你信因果嗎? . 人世間的眾生千差萬別,…

?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽穀/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2018年08月24日 晚上06:00開始
2. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2018年08月25日 上午09:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2018年08月24日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2018年08月25日 淩晨01:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2018年08月25日 淩晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2018年08月25日 淩晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2018年08月25日 早上07:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2018年08月25日 早上08:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2018年08月25日 上午10:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2018年08月25日 上午11:00開始
#週六網路共修 #共修預告 #2009年盂蘭盆節法會 #弘法系列rnrnDo you believe in the law of causation?

Everyone is born different. Some are born beautiful while others are born ugly. Some are open-minded, optimistic while others feel depressed and negative easily. Some are wise, healthy and proactive about life while others are fragile in spirit and give up easily when they face difficulties in life. Why is there such a big difference between people? What is the underlying source of these differences?

Perhaps some people may have this experience: a sudden inexplicable pain in their throat for no apparent reason. Some people may feel as if their head had just been severely hit and the pain cannot be alleviated by medication. What are the causes of this inexplicable pain? Is there any way to resolve it?

This coming Saturday’s Ullambana Festival, also known as Buddha Joyful Day, is a day where countless sentient beings gain liberation from sufferings through receiving blessings and guidance from Buddha. I welcome you to join me in chanting with a sincere heart. Let us call upon the immense power of Buddha to help liberate us from all worldly sufferings.

You are welcomed to share the post.
?More sharing; more blessings!?

Online Globe Group Practice Schedules:
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North American (Pacific Zone): Aug 24, 2018 at 06:00hrs
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/Hong Kong:
Aug 25, 2018 at 09:00hrs
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America (Eastern Zone): Aug 24, 2018 at 09:00hrs
4. London (United Kingdom): Aug 25, 2018 at 01:00hrs
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Aug 25, 2018 at 03:00hrs
6. Romania: Aug 25, 2018 at 04:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar): Aug 25, 2018 at 07:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): Aug 25, 2018 at 08:00hrs
9. Seoul (South Korea): Aug 25, 2018 at 10:00hrs
10. Melbourne (Australia): Aug 25, 2018 at 11:00hrs

Note: The Global Group Practice on Saturday is typically scheduled at 9:00am at Bodhi Meditation centers. Interested participants and practitioners are advised to refer in advance to the operational hours of the local Bodhi Meditation center.

#SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #OnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #2009UllambanaFestivalCelebration, #DharmaTeachingSeries

 ?歡迎分享,多傳多福!!  ?
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽穀/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2018年08月24日 晚上06:00開始
2. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2018年08月25日 上午09:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2018年08月24日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2018年08月25日 淩晨01:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2018年08月25日 淩晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2018年08月25日 淩晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2018年08月25日 早上07:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2018年08月25日 早上08:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2018年08月25日 上午10:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2018年08月25日 上午11:00開始
#週六網路共修 #共修預告 #2009年盂蘭盆節法會 #弘法系列rnrnDo you believe in the law of causation?
Everyone is born different. Some are born beautiful while others are born ugly. Some are open-minded, optimistic while others feel depressed and negative easily. Some are wise, healthy and proactive about life while others are fragile in spirit and give up easily when they face difficulties in life. Why is there such a big difference between people? What is the underlying source of these differences?
Perhaps some people may have this experience: a sudden inexplicable pain in their throat for no apparent reason. Some people may feel as if their head had just been severely hit and the pain cannot be alleviated by medication. What are the causes of this inexplicable pain? Is there any way to resolve it?
This coming Saturday’s Ullambana Festival, also known as Buddha Joyful Day, is a day where countless sentient beings gain liberation from sufferings through receiving blessings and guidance from Buddha. I welcome you to join me in chanting with a sincere heart. Let us call upon the immense power of Buddha to help liberate us from all worldly sufferings.
You are welcomed to share the post. 
?More sharing; more blessings!?
Online Globe Group Practice Schedules:
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North American (Pacific Zone): Aug 24, 2018 at 06:00hrs
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/Hong Kong:
Aug 25, 2018 at 09:00hrs 
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America (Eastern Zone): Aug 24, 2018 at 09:00hrs
4. London (United Kingdom): Aug 25, 2018 at 01:00hrs
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Aug 25, 2018 at 03:00hrs
6. Romania: Aug 25, 2018 at 04:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar): Aug 25, 2018 at 07:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): Aug 25, 2018 at 08:00hrs
9. Seoul (South Korea): Aug 25, 2018 at 10:00hrs
10. Melbourne (Australia): Aug 25, 2018 at 11:00hrs
Note: The Global Group Practice on Saturday is typically scheduled at 9:00am at Bodhi Meditation centers. Interested participants and practitioners are advised to refer in advance to the operational hours of the local Bodhi Meditation center.
#SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #OnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #2009UllambanaFestivalCelebration, #DharmaTeachingSeries


