念佛班的驚喜 . (以下是馬來西亞_來海…

#來海 #見證禪修 #念佛 #孝敬父母

A pleasant surprise from the Chanting Class

(Below is meditation journal of Laihai from Malaysia)

From the first day of the chanting class, I had resolved to pray for a fellow practitioner who was very ill. As I chanted, I dedicated all the merits accumulated from the chanting to her, in the hope that it will make her better. About two to three days later, my wife gave the lady a call. Happily, we found out that her situation has improved and she was a lot more energetic than before. That is also when we realized sincere chanting can produce wonderful results.

Actually, I had a lot of bad habits before I came for classes at Bodhi Meditation. I drank excessively and was always preoccupied with fun, good food and drinks.

In 2016, my wife and I practiced the Meditation of Greater Illumination during the group practice in Kepong Bodhi Meditation Center. I felt so good after the practice that I got the CD immediately. Since then, I have been practicing every day, even when I am on business trips.

It has been two years since I joined Bodhi Meditation. I have kicked my bad habits and have donated the money that I saved to charity. It is my wish to be able to be more giving and help more people. At the same time, build more virtues and merits for myself and my future generations.

*Effects of meditation vary according to individual*
*The above testimonial represents the personal opinions of the individual and does not represent the views of Bodhi Meditation*

#LaiHai, #Testimonial, #MeditationJournal, #Chanting, #RespectForParentsrnrn念佛班的驚喜
#來海 #見證禪修 #念佛 #孝敬父母

A pleasant surprise from the Chanting Class

(Below is meditation journal of Laihai from Malaysia)

From the first day of the chanting class, I had resolved to pray for a fellow practitioner who was very ill. As I chanted, I dedicated all the merits accumulated from the chanting to her, in the hope that it will make her better. About two to three days later, my wife gave the lady a call. Happily, we found out that her situation has improved and she was a lot more energetic than before. That is also when we realized sincere chanting can produce wonderful results.

Actually, I had a lot of bad habits before I came for classes at Bodhi Meditation. I drank excessively and was always preoccupied with fun, good food and drinks.

In 2016, my wife and I practiced the Meditation of Greater Illumination during the group practice in Kepong Bodhi Meditation Center. I felt so good after the practice that I got the CD immediately. Since then, I have been practicing every day, even when I am on business trips.

It has been two years since I joined Bodhi Meditation. I have kicked my bad habits and have donated the money that I saved to charity. It is my wish to be able to be more giving and help more people. At the same time, build more virtues and merits for myself and my future generations.

*Effects of meditation vary according to individual*
*The above testimonial represents the personal opinions of the individual and does not represent the views of Bodhi Meditation*

#LaiHai, #Testimonial, #MeditationJournal, #Chanting, #RespectForParents

#來海 #見證禪修 #念佛 #孝敬父母
A pleasant surprise from the Chanting Class
(Below is meditation journal of Laihai from Malaysia)
From the first day of the chanting class, I had resolved to pray for a fellow practitioner who was very ill. As I chanted, I dedicated all the merits accumulated from the chanting to her, in the hope that it will make her better. About two to three days later, my wife gave the lady a call. Happily, we found out that her situation has improved and she was a lot more energetic than before. That is also when we realized sincere chanting can produce wonderful results.
Actually, I had a lot of bad habits before I came for classes at Bodhi Meditation. I drank excessively and was always preoccupied with fun, good food and drinks. 
In 2016, my wife and I practiced the Meditation of Greater Illumination during the group practice in Kepong Bodhi Meditation Center. I felt so good after the practice that I got the CD immediately. Since then, I have been practicing every day, even when I am on business trips. 
It has been two years since I joined Bodhi Meditation. I have kicked my bad habits and have donated the money that I saved to charity. It is my wish to be able to be more giving and help more people. At the same time, build more virtues and merits for myself and my future generations.
*Effects of meditation vary according to individual*
*The above testimonial represents the personal opinions of the individual and does not represent the views of Bodhi Meditation*
#LaiHai, #Testimonial, #MeditationJournal, #Chanting, #RespectForParentsrnrn念佛班的驚喜
#來海 #見證禪修 #念佛 #孝敬父母
A pleasant surprise from the Chanting Class
(Below is meditation journal of Laihai from Malaysia)
From the first day of the chanting class, I had resolved to pray for a fellow practitioner who was very ill. As I chanted, I dedicated all the merits accumulated from the chanting to her, in the hope that it will make her better. About two to three days later, my wife gave the lady a call. Happily, we found out that her situation has improved and she was a lot more energetic than before. That is also when we realized sincere chanting can produce wonderful results.
Actually, I had a lot of bad habits before I came for classes at Bodhi Meditation. I drank excessively and was always preoccupied with fun, good food and drinks. 
In 2016, my wife and I practiced the Meditation of Greater Illumination during the group practice in Kepong Bodhi Meditation Center. I felt so good after the practice that I got the CD immediately. Since then, I have been practicing every day, even when I am on business trips. 
It has been two years since I joined Bodhi Meditation. I have kicked my bad habits and have donated the money that I saved to charity. It is my wish to be able to be more giving and help more people. At the same time, build more virtues and merits for myself and my future generations.
*Effects of meditation vary according to individual*
*The above testimonial represents the personal opinions of the individual and does not represent the views of Bodhi Meditation*
#LaiHai, #Testimonial, #MeditationJournal, #Chanting, #RespectForParents


