「富人吃補藥,窮人泡泡腳。」 [The …


[The rich eat tonics, the poor soak their feet] What are the benefits of a foot bath in the winter season?

As the saying goes: 「Chills invade our body through our feet, the legs show the first sign of aging.」 According to the Chinese physicians, 「Humans possess feet just as trees possess roots. The roots will decline first, follow by the withering of the tree. When old age comes to a man, the feet will decline first.」 Therefore, it is important to maintain the health of our feet in the winter season.

5th January in the Gregorian calendar this year is known as the “Minor Cold” solar term. Though termed as Minor Cold, according to past records, temperatures during the Minor Cold are lower than in the “Major Cold”. According to Chinese physicians, 「Blood coagulates when temperature is low」, so blood circulation improves in a warm environment and easily stagnates in a cold environment. Hence it is imperative to engage in more physical activity during the Minor Cold solar term so as to improve blood circulation. Before engaging in any exercise, it is important to do proper warm-ups. The exercise should increase gradually in terms of strength. Do not engage in sudden strenuous exercises so as to avoid sports injuries.

There is an old saying circulating among common folks: 「The rich eat tonics, the poor soak their feet.」 Indeed, a foot bath brings tremendous benefits to the body. During the Minor Cold, it is especially beneficial to have a foot bath just before retiring to bed. A comfortable foot bath should have a water temperature of 40 ℃. You may like to add onions and ginger to further promote blood circulation. After soaking your feet, give your feet a good rub at the center of the sole and wriggle your toes to stimulate acupuncture points of the feet. By massaging your feet gently for ten minutes a day, you can get rid of negative chills, keep your body warm and relieve fatigue, thereby leading to a good sleep. Try it and reap the benefits!

#SolarTerm, #MinorCold, #SoakLegs

Reference website :http://www.39yst.com/20131231/143920.shtml


自我改造_我的吸引力法則 . . 所謂:…

?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年1月6日,上午9:00開始 
Self-improvement – Law of attraction
As mentioned in Confucian Analects: “The virtuous are not left alone.”
As early as 2,500 years ago, Confucius said, “Those who are virtuous will not be lonely.”
A couple of years ago, there was a lady whose marriage was on the rocks as she faced tense relationship with her husband. No matter what happened, she would blame it on her husband and she was on the verge of divorcing her husband. She tried hard to find solutions to her marriage problems but to no avail.
Later, through a friend’s introduction, she joined Bodhi Meditation class. Upon the completion of her class, she was so excited and shared with this dharma sister, “I have found the solution, I am not getting a divorce.”
She continued, “Initially, I thought my husband was the one to blame for our marital problems. Now I realized I was the one at fault. I didn’t really give him the wife’s love and support. I’m not getting a divorce. I will try to mend our relationship. ”
When we have compassion and gratitude in daily lives, we become more tolerant and attractive. We will have more fulfilling and happy relationships with others.
Do you want to strengthen your “magnetic field of life” and make your life and work more pleasant?
Let’s explore “What is Buddha” this Saturday.
Wishing all becoming more attractive and auspicious!
“Like” is a form of encouragement; share is a form of support.
More sharing, more blessings!
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Jan 6, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Jan 6, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Jan 5, 2017 at 21:00hrs
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Jan 5, 2017 at 18:00hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): Jan 6, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Jan 6, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Jan 6, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Jan 6, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Jan 6, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Jan 6, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPracticeNotice, #BodhiMeditation, #LawOfAttraction, #HarmoniousMartitialRelationship, #Compassion, #Gratitude


