「要想不生病,先釋壞情緒。」 . 我在網…


Don’t want to be sick? Deal with negative emotions first.

Recently, I saw a report online in which a psychologist mentioned: “A person’s mental state is analogous to the software of a computer while the physical state is like the hardware. Both are equally important. Harmony is the essence of health; a harmonious mood is the software of a healthy body.”

This aligns very well to the observation I have made over the years from my meditation experience. Keeping an optimistic and positive mentality leads to longevity, improved immunity and good health.

These are my wishes for everybody:
Always be grateful and thankful to our parents who gave us life and brought us up!
Always be grateful and thankful to those who educate us and helped us grow!
Always be grateful and thankful to all who have helped us in the past!
Always be grateful and thankful to all things on heaven and on earth that have blessed me with all that I have in my life!
Always be grateful and thankful to the Bodhisattvas for the happiness and good fortune that I have been blessed with!

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #ImpactOfMoodOnHealth, #Gratitudernrn「要想不生病,先釋壞情緒。」

Don’t want to be sick? Deal with negative emotions first.

Recently, I saw a report online in which a psychologist mentioned: “A person’s mental state is analogous to the software of a computer while the physical state is like the hardware. Both are equally important. Harmony is the essence of health; a harmonious mood is the software of a healthy body.”

This aligns very well to the observation I have made over the years from my meditation experience. Keeping an optimistic and positive mentality leads to longevity, improved immunity and good health.

These are my wishes for everybody:
Always be grateful and thankful to our parents who gave us life and brought us up!
Always be grateful and thankful to those who educate us and helped us grow!
Always be grateful and thankful to all who have helped us in the past!
Always be grateful and thankful to all things on heaven and on earth that have blessed me with all that I have in my life!
Always be grateful and thankful to the Bodhisattvas for the happiness and good fortune that I have been blessed with!

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #ImpactOfMoodOnHealth, #Gratitude

Don’t want to be sick? Deal with negative emotions first.
Recently, I saw a report online in which a psychologist mentioned: “A person’s mental state is analogous to the software of a computer while the physical state is like the hardware. Both are equally important. Harmony is the essence of health; a harmonious mood is the software of a healthy body.”   
This aligns very well to the observation I have made over the years from my meditation experience. Keeping an optimistic and positive mentality leads to longevity, improved immunity and good health. 
These are my wishes for everybody:
Always be grateful and thankful to our parents who gave us life and brought us up!
Always be grateful and thankful to those who educate us and helped us grow!
Always be grateful and thankful to all who have helped us in the past!
Always be grateful and thankful to all things on heaven and on earth that have blessed me with all that I have in my life!
Always be grateful  and thankful to the Bodhisattvas for the happiness and good fortune that I have been blessed with! 
#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #ImpactOfMoodOnHealth, #Gratitudernrn「要想不生病,先釋壞情緒。」
Don’t want to be sick? Deal with negative emotions first.
Recently, I saw a report online in which a psychologist mentioned: “A person’s mental state is analogous to the software of a computer while the physical state is like the hardware. Both are equally important. Harmony is the essence of health; a harmonious mood is the software of a healthy body.”   
This aligns very well to the observation I have made over the years from my meditation experience. Keeping an optimistic and positive mentality leads to longevity, improved immunity and good health. 
These are my wishes for everybody:
Always be grateful and thankful to our parents who gave us life and brought us up!
Always be grateful and thankful to those who educate us and helped us grow!
Always be grateful and thankful to all who have helped us in the past!
Always be grateful and thankful to all things on heaven and on earth that have blessed me with all that I have in my life!
Always be grateful  and thankful to the Bodhisattvas for the happiness and good fortune that I have been blessed with! 
#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #ImpactOfMoodOnHealth, #Gratitude


【直播預告】19年韓國浴佛法會 . 直播…

韓國首爾時間:2019年05月12日 上午10:00開始。
台灣/台北 2019年5月12日,上午9:00開始。
北美/溫哥華 2019年05月11日,晚上06:00PM。
我將於2019年浴佛節,5月12日,在韓國釜山禪堂,以及在網絡上(FB 和 Youtube直播) 和大家一起參加19年韓國浴佛法會,共同慶祝「大慈大悲的佛陀聖誕」。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年05月11日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年05月12日 上午09:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年05月11日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨01:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年05月12日 早上07:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年05月12日 早上08:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年05月12日 上午10:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年05月12日 上午11:00開始

