【父親、母親、對不起!】 . 昨天晚上,…


【I am sorry, my dearest Dad and Mum!】

Last night, I received a message from an internet friend: “Master, I have come to realize today that I do, indeed, have parents…”

“What happened? Were you abandoned as a baby?” I asked.

She replied: “No no, but I have always felt that my parents did not love me. Because of this, I have not contacted them for many years.”

She continued: Due to the long hours that my parents put in at work, they did not have much time to look after us. The moment they reached home, they would spend what little time they had caring for my little brother. Because of this, I have always felt like an unloved orphan. Hence I enrolled myself into a college that is far away from home and stayed in a distant city to work after graduation. I have not returned home since.

In the recent online chanting class, you kept emphasizing on the fact that we would not be alive today if our parents had been negligent for even one day.

While chanting, I had many recollections of scenes from my childhood. Suddenly I can see the love my parents have for me. They did not have time to spend with me because they were busy making a living to keep us alive. I called them immediately after the chanting session and have since gone home and rediscovered family warmth.

Today, I finally worked up the courage to apologize to my parents. They hugged me and said: “The fault is ours… We have let you down…” I am truly deeply remorseful. I have committed a big mistake in the past, treating my parents with cold indifference all these years, hurting them in the process and making them worried about me. I hugged my parents and cried with then… How wrong I have been…”

I replied to her: “With the change of mindset and a heart of gratitude, happiness is now within your grasp. I wish you all the best!”

I hope that every child will do their best to be filial to their parents.

The love at home can help to overcome all misunderstandings and disagreements. As long as you put in the effort, your life will definitely transform for the better!

#FilialPiety #HeartOfGratitude #Happiness #Transformationrnrn【父親、母親、對不起!】

【I am sorry, my dearest Dad and Mum!】

Last night, I received a message from an internet friend: “Master, I have come to realize today that I do, indeed, have parents…”

“What happened? Were you abandoned as a baby?” I asked.

She replied: “No no, but I have always felt that my parents did not love me. Because of this, I have not contacted them for many years.”

She continued: Due to the long hours that my parents put in at work, they did not have much time to look after us. The moment they reached home, they would spend what little time they had caring for my little brother. Because of this, I have always felt like an unloved orphan. Hence I enrolled myself into a college that is far away from home and stayed in a distant city to work after graduation. I have not returned home since.

In the recent online chanting class, you kept emphasizing on the fact that we would not be alive today if our parents had been negligent for even one day.

While chanting, I had many recollections of scenes from my childhood. Suddenly I can see the love my parents have for me. They did not have time to spend with me because they were busy making a living to keep us alive. I called them immediately after the chanting session and have since gone home and rediscovered family warmth.

Today, I finally worked up the courage to apologize to my parents. They hugged me and said: “The fault is ours… We have let you down…” I am truly deeply remorseful. I have committed a big mistake in the past, treating my parents with cold indifference all these years, hurting them in the process and making them worried about me. I hugged my parents and cried with then… How wrong I have been…”

I replied to her: “With the change of mindset and a heart of gratitude, happiness is now within your grasp. I wish you all the best!”

I hope that every child will do their best to be filial to their parents.

The love at home can help to overcome all misunderstandings and disagreements. As long as you put in the effort, your life will definitely transform for the better!

#FilialPiety #HeartOfGratitude #Happiness #Transformation


在〈【父親、母親、對不起!】 . 昨天晚上,…〉中有 29 則留言

  1. 有父母的爱,太幸福了,有父母在,家永远是温暧的,感恩天下所有的父母,感恩像慈父一样的师父!

  2. 师父有您真好!这些看似家常的小事,其实在现实生活中真的是我们不小的障碍,跨不过去,又心里难过。在一种负面的情绪中有时还会否定自己,人生会没有目标,感觉整个世界都颓废了。不过,心态扭转了之后,看山是山,看水是水了。这个扭转的过程,真心不容易,需要找到相信的人,信他,按他说的做,还要吾日三省吾身,慢慢地转变,阳光会渐渐照入心底。那个可信赖的人就是师父,感恩有您???

  3. 感恩师父教诲!当我们自己有了儿女,就知道做父母的多么不容易,她付出了多少!所以我们要尊重恭敬孝心他们!不让父母伤心!感恩师父慈悲分享!谢谢师父!

  4. 感恩师父!无上妙法教化,让我心回幸福的家园!感动的泪如雨下,感恩师父辛苦教化!感恩我的父母亲无上的爱!感恩兄弟姐妹的关心帮助!感恩所有一切感恩!感恩!感恩!

  5. 没有不爱自己孩子的父母,只有不懂感恩回报的子孙。百善孝为先,尽孝需及时!感恩师父慈悲教化!无量家庭获得温馨美满幸福!感恩随喜师父无量的恩泽!??????

