
https://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=50837rnrn【Ullambana Festival】 Make light offerings to the Earth Store Bodhisattva and receive his blessings and guidance

During the Ullambana festival, let us offer lights for our deceased relatives in front of Buddha and Bodhisattva and sincerely chant their mantras, praying that they can receive Buddha’s blessings. Through our sincere chantings and offerings, may Buddha’s blessings eliminate their karmic debts, bless our descendants with a smooth-sailing life and bring everlasting purity and auspiciousness to all.
I am Huimei Chen from Seramban Bodhi Meditation Centre in Malaysia. Since February 2018, my husband and I participated in every meditation course held at the centre and we have benefited greatly. Interestingly, the day before class commenced, my daughter who lived in Singapore called and told me that she dreamed of my younger brother (who had passed away) appearing in front of her silently, making hand gestures that seemed to indicate that he needed help.

Hence, on the first day of the Chanting class, I offer lights for my brother in front of the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s statue, hoping that he can receive blessings and peacefully depart into the Pure Land.

On the fifth day of the Chanting class, when I was chanting the mantra sincerely, I suddenly saw my brother appearing in front of my eyes, smiling at me. He was neatly dressed and a ray of golden light surrounded his head. I was so touched by this scene that I couldn’t help but cry. My brother had died suddenly in a disease-free and painless condition. I was very sad at the time and have been unable to let go of this incident for ten years. This was the first time I saw my brother while chanting. I believe that my brother has received the guidance and blessings of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and has departed for a better place. I have finally released the burden in my heart. At the end of the chanting class, my heart was filled with infinite joy and gratitude!

#EarthStoreBodhisattva, #OfferingLight #Chanting
Information Source:

https://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=50837rnrn【Ullambana Festival】 Make light offerings to the Earth Store Bodhisattva and receive his blessings and guidance 
During the Ullambana festival, let us offer lights for our deceased relatives in front of Buddha and Bodhisattva and sincerely chant their mantras, praying that they can receive Buddha's blessings. Through our sincere chantings and offerings, may Buddha's blessings eliminate their karmic debts, bless our descendants with a smooth-sailing life and bring everlasting purity and auspiciousness to all. 
I am Huimei Chen from Seramban Bodhi Meditation Centre in Malaysia. Since February 2018, my husband and I  participated in every meditation course held at the centre and we have benefited greatly. Interestingly, the day before class commenced, my daughter who lived in Singapore called and told me that she dreamed of my younger brother (who had passed away) appearing in front of her silently, making hand gestures that seemed to indicate that he needed help. 
Hence, on the first day of the Chanting class, I offer lights for my brother in front of the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s statue, hoping that he can receive blessings and peacefully depart into the Pure Land.
On the fifth day of the Chanting class, when I was chanting the mantra sincerely, I suddenly saw my brother appearing in front of my eyes, smiling at me. He was neatly dressed and a ray of golden light surrounded his head. I was so touched by this scene that I couldn't help but cry. My brother had died suddenly in a disease-free and painless condition. I was very sad at the time and have been unable to let go of this incident for ten years. This was the first time I saw my brother while chanting. I believe that my brother has received the guidance and blessings of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and has departed for a better place. I have finally released the burden in my heart.  At the end of the chanting class, my heart was filled with infinite joy and gratitude!
#EarthStoreBodhisattva, #OfferingLight #Chanting 
Information Source: 


在〈【盂蘭盆】地藏王菩薩前點燈,得佛光接引。…〉中有 21 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享点灯受益见证!随喜赞叹师兄!???感恩慈悲的师父!感恩慈悲的地藏王菩萨!???????☕????

  2. 感恩我最尊贵的上师!用千言万语说不尽师父对我们的恩德!只能汇成感恩!感恩!感恩!???

  3. 感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!盂兰盆节期间我们在佛菩萨前为往生者供灯供养!送上一句真誠的佛號,願他們都能得到佛光加持。消除他们累世业障,也使我們的後代子孫可以生活順遂、吉祥平安!顶礼感恩师父!???

  4. 感恩师父分享供灯为往生者入淨土!感恩地藏王菩萨接引先人脱离苦海!???吉祥光明

  5. 顶礼跪拜感恩尊贵慈悲伟大的师父!真为师姐感到由衷地高兴和欣慰,祝福师姐和家人越来越好!佛光普照!祈愿一切有缘众生都能沐浴佛光、消灾灭难、吉祥平安、离苦得乐!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲指引!在孟兰盆节为逝去的亲人点灯,真诚颂念佛号,得佛,菩萨接引脱离苦难,消除业障,使子孙后代生活顺遂,吉祥平安,感恩师父,感恩地藏王菩萨!

  7. 让我們在佛菩薩前為往生親人點亮一盞明燈,送上一句真誠的佛號,願他們都能得到佛光加持。

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜师姐!在这殊胜的日子为亲人和伤害的众生忻悔,并真诚诵念佛号,让他们?️佛菩萨接引,往生极乐!离苦得乐!?叩拜

  9. 感恩师父慈悲的分享陈慧梅师姐为弟弟点灯的见证实例!她的弟弟去世十年了还没有从地狱解脱出来,就在禅堂里地藏王菩萨像前供了一盏超度灯,她就看到弟弟己获得了佛光的接引往生到好的地方了。祝福师姐的慈悲之心能为自己的亲人点一盏超度灯,救亲人脱离地狱的苦难!

  10. 供灯念佛为往生的亲人超度,祈愿他们得佛菩萨师父的接引,往生极乐世界永脱轮回!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲分享!愿我们往生的亲人在盂兰盆法会期间都能得到佛菩萨接引往生极乐世界。为他们在佛前点灯,念佛祈请佛菩萨加持他们。顶礼师父!

  12. 做好本份足矣?南無阿弥陀佛善哉善哉?祝福母親大人已到極樂世界?1/7/2018…晚上…八点卅五分奔天?南無阿弥陀佛???

  13. 师父好!昨天下午做了一个大光明,又念了一小时佛号,念了一半的时候师父我的心突然又想事,压力!然后今天早起来我浑身莫名其妙的凉,出冷汗!好像风湿跑出来了一样!头也晕的很难受!用手一模肚子凉的像冰!还感觉不到饿!突然就这样了!不知道为什么师父身上突然就出来凉气了
