【與神同行】天倫地獄 . 你覺得被「被害…

你是否認同金自鴻的立場抉擇,或你是金自鴻你會怎樣做! !
#與神同行 #天倫地獄rnrn【Along with the Gods】 Hell of Familial Morality

Do you agree that obtaining the forgiveness from the victim will absolve one of wrongdoing, regardless of the severity of the mistake?

Watching movies can bring us new inspirations…

[Along with the Gods 2] is currently showing in cinemas around the world. Let us recap the first movie and listen to what the ever-inquisitive youths think. At the same time, I also welcome all of you to share your thoughts here…

Here comes the most heart-wrenching and touching part of the movie – The Hell of Familial Morality. In a bid to escape from the sufferings brought about as a result of his mother’s illness, Kim Ja-hong decided to suffocate his ailing mother in her sleep and kill his brother after that. How can he gain forgiveness for such an atrocious deed?

As the karmic mirror changed to display what happened during that time, everyone saw Kim Ja-hong hesitating with a pillow held over their ailing mother. His younger brother tried to stop him but got beaten up instead. After that, Kim Ja-hong ran away from home and had not returned in 15 years…

In his defense, his guides pointed out that he had a complete change of heart once he had left the house and had resolved to live on for his family. From then on, he had worked very hard to earn enough money to support his sick mother and brother.

The scene in the karmic mirror shifted and everyone could now see that Kim Ja-hong’s mother had opened her eyes at the moment that he had his pillow poised over her. She had known that her beloved son wanted to kill her. She knew that the burden of her illness had pushed him to the brink of collapse. She was willing to end her life at the hands of her beloved son. This was why she continued to pretend to be asleep and did not put up a struggle.

Kim Ja-hong was devastated to learn that his mother was aware of what was going on. He collapsed sobbing to the floor, and begged the King of Hell to give him one last chance to see his mother. His plea was rejected on account of the fact that he already had 15 years to make amends for his mistake on earth, but he never once visited his mother.

The judges declared: “The evidence clearly showed you to be guilty. What else do you have to say?”

The King of Hell wanted to sentence Kim Ja-hong to serving the sentence in the vast desert, being buried alive again and again in never-ending cycles. Just when the judges were about to announce the sentence, the heavens and earth shook. The scene in the karmic mirror changed. Kim Ja-hong’s younger brother – who had been killed in a freak accident – had witnessed the trial and seen the scenes in the karmic mirror. To help his brother, he had gone into their mother’s dream to confess everything that happened so many years ago.

At the sight of the mother that he had not seen in 15 years, Kim Ja-hong ran forward in a bid to hug her and to repent to her. At that moment, his mother spoke (physical limitations were non-existent in the land of dreams).

She said: “The blame does not lie on my child – the fault is totally mine.” In that sentence, she absolved Kim Ja-hong of all wrongdoing. She had already forgiven him at that instant.

Upon seeing this, the King of Hell lamented: “To err is human. How many people have been completely without fault in their lives? Even among those who have made mistakes, how many of them have the courage to beg for forgiveness? And how many have been able to get true forgiveness from those that they have hurt?” According to the law of the underworld, someone who has obtained the forgiveness of the person he or she has hurt will be absolved of the crime. Hence the King of Hell reversed his previous sentence and declared Kim Ja-hong not guilty.

The movie ended with Kim Ja-hong getting reincarnated successfully.

It is not easy to forgive. But only when we forgive others can we truly let go. All the remorse and suffering that Kim Ja-hong went through was a result of his inability to come clean with his mother about the mistake that he had committed. He had let it drag for 15 long years! If he has been able to let go of the past and let go of the pressure that he had not been able to withstand at that time, he would not have these regrets and remorse. This was a test that he had to go through in his life. The process may be difficult, but if he had made it through, he could have tasted the wonders in life.