2018年_圓滿的開始 . 在2018年…

2018 – The beginning of success
The first day of 2018 is very important. On this day, if one obtains the blessings and protection of the Divine, the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, it will be a smooth and healthy year, when auspiciousness overcome misfortunes.
Also, in similarly important festivals, when we offer lights, pray for blessings, and venerate before the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, or perform a good deed, cultivating the feeling of compassion, we gain exceptional auspiciousness, highly efficacious, and meritorious outcomes to our life.
On this “New Year’s Day”, I lit hundreds of wish-fulfilling light on behalf of everyone. May each light bring forth illumination to hundreds of lights, that spread to yet more thousands and millions of lights.
May the Buddha’s illumination irradiate the entire universe, and may this Illumination – through our sincerity and respect – propagate, like a beacon through the multiverse, and kindle everyone’s paths, including their future.
Finally, I hope everyone can join me in praying for this world and wish…
May there be world peace and no war!
Everyone has food and a job!
Everyone is happy and kind! I am also a kind person!
With my most respectful heart, I communicate with the Medicine Buddha (Medicine Buddha mantra …)
Everyone has their own cherished job!
All the diseases gone!
Everyone has money to spend!
Everyone be at ease and enjoy good luck!
#2018, #BeginningOfSuccess, #PrayForBlessings, #LightOffering, #PrayToBuddha, #HealthyAndSuccessful


必需與貪執 . . 是需要還是想要? 『…


?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
Necessity and greed
What is “need” and “want”?
“Need” refers to the necessity of life; “want” comes from desire, and is “greed”.
For example: To eat when you are hungry is to fulfill a “need”, if you choose to eat fried chicken, that becomes a “want”. Buying clothes is a “need”, but if you complain you lack certain designs despite your wardrobe being packed with clothes that outlast more than a few weeks, this is a “want”; a form of “greed.”
Man’s “necessities” are limited, yet our “wants” can be without limits.
When our “wants” are always exceeding our “needs”, we invest significant time and energy resources in material “wants” 「due to greed obsession」, how then do we summon extra energy to meet our real “needs” 「that is health」?
Do give this some thought … what exactly is “necessary” in your life, and what actually are your “wants”? What are your criteria for assessing these two factors? Please click on the video link below to hear my view …
You are most welcome to share; you reap bountiful blessings as you share!!
#WhatIsBuddhaSeries, #NeedVsGreed, #NecessityVsWant, #HealthyBody, #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTalk
#什麼是佛系列、 #必需與貪執、#需要還是想要、#身體健康、#金菩提宗師開示



以為老人家就只是煮飯洗衣做家務?這樣的想法就不對了!創意這回事根本就不分年齡。這位日本老婆婆現年89歲,72歲才開始跟兒子學習攝影。誰知她越拍攝越對影攝上癮,創意大爆發,利用不同的道具、動作及表情,製造爆笑的相片場景;還以超高齡之姿自學Photoshop修圖,連Adobe 都聘請她擔任新年賀卡創意總監。