【Live Broadcast Notice】2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 12th In Korea
Live broadcast:
Taipei (Taiwan): May 12, 2019 at 9:00 AM.
Seoul (Korea): at May 12, 2019 at 10:00 AM
Vancouver (North America): May 11, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
I will be at a Busan Bodhi Meditation Center on May 12th and meet you on the internet via Facebook and Youtube. Together, let’s celebrate the All-Compassionate Buddha’s birthday, listen to the sharing of the beneficiaries and receive auspicious energy blessing.
Live Broadcast Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-05-11 18:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2019-05-12 09:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-05-11 21:00
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-05-12 01:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-05-12 03:00
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-05-12 04:00
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-05-12 07:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-05-12 08:00
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-05-12 10:00
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-05-12 11:00
#LiveBroadcastNotice, #BathingTheBuddhaBlessingCeremony,#Korea, #Gratitude, #Blissfulrnrn【直播預告】19年韓國浴佛法會
韓國首爾時間:2019年05月12日 上午10:00開始。
台灣/台北 2019年5月12日,上午9:00開始。
北美/溫哥華 2019年05月11日,晚上06:00PM。
我將於2019年浴佛節,5月12日,在韓國釜山禪堂,以及在網絡上(FB 和 Youtube直播) 和大家一起參加19年韓國浴佛法會,共同慶祝「大慈大悲的佛陀聖誕」。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年05月11日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年05月12日 上午09:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年05月11日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨01:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年05月12日 早上07:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年05月12日 早上08:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年05月12日 上午10:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年05月12日 上午11:00開始

【Live Broadcast Notice】2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 12th In Korea
Live broadcast:
Taipei (Taiwan): May 12, 2019 at 9:00 AM.
Seoul (Korea): at May 12, 2019 at 10:00 AM
Vancouver (North America): May 11, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
I will be at a Busan Bodhi Meditation Center on May 12th and meet you on the internet via Facebook and Youtube. Together, let’s celebrate the All-Compassionate Buddha’s birthday, listen to the sharing of the beneficiaries and receive auspicious energy blessing.
Live Broadcast Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-05-11 18:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2019-05-12 09:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-05-11 21:00
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-05-12 01:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-05-12 03:00
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-05-12 04:00
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-05-12 07:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-05-12 08:00
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-05-12 10:00
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-05-12 11:00
#LiveBroadcastNotice, #BathingTheBuddhaBlessingCeremony,#Korea, #Gratitude, #Blissful

韓國首爾時間:2019年05月12日 上午10:00開始。
台灣/台北 2019年5月12日,上午9:00開始。
北美/溫哥華 2019年05月11日,晚上06:00PM。
我將於2019年浴佛節,5月12日,在韓國釜山禪堂,以及在網絡上(FB 和 Youtube直播) 和大家一起參加19年韓國浴佛法會,共同慶祝「大慈大悲的佛陀聖誕」。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年05月11日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年05月12日 上午09:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年05月11日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨01:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年05月12日 早上07:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年05月12日 早上08:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年05月12日 上午10:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年05月12日 上午11:00開始

【Live Broadcast Notice】2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 12th In Korea
Live broadcast: 
Taipei (Taiwan): May 12, 2019 at 9:00 AM. 
Seoul (Korea): at May 12, 2019 at 10:00 AM
Vancouver (North America): May 11, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
I will be at a Busan Bodhi Meditation Center on May 12th and meet you on the internet via Facebook and Youtube. Together, let’s celebrate the All-Compassionate Buddha’s birthday, listen to the sharing of the beneficiaries and receive auspicious energy blessing.
Live Broadcast Schedule 
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-05-11 18:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2019-05-12 09:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-05-11 21:00
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-05-12 01:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-05-12 03:00
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-05-12 04:00
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-05-12 07:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-05-12 08:00
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-05-12 10:00
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-05-12 11:00
#LiveBroadcastNotice, #BathingTheBuddhaBlessingCeremony,#Korea, #Gratitude, #Blissfulrnrn【直播預告】19年韓國浴佛法會
韓國首爾時間:2019年05月12日 上午10:00開始。
台灣/台北 2019年5月12日,上午9:00開始。
北美/溫哥華 2019年05月11日,晚上06:00PM。
我將於2019年浴佛節,5月12日,在韓國釜山禪堂,以及在網絡上(FB 和 Youtube直播) 和大家一起參加19年韓國浴佛法會,共同慶祝「大慈大悲的佛陀聖誕」。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年05月11日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年05月12日 上午09:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年05月11日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨01:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年05月12日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年05月12日 早上07:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年05月12日 早上08:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年05月12日 上午10:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年05月12日 上午11:00開始