在〈念佛班的驚喜 . (以下是馬來西亞_來海…〉中有 24 則留言

  1. 感恩师父!感恩来海师兄的慈悲分享!真诚念佛的功德无量,顶礼感恩恩师!

  2. 感恩师父!感恩来海师兄慈悲分享!恭喜来海师兄重获新生!愿越来越多的师兄都能受益于菩提禅修,都能健康自在!有能力帮助更多需要帮助的人走出困境。愿菩提禅修之光照亮世界各地!顶礼师父!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹!随喜赞叹师兄真棒真幸福健康快乐!祈愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐!祈愿更多有缘人都能跟随师父慈悲带领网络念佛班!真心念佛见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  4. 感恩师父大加持!我深有感触,只要真诚进入菩萨禅修道场,必有以获。记得2011年12月份的二级班上,因某种原因晚到了一天,禅堂的日工师姐拉着我的手找座位时,从药师佛像和上师法像那里来了二个有兰球一样大的白光团合并进入我体内,三天之内那种境界不可思议,三天后我才恢复了常态。我们真心念佛一句直指佛心,与师佛相应的那种感应道交是不好言表的,让我们明天和恩师相应,真诚念佛心想事成,护佑一方平安吉祥!

  5. 来海师兄棒棒哒!!!感恩师父传授的法,帮助了无数的有缘人,获得了健康快乐。??

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!师兄真诚念佛回向病人效果很好!师兄帮人功德无量!愿有缘众生都受益于菩提!菩提禅修健康快乐!幸福吉祥!感恩师父的慈悲大爱加持护佑!来菩提禅堂念佛吧收获会满滿的!恭敬顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  7. 感恩师父分享念佛班的惊喜。菩提禅修见证了无数不可思议的奇迹,只要我们有一颗恭敬真诚的心,去对佛菩萨师父与佛相应,精进修行就能收到神奇对的效果,菩提禅修即能带给我们健康快乐又能改变命运,同时还能让我们拥有一个美好的人生。感恩师父将佛的光芒与慈悲大爱给予了我们。让我们都成为了菩提禅修的见证者和受益者。

  8. 感恩师父!感恩师兄分亨!真诚念佛功德无量!祈愿更多有缘人都跟随师父网络念、佛班念佛!见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹!弟子们感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜师兄!老来?️福!进菩提就是大福大贵!自己健康快乐幸福长寿!世上没有比这更珍贵了!给子孙积功累德!功德无量!感恩大慈大悲的师父给众生带来光明,希望,解脱!祈愿人人都受益菩提禅修!佛光普照!?叩拜

  10. 感恩师父赐予全球有缘朋友们今天开始的7天网路念佛班!

  11. 师父吉祥感恩师父祝师父吉祥如意幸福安康期待师父的网络班即将来临顶礼叩拜 ??????

  12. 这位师兄太棒了!心里想着别人为别人念佛真慈悲!向师兄学习!????感恩师父慈悲分享????!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲加持!无私为众生祈福,我也和恩师发同等大愿利益一切众生!愿一切众生离苦得乐!弟子真诚忏悔曾经所造一切罪业,祈请师父加持弟子精尽修行!早证菩提!