Share your thoughts…

Do you agree with Kim Ja-hong’s decision? What will you do if you are in his shoes?
1. In the underworld, having the thought to carry out an action is representative of the action itself. So, someone who carries out the action of “killing” is actually doubly guilty. Do you agree?
2. Or do you feel that someone who did not truly kill somebody is not guilty and hence should not be punished?
3. Do you agree that achieving the forgiveness of the victim is sufficient to absolve the perpetrator of the wrongdoing?

Stay tuned for the sequel…..
To know which movie are we discussing next, do continue to follow me on Facebook…

Source of image: http://dexterstudios.com/zh…/portfolio-posts/along-with-god/
#AlongWithTheGods #HellOfFamilialMorality

你是否認同金自鴻的立場抉擇,或你是金自鴻你會怎樣做! ! 
#與神同行 #天倫地獄rnrn【Along with the Gods】 Hell of Familial Morality
Do you agree that obtaining the forgiveness from the victim will absolve one of wrongdoing, regardless of the severity of the mistake? 
Watching movies can bring us new inspirations…
[Along with the Gods 2] is currently showing in cinemas around the world. Let us recap the first movie and listen to what the ever-inquisitive youths think. At the same time, I also welcome all of you to share your thoughts here…
Here comes the most heart-wrenching and touching part of the movie – The Hell of Familial Morality. In a bid to escape from the sufferings brought about as a result of his mother’s illness, Kim Ja-hong decided to suffocate his ailing mother in her sleep and kill his brother after that. How can he gain forgiveness for such an atrocious deed? 
As the karmic mirror changed to display what happened during that time, everyone saw Kim Ja-hong hesitating with a pillow held over their ailing mother. His younger brother tried to stop him but got beaten up instead. After that, Kim Ja-hong ran away from home and had not returned in 15 years…
In his defense, his guides pointed out that he had a complete change of heart once he had left the house and had resolved to live on for his family. From then on, he had worked very hard to earn enough money to support his sick mother and brother. 
The scene in the karmic mirror shifted and everyone could now see that Kim Ja-hong’s mother had opened her eyes at the moment that he had his pillow poised over her. She had known that her beloved son wanted to kill her. She knew that the burden of her illness had pushed him to the brink of collapse. She was willing to end her life at the hands of her beloved son. This was why she continued to pretend to be asleep and did not put up a struggle.  
Kim Ja-hong was devastated to learn that his mother was aware of what was going on. He collapsed sobbing to the floor, and begged the King of Hell to give him one last chance to see his mother. His plea was rejected on account of the fact that he already had 15 years to make amends for his mistake on earth, but he never once visited his mother. 
The judges declared: “The evidence clearly showed you to be guilty. What else do you have to say?” 
The King of Hell wanted to sentence Kim Ja-hong to serving the sentence in the vast desert, being buried alive again and again in never-ending cycles. Just when the judges were about to announce the sentence, the heavens and earth shook. The scene in the karmic mirror changed. Kim Ja-hong’s younger brother – who had been killed in a freak accident – had witnessed the trial and seen the scenes in the karmic mirror. To help his brother, he had gone into their mother’s dream to confess everything that happened so many years ago. 
At the sight of the mother that he had not seen in 15 years, Kim Ja-hong ran forward in a bid to hug her and to repent to her. At that moment, his mother spoke (physical limitations were non-existent in the land of dreams). 
She said: “The blame does not lie on my child – the fault is totally mine.” In that sentence, she absolved Kim Ja-hong of all wrongdoing. She had already forgiven him at that instant.
Upon seeing this, the King of Hell lamented: “To err is human. How many people have been completely without fault in their lives? Even among those who have made mistakes, how many of them have the courage to beg for forgiveness? And how many have been able to get true forgiveness from those that they have hurt?” According to the law of the underworld, someone who has obtained the forgiveness of the person he or she has hurt will be absolved of the crime. Hence the King of Hell reversed his previous sentence and declared Kim Ja-hong not guilty.
The movie ended with Kim Ja-hong getting reincarnated successfully. 
It is not easy to forgive. But only when we forgive others can we truly let go. All the remorse and suffering that Kim Ja-hong went through was a result of his inability to come clean with his mother about the mistake that he had committed. He had let it drag for 15 long years! If he has been able to let go of the past and let go of the pressure that he had not been able to withstand at that time, he would not have these regrets and remorse. This was a test that he had to go through in his life. The process may be difficult, but if he had made it through, he could have tasted the wonders in life. 
Share your thoughts… 
Do you agree with Kim Ja-hong’s decision? What will you do if you are in his shoes?
1. In the underworld, having the thought to carry out an action is representative of the action itself. So, someone who carries out the action of “killing” is actually doubly guilty. Do you agree?
2. Or do you feel that someone who did not truly kill somebody is not guilty and hence should not be punished?
3. Do you agree that achieving the forgiveness of the victim is sufficient to absolve the perpetrator of the wrongdoing?
Stay tuned for the sequel….. 
To know which movie are we discussing next, do continue to follow me on Facebook…
Source of image: http://dexterstudios.com/zh…/portfolio-posts/along-with-god/
#AlongWithTheGods  #HellOfFamilialMorality