【Live Broadcast Notice】2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 12th In Korea
Live broadcast: 
Taipei (Taiwan): May 12, 2019 at 9:00 AM. 
Seoul (Korea): at May 12, 2019 at 10:00 AM
Vancouver (North America): May 11, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
I will be at a Busan Bodhi Meditation Center on May 12th and meet you on the internet via Facebook and Youtube. Together, let’s celebrate the All-Compassionate Buddha’s birthday, listen to the sharing of the beneficiaries and receive auspicious energy blessing.
Live Broadcast Schedule 
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-05-11 18:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2019-05-12 09:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-05-11 21:00
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-05-12 01:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-05-12 03:00
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-05-12 04:00
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-05-12 07:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-05-12 08:00
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-05-12 10:00
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-05-12 11:00
#LiveBroadcastNotice, #BathingTheBuddhaBlessingCeremony,#Korea, #Gratitude, #Blissful



台灣/台北 2019年5月4日,上午9:50AM。
北美/溫哥華 2019年05月03日,晚上06:50PM。
這群人,雖然來自於不同的國家,不同的文化,有著不同的願望,唯一相同的是… 他們共同參與了這一場盛會───菩提禪修舉辦的「浴佛節吉祥大加持法會」。從此與佛結下深厚的善緣。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年05月03日 晚上06:50開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年05月04日 上午09:50開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年05月03日 晚上09:50開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨01:50開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨03:50開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨04:50開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年05月04日 早上08:20開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年05月04日 早上08:50開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年05月04日 上午10:50開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年05月04日 中午11:50開始
【Live Broadcast Notice】2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 4th

Live broadcast:
Taipei (Taiwan): May 4, 2019 at 9:50 AM.
Vancouver (North America): May 3, 2019 at 6:50 PM.

At this time last year, there was such a group of people who attained health and happiness, fulfilled their aspirations, freed from their troubles and ailments and gained new hope. Some even got out of their wheelchairs and started walking. All these changes originated from a great aspiration.

This group of people, although from different countries, of different cultures and aspirations, have one thing in common – participated in a Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony organized by Bodhi Meditation. This encounter enabled them to develop a deep connection with Buddha.

Do you wish for better health, fortune and happiness?
Do you wish to reap the beauty of these and fulfill your wishes?

I will be at Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei on May 4th and meet you virtually via Facebook. Together, let’s celebrate the All-Compassionate Buddha’s birthday, listen to the sharing of the beneficiaries and receive auspicious energy blessing.

I sincerely invite you to join the 2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 4th. Let’s celebrate this great occasion together!

Live Broadcast Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-05-03 18:50
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/Hong Kong:
Start at 2019-05-04 09:50
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-05-03 21:50
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-05-04 01:50
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-05-04 03:50
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-05-04 04:50
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-05-04 08:20
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-05-04 08:50
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-05-04 10:50
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-05-04 11:50

#LiveBroadcastNotice, #BathingTheBuddhaBlessingCeremony, #Taiwan, #TaipeiNangangExhibitionCenter, #Gratitude, #Blissfulrnrn【直播預告】5月4日浴佛節吉祥大加持法會
台灣/台北 2019年5月4日,上午9:50AM。
北美/溫哥華 2019年05月03日,晚上06:50PM。
這群人,雖然來自於不同的國家,不同的文化,有著不同的願望,唯一相同的是… 他們共同參與了這一場盛會───菩提禪修舉辦的「浴佛節吉祥大加持法會」。從此與佛結下深厚的善緣。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年05月03日 晚上06:50開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年05月04日 上午09:50開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年05月03日 晚上09:50開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨01:50開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨03:50開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨04:50開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年05月04日 早上08:20開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年05月04日 早上08:50開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年05月04日 上午10:50開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年05月04日 中午11:50開始
【Live Broadcast Notice】2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 4th

Live broadcast:
Taipei (Taiwan): May 4, 2019 at 9:50 AM.
Vancouver (North America): May 3, 2019 at 6:50 PM.

At this time last year, there was such a group of people who attained health and happiness, fulfilled their aspirations, freed from their troubles and ailments and gained new hope. Some even got out of their wheelchairs and started walking. All these changes originated from a great aspiration.