《實錄》觀音靈感記_之三 . . 千百年…

一天, 我又找了幾個好朋友去釣魚,這天似乎成果不錯,很快地釣鉤就被沉沉的東西給拖住,我使盡力氣還是扯不上來,一瞧竟是條近百磅的大魚,我太興奮了,馬上吆喝三五好友一起將大魚扯上岸,大魚上來後,我用手去脫魚顎骨上的鉤子,沒想到一個恍神,在魚鉤脫出的同時,竟也插進我的手骨裡,疼得我哇哇大叫。
Guanyin inspiration true story – Part 3
Through the ages, whenever animals or human beings meet obstacles and setbacks, they would immediately think of their 「mothers」 and cry out to them. This is because mothers love and protect their children wholeheartedly for their entire lives. Guanyin Bodhisattva is just like our mother, she accompanies and takes care of us throughout our entire lives. A disciple sent me his real life encounter which I would like to share with all.
Chanting the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva inspiration true story
Dear master, I am a person who loves fishing. My name is Jianchan (a pseudonym). Fishing has been my vacation leisure activity.
One day, I went fishing with a few friends. We managed to get quite a good catch and very soon, I felt something heavy pulling at my fishing rod. Though I attempted to pull up the fishing rod using all my strength, I failed. Catching a glimpse, I was very excited to see a 100 pounds fish at the end of my fishing rod. I was so excited and asked all my friends over to help haul the big fish to shore. When I was removing the fish hook from the jawbone of the fish, my hand was pricked accidentally. It was so painful that I could only cry out in pain.
Since the hook was stuck in my finger bone very deeply, I could not remove it entirely and could only cut off the fishing threads using scissors. However the moment someone touched the affected area accidentally, the pain felt overwhelmingly bad. My fingers started to turn green and then black and I became very dizzy. I began to fear that I may become physically disabled if not treated on time.
As the nearest hospital was a few hundred kilometers away and we came by foot, my friends and I were at a loss. One young girl who happened to join us for this fishing expedition suddenly blurted : “My granny chants the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva daily. She says Guanyin Bodhisattva will bless our family. Why don’t we seek Guanyin Bodhisattva’s help?”
As calling for external help required some waiting time and I was suffering from intense pain, everyone started to chant the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva for me. After a few minutes, my hand no longer felt so painful, the swelling subsided and my head no longer spun. Apparently the side effects of the infection were under control for the moment.
When my friend came to pick us up eventually, we headed straight to the hospital for the surgery. During the process, I seemed to see Guanyin Bodhisattva appearing before me. Soon, the doctor successfully removed the fishhook from my finger and fortunately, I got to keep my finger. The doctor told me that if the symptoms of blackening of my finger had not been reduced, it would have been dangerous and I could have lost my finger. Revelation struck me. Chanting the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva was miraculously efficacious.
I was only pricked by a fishhook and this brought me unbearable pain. It was so bad that I could not control my tears. The moment someone accidentally touched the wounded area, I would lose all senses and started screaming. What about the poor fishes? Not only were their mouths hooked, they were pulled up by their wounded area. There were no grudges between the fishes and me. All they wanted was to live their lives; similarly, they would also experience pain.
After this incident, I repented over my fishing habits.
Since then, I made a vow never to fish again. To reinforce my intention, I threw away my fishing tackle.
Though this is just a simple story, it helps to redress the fishes’ grievances and is perhaps the only form of repentance I can make.
Like is an encouragement, Share is the best form of support.
Please feel free to share the post. The more you share, the more blessings you receive!!
#GuanyinBodhisattva, #InsprationalTrueStory, #Mothers, #GreatMercyAndCompassion, #CareAndProtect, #Kind, #ConserveLives #Kind, #ConserveLives、#觀音菩薩、#靈感實錄、#母親、#大慈大悲、#呵護照顧、#善良、#護生




Thank you to the youth from Vancouver Bodhi meditation Youth Camp for the song and blessings!
I wish you all a Happy New Year! Create your own future with happiness!


【壹月】一次微笑一條路,一句讚美能開山 …

[January] A smile will open doors, a praise will level mountains
If we want our lives to be filled with happiness and joy, we ought to be generous with our praises.

A good life is possible when there are more praises and less criticisms. Everybody likes to be praised. The ability to motivate people through praises is a very powerful skill. Praises not only make the recipient happy, they make us feel good as well. A word of praise may inspire a child to create a remarkable future for himself or herself.

Let us conquer the world with our smiles. As we smile at others, let us forgive them for the wrongs that they did to us, and for the troubles that they brought us. We need to understand that we might have caused them troubles too. Let us learn to forgive our enemies, as the reason that they hurt us is due to ignorance.

Today, I am the most compassionate and the most tolerant; like the ocean, I can embrace everything. As I aspire to keep a smile on my face and peace in my heart, I will live in the present and create the future with a positive mindset.

As we give out smiles and praises, we will receive benefits as well. Even as we bring forth happiness and joy in other people’s lives, we will be creating happiness and joy in our own futures.

#MasterJinBodhiAphorism #Praise #Smile #January