在〈【與神同行】天倫地獄 . 你覺得被「被害…〉中有 27 則留言

  1. 師父說的對!原諒別人就是善待自己!但談何容易?因為我們都是凡人,不是神和佛!

  2. 被害者的因果是他自己的事情。害人者的因果也是他自己事。没有绝对存在的事物,只有相对呈现出来的状态。

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享与引导!在阴律中,动念就代表实际的行为。而这种实际行为,如能得到人世间的的原谅,将不在进行审判,并宣布无罪。阿弥陀佛,人来世间主要是修自己心啊,学佛就是修心啊。想一想。真心忏悔改过是多么的重要,修一颗纯净、慈悲、善良、宽容的心是多么地重要。发菩提心是多么地重要。感恩今生有幸遇到了佛师,感恩师父时时刻刻方方面面苦口婆心不厌其烦地教导,引领弟子走上了反观自我、知错改错、护持善念、谦卑待人、自觉觉他的光明大道。祈愿一切有缘都能沐浴佛光、都能与佛结缘,都能早日醒悟、都能回归人生幸福的皮岸。

  4. 这是《与神同行》中最人性和最让人感动的一段。如果犯错的人真心悔过,希望能够被原谅。我觉得真心忏悔并被原谅,不会再被审判,应该是真的吧?我曾经养过一只小兔子,后来,不小心,小兔子被冻死了。几年后,有一天晚上我梦见了小兔子成了一个女的,和另外两个女的(可能那两个也是我的冤亲债主)要一起惩罚我。她们把我绑在象是一个饮水机上面,准备来打我或者怎么样惩办我。我当时在梦中并不知道她们是谁,但我忽然开始非常痛彻地忏悔,哭得泪雨滂沱,我说:‘所有我伤害过的生灵啊,我愿意受到和你们同样的痛苦的惩罚……“哭了一小会儿,梦中那三个人都不要惩罚我了,她们就走了,这时我感应到其中一个女的是我养的那只小兔子,另外两个不知道是谁。醒来的时候,我觉得象是真的又象是在做梦,又象是梦见自己在做梦。第二天想到这个梦,我还是哭了很久,想到小兔子被我那么不小心地残忍地冻死了,而因为我真心忏悔它就原谅了我,觉得它好慈悲啊。后来,我一直都在念佛或供灯的时候都想着要超度我的小兔子和我的冤亲债主。我真的不是要故意冻死它啊,它被冻死了,我也好心疼的。我每次在修药师大光明的时候,都会想到我的小兔子被冻死前的痛苦,都忍不住掉眼泪,接着便观想佛光照耀着它,它欢喜地坐在莲花上。祈愿它能够得到佛菩萨接引,往生东方琉璃世界,永驻吉祥,没有一切苦!还要特别感恩师父,因为曾经看过有大德说,有些修行人可能本来要经历一些很大的灾难,但做梦也可以化解。我想我做梦的时候不知不觉地能够真心忏悔都是因为师父的加持和护佑!感恩大慈大悲的恩师!感恩师父慈悲分享!