為卑詩省森林大火祈福? . 近日來,加拿…



你知道處暑時節要吃「蓋澆飯」嗎? . 處…

http://news.ifeng.com/a/20170823/51725042_0.shtmlrnrnDo you know that you should eat “Gai Jiao Rice” during the Chushu solar term?

Chushu represents the passing of the hottest day and a change of weather to cooler temperatures. Entering Chushu also means we are approaching the Autumn season. Chushu is also a cultural day for an agriculture society. On this day, people offer sacrifices to the Earth God to thank the gods for their blessings. 5 different colors of sacrificial objects will be prepared symbolizing the 5 elements. Such as- carrots, eggs , sweet peppers, fungus, lotus roots, etc. These 5 sacrificial objects will be placed on top of white rice and this gradually developed the custom of eating Gai Jiao Rice, also means large bowl of rice dishes in Chushu.

This customary habit coincides with the concept of seasonal health. During Fall, fresh fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients are regularly sold in the market and the human body requires these vitamins and nutrients during this period. The ancient sages have integrated health related wisdom into our food culture of the four seasons and enriched the Chinese food culture.

#ChuShu, #GaiJiaoRice, #SocialDay, #SolarTerm
Reference Source:



https://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=50837rnrn【Ullambana Festival】 Make light offerings to the Earth Store Bodhisattva and receive his blessings and guidance

During the Ullambana festival, let us offer lights for our deceased relatives in front of Buddha and Bodhisattva and sincerely chant their mantras, praying that they can receive Buddha’s blessings. Through our sincere chantings and offerings, may Buddha’s blessings eliminate their karmic debts, bless our descendants with a smooth-sailing life and bring everlasting purity and auspiciousness to all.
I am Huimei Chen from Seramban Bodhi Meditation Centre in Malaysia. Since February 2018, my husband and I participated in every meditation course held at the centre and we have benefited greatly. Interestingly, the day before class commenced, my daughter who lived in Singapore called and told me that she dreamed of my younger brother (who had passed away) appearing in front of her silently, making hand gestures that seemed to indicate that he needed help.

Hence, on the first day of the Chanting class, I offer lights for my brother in front of the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s statue, hoping that he can receive blessings and peacefully depart into the Pure Land.

On the fifth day of the Chanting class, when I was chanting the mantra sincerely, I suddenly saw my brother appearing in front of my eyes, smiling at me. He was neatly dressed and a ray of golden light surrounded his head. I was so touched by this scene that I couldn’t help but cry. My brother had died suddenly in a disease-free and painless condition. I was very sad at the time and have been unable to let go of this incident for ten years. This was the first time I saw my brother while chanting. I believe that my brother has received the guidance and blessings of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and has departed for a better place. I have finally released the burden in my heart. At the end of the chanting class, my heart was filled with infinite joy and gratitude!

