能讓你「吉祥」又「好命」的名字? . 曾…

#取名字、#親子關係、#心懷慈悲、#家庭糾紛、#吉祥好命rnrnA Name That Brings Good Luck And Auspiciousness?

One of my disciples just had a grandchild. Before I could congratulate her, she suddenly cried out loud with grief.

I said, “What happened? Tell me”.

She elaborated, “Ever since my husband and I knew about my daughter-in-law’s pregnancy, we were very happy. We were so anxious to bring all the good things to them. When the grandchild was born, we look for a fortune-teller to come up with an auspicious name based on our grandchild’s birthdate. However, my son felt that it is the responsibility of the parents to give the child his name. Moreover, he deemed that the name we have chosen is unpleasant and old-fashioned. He went to register his chosen name for his child and this has really broken our hearts.

I consoled her, “Kids have their own blessing, there is no need to result in a family rivalry. Even if your grandchild adopts your chosen name, you are happy, but your son and daughter-in-law will be miserable. What good comes out of this for you or your grandchild? Alternatively, have a discussion with them. The name chosen by your son will be the formal name while the suggested name by the fortune-teller can be the nickname to be used only at home. This should work.”

She was happy after this conversation and went home to discuss with her son and daughter-in-law. The son and daughter-in-law realized that their parents were not happy over the child’s naming issue and decided to take a step back. They agreed to adopt the name the parents got from the fortune-teller as the child’s nickname. Thus, the family dispute was peacefully resolved.

In fact, a name does not determine one’s fate, it may only score some points. What determines one’s fate is whether he has compassion in his heart. If he has no compassion in his heart and keep doing evil acts, a good and auspicious name will not cover up his negativity from these actions. In contrast, if this child has a proper education, and was taught from young to do good deeds, an unpleasant name has very little effect on someone who has so much kindness.

#Naming, #FamilyRelationship, #CompassionateHeart, #FamilyDispute, #AuspiciousAndGoodLuck

#取名字、#親子關係、#心懷慈悲、#家庭糾紛、#吉祥好命rnrnA Name That Brings Good Luck And Auspiciousness?
One of my disciples just had a grandchild. Before I could congratulate her, she suddenly cried out loud with grief.
I said, “What happened? Tell me”.
She elaborated, “Ever since my husband and I knew about my daughter-in-law’s pregnancy, we were very happy. We were so anxious to bring all the good things to them. When the grandchild was born, we look for a fortune-teller to come up with an auspicious name based on our grandchild’s birthdate. However, my son felt that it is the responsibility of the parents to give the child his name. Moreover, he deemed that the name we have chosen is unpleasant and old-fashioned. He went to register his chosen name for his child and this has really broken our hearts.
I consoled her, “Kids have their own blessing, there is no need to result in a family rivalry. Even if  your grandchild adopts your chosen name, you are happy, but your son and daughter-in-law will be miserable. What good comes out of this for you or your grandchild? Alternatively, have a discussion with them. The name chosen by your son will be the formal name while the suggested name by the fortune-teller can be the nickname to be used only at home. This should work.”
She was happy after this conversation and went home to discuss with her son and daughter-in-law. The son and daughter-in-law realized that their parents were not happy over the child’s naming issue and decided to take a step back. They agreed to adopt the name the parents got from the fortune-teller as the child’s nickname. Thus, the family dispute was peacefully resolved.
In fact, a name does not determine one’s fate, it may only  score some points. What determines one’s fate is whether he has compassion in his heart.  If he has no compassion in his heart and keep doing evil acts, a good and auspicious name will not cover up his negativity from these actions. In contrast, if this child has a proper education, and was taught from young to do good deeds, an unpleasant name has very little effect on someone who has so much kindness.
#Naming, #FamilyRelationship, #CompassionateHeart, #FamilyDispute, #AuspiciousAndGoodLuck


在〈能讓你「吉祥」又「好命」的名字? . 曾…〉中有 26 則留言

  1. 感恩師父教導?我很喜歡師父給我的法名,謝謝您!我才能在慈悲的這條路上走下去!???

  2. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!师父赐予名字加上好好做人这是双赢,太好了!感恩师父!??????☕????

  3. 大师所言极是。人作孽不可活。和名字不沾边。与人为善众人帮,何来名字啥事?

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教导!师父赐予我们的名字!孩子的教育与成功,师父赐予名字加上從小培养知道做好事情,即使他的名字不好聽,或者說寓意有些不吉祥,可在這樣充滿善念的人身上,能起到吉祥好命!感恩师父对我们孩子的培养!顶礼感恩师父!!!

  5. 现在很多人为了给孩子起个名字,花钱找那些风水大师起,都是很贵的,其实,真的不如给孩子做功德。

  6. 还是师父主意好,一家老小都高兴!名字好坏没关系,人品好坏才重要,感恩师父教导!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲的开示与教化!师父智慧的开示让我们豁然明白:起一个好的名子不能代表将来的成功与富贵。只有从小教育好孩子做一个有德行的人才能获得吉祥圆满的人生。

  8. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!孩子重在教育,名字只是加分,懂了。今天去看老二泽胜变得小皇帝了,爷爷奶奶带一个多月孩子也不一样了。孩子不可腻爱!但弟子还是想师父为女儿赐名!算自私也好总想把最好的给孩子!更想师父赐名加持护佑!?叩拜

  9. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示与教化!我家的小外孙就是我请师父给起的名“圆贺”,宝爷爷、宝奶奶、宝爸、……等,为了孩子的名字忙的七上八下的,最后我硬是抱着“圆贺”入了户口。从结婚-生孩子,都是在我身边,自然按户口还是应该由我来决定喽。最后用我的智慧把大家的关系处理的还是很好的哦。感恩师父!!!宝奶、宝爷怕我把孩子教育成“和尚”带在身边寸步不离,正中下怀,捞得一身轻。

  10. 感恩师父慈悲开示!名字只是加分的作用而已,真正决定命运的是你是否心怀慈悲。从小应该教育孩子多行善多布施。多做好事,少点贪念走正路是最正确的教育方法。

  11. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,多做善事多帮人,就会让你吉祥又好命的名字,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  12. 师父好!!!感恩上师慈悲开示!!!将来我有孙子或孙女的话,一定祈请尊贵的上师赐名!!!???❤❤❤

  13. 师父,您好!哈哈!师父的裁判最正确,师父讲得最有道理。谢谢师父常常教导我们!感恩师父!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲分享!人一定要心怀慈悲,孩子的教育很成功,从小就知道要做好事情,即使他的名字不好听,或者说寓意有些不吉祥,可在这样充满善念的人身上,又能起到多少影响呢?弟子顶礼叩谢师父!

  15. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教导!为孩子取的名字只是加分的作用而已,而心怀慈悲才真正决定孩子一生的命运。所以,对年幼小的孩子的圣贤教育是多么地重要。感恩慈悲的师父!祝福天下所有的孩子都能从小受到圣贤的教育、都能充满善意、都能度过一个健康快乐、幸福吉祥的圆满人生。