This group of people, although from different countries, of different cultures and aspirations, have one thing in common – participated in a Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony organized by Bodhi Meditation. This encounter enabled them to develop a deep connection with Buddha.

Do you wish for better health, fortune and happiness?
Do you wish to reap the beauty of these and fulfill your wishes?

I will be at Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei on May 4th and meet you virtually via Facebook. Together, let’s celebrate the All-Compassionate Buddha’s birthday, listen to the sharing of the beneficiaries and receive auspicious energy blessing.

I sincerely invite you to join the 2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 4th. Let’s celebrate this great occasion together!

Live Broadcast Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-05-03 18:50
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/Hong Kong:
Start at 2019-05-04 09:50
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-05-03 21:50
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-05-04 01:50
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-05-04 03:50
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-05-04 04:50
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-05-04 08:20
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-05-04 08:50
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-05-04 10:50
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-05-04 11:50

#LiveBroadcastNotice, #BathingTheBuddhaBlessingCeremony, #Taiwan, #TaipeiNangangExhibitionCenter, #Gratitude, #Blissful

台灣/台北 2019年5月4日,上午9:50AM。
北美/溫哥華 2019年05月03日,晚上06:50PM。
這群人,雖然來自於不同的國家,不同的文化,有著不同的願望,唯一相同的是… 他們共同參與了這一場盛會───菩提禪修舉辦的「浴佛節吉祥大加持法會」。從此與佛結下深厚的善緣。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年05月03日 晚上06:50開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年05月04日 上午09:50開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年05月03日 晚上09:50開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨01:50開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨03:50開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨04:50開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年05月04日 早上08:20開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年05月04日 早上08:50開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年05月04日 上午10:50開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年05月04日 中午11:50開始
【Live Broadcast Notice】2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 4th  
Live broadcast: 
Taipei (Taiwan): May 4, 2019 at 9:50 AM. 
Vancouver (North America): May 3, 2019 at 6:50 PM. 
At this time last year, there was such a group of people who attained health and happiness, fulfilled their aspirations, freed from their troubles and ailments and gained new hope. Some even got out of their wheelchairs and started walking. All these changes originated from a great aspiration. 
This group of people, although from different countries, of different cultures and aspirations, have one thing in common – participated in a Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony organized by Bodhi Meditation. This encounter enabled them to develop a deep connection with Buddha. 
Do you wish for better health, fortune and happiness? 
Do you wish to reap the beauty of these and fulfill your wishes?
I will be at Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei on May 4th and meet you virtually via Facebook. Together, let’s celebrate the All-Compassionate Buddha’s birthday, listen to the sharing of the beneficiaries and receive auspicious energy blessing. 
I sincerely invite you to join the 2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 4th. Let’s celebrate this great occasion together!
Live Broadcast Schedule 
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego 
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-05-03 18:50 
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/Hong Kong: 
Start at 2019-05-04 09:50 
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando: 
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-05-03 21:50 
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-05-04 01:50 
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-05-04 03:50 
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-05-04 04:50 
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-05-04 08:20 
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-05-04 08:50 
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-05-04 10:50 
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-05-04 11:50
#LiveBroadcastNotice, #BathingTheBuddhaBlessingCeremony, #Taiwan, #TaipeiNangangExhibitionCenter, #Gratitude, #Blissfulrnrn【直播預告】5月4日浴佛節吉祥大加持法會
台灣/台北 2019年5月4日,上午9:50AM。
北美/溫哥華 2019年05月03日,晚上06:50PM。
這群人,雖然來自於不同的國家,不同的文化,有著不同的願望,唯一相同的是… 他們共同參與了這一場盛會───菩提禪修舉辦的「浴佛節吉祥大加持法會」。從此與佛結下深厚的善緣。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年05月03日 晚上06:50開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年05月04日 上午09:50開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年05月03日 晚上09:50開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨01:50開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨03:50開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年05月04日 凌晨04:50開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年05月04日 早上08:20開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年05月04日 早上08:50開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年05月04日 上午10:50開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年05月04日 中午11:50開始
【Live Broadcast Notice】2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 4th  
Live broadcast: 
Taipei (Taiwan): May 4, 2019 at 9:50 AM. 
Vancouver (North America): May 3, 2019 at 6:50 PM. 
At this time last year, there was such a group of people who attained health and happiness, fulfilled their aspirations, freed from their troubles and ailments and gained new hope. Some even got out of their wheelchairs and started walking. All these changes originated from a great aspiration. 
This group of people, although from different countries, of different cultures and aspirations, have one thing in common – participated in a Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony organized by Bodhi Meditation. This encounter enabled them to develop a deep connection with Buddha. 
Do you wish for better health, fortune and happiness? 
Do you wish to reap the beauty of these and fulfill your wishes?
I will be at Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei on May 4th and meet you virtually via Facebook. Together, let’s celebrate the All-Compassionate Buddha’s birthday, listen to the sharing of the beneficiaries and receive auspicious energy blessing. 
I sincerely invite you to join the 2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony on May 4th. Let’s celebrate this great occasion together!
Live Broadcast Schedule 
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego 
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-05-03 18:50 
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/Hong Kong: 
Start at 2019-05-04 09:50 
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando: 
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-05-03 21:50 
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-05-04 01:50 
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-05-04 03:50 
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-05-04 04:50 
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-05-04 08:20 
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-05-04 08:50 
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-05-04 10:50 
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-05-04 11:50
#LiveBroadcastNotice, #BathingTheBuddhaBlessingCeremony, #Taiwan, #TaipeiNangangExhibitionCenter, #Gratitude, #Blissful


