful to Master for giving me the strength and courage to express my love to my mother. 
*Effects of meditation varies among individuals 
*The above sharing is an individual’s perspective and not representative of Bodhi Meditation’s view
#MeditationJournal  #AuspiciousOracularWords #Malaysia  #FanGuairnrn一通百通
Grasp the fundamental point, all the rest will follow
When the body energy flows smoothly, the outcomes will naturally be different.
Meditation does not just improve our health. In fact, in the long run, it transforms our entire life! 
The following is Fanguai’s testimonial sharing. 
Grandmaster JinBodhi said in one of the Dharma Events: “There is a reason for every thing that you have to do.” This sentence created a deep impression on me. 
Looking back, the two years that I have spent as a volunteer have presented many challenges to me. I am a volunteer in the caring team. As a care group member, I need to have a lot of patience, love and compassion. In the early days, I did not have a good grasp of what compassion was. 
During those days, whenever I was asked to perform certain tasks, I would feel a bit resentful, with thoughts like “Why do I have to be the one to do it, instead of others?” I would complete the tasks that I was assigned but, in my heart, I would be unwilling and resentful. My interactions with my fellow dharma practitioners suffered as a result of my poor attitude. Whenever friction arose between me and my fellow dharma practitioners, I had thoughts of dropping out. 
From this particular dharma event, I came to understand causality. I understood the principle that “There must be a reason why you are asked to perform a certain task.” I felt that this was Master’s blessing for me. I also understood then that dharma practice requires us to overcome many tribulations and challenges. Since then, I no longer feel troubled in the course of volunteering. 
Another instance of Master’s blessing that created a strong impression on me was Master’s “auspicious oracular words”. 
I always had a wish that Master would bless me to be more diligent in my practice so that I can attain enlightenment in my current lifetime. My wish came true that day. Master read out my wish in class. For the rest of the class, I no longer felt drowsy. I could remember every word of Master’s dharma teachings. There was even a moment when I felt enlightened. 
That very day, I went to visit my mother. As I saw her pushing her bicycle on the way out, I ran up to give her a big hug and said to her: “I love you, Mum!” Her smile lit up her face. I also gave her the bottle of water that had been blessed by Master. The look of happiness on her face moved me so much that I teared. I am very thankful to Master for giving me the strength and courage to express my love to my mother. 
*Effects of meditation varies among individuals 
*The above sharing is an individual’s perspective and not representative of Bodhi Meditation’s view
#MeditationJournal  #AuspiciousOracularWords #Malaysia  #FanGuai


在〈一通百通 . 當身體能量暢通了,結果自然…〉中有 21 則留言

  1. 感恩師父的加持与護佑,菩提禅修誏我重生,誏我找回人生的真諦,修行路不在迷茫,弟子合十顶礼感恩尊贵金菩提上師???????

  2. 顶礼感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父,修行路上有您加持护佑,让我们不走弯路。感恩师父禅修让我们一通百通,改变我们的一生命运。

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝贺感恩梵乖师姐的分享!感恩师父禅修让我们一通百通,改變的不僅僅是我們的健康,改变我们生生世世的命运!感恩师父慈悲的加持与护佑,让我们走向身心光明幸福之路!顶礼叩拜感恩师父!!!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲加持!感恩梵乖师姐的慈悲分享!「一件事情要你做,就一定有它的因緣。」這句話也会深深烙在我心中!?「禪修」改變的不僅僅是我們的健康,更長遠地看,它改變的是我們的一生!真诚顶礼至尊的佛师!??

  5. 感恩师父慈悲教化我们”一通百通”

  6. 信 愿 行
    講信用 守諾言


    親愛的? 你通了沒?

  7. 菩提禅修益处之大,她不单单的使人身体健康了,真的是改变命运,对整个家庭来讲,人的精神面貌有了改变,生话环境也会改变,整个家庭也充满了生命的活力,等等,所以说一通百通,光明无限!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲的教化,感恩师父慈悲的给予,感恩师父赐的妙法,感恩师父的慈悲,感恩遇到师父!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜梵乖师姐!听师父的话照做落地执行我们都会改变命运,一通百通!感恩师父慈悲加持与护佑,让我们走向身心光明健康快乐之路!摆脱疾病困苦!能解决问题的能力!顶礼师父!

  10. 祈请尊贵的大慈大悲的金菩提上师!加持我更加精进修行!今生今世能够觉行圆满!更加精进坚持修八卦内功!感恩尊贵的上师!顶礼叩拜???

  11. 感恩师父慈悲加持!随喜赞叹师姐好棒!???我们要努力精进修行!达到一通百通。感恩师父!☕????????

  12. 感恩师父传授我们菩提无上妙法,让我们身心灵都获得健康快乐?一通百通。感恩师父!

  13. 祈请大慈大悲的金菩提上师给予我爸爸加持,帮他消除业障,早日恢复健康!感恩

  14. 都能心想事成,那我们把愿望想的最大最大,在上师加持下我们会满愿的!感恩大慈大悲金菩提上师。