#EarthStoreBodhisattva, #OfferingLight #Chanting
Information Source:

https://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=50837rnrn【Ullambana Festival】 Make light offerings to the Earth Store Bodhisattva and receive his blessings and guidance 
During the Ullambana festival, let us offer lights for our deceased relatives in front of Buddha and Bodhisattva and sincerely chant their mantras, praying that they can receive Buddha's blessings. Through our sincere chantings and offerings, may Buddha's blessings eliminate their karmic debts, bless our descendants with a smooth-sailing life and bring everlasting purity and auspiciousness to all. 
I am Huimei Chen from Seramban Bodhi Meditation Centre in Malaysia. Since February 2018, my husband and I  participated in every meditation course held at the centre and we have benefited greatly. Interestingly, the day before class commenced, my daughter who lived in Singapore called and told me that she dreamed of my younger brother (who had passed away) appearing in front of her silently, making hand gestures that seemed to indicate that he needed help. 
Hence, on the first day of the Chanting class, I offer lights for my brother in front of the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s statue, hoping that he can receive blessings and peacefully depart into the Pure Land.
On the fifth day of the Chanting class, when I was chanting the mantra sincerely, I suddenly saw my brother appearing in front of my eyes, smiling at me. He was neatly dressed and a ray of golden light surrounded his head. I was so touched by this scene that I couldn't help but cry. My brother had died suddenly in a disease-free and painless condition. I was very sad at the time and have been unable to let go of this incident for ten years. This was the first time I saw my brother while chanting. I believe that my brother has received the guidance and blessings of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and has departed for a better place. I have finally released the burden in my heart.  At the end of the chanting class, my heart was filled with infinite joy and gratitude!
#EarthStoreBodhisattva, #OfferingLight #Chanting 
Information Source: 


彩虹麵條 . 小孩子不愛吃菜?不愛吃麵條…



七月,孝亲报恩月 —2018盂兰盆超…

七月,孝亲报恩月 —2018盂兰盆超度祈福法会 2018 Bodhi Meditation Ullambana Festival Blessing Ceremony








今天的法会还设立了很多功能区,提供相关禅修咨询和体验,茶香斋也售卖中秋月饼和各种小食供来宾请购,而本次法会特别推出的加持法物“天珠”更是备受大众喜爱。rnrnUllambana Blessing Ceremony, 4000 people in Malaysia chanted for blessings!

On Sunday, August 19th, about 4,000 people gathered at the Ullambana event held in MAEPS, Serdang, Malaysia. They chanted with sincerity and offered lights to the Buddha to ask for blessings for their deceased loved ones. The atmosphere was extraordinary! Various meditation centers worldwide are also having their Ullambana Blessing Ceremony. If you wish to offer lights and send blessings to your ancestors during this period, you may contact any of the Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide.

Worldwide Bodhi Meditation Centers: https://www.puti.org/en/worldwide-centers/

#BodhiMeditationCenter, #UllambanaFestival, #BlessingsCeremony, #MakeLightOfferings

七月,孝亲报恩月 ---2018盂兰盆超度祈福法会 2018 Bodhi Meditation Ullambana Festival Blessing Ceremony








今天的法会还设立了很多功能区,提供相关禅修咨询和体验,茶香斋也售卖中秋月饼和各种小食供来宾请购,而本次法会特别推出的加持法物“天珠”更是备受大众喜爱。rnrnUllambana Blessing Ceremony, 4000 people in Malaysia chanted for blessings!
On Sunday, August 19th, about 4,000 people gathered at the Ullambana event held in MAEPS, Serdang, Malaysia. They chanted with sincerity and offered lights to the Buddha to ask for blessings for their deceased loved ones. The atmosphere was extraordinary! Various meditation centers worldwide are also having their Ullambana Blessing Ceremony. If you wish to offer lights and send blessings to your ancestors during this period, you may contact any of the Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide.
Worldwide Bodhi Meditation Centers: https://www.puti.org/en/worldwide-centers/
#BodhiMeditationCenter, #UllambanaFestival, #BlessingsCeremony, #MakeLightOfferings


你應該知道的生活常識!! . 是什麼原因…



能讓你「吉祥」又「好命」的名字? . 曾…

#取名字、#親子關係、#心懷慈悲、#家庭糾紛、#吉祥好命rnrnA Name That Brings Good Luck And Auspiciousness?

One of my disciples just had a grandchild. Before I could congratulate her, she suddenly cried out loud with grief.

I said, “What happened? Tell me”.