減少疾病產生的秘訣! . 時尚禪修,引領…


Tips to reduce diseases!
Fashion meditation leads the way.
We learn meditation with the objective to attain health and happiness. Usually, healthy and happy people are also the luckiest.
So how can we gain health and happiness?
The key to this is gratitude and generosity.
Gratitude leads to greater happiness!
Generosity opens our heart!
Doing it will reduce the source of new diseases.
#Gratitude, #Generosity, #PracticeMeditationTogether, #HealthyAndHappy

Tips to reduce diseases!
Fashion meditation leads the way.
We learn meditation with the objective to attain health and happiness. Usually, healthy and happy people are also the luckiest.
So how can we gain health and happiness? 
The key to this is gratitude and generosity.
Gratitude leads to greater happiness! 
Generosity opens our heart!
Doing it will reduce the source of new diseases.
#Gratitude, #Generosity, #PracticeMeditationTogether, #HealthyAndHappy


一顆真心 佛當諦聽 . 念佛、懺悔與感恩…

一顆真心 佛當諦聽

The Buddha listens to a sincere heart

Chanting, repenting and practicing gratitude can help you accumulate benign energy and resolve all negativity and darkness. If you can’t continue on your own, chant to the compassionate Buddha with a sincere heart. The Buddha will direct an luminous path for everyone.

A true story shared by our fellow practitioner from Malaysia.
This story is shared by Ningju from Malaysia.

I had migraine for over 30 years. It hurt once a week and lasted for 3 to 4 days each time. Seven years ago, I fell and hurt my spine, so it was hard for me to sit, squat and do household chores.

In 2016, I began to learn Energy Bagua and these problems have been reduced. My migraine happened less often and my spine problem was improved. Now I can even do household chores.

In 2018, I registered in the Chanting class. I felt the retreat was trying and wanted to give up. However, what Master said came to me: “Chant sincerely, compress the causality from our previous lives and eradicate the negative karma rapidly.” Therefore, the next day, I persisted in going to the retreat.

The topic of the second day in the Chanting class was to chant for the parents.

During the chanting session, memories emerged in my mind from the moment I was born to my childhood, teenage days and adulthood. I regretted for many wrong behaviors that I did to my parents when young. These memories made me guilty. I felt guilty that I only supported my parents’ basic needs but failed to care and treat them with a genuine heart.

My tears kept flowing when I chant. Sweat drenched my clothes. After the chanting session, I felt a sudden easing of my head and the pain in my waist was gone.

This Chanting class awakened me so much. I thought it was time to ditch the troubles, attachments and worries for my family.

During this Chanting class, I learnt that gratitude cultivates a compassionate heart.

After the retreat, I set a new goal for myself – to do my best to help others. I appreciate that Master gave me a chance to lead a new life. Now I can see my future is getting better.

*Effects of meditation varies among individuals.*

#MeditationJournal, #Chant, #Repentance, #Gratitude, #CompassionateHeart, #Migrainernrn一顆真心 佛當諦聽

The Buddha listens to a sincere heart

Chanting, repenting and practicing gratitude can help you accumulate benign energy and resolve all negativity and darkness. If you can’t continue on your own, chant to the compassionate Buddha with a sincere heart. The Buddha will direct an luminous path for everyone.

