問答系列 — 修練的時間如何安排? ….

問答系列 — 修練的時間如何安排?


Q&A series—How to arrange the best timetable for our meditation practice?

Bodhi Meditation offers a few meditation methods which cater for people with different health conditions and each meditation method has its own health benefit and effect.

Personally, I would suggest a meditation schedule that combines a method with more physical movement and one that is quieter.

In the morning, choose a meditation method that requires more physical movement and at night, choose a quieter method.

Examples of meditation methods that requires more strenuous movements are:

1) Full Prostration
Full Prostration is beneficial for developing our wisdom, increasing our body metabolism and is a great way to lose weight! It also helps to alleviate gynecological illnesses and cardiovascular problems, as well as improving the digestive system. Prostration is an ideal meditation practice for the elderly and young children. Intelligent children will perform better in school. Hence, children are strongly encouraged to practice prostration. So, how long do we need to practice? At least 20 minutes a day.

2) Energy Bagua
Energy Bagua improves our body functions, generates heat and adjusts our bodily energy. With sufficient energy, illnesses that arise because of energy deficiency will be alleviated. For Energy Bagua, we have to practice at least 30 minutes a day.

At night, it is advisable to practice a meditation method that is quieter. An ideal choice would be to practice the Meditation of Greater Illumination, Chanting or the Meditation of Purity which would not disturb others.

Ideally, we should choose a meditation schedule comprising of one technique that requires physical movement and another that does not. The effect will become more obvious when we persevere in our practice for around 3 months.

After that, we can customize our own meditation practice according to the needs of our body.

–Extracted from [20171019-FB Live Broadcast-Vancouver]

#ChoiceOfMeditationMethods, ##FullProstration, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfTheGreaterIllumination, #GI, #MeditationOfPurityrnrn問答系列 — 修練的時間如何安排?


Q&A series—How to arrange the best timetable for our meditation practice?

Bodhi Meditation offers a few meditation methods which cater for people with different health conditions and each meditation method has its own health benefit and effect.

Personally, I would suggest a meditation schedule that combines a method with more physical movement and one that is quieter.

In the morning, choose a meditation method that requires more physical movement and at night, choose a quieter method.

Examples of meditation methods that requires more strenuous movements are:

1) Full Prostration
Full Prostration is beneficial for developing our wisdom, increasing our body metabolism and is a great way to lose weight! It also helps to alleviate gynecological illnesses and cardiovascular problems, as well as improving the digestive system. Prostration is an ideal meditation practice for the elderly and young children. Intelligent children will perform better in school. Hence, children are strongly encouraged to practice prostration. So, how long do we need to practice? At least 20 minutes a day.

2) Energy Bagua
Energy Bagua improves our body functions, generates heat and adjusts our bodily energy. With sufficient energy, illnesses that arise because of energy deficiency will be alleviated. For Energy Bagua, we have to practice at least 30 minutes a day.

At night, it is advisable to practice a meditation method that is quieter. An ideal choice would be to practice the Meditation of Greater Illumination, Chanting or the Meditation of Purity which would not disturb others.

Ideally, we should choose a meditation schedule comprising of one technique that requires physical movement and another that does not. The effect will become more obvious when we persevere in our practice for around 3 months.

After that, we can customize our own meditation practice according to the needs of our body.

–Extracted from [20171019-FB Live Broadcast-Vancouver]

#ChoiceOfMeditationMethods, ##FullProstration, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfTheGreaterIllumination, #GI, #MeditationOfPurity

問答系列 -- 修練的時間如何安排?