She elaborated, “Ever since my husband and I knew about my daughter-in-law’s pregnancy, we were very happy. We were so anxious to bring all the good things to them. When the grandchild was born, we look for a fortune-teller to come up with an auspicious name based on our grandchild’s birthdate. However, my son felt that it is the responsibility of the parents to give the child his name. Moreover, he deemed that the name we have chosen is unpleasant and old-fashioned. He went to register his chosen name for his child and this has really broken our hearts.

I consoled her, “Kids have their own blessing, there is no need to result in a family rivalry. Even if your grandchild adopts your chosen name, you are happy, but your son and daughter-in-law will be miserable. What good comes out of this for you or your grandchild? Alternatively, have a discussion with them. The name chosen by your son will be the formal name while the suggested name by the fortune-teller can be the nickname to be used only at home. This should work.”

She was happy after this conversation and went home to discuss with her son and daughter-in-law. The son and daughter-in-law realized that their parents were not happy over the child’s naming issue and decided to take a step back. They agreed to adopt the name the parents got from the fortune-teller as the child’s nickname. Thus, the family dispute was peacefully resolved.

In fact, a name does not determine one’s fate, it may only score some points. What determines one’s fate is whether he has compassion in his heart. If he has no compassion in his heart and keep doing evil acts, a good and auspicious name will not cover up his negativity from these actions. In contrast, if this child has a proper education, and was taught from young to do good deeds, an unpleasant name has very little effect on someone who has so much kindness.

#Naming, #FamilyRelationship, #CompassionateHeart, #FamilyDispute, #AuspiciousAndGoodLuck

#取名字、#親子關係、#心懷慈悲、#家庭糾紛、#吉祥好命rnrnA Name That Brings Good Luck And Auspiciousness?
One of my disciples just had a grandchild. Before I could congratulate her, she suddenly cried out loud with grief.
I said, “What happened? Tell me”.
She elaborated, “Ever since my husband and I knew about my daughter-in-law’s pregnancy, we were very happy. We were so anxious to bring all the good things to them. When the grandchild was born, we look for a fortune-teller to come up with an auspicious name based on our grandchild’s birthdate. However, my son felt that it is the responsibility of the parents to give the child his name. Moreover, he deemed that the name we have chosen is unpleasant and old-fashioned. He went to register his chosen name for his child and this has really broken our hearts.
I consoled her, “Kids have their own blessing, there is no need to result in a family rivalry. Even if  your grandchild adopts your chosen name, you are happy, but your son and daughter-in-law will be miserable. What good comes out of this for you or your grandchild? Alternatively, have a discussion with them. The name chosen by your son will be the formal name while the suggested name by the fortune-teller can be the nickname to be used only at home. This should work.”
She was happy after this conversation and went home to discuss with her son and daughter-in-law. The son and daughter-in-law realized that their parents were not happy over the child’s naming issue and decided to take a step back. They agreed to adopt the name the parents got from the fortune-teller as the child’s nickname. Thus, the family dispute was peacefully resolved.
In fact, a name does not determine one’s fate, it may only  score some points. What determines one’s fate is whether he has compassion in his heart.  If he has no compassion in his heart and keep doing evil acts, a good and auspicious name will not cover up his negativity from these actions. In contrast, if this child has a proper education, and was taught from young to do good deeds, an unpleasant name has very little effect on someone who has so much kindness.
#Naming, #FamilyRelationship, #CompassionateHeart, #FamilyDispute, #AuspiciousAndGoodLuck


我問你答 . 修行修到一個程度後,感受常…




【與神同行】天倫地獄 . 你覺得被「被害…

你是否認同金自鴻的立場抉擇,或你是金自鴻你會怎樣做! !
#與神同行 #天倫地獄rnrn【Along with the Gods】 Hell of Familial Morality

Do you agree that obtaining the forgiveness from the victim will absolve one of wrongdoing, regardless of the severity of the mistake?

Watching movies can bring us new inspirations…

[Along with the Gods 2] is currently showing in cinemas around the world. Let us recap the first movie and listen to what the ever-inquisitive youths think. At the same time, I also welcome all of you to share your thoughts here…

Here comes the most heart-wrenching and touching part of the movie – The Hell of Familial Morality. In a bid to escape from the sufferings brought about as a result of his mother’s illness, Kim Ja-hong decided to suffocate his ailing mother in her sleep and kill his brother after that. How can he gain forgiveness for such an atrocious deed?