  5. 记得有句话是说,起心动念就是罪,当然这是指不好的心念。如果付诸实施,那当然是罪过更大了,而不能说犯罪行为没有实施就没有罪过。人间的法律是这么认为、也是这么判决,但在天道,只要动了邪恶的念头,因果的惩罚就已经如影随形了。受害人的原谅与自身的忏悔,在一定程度上能减轻罪者的惩罚,但使其完全不受惩罚或是置身度外则很难做到,即使有佛菩萨的承担销业自身也要承受一些。但自身这种发自内心的忏悔的益处在于能阻断这种行为与恶性循环的继续发生,从而为最终的解脱打下基础。另一方面,对于原谅别人的受害者来说,其实得到了最大的获益,因为真的是原谅了别人,而放过的是自己。。。因为世界上没有无缘无故的事情发生。。。。。对于自身所处的逆境困境,随遇而安应该是正确的选择,现在的处境都是由以前的行为造成,老天爷并没有冤枉我们。保持积极乐观、阳光向上、乐善好施的心态与行为,才是度过难关走出困境的关键,因为,境由心生!!感恩师父!!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!弟子不认同金自鸿立场抉择,如果我是金自鸿再苦再难也要善待父母。1,意念也是犯罪,是的罪上加罪。2虽然没有杀人成功,但是当时的行为已经构成了犯罪。3从因果上讲被〔被害者原谅〕应该可以抹煞罪行的。古圣先贤上讲:人非圣贤,孰能无过,过而能改,善莫大焉。

  7. 感恩師父分享???我覺得起心動念很重要,希望世人都有機會了解自然規律,時刻提醒自己???謝謝師父,會想看續集?

  8. 感恩师父慈悲的分享与引领我们真心忏悔改过而改变恶运的好方法。我相信,发自真心的忏悔就能挽救自己的生命。我本人就是一个见证实例的人。由于恶业深重没有好好的尊师重道而导致的恶报现前,腿部做手术时,由于麻药过去了,医生看我痛疼难忍可能是太过紧张而没有缝合好伤口。在六月的天气里发生了感染,随时随地的都可能发生生命危险,医生都很紧张的一直在给我用抗生素。

  9. 雖然得到「被害者原諒,但因律會自行計數」,因果相續,每個人都會有天生下來的使命,誰人能代為負責!
    感恩金菩提禅師 !合十

  10. 一个人可以无能,但绝对不能因为自己的无能而犯罪。同时更不能违反人性杀人。杀人偿命天经地义。当然对于没有人性的地域例外。他咋宣判与人类无关。人类即使不受国家法律制裁,他在良心的道德法庭将受到无时无刻的惩罚。就如电影中的杀母者。虽然地域阎王因为人间母亲的原谅判他无罪,可是他15年的人间煎熬不是惩罚吗?有一点可以原谅的是,此人是有良知的。毕竟出发点不是太坏。可是无论如何不能无故杀人。即使正义杀人之故,也要经过法律判断。而不是自设刑堂杀人。你无能可以求助社会,不能因为自己无能怕丢人而不去求助于社会其他人。如果社会不管,那就是另外一回事啦。就如中国一个母亲老师脱光自己,求助社会,最终被关入精神病院。这样无良的执政者,死不死都一样。无良的社会,人类再有良知也无用。可悲可叹可恨。

  11. 当金自鸿起心动念要杀母亲的那刻,他已犯下了滔天大罪!虽杀人没成功但这一念暴露了他人性中的恶,他理应承受由此带来的果报!虽没遭受地狱沙漠活埋的惩罚,但也整整15年不敢与母亲谋面,可见其内心遭受的折磨堪比下地狱之痛!这也是对他恶念、恶行的严厉惩罚!天下也只有伟大的母亲能真心原谅要杀害自己的儿子!所以要守住自己的一颗心,把握住自己的起心动念,保持一颗善心、念念为善!

