2018 吉祥護身福神「十二藥叉神將」 …

2018 吉祥護身福神「十二藥叉神將」
在戊戌年即將來臨之際,特請伐折羅藥叉神將統領護法神來為朋友們護身祈福。此尊為「伐折羅」藥叉大將,梵名 vajra,又作跋折羅、和耆羅等。意譯「金剛」,主領夜叉眾守護佛法,為藥叉神王之上首。此藥叉的本地為大勢至菩薩,是戍時之守護神。通身青色,現忿怒形,頭髮茂盛聳上,頭戴犬冠,手持法器。
Auspicious Protector Deity of 2018 “The Twelve Heavenly Generals (Yaksha Generals)” — Joyously welcome good fortune and calm Tai Sui.

With the approach of the Wu Xu year, let us pray for the protection and blessings from the leader of the Twelve Heavenly Generals, known as Vajra in Sanskrit, whose name also has the connotation of “Diamond”, the dharma protector for the Buddha. Also known as Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, he is the protector deity for the Xu period. With a green exterior, an angry countenance and thick shock of hair that stands upwards, Vajra is usually depicted with a crown on his head and a weapon in his hand.

According to the classics, the twelve Yaksha Generals were in attendance at the dharma assembly during which Buddha recounted the Sutra of the Medicine Buddha. They were deeply touched by the Buddhist dharma, and comprehended the compassion and great love behind the Twelve Vows made by Medicine Buddha. As a result, they vowed to stand firm as protectors and guardians of Medicine Buddha. This was what the twelve Yaksha Generals said in their vows: “All devotees who have deep respect for, and made offerings to the Medicine Buddha, shall be liberated from all sufferings.” As a result, not only did the twelve Yaksha Generals vow to guard over the dharma and the great vows of Medicine Buddha, they also vowed to protect Buddhist disciples who chant the sutra of Medicine Buddha. They are hence known to be the protector deities of the disciples of Medicine Buddha.

In actuality, the twelve Yaksha Generals had accumulated sufficient merits and had already attained the states of Bodhisattva-hood – greatly compassionate in hearts and fearless in spirits. Regal in appearance and being deeply at ease, they are the guardians of true dharma. They are firm proponents of the Medicine Buddha’s twelve great vows, and they help to ensure that all sentient beings are freed of all sorts of troubles and worldly suffering during their practice, until the day that they attain enlightenment.
Vajra contains an exceptional amount of extraordinary energy and it is my hope that all those who have the good fortune to view it would be blessed with the protection of Medicine Buddha as well as the twelve Yaksha generals. May evil be dispelled, disasters be neutralized, illnesses be cured and may everyone be safe and auspicious in 2018!

#TwelveYakshaGenerals, #MedicineBuddhaSutra, #ProtectorDeityOfGoodFortune