Q&A series—How to arrange the best timetable for our meditation practice?
Bodhi Meditation offers a few meditation methods which cater for people with different health conditions and each meditation method has its own health benefit and effect.
Personally, I would suggest a meditation schedule that combines a method with more physical movement and one that is quieter.
In the morning, choose a meditation method that requires more physical movement and at night, choose a quieter method.
Examples of meditation methods that requires more strenuous movements are:
1) Full Prostration
Full Prostration is beneficial for developing our wisdom, increasing our body metabolism and is a great way to lose weight! It also helps to alleviate gynecological illnesses and cardiovascular problems, as well as improving the digestive system. Prostration is an ideal meditation practice for the elderly and young children. Intelligent children will perform better in school. Hence, children are strongly encouraged to practice prostration. So, how long do we need to practice? At least 20 minutes a day.
2) Energy Bagua 
Energy Bagua improves our body functions, generates heat and adjusts our bodily energy. With sufficient energy, illnesses that arise because of energy deficiency will be alleviated. For Energy Bagua, we have to practice at least 30 minutes a day.   
At night, it is advisable to practice a meditation method that is quieter.  An ideal choice would be to practice the Meditation of Greater Illumination, Chanting or the Meditation of Purity which would not disturb others.
Ideally, we should choose a meditation schedule comprising of one technique that requires physical movement and another that does not. The effect will become more obvious when we persevere in our practice for around 3 months.
After that, we can customize our own meditation practice according to the needs of our body.
--Extracted from [20171019-FB Live Broadcast-Vancouver]
#ChoiceOfMeditationMethods, ##FullProstration, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfTheGreaterIllumination, #GI, #MeditationOfPurityrnrn問答系列 -- 修練的時間如何安排?

Q&A series—How to arrange the best timetable for our meditation practice?
Bodhi Meditation offers a few meditation methods which cater for people with different health conditions and each meditation method has its own health benefit and effect.
Personally, I would suggest a meditation schedule that combines a method with more physical movement and one that is quieter.
In the morning, choose a meditation method that requires more physical movement and at night, choose a quieter method.
Examples of meditation methods that requires more strenuous movements are:
1) Full Prostration
Full Prostration is beneficial for developing our wisdom, increasing our body metabolism and is a great way to lose weight! It also helps to alleviate gynecological illnesses and cardiovascular problems, as well as improving the digestive system. Prostration is an ideal meditation practice for the elderly and young children. Intelligent children will perform better in school. Hence, children are strongly encouraged to practice prostration. So, how long do we need to practice? At least 20 minutes a day.
2) Energy Bagua 
Energy Bagua improves our body functions, generates heat and adjusts our bodily energy. With sufficient energy, illnesses that arise because of energy deficiency will be alleviated. For Energy Bagua, we have to practice at least 30 minutes a day.   
At night, it is advisable to practice a meditation method that is quieter.  An ideal choice would be to practice the Meditation of Greater Illumination, Chanting or the Meditation of Purity which would not disturb others.
Ideally, we should choose a meditation schedule comprising of one technique that requires physical movement and another that does not. The effect will become more obvious when we persevere in our practice for around 3 months.
After that, we can customize our own meditation practice according to the needs of our body.
--Extracted from [20171019-FB Live Broadcast-Vancouver]
#ChoiceOfMeditationMethods, ##FullProstration, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfTheGreaterIllumination, #GI, #MeditationOfPurity


在〈問答系列 — 修練的時間如何安排? ….〉中有 27 則留言

  1. 师父早上好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲如母亲一般关怀备至!弟子谨记动静结合如法修练!感恩真诚顶礼叩拜伟大尊贵的慈父佛师?????????

  2. 感恩慈悲的师父教化开示!修行时间的按排,早晚练什么,动净相结合太符合人的养生原则。一年养生原则,春养肝、夏养心、秩养肺、冬护肾即春发夏長秋收冬藏。年的原则也适合一天的原则即早发午長晚藏。慈悲的师父修练按排非常好,使我练功效果更好更显著!

  3. 师父早安:恭敬感恩师父教授弟子们日常修行,时间早晚及动静结合的合理安排修的方法!弟子一定会照着做!感恩顶礼慈悲的上师!恭祝师父吉祥如意,法体安康,欢喜自在,心想事成!?????????