  12. 师父好!我妈妈帕金森,全身抖颤,喂流食都会喷出来,说话靠猜,尿滞留,厉害了一上午抱十来次也尿不出来,老下尿管。大便下手抠,厉害了就是每天打开塞露,抠大便,洗完抱上去歇会儿,再抱下来抠遍开塞露,洗完再抱上去。晚上起夜5·6次常事,油耳底,头上都是癣。有次我们打禅七,圆满时我生日,爸爸来电话,妈妈血压一下子两百,昏迷了,我和姐姐不想给治了,她每天那么痛苦,活得没有尊严,走了是好事。爸爸急了,非让喊大夫,输几天液好了,又受7·8年,走时褥疮很严重。我出门了,妈妈走了,走得很快,我的老师同学朋友都去了,一个不差只差我。等我回来,已下葬十来天了。前几年同学们给我介绍朋友,也是同学,条件很好,我考虑了,没同意,这下麻烦了,一有场合冷言冷语,他年轻时和我闺蜜谈恋爱散了,会更生气些。我会让着他,这几年他更有钱了,这次接我们说我以为你住别墅了,他们三都住别墅。我不在意。同学孩子结婚他给斟酒,问酒喝吗,意思就是不要他人吗。我说倒,他倒一杯,我都喝了,让大家看,我不会喝,他自己说,想嘛了呢,底下一女同学说,我们现在得赶着你们,他说太对了。我不介意,那个女同学做了个大手术,单位不景气,孩子上艺术学校,正用他,我没失去,她得到了,很好。那女生在群里发了篇为五斗米折腰失人性,我背地里给了她一个拥抱。我们那群很单纯,都是家长安排。有一男同学,说了我同事,后来追我,我不同意。他们结婚了,女的说谢谢我,我说不是不喜欢,是不应该。现在都是好友。那次吃完饭,请客的同学发红包谢大家,我抢了5.64,最多,那个让我喝的男生5.6,差点事儿嘛,在我们这挺羞辱人的,不关我事,大家都起哄。最近桃花旺,大家都关心,觉得委屈了,有了教训能更好地去处理。‘初’‘,前面衣补,后面是刀,有风有雨,再正常不过。感恩师父!感恩所有的相遇!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲分享与引导!諒別人才能放過自己,執著於當下無法承受的壓力,就不會有這些悔與憾。鍋巴飯熬製的過程很辛苦,熬過去了就是人間美味!保持一颗慈悲善心,好好做人時刻提醒自己!感恩师父!!!

  14. 感恩师父分享.

  15. 师父,我觉得,别人的原谅那是别人心胸宽广,但是伤害了别人还是要忏悔的。

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示【與神同行】天倫地獄!当在电影中看到这一段时,当时的直接反应是:会有这种事请发生吗?可是当真正感受到因照顾久病的家人,身上背負的責任與壓力已經瀕臨崩潰时的感觉时,理解了母亲、金自鴻和他弟弟当时的心情!金自鴻太執著於過去,執著於當下無法承受的壓力,才有這些悔與憾。得到的启发是:生活中发生的各种事情,经历的过程也许很辛苦,一定要坚持熬過去,不留遗憾!面对压力时学习转化为修行的动力,犯錯时,真心請求原諒,罪从心起将心忏!感恩师父慈悲教诲,讲解陰律法則、忏悔消业的方法,真诚顶礼尊贵的佛师!???

  17. 感恩师父慈悲!1有罪,身口语意无不是罪。2该罚。3可以原谅,真心忻悔可以原谅!这就是慈悲力量!只有慈悲就少放罪,胜至不再放错!弟子忻悔放了太多罪过了?……?叩拜

  18. 感恩师父开导,弟子认为有杀人动机和行为,更何况是自己的母亲,就是犯罪,罪上加罪,天地不容,能得到母亲的原谅是母亲慈悲,但犯罪不能一笔沟消,该受的惩罚还是得受,这样才能警醒,做人真不敢有害人之心!

