2018 吉祥護身福神「十二藥叉神將」 …

2018 吉祥護身福神「十二藥叉神將」
在戊戌年即將來臨之際,特請伐折羅藥叉神將統領護法神來為朋友們護身祈福。此尊為「伐折羅」藥叉大將,梵名 vajra,又作跋折羅、和耆羅等。意譯「金剛」,主領夜叉眾守護佛法,為藥叉神王之上首。此藥叉的本地為大勢至菩薩,是戍時之守護神。通身青色,現忿怒形,頭髮茂盛聳上,頭戴犬冠,手持法器。
Auspicious Protector Deity of 2018 “The Twelve Heavenly Generals (Yaksha Generals)” — Joyously welcome good fortune and calm Tai Sui.

With the approach of the Wu Xu year, let us pray for the protection and blessings from the leader of the Twelve Heavenly Generals, known as Vajra in Sanskrit, whose name also has the connotation of “Diamond”, the dharma protector for the Buddha. Also known as Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, he is the protector deity for the Xu period. With a green exterior, an angry countenance and thick shock of hair that stands upwards, Vajra is usually depicted with a crown on his head and a weapon in his hand.

According to the classics, the twelve Yaksha Generals were in attendance at the dharma assembly during which Buddha recounted the Sutra of the Medicine Buddha. They were deeply touched by the Buddhist dharma, and comprehended the compassion and great love behind the Twelve Vows made by Medicine Buddha. As a result, they vowed to stand firm as protectors and guardians of Medicine Buddha. This was what the twelve Yaksha Generals said in their vows: “All devotees who have deep respect for, and made offerings to the Medicine Buddha, shall be liberated from all sufferings.” As a result, not only did the twelve Yaksha Generals vow to guard over the dharma and the great vows of Medicine Buddha, they also vowed to protect Buddhist disciples who chant the sutra of Medicine Buddha. They are hence known to be the protector deities of the disciples of Medicine Buddha.

In actuality, the twelve Yaksha Generals had accumulated sufficient merits and had already attained the states of Bodhisattva-hood – greatly compassionate in hearts and fearless in spirits. Regal in appearance and being deeply at ease, they are the guardians of true dharma. They are firm proponents of the Medicine Buddha’s twelve great vows, and they help to ensure that all sentient beings are freed of all sorts of troubles and worldly suffering during their practice, until the day that they attain enlightenment.
Vajra contains an exceptional amount of extraordinary energy and it is my hope that all those who have the good fortune to view it would be blessed with the protection of Medicine Buddha as well as the twelve Yaksha generals. May evil be dispelled, disasters be neutralized, illnesses be cured and may everyone be safe and auspicious in 2018!

#TwelveYakshaGenerals, #MedicineBuddhaSutra, #ProtectorDeityOfGoodFortune


在〈2018 吉祥護身福神「十二藥叉神將」 …〉中有 29 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享十二药叉神将的非凡神力和故事!祈愿2018年所有众生能得师父、药师佛陀和十二药叉神将的护佑,避邪化煞,消病滅災,獲平安吉祥!!!

  2. 师父早上好!收到了!感恩师父祝福!愿一切有缘人2018年能得藥師佛和十二藥叉神的護佑,驅邪化煞,消病滅災,平安吉祥!???

  3. 师父早上好!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲分享与教受!特请伐折羅藥叉神将統領護法神来为我们護身祈福!感恩师父!真诚叩拜恩师!

  4. 收到了!感恩师父祝福!祈愿2018年众生得师父、药师佛和十二药叉神将护佑,逢凶化吉!国泰民安!消灾灭难!吉祥如意!

  5. 师父,您好!收到师父滿滿的祝福!謝謝師父!感恩药师佛、十二药叉和師父!祝願大家在2018年吉祥如意!国泰民安!风调雨顺!