  4. 感恩师父教授我们修练时间的合理安排。即「動靜結合」早晨儘量以動為主、晚上以靜為主。通过这样的修练,三个月会有很明显的效果,当基础打好了之后,在做更深入更常时间的修练。尊师重教让自己修行更进步,让能量提升健康快乐收获满满,真正做到修行改变命运获得觉悟智慧。

  5. 有师父真好!连修练的时间也教我们怎样安排!师父!我就是这样修的,五点准时起床,然后,走八卦一个小时,剩余的时间就是大光明,念六字大明咒和师父的呼唤和学习经典上的教诲。

  6. 哗!收到!收到!师父好!太好的时间安排表!正是所需!感恩感恩师父!???遵照立行!??????

  7. 感恩师父慈悲开示!我白天一般不修炼我就是晚上修炼两遍大光明再就是磕大头36个。这一套下来就10点多了。因为婆婆生病得做三顿饭收拾家还得看孩子写作业,时间感觉天天都不够用,感觉自己像旋转的陀螺。生活很充实!顶礼师父!

  8. 師父下午好,吉祥如意,金修闊感恩師父慈悲開示,对我們日常修練時間如何才可安排做得更好,提供了各種不同的菩提禅修修練方法,如修大明,走八卦,大礼拜,清淨觀賞法等,針对不同的健康問題,先去修那種功法去配合,時間早晚的動净结合,好好去安排每天的修練時間,持之以恒,效果事半功倍,健康快樂 !

  9. 师父好!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!我早晨起来做一个小时大礼拜,上午出去走八卦,下午做一个小时大光明,晚上念佛,做药师大光明,这些日子,我喜欢唱唱歌,也想去看看草原和大海,放松放松身心,感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!弟子脚腕不疼痛了,可以出去走八卦了!很开心!无限感恩师父!顶礼师父!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲分享!早上做大礼拜和八卦,晚上大光明、念佛、清淨观想法,做三个月效果就很明显了。感恩师父!

  11. 感恩金菩提禅师的慈悲开示!看到禅师安排的每天修练内容,我基本符合要求,我早上走八卦100分钟,上午做大礼拜半个小时,下午,晚上2个小时的动功,两个小时的静功,自己的身体不好就得勤快点,弟子顶礼叩拜恩师!

  12. 师父,您好!我的修练方法也是一樣。以前早上練一個小時大礼拜和二十分钟抱球,晚上念佛和练大光明各一个小時,后來学會走八卦后,听师父說:“走八卦最好是空腹走。”所以后来改为早上走八卦和做大礼拜,由于时间关系,抱球很少练了。这几年来,早上的课程基本上做到,但是晚上的课程由于种种原因有时就缺课了,希望将来晩上课程有所改善吧!谢谢师父大慈大悲传给我们的养生妙法!感恩师父!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲的关爱!修行的選擇,提議「動靜結合」。

  14. 感恩师父大慈大悲传授菩提动、静妙法???弟子每天早上先做108个大礼拜,然后诵金菩提圣经和一遍楞严咒、大悲咒和十小咒,晚上练大光明和持咒,很喜欢听师父的音乐打坐,对消除疲劳特别有效!

  15. 师父早晨好?感恩师父慈悲的关心?我的时间修炼是早3点起床,先修坐禅,然后5点出去走八卦,平均一天大约5个小时吧,唉,太忏悔,担负着家务事,修练不太好,?感恩,谢谢师父对我们的关爱和呵护理解,???

  16. 感恩金菩提禅师的慈悲开示!2019年是我修行的好时机,丈夫和孩子因为工作的原因,离我较远。我每天早上走八卦100分钟,下午做半个小时的大礼拜,一个小时的动功,晚上一个小时的动功,一个小时的静功,有时还会多一个小时,今年要多听禅师的开示,学习佛法加禅修才能提升自己。修行路上一路追随,直到永远。感恩今世有缘遇到金菩提禅师所传佛法。

  17. ?? Very good sharing Shi Fu!!! Learn something new & good ?…
    Gan En Shi Fu ??…
    Ji Xiang Ru Yi ? ? ☺

  18. 昨天禅修五个多小时师父!今天才三个多小时!孩子放假了我就去不了走八卦了!今天下午到现在心脏总突突跳师父!还喘不上来气!刚才念佛时就是气不够用!躺下了还是胸腔子里肚子都是疼难受?精神上的毛病一上来了我就马上这样了师父