A true story shared by our fellow practitioner from Malaysia.
This story is shared by Ningju from Malaysia.

I had migraine for over 30 years. It hurt once a week and lasted for 3 to 4 days each time. Seven years ago, I fell and hurt my spine, so it was hard for me to sit, squat and do household chores.

In 2016, I began to learn Energy Bagua and these problems have been reduced. My migraine happened less often and my spine problem was improved. Now I can even do household chores.

In 2018, I registered in the Chanting class. I felt the retreat was trying and wanted to give up. However, what Master said came to me: “Chant sincerely, compress the causality from our previous lives and eradicate the negative karma rapidly.” Therefore, the next day, I persisted in going to the retreat.

The topic of the second day in the Chanting class was to chant for the parents.

During the chanting session, memories emerged in my mind from the moment I was born to my childhood, teenage days and adulthood. I regretted for many wrong behaviors that I did to my parents when young. These memories made me guilty. I felt guilty that I only supported my parents’ basic needs but failed to care and treat them with a genuine heart.

My tears kept flowing when I chant. Sweat drenched my clothes. After the chanting session, I felt a sudden easing of my head and the pain in my waist was gone.

This Chanting class awakened me so much. I thought it was time to ditch the troubles, attachments and worries for my family.

During this Chanting class, I learnt that gratitude cultivates a compassionate heart.

After the retreat, I set a new goal for myself – to do my best to help others. I appreciate that Master gave me a chance to lead a new life. Now I can see my future is getting better.

*Effects of meditation varies among individuals.*

#MeditationJournal, #Chant, #Repentance, #Gratitude, #CompassionateHeart, #Migraine


【幸福從感恩開始_中】 ───多想好處,…


Happiness Starts With Gratitude -Part 2
— Focus on the positive attributes, forget about the flaws and you will experience happiness!

If you have…
A compassionate heart, focus on others’ positive attributes;
A tolerant heart, results in less conflicts;
A magnanimous heart, leads to the secret of happiness;
A heart filled with gratitude, brings you constant happiness;

Thus, we have to constantly remind ourselves, to see the beauty in others, and ignore their flaws, and happiness will descend.

Hope everyone will continue to join me in 「Happiness Starts With Gratitude」.

#HappinessStartsWithGratitude, #HappinessStartsWithGratitudePart2, #Compassion, #Tolerant, #Magnanimous, #Gratitude


幸福怎麼來? . 「讚美多一些,指責少一…


#讚美 #感恩

How do we gain happiness?

「Praise more and criticize less; this is the basis for happiness.」
Welcome to click on the link below to revisit 「Happiness Starts With gratitude」.

Happiness Starts With Gratitude – Part 1

#HappinessStartsWithGratitude, #Praise, #Gratitude, #AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi


原諒的作用! . 「一聲原諒天地寬,一聲…


The Effect of Forgiveness!
「A word of forgiveness opens up the world, a word of gratefulness warms the heart!」
— Aphorism from Grandmaster JinBodhi —

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #TheEffectOfForgiveness, #Gratitude, #Gratefulrnrn原諒的作用!

The Effect of Forgiveness!
「A word of forgiveness opens up the world, a word of gratefulness warms the heart!」
— Aphorism from Grandmaster JinBodhi —

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #TheEffectOfForgiveness, #Gratitude, #Grateful

The Effect of Forgiveness!
「A word of forgiveness opens up the world, a word of gratefulness warms the heart!」
--- Aphorism from Grandmaster JinBodhi ---
#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #TheEffectOfForgiveness, #Gratitude, #Gratefulrnrn原諒的作用!
The Effect of Forgiveness!
「A word of forgiveness opens up the world, a word of gratefulness warms the heart!」
--- Aphorism from Grandmaster JinBodhi ---
#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #TheEffectOfForgiveness, #Gratitude, #Grateful


感恩,從身邊最親近的人開始! . 我們要…


Expressing gratitude, begins with the people closest to us!

We have to learn to be thankful, and think of the kindness others have shown to us.
Be more tolerant and loving,
With less sarcasm and criticism.

You reap what you sow!
Learn to be grateful and happiness will come your way!

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #Gratitude, #Happiness, #Tolerance


幸福滋味 . 人生百味,若有一味名為「幸…

A taste of happiness

Our lives are filled with different tastes and experiences. If happiness has a taste, what will it be like? Welcome to discuss.

#TasteOfHappiness, #Love, #Gratitude, #Beautiful
