我的药师佛,祝你们新年快乐,健康长寿! …

My Medicine Buddha. Wish you a Happy New Year, good health and longevity!rnrn我的药师佛,祝你们新年快乐,健康长寿!
My Medicine Buddha. Wish you a Happy New Year, good health and longevity!


在〈我的药师佛,祝你们新年快乐,健康长寿! …〉中有 45 則留言

  1. 收到,剛剛用無量念佛法持藥師心咒才誦念完畢,就收到佛師的㊗️福加持!

  2. 顶礼恩师,弟子收到了祝福,同时我会把恩师的祝福传递出去,送给更多的同修与有缘人,感恩师父,借此殊圣之时敬祝师父法体安康,合家幸福,吉祥如意,祝福师兄师姐,天天开心快乐,天天绕树走八卦,我们都快快乐乐活过九十九。祝福亲人们新年快乐,吉祥如意!

  3. Good morning I would like to send you my blessings and I love this Buddha that you just showed I have one that looks like that so I see you have an hour fresh Apple cuz when I was growing up we did it to us and Puerto RicansI wanted to know if I’m supposed to do that with the Buddha thank you and bless you bye bye

  4. 感恩师父发的药师佛!顶礼感恩师父!爱您师父!恭祝师父,新年快乐,法体安康,万事如意!恒久驻世!

  5. Blessing me a good health & to my whole family..Protect my 4 sons & my wife..Bless our home and keep me away any danger or sick to my family..Bless our son..got engineer someday he will graduate and become a successful engineer..

  6. Masterjin budha please give strength good healthy body and mind to tackle all my task in serving my family friends and community people as well Bless us all and Thank you for all your support

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