如何成為富貴吉祥的人 . 從前有兄弟二人…

#週六網路共修 #共修引導 #功德與命運

How to become rich and auspicious?

Once upon a time, there were two brothers on a boat together. They fell into the sea simultaneously and drowned. After death, they were brought before Lord Yama for a hearing of their reincarnation.

Lord Yama asked, “You have two choices for your next life. The first is to eat food given by others and spend others’ money. The second is to always give money to others. Which one would you choose? “

The elder brother chose the first option as he was greedy and liked the idea of spending others’ money. The younger brother chose the second option as he felt it was blessing to be able to help others.
As a result, the elder brother was born in a poor family that needed to beg for a living. As for the younger brother, he was born in a wealthy family and could always give to the poor.

If your mind is always on taking from others, you are destined to be poor. However, if you are constantly thinking of helping others, you will become a prosperous man. When your intention to help others become extremely strong and you put this into action, you will be a compassionate person in the eyes of the Buddha and bodhisattvas. They will bless with infinite energy, wisdom, fortune and power so that you can help more people. With that, naturally your life destiny will be transformed.

Today’s video “The Impact of Merit on Fate” contains the methods to self-transformation of fate and accumulation of merits. I hope that you will gain realization and reap benefits.
I wish all of you a happy and healthy life.

#SaturdayOnlineGlobalPractice,#GlobalPracticeGuidance, #TheImpactOfMeritOnFate


在〈如何成為富貴吉祥的人 . 從前有兄弟二人…〉中有 19 則留言

  1. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,多布施供养师父佛菩萨以及需要帮助的人才会富贵吉祥,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  2. 师父,您好!谢谢师父大慈大悲的开示和满满的祝福!「积功累德,改变命运。」感恩师父!

  3. 师父下午好!感恩开示!多行善布施!让我们的生活过得愉快幸福!???吉祥如意

  4. 感恩师父的慈悲开示!顶礼尊贵的上师,愿师父法体安康,吉祥如意?????????????

  5. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!师父早已教育我们付出什么就会得到什么!付出的同时,我们並不要求回报!扣拜佛师!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲开示!当一門心思想從別人那裡索取的時候,就註定是一個窮人;如果建立起佈施的心態,心裡總是想著幫助別人,讓大家都獲得利益,就是富貴之人。當幫人之心變得極為強烈、並且不遺餘力去執行的時候,在佛菩薩眼中,这个人就是個慈悲的人,幫人所需要的一切能量、智慧、福氣、權力都可能會給你,命運自然就轉變了!培养起佈施的心態,学习着去帮人助人!顶礼叩拜恩师!???

  7. 师父好!孺子牛师姐的女儿梁*晶今天参加会计中级考试,考两门,祈请师父加持她考试顺利通过,考出好成绩!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!施者?️福!施比受更有福!祈愿人人都能富贵吉祥!?叩拜
