徵集年曆繪畫創意! . 徵集菩提禪修機構…

主辦單位: 國際菩提禪修機構
1. 繪畫主題:有夢想才有力量(如果您希望多畫幾幅,可以在此主題之外,選擇自己喜歡表達的主題)
2. 繪畫風格:簡單、可愛、孩子風、有美感、内容有寓意;
3. 投稿方式:請將成品掃描或拍照,存為電子檔格式發送至
[email protected]郵箱,並註明姓名與聯繫方式;
4. 圖片尺寸:不小於420mm×297mm〔A3紙尺寸,豎版(即直式)〕;
5. 圖片清晰度:不低於100dpi。
4.所有稿件一律以電子檔應徵,投稿郵箱:[email protected]
Calling for new calendar art designs!
We are looking for original and creative designs for Bodhi Meditation’s 2019 calendars. We welcome all creative geniuses to submit your creative ideas from now until Mar 25, 2018.
If your design is selected, we will provide compensation and contact you with details of collaboration!
We welcome participants from any nationality, ethnicity and cultural background. We also welcome you to spread the news of our search for calendar designs.
Organizer: International Bodhi Meditation Organization
I. Terms and conditions:
1. Theme: With dream comes strength (If you like to draw a few more, you may choose another theme to express yourself.)
2. Style: It can be simple, adorable, child-like, beautiful or it may also contain deeper meanings.
3. Method of submission: Please send a digital copy of your design (can be a scanned copy or a picture) to [email protected], and remember to include your name as well as contact number.
4. Dimensions: Minimum 420mmx297mm [equivalent to A3 paper in portrait mode] 5. Resolution: Minimum 100dpi.
II. Deadline for submission: March 25, 2018
III. Things to note:
1. Only original work will be accepted. Any submission that infringes on third-party’s intellectual property – including but not limited to copying and modification of other people’s work – will be disqualified. All legal consequences of such intellectual property infringement activities will also be solely borne by the person who submitted the work.
2. No fees will be collected for this activity.
3. If there are conflicting interpretations of the terms and conditions for this activity, International Bodhi Meditation Organization’s interpretation shall be final.
4. Only email submissions are allowed. Please send your entries to: [email protected]
#徵集年曆繪畫創意、 #有夢想才有力量、 #歡迎分享rnrn徵集年曆繪畫創意!
主辦單位: 國際菩提禪修機構
1. 繪畫主題:有夢想才有力量(如果您希望多畫幾幅,可以在此主題之外,選擇自己喜歡表達的主題)
2. 繪畫風格:簡單、可愛、孩子風、有美感、内容有寓意;
3. 投稿方式:請將成品掃描或拍照,存為電子檔格式發送至
[email protected]郵箱,並註明姓名與聯繫方式;
4. 圖片尺寸:不小於420mm×297mm〔A3紙尺寸,豎版(即直式)〕;
5. 圖片清晰度:不低於100dpi。
4.所有稿件一律以電子檔應徵,投稿郵箱:[email protected]
Calling for new calendar art designs!
We are looking for original and creative designs for Bodhi Meditation’s 2019 calendars. We welcome all creative geniuses to submit your creative ideas from now until Mar 25, 2018.
If your design is selected, we will provide compensation and contact you with details of collaboration!
We welcome participants from any nationality, ethnicity and cultural background. We also welcome you to spread the news of our search for calendar designs.
Organizer: International Bodhi Meditation Organization
I. Terms and conditions:
1. Theme: With dream comes strength (If you like to draw a few more, you may choose another theme to express yourself.)
2. Style: It can be simple, adorable, child-like, beautiful or it may also contain deeper meanings.
3. Method of submission: Please send a digital copy of your design (can be a scanned copy or a picture) to [email protected], and remember to include your name as well as contact number.
4. Dimensions: Minimum 420mmx297mm [equivalent to A3 paper in portrait mode] 5. Resolution: Minimum 100dpi.
II. Deadline for submission: March 25, 2018
III. Things to note:
1. Only original work will be accepted. Any submission that infringes on third-party’s intellectual property – including but not limited to copying and modification of other people’s work – will be disqualified. All legal consequences of such intellectual property infringement activities will also be solely borne by the person who submitted the work.
2. No fees will be collected for this activity.
3. If there are conflicting interpretations of the terms and conditions for this activity, International Bodhi Meditation Organization’s interpretation shall be final.
4. Only email submissions are allowed. Please send your entries to: [email protected]
#徵集年曆繪畫創意、 #有夢想才有力量、 #歡迎分享


在〈徵集年曆繪畫創意! . 徵集菩提禪修機構…〉中有 22 則留言

  1. 师父,您好!这个是好主意!哈哈!如果我懂画画,我一定会参加。希望大家发挥所长,积极参加画画吧!我很期待见到大家的优秀作品。谢谢师父给我们创作的机会!感恩师父!

  2. 师父,您好!这个是好主意!哈哈!如果我懂画画,我一定会参加。希望大家发挥所长,积极参加画画吧!我很期待见到大家的优秀作品。谢谢师父给我们创作的机会!感恩师父!

  3. 感恩师父分享,我从早上9点多就来移民厅等,我的朋友说要等到2点半,希望能顺利拿到证件,求师父帮帮我!顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  4. 感恩师父的开示!愿一切会画画的菩提弟子都来参加啊? 菩提都是培养世界级画家的园地,赶快来接受佛菩萨的甘露之润吧!感恩师父给弟子们这么好的机会。叩谢师父!

  5. 师父在召唤,身怀绝技的菩提弟子们,施展才华的时刻到来了,赶紧参与到年历绘画创意当中吧,把天地大自然奉献给我们人类的自然规律二十四节气、诸神、佛陀诞辰、成道之日展现出来,用你们的绘画技巧让更多的人学到更广博的知识功德无量???我们期待着······

  6. 有声有色的活动,热情相约,志在参与!期待看到众多优秀的作品。一次参与,即是一次提升,一次创作,即是一次完善。菩提家园,彼此分享,爱的世界!感恩师父的倡议和慈爱,期待和赞叹参与的作品!感恩师父!??????

  7. 敬爱的佛陀师父 阿弥陀佛 晚上好 这主义挺好的 只是 给钱就没意思了 能被录取的 是一生的荣耀 和骄傲 期盼三月25日 跟佛陀师父 沾光了 一定有好多 好做品 又要 大饱眼福了 期盼2019年的挂历 感恩佛陀师父 吉祥如意