As the karmic mirror changed to display what happened during that time, everyone saw Kim Ja-hong hesitating with a pillow held over their ailing mother. His younger brother tried to stop him but got beaten up instead. After that, Kim Ja-hong ran away from home and had not returned in 15 years…

In his defense, his guides pointed out that he had a complete change of heart once he had left the house and had resolved to live on for his family. From then on, he had worked very hard to earn enough money to support his sick mother and brother.

The scene in the karmic mirror shifted and everyone could now see that Kim Ja-hong’s mother had opened her eyes at the moment that he had his pillow poised over her. She had known that her beloved son wanted to kill her. She knew that the burden of her illness had pushed him to the brink of collapse. She was willing to end her life at the hands of her beloved son. This was why she continued to pretend to be asleep and did not put up a struggle.

Kim Ja-hong was devastated to learn that his mother was aware of what was going on. He collapsed sobbing to the floor, and begged the King of Hell to give him one last chance to see his mother. His plea was rejected on account of the fact that he already had 15 years to make amends for his mistake on earth, but he never once visited his mother.

The judges declared: “The evidence clearly showed you to be guilty. What else do you have to say?”

The King of Hell wanted to sentence Kim Ja-hong to serving the sentence in the vast desert, being buried alive again and again in never-ending cycles. Just when the judges were about to announce the sentence, the heavens and earth shook. The scene in the karmic mirror changed. Kim Ja-hong’s younger brother – who had been killed in a freak accident – had witnessed the trial and seen the scenes in the karmic mirror. To help his brother, he had gone into their mother’s dream to confess everything that happened so many years ago.

At the sight of the mother that he had not seen in 15 years, Kim Ja-hong ran forward in a bid to hug her and to repent to her. At that moment, his mother spoke (physical limitations were non-existent in the land of dreams).

She said: “The blame does not lie on my child – the fault is totally mine.” In that sentence, she absolved Kim Ja-hong of all wrongdoing. She had already forgiven him at that instant.

Upon seeing this, the King of Hell lamented: “To err is human. How many people have been completely without fault in their lives? Even among those who have made mistakes, how many of them have the courage to beg for forgiveness? And how many have been able to get true forgiveness from those that they have hurt?” According to the law of the underworld, someone who has obtained the forgiveness of the person he or she has hurt will be absolved of the crime. Hence the King of Hell reversed his previous sentence and declared Kim Ja-hong not guilty.

The movie ended with Kim Ja-hong getting reincarnated successfully.

It is not easy to forgive. But only when we forgive others can we truly let go. All the remorse and suffering that Kim Ja-hong went through was a result of his inability to come clean with his mother about the mistake that he had committed. He had let it drag for 15 long years! If he has been able to let go of the past and let go of the pressure that he had not been able to withstand at that time, he would not have these regrets and remorse. This was a test that he had to go through in his life. The process may be difficult, but if he had made it through, he could have tasted the wonders in life.

Share your thoughts…

Do you agree with Kim Ja-hong’s decision? What will you do if you are in his shoes?
1. In the underworld, having the thought to carry out an action is representative of the action itself. So, someone who carries out the action of “killing” is actually doubly guilty. Do you agree?
2. Or do you feel that someone who did not truly kill somebody is not guilty and hence should not be punished?
3. Do you agree that achieving the forgiveness of the victim is sufficient to absolve the perpetrator of the wrongdoing?