  6. 感恩师父分享!我也有同感!现在我明白了!对不起父母亲了!父母往生了!我对不起父母亲!我只好用念佛方法回向给二位老人!让他们往生极乐世界!叩拜恩师!

  7. 师父的慈悲大爱的能量,让更多人觉醒,反思自己,对父母亲的执爱,兄弟姐妹,亲朋的爱和友好。有父母在才有家的存在,不然只是亲情缘了,慢慢亲情也会淡化的。是师父的慈悲大爱,让更多的有缘人亲如一家人,师父说,这个地球人,物本是一条根,那我们就是一家人,我们的家圆是妙法极乐!

  8. 感恩师父?祈愿佛菩萨的加持与护佑接引刚往生的妈妈到极乐世界,离苦得乐。妈妈,我好想念你,希望妈妈能托梦给我。叩拜恩师??‍♀️

  9. 看了很感动!。是啊,我曾经也是个不懂事的人,因为小时候和姐姐是双胞胎,爸妈工作忙,我就被送到外婆家长大至6-7岁才回家。。一直长到大,都觉得父母是偏心的、不爱我的,和父母也亲近不起来,心理也留下阴影,甚至还庆幸自己大学毕业后终于可以远走他乡了。。直到做了师父的弟子、学习了佛法,才明白自己是错的,尤其自己也做了母亲之后才明白我父母亲所做的一切都是为了我好。。我好忏悔!。。我只有用精进的修行和念佛来回向给我的父母亲,父母亲——我爱您们!愿您们永远吉祥自在!。。

  10. 感恩师父慈悲分享!是呀父母亲少照顾我们一天,我们真的都活不下去啊!想起对父母的不孝,真是忏悔的泪流满面啊。感恩师父慈悲教化我们!让我们懂得了怎样才能做一个真正的孝子。感恩师父!☕??????????

  11. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩我们的父母!天下所有的父母没有不爱自己的儿女的!顶礼感恩师父慈悲教诲!感恩父母养育之恩!感恩师父教化之恩!???

  12. 师父爱您!感恩师父慈悲,是师父的教诲,让大家更知父母养育之恩,让大家珍惜当下,爱父母,爱师长,爱帮助过我们的人,爱周边的人。顶礼感恩师父!

  13. 感恩師父慈悲分享???

  14. 感恩师父!感恩师父对我们慈悲教导!让我们找到了光明!改變心念,心存感恩,都有了溫暖幸福家!才能有健康快乐幸福的人生!顶礼感恩叩拜大慈大悲恩师金菩提上师!!!

  15. 师父好!我是因为自己到国外工作后才真真实实地感受到父母对我们无私的关怀和奉献。可是现在我也只能通过手机与他们联系,可能很长一段时间才能回家看看,真的非常想念以前在国内温馨、天伦之乐的场景,希望看到的有缘人能好好珍惜与父母在一起的时光,愿天下的父母都能身体安康!家庭幸福!???

  16. 好美的念亲恩,有在,要珍惜好好孝敬,不在了,要好好照顾自己,永远的收在心里不要忘了爸爸妈妈的一分爱,那就是父母亲的慈爱,南无阿弥陀佛南无阿弥陀佛南无阿弥陀佛

  17. 感恩师父慈悲分享!每次师父的开示,都能教化我很多,让我变化很多,从一个不知感恩的人,现在变的知恩图报了。非常感恩佛师的谆谆教导,让我从颠倒女变成一个正常人。弟子顶礼叩拜佛师!?‍♀️?‍♀️???

  18. 진푸티마스터

  19. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父慈悲教诲!感恩父母养育之恩!感恩师父教化之恩!???

  20. 不养儿女永远不知道父母恩!只有养育了才知道父母的恩情。我们为人儿女时候不懂得为父母去考虑,只知道父母为我们做什么事是他应该的,从来没有也不曾感恩过,但是如今的我们已经长大了。他们也慢慢的老去,是我们应该尽孝心的时候了。趁父母还在,趁我们还年轻,父母需要我们的爱,有父母在家还在,没有父母家就没有了。常回家看看吧!不要让以后得岁月里遗留遗憾跟悲伤。顶礼师父!

  21. 感恩师父慈悲教海!自己做了母亲之后更理解母亲的伟大。我11岁的时候爸爸就病去了,妈妈在我上高中时也故去了,我没有孝敬过他们,给自己留下了永久的遗憾,我非常想念他们。唯一能做的是为父母亲念佛,供灯,愿他们获得吉祥,祝驻佛国。感恩师父让我懂得了感恩!

  22. 感恩师父慈悲分享!?感动!恭喜师姐!没进菩提前自己也曾是不懂事!现在忻悔?️比!感恩父母!感恩师父和老师!感恩生命中的每个人!?叩拜

  23. 师父,您好!谢谢师父上传分享!父母恩情比海深啊!无论父母怎样对待孩子,孩子都不能怀恨在心了。谢谢师父大慈大悲常常教导我们心存感恩!感恩师父!
