【吉祥如意,端午安康】 . . 端午節,…

#端午、#五色繩、#招福納祥rnrnBlessings of good fortune, auspiciousness, safety and good health during this Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival and Duanyang Festival, has its origins in the adoration and worship of the dragon totem but later took on cultural significance as some regions assimilated the commemoration of Qu Yuan and Wu Zixu into the festival. Due to diverse culture in various regions, many interesting customs associated with this festival arose. These include dragon boat racing, hanging of wormwood grass, eating rice dumplings, drinking realgar wine and braiding multi-colored strings.

The Dragon Boat Festival falls at the beginning of the summer season. The rising temperatures results in the flourishing of diseases and insect. The common people usually hung wormwood grass at their door to combat this as it was believed that the unique scent from the grass would help to repel insects, diseases and evil spirits. This is also a time where every household take special care to cleanse their houses and carry with them a pouch containing special herbs to drive out evil spirits and refresh the mind.

It is also a custom for the adults to make longevity braids using multi-colored threads. These braids can be hung on the children’s beds or worn around their necks and wrists. It is believed that these braids would help to keep the children safe and healthy. Our Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide have various type of blessed Dzi beads, agates, crystal bracelets or ornaments for you to bring home. Their auspicious and powerful energy have the ability to dispel evil, avert disasters and protect the wearer and bless him or her with safety, good fortune and auspiciousness.

On this Dragon Boat Festival, may all of you be blessed with smooth sailing in all aspects of your lives, harmonious family relationships, good health and happiness.

#DragonBoatFestival, #FiveColoredBraids, #AttractingGoodFortuneAndAuspiciousness

#端午、#五色繩、#招福納祥rnrnBlessings of good fortune, auspiciousness, safety and good health during this Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival and Duanyang Festival, has its origins in the adoration and worship of the dragon totem but later took on cultural significance as some regions assimilated the commemoration of Qu Yuan and Wu Zixu into the festival. Due to diverse culture in various regions, many interesting customs associated with this festival arose. These include dragon boat racing, hanging of wormwood grass, eating rice dumplings, drinking realgar wine and braiding multi-colored strings. 

The Dragon Boat Festival falls at the beginning of the summer season. The rising temperatures results in the flourishing of diseases and insect. The common people usually hung wormwood grass at their door to combat this as it was believed that the unique scent from the grass would help to repel insects, diseases and evil spirits. This is also a time where every household take special care to cleanse their houses and carry with them a pouch containing special herbs to drive out evil spirits and refresh the mind.  

It is also a custom for the adults to make longevity braids using multi-colored threads. These braids can be hung on the children’s beds or worn around their necks and wrists. It is believed that these braids would help to keep the children safe and healthy. Our Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide have various type of blessed Dzi beads, agates, crystal bracelets or ornaments for you to bring home.  Their auspicious and powerful energy have the ability to dispel evil, avert disasters and protect the wearer and bless him or her with safety, good fortune and auspiciousness. 

On this Dragon Boat Festival, may all of you be blessed with smooth sailing in all aspects of your lives, harmonious family relationships, good health and happiness. 

#DragonBoatFestival, #FiveColoredBraids,  #AttractingGoodFortuneAndAuspiciousness


在〈【吉祥如意,端午安康】 . . 端午節,…〉中有 23 則留言

  1. 收到!感恩大慈大悲的您!?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

  2. 感恩師父,金修闊收到師父端午節祝福,”諸事順利,家庭幸福,健康快樂”,吉祥如意端午安康 !
    我也祝師父端午節吉祥如意,法体安康,家庭幸福,法輪常轉,弘法順利,普渡更多有緣众生 !

  3. 收到~感恩师父? 我特别喜欢蓝文玛瑙手串,带在手上练功~手串变的晶莹透明,线条丶花文也跟着增多了,非常漂亮?

  4. 小时候很不喜欢闻艾草的味道,现在却喜欢闻了,觉得艾草的清香闻起来有山野的味道。前天,一走到家门附近就闻见了艾草的清香。走到门口一看,原来是邻居家采的艾草,给我们的家门口也放了一束,并且在我家门口放的那一束比邻居自己家门口放的那一束还要高大,心里顿时暖暖的。感恩师父分享!

  5. 师父师母傍晚吉祥???
    祝師父阖家端午安康 幸福 吉祥如意???

  6. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示与祝福!弟子收到。祝愿师父师母端午节快乐,法体安康,吉祥如意。

  7. 收到师父的祝福,感恩师父!恭祝师父、师母端午节快乐!法体安康,永久住世,法轮常转,吉祥如意!??????

  8. 师父好!祝慈爱的师父节日快乐!一切吉祥如意!感恩师父的慈悲关爱与呵护!佛光普照!祈愿一切有缘都节日快乐!身体健康!诸事平安顺利!一切吉祥如意!

  9. 师父下午好,感恩师父端午节慈悲开示收到?,祝最尊贵的师父师母合家端午节快乐,幸福?安康,吉祥顺利,平安。顶礼叩拜师父。

  10. 感恩师父慈悲加持【吉祥如意,端午安康】!这两天在家中也进行了打掃,清除了室內长期存放不需用的东西,打扫完后心里也轻松了许多!收到师父端午節祝幅!也祝福大家都諸事順利、家庭幸福、健康快樂!祝愿上师法体安康!法轮常转!永远年轻!

  11. 感恩佛师的分享!上师分享了端午节的由来,习俗以及给我们的祝福。祝大慈大悲金菩提上师,吉祥如意,端午安康!???