Stay tuned for the sequel…..
To know which movie are we discussing next, do continue to follow me on Facebook…

Source of image: http://dexterstudios.com/zh…/portfolio-posts/along-with-god/
#AlongWithTheGods #HellOfFamilialMorality

你是否認同金自鴻的立場抉擇,或你是金自鴻你會怎樣做! ! 
#與神同行 #天倫地獄rnrn【Along with the Gods】 Hell of Familial Morality
Do you agree that obtaining the forgiveness from the victim will absolve one of wrongdoing, regardless of the severity of the mistake? 
Watching movies can bring us new inspirations…
[Along with the Gods 2] is currently showing in cinemas around the world. Let us recap the first movie and listen to what the ever-inquisitive youths think. At the same time, I also welcome all of you to share your thoughts here…
Here comes the most heart-wrenching and touching part of the movie – The Hell of Familial Morality. In a bid to escape from the sufferings brought about as a result of his mother’s illness, Kim Ja-hong decided to suffocate his ailing mother in her sleep and kill his brother after that. How can he gain forgiveness for such an atrocious deed? 
As the karmic mirror changed to display what happened during that time, everyone saw Kim Ja-hong hesitating with a pillow held over their ailing mother. His younger brother tried to stop him but got beaten up instead. After that, Kim Ja-hong ran away from home and had not returned in 15 years…
In his defense, his guides pointed out that he had a complete change of heart once he had left the house and had resolved to live on for his family. From then on, he had worked very hard to earn enough money to support his sick mother and brother. 
The scene in the karmic mirror shifted and everyone could now see that Kim Ja-hong’s mother had opened her eyes at the moment that he had his pillow poised over her. She had known that her beloved son wanted to kill her. She knew that the burden of her illness had pushed him to the brink of collapse. She was willing to end her life at the hands of her beloved son. This was why she continued to pretend to be asleep and did not put up a struggle.  
Kim Ja-hong was devastated to learn that his mother was aware of what was going on. He collapsed sobbing to the floor, and begged the King of Hell to give him one last chance to see his mother. His plea was rejected on account of the fact that he already had 15 years to make amends for his mistake on earth, but he never once visited his mother. 
The judges declared: “The evidence clearly showed you to be guilty. What else do you have to say?” 
The King of Hell wanted to sentence Kim Ja-hong to serving the sentence in the vast desert, being buried alive again and again in never-ending cycles. Just when the judges were about to announce the sentence, the heavens and earth shook. The scene in the karmic mirror changed. Kim Ja-hong’s younger brother – who had been killed in a freak accident – had witnessed the trial and seen the scenes in the karmic mirror. To help his brother, he had gone into their mother’s dream to confess everything that happened so many years ago. 
At the sight of the mother that he had not seen in 15 years, Kim Ja-hong ran forward in a bid to hug her and to repent to her. At that moment, his mother spoke (physical limitations were non-existent in the land of dreams). 
She said: “The blame does not lie on my child – the fault is totally mine.” In that sentence, she absolved Kim Ja-hong of all wrongdoing. She had already forgiven him at that instant.
Upon seeing this, the King of Hell lamented: “To err is human. How many people have been completely without fault in their lives? Even among those who have made mistakes, how many of them have the courage to beg for forgiveness? And how many have been able to get true forgiveness from those that they have hurt?” According to the law of the underworld, someone who has obtained the forgiveness of the person he or she has hurt will be absolved of the crime. Hence the King of Hell reversed his previous sentence and declared Kim Ja-hong not guilty.
The movie ended with Kim Ja-hong getting reincarnated successfully. 
It is not easy to forgive. But only when we forgive others can we truly let go. All the remorse and suffering that Kim Ja-hong went through was a result of his inability to come clean with his mother about the mistake that he had committed. He had let it drag for 15 long years! If he has been able to let go of the past and let go of the pressure that he had not been able to withstand at that time, he would not have these regrets and remorse. This was a test that he had to go through in his life. The process may be difficult, but if he had made it through, he could have tasted the wonders in life. 
Share your thoughts… 
Do you agree with Kim Ja-hong’s decision? What will you do if you are in his shoes?
1. In the underworld, having the thought to carry out an action is representative of the action itself. So, someone who carries out the action of “killing” is actually doubly guilty. Do you agree?
2. Or do you feel that someone who did not truly kill somebody is not guilty and hence should not be punished?
3. Do you agree that achieving the forgiveness of the victim is sufficient to absolve the perpetrator of the wrongdoing?
Stay tuned for the sequel….. 
To know which movie are we discussing next, do continue to follow me on Facebook…
Source of image: http://dexterstudios.com/zh…/portfolio-posts/along-with-god/
#AlongWithTheGods  #HellOfFamilialMorality