  6. 十二藥叉,已具有金剛菩薩的果位,擁有大慈悲心和大無畏精神,功德俱足,威嚴自在。共同護持正法,行藥師佛十二大願,助一切有情眾生在修行時能遠離種種煩惱及世間疾苦,直至圓滿解脫。2018年能得藥師佛和十二藥叉神的護佑,驅邪化煞,消病滅災,獲平安吉祥!收到???♥️

  7. 感恩师父,收到满满的祝福,谢谢师父!祈愿2018年所有众生能得师父,药师佛和十二药叉神的护佑,驱邪化煞,消痛减炎,获平安吉祥!

  8. 弟子收到師父的祝褔!!!感恩師父~願2018狗年所有眾生、台灣同胞都能得師父、藥師佛及十二藥叉神將的護佑,避邪化煞,消病滅災,獲平安吉祥!!!

  9. 感恩师父为我们请吉祥护身福神〔十二药叉神将〕。顶礼叩拜师父!喜迎福气安太岁,2018年得师父护佑加持,得药师佛和十二药叉神的护佑,驱邪化煞,消病减灾,护平安吉祥!师父弟子们太有福气了,今生拜您为师!爱您师父!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲开示,弟子收到,感恩师父慈悲的祝福,感恩师父佛菩萨每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  11. 收到!收到师父赐予我们的祝福!。感恩藥師佛和十二藥叉神的加持護佑,为我们驅邪化煞,消病滅災,獲平安吉祥!。感恩师父!。恭祝师父在新的一年法体安康!吉祥如意!

  12. 师父好,知道了怎样安太岁了。药师佛前点灯,十二药叉神将护佑。多做善事,配带师父的加持物,必逢凶化吉,消災灭难,吉祥如意!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲的分享!只要我们每天坚持修行菩提禅修,帮助别人,利益别人,协助别人,帮助别人点亮心灯破迷开悟,离苦得乐者就是行药师佛的十二大愿!就能得药师佛和十二药叉神的护估,驱邪化煞,消病灭灾,获得平安吉祥!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲加持!弟子收到!顶礼大慈大悲药叉神将!弟子玛驰接收吉祥的慈悲加持护佑!感恩佛菩萨和师父慈悲!祈愿天下众生都能?️大加持慈悲吉祥的护佑!?叩拜

  15. 師父好,金修闊感恩師父的新年祝福和收到了師父護身符,在药師佛前点燈,多做善行,再配带師父的加持法物,十二藥叉神將會護佑我們逢凶吉,消災滅難,平安吉祥 !
    在新的一年,祝願師父新年快樂,法体安康,法輪常轉,普渡更多有缘眾生 !

  16. 收到,感恩师父收到!收到师父赐予我们的祝福!。感恩藥師佛和十二藥叉神的加持護佑,为我们驅邪化煞,消病滅災,獲平安吉祥!。感恩师父!。恭祝师父在新的一年法体安康!吉祥如意!

  17. 收到师父赐予我们的吉祥护身福神【十二药叉神将】。

  18. 感恩师父赐福,昨晚就感到不同,感觉认识境界好像又上了一个台阶,是不是“龙天护佑”啊。可能把那“心魔鬼怪“去除,心里爽快轻松自在愉悦,今早八卦前做热身运动”头往上仰“时,看到星星,好似以前怎么不发觉有啊。还有小鸟的叫声也分外的悦耳,心情很好。菩提禅修,师父的大法力大神通真的是不可思议!感恩师父的呵护和护佑,人生真的是越走越美好!感恩师父慈悲大爱!??????

  19. 顶礼跪拜感恩慈悲伟大的佛师慈悲加持与护佑!看到护身符,感觉好幸福好温暖好强的加持力!祝福一切有缘新年健康快乐、平安吉祥!

  20. 收到!叩拜感恩师父!祈愿2018年所有众生能得师父、药师佛陀和十二药叉神将的护佑,避邪化煞,消病滅災,獲平安吉祥!!!