  19. 师父,您好!对于金自鸿想杀害他的母亲这种动机就不正确了。但是后来他的母亲都原谅他,金自鸿应该可以免罪的。希望任何人当遇上什么困难逆境,千万都不要伤害其他人,一切听天由命吧。谢谢师父上传分享让我懂了很多知识!感恩师父!

  20. 1、行動雖殺人,但動念良善!

  21. 回答师父的问题:1、在“阴律”里,动念代表着“实际行为”。“心念一闪,振动十方”,在阴律里,因没有“肉体”的这“障碍”,心念就代表着一切。其实,在人间,有“色身”,但构成也是“念体”所为,如所说:“身体的一切,都是意志的产物”。加上这行为,是罪上罪。2、那是人间的法律,这法律有专门名词叫,“动机行为”和“事实行为”。动机行为不造成事实行为,不追究责任。在阴间,也许一切的行为,都是意念,不能拿人间的“色身”来理解阴解的“灵魂”存在形式。或者如人间所说的“意到功到,意到佛到”道理一样。在那种维度,没有米饭来供养“相身”,也没有所谓的行为“相”。3、原则上可以。其一,人间有不起诉不追究。虽则有公诉,也是实行这个原则。其二,这个说法有天意啊。如耶稣,在被钉十字架处死时,临死时还对身旁同样处死的小偷说,“要原谅他们”,好像当时执法者后来也不治罪啊,??。其三,如果觉得“有罪”来自于“受害者”的难过或不公,但事出有因,并不引起诸如此种感受,也许回到“动机”这方面来说,带有“善”的成分。其四,说说“积极”的一面,现在有一句话是:“我的善良很贵”,也即能叫对方能“自律”。如国内报道说,一留学日本的儿子,回国时恨母亲不能供给足够的钱,在机场接机时举刀就恶极相向,虽然后来听说母亲选择原谅儿子,如果不上审判法庭,也要上民间道德法庭啊,为世人所不耻,而杜绝此行为。其五,学佛也肯定这一条啊,得到”被害者“原谅,也即无罪。向对方忏悔,得到对方的原谅,是唯一消业(无罪)的办法。问题是你是否能出自真心向对方忏悔,做到这一条,也许需要功德所至。说起昨天的盂兰盘节大法会,一师姐学佛念经有十几年之久,回菩提禅修才半年,法会结束时,跟我分享说,念佛号时流眼泪了,想到了对众生的伤害,包括小动物的伤害,小时候对怀有很多幼仔的蚂蚁一脚踩死,不知做过多少次,现在才深深触到怜悯之心,他们也上有老下有少,它们也会很难受,它们有它们的知觉,说时眼泪又出来了。她说是来菩提禅修以后才有这忏悔的心的。我想,她能眼泪出来,是真正沟通了佛力和佛的慈悲,也才是得到“它们”原谅的根本,因这,“业力“也消了。我也是在上次观音菩萨成道日大法会念佛时,想到以前”伤害“自己的领导,他(她)也是一个普通和“善良”的人,有家有老有少,那男领导好象是单亲,他带着他小弟和小妹成长,女领导有五个孩子。自己不同情他们,却恨他们,自己真心为同情他们流下了眼泪。能得到这“信息和念头”,正是“业力”得到被消除的缘由。最后总结:起心动念要善意;作恶被终止,也算是事实行为;多念佛,唯有忏悔,才是消业灭罪的唯一办法。咳,说多了,请原谅了,但望心中所识能得到教化!感恩师父!???

  22. 感恩师父!1起心动念就是不对的,有想法接下来就会实践造成结果。2也不是不对的应该受惩罚因为动机不对。3人非圣贤孰能无过,有过错能改过就是好人。

  23. 所谓的一念天堂,一念地狱,就是说我们每一个念头都会感召对应的业果,虽然并没有实际的行动。所以,善护念很重要,让每个念头都保持慈悲善良,不起恶念,就不会感召恶果。

  24. 自己看一遍没有那么深的理解,师父一讲,才理解电影里的故事真实的含义,也学会真心忏悔了业。
