新春—吉祥、如意的故事。 . 新春臨…

Spring—a Tale of Auspiciousness and Fulfillment
The auspicious Spring season is approaching. In the Heavenly realm, the season is much enjoyed with great festivity. Every year during the season, the Jade Emperor will send two celestial children – Auspicious and Fulfillment – to the earthly realm as representatives to find and deliver blessings to charitable homes.
Similarly this year, Auspicious and Fulfillment, under the orders of the Jade Emperor, descended to the sentient world to visit and to find 108 households to spread the Heavenly blessings to these families.
Auspicious and Fulfillment journeyed and searched conscientiously, and managed to deliver blessings to 107 households after much effort. They still had one household, however, to deliver blessings. All of a sudden, they sighted a bright golden hue in the distance, accompanied by several colorful clouds in the background – a glorious sight indeed! Auspicious and Fulfillment were most curious and approached to have a look. This family household was radiating golden illumination!
At the main door of the house, they saw the image of a suave pair of Door Gods- righteous and imposing. Entering the courtyard, they saw the door of the hall flashing the phrase, “virtuousness gathers fortune” and “fortune” on two couplets, constantly illuminating dazzling golden light. Auspicious and Fulfillment thought to themselves, “This family must also be charitable”. Let us deliver blessings to this family and then report back to the Jade Emperor!
Auspicious and Fulfillment were thinking of knocking on the door when they saw an adorable little kid in front approaching to open the door for them. In their line of sight was a family happily seated together, enjoying their reunion dinner and gifting auspicious red packets.
Auspicious and Fulfillment both went forth to explain to the white-haired grand-daddy figure, who was master of the house. They told him that they had wanted to search for a family outside of the village but had fatefully come across this warm and inviting sight It made them miss their family dearly, so they thought of joining in to usher in the new year.
The white-haired grand-daddy replied, “Well, we love to host guest service .” The whole family then warmly invited Auspicious and Fulfillment to join them for dinner. Afraid that they would catch a chill, the family provided warm clothing for them to put on. Before their departure, the family even handed them two big auspicious red packets for traveling expenses.
Auspicious and Fulfillment were both very touched by their gestures. In this family, they felt auspiciousness and virtuousness, and thus decided to deliver the Jade Emperor’s blessings to the family before contentedly embarking their journey back to the Heavenly court.
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#SpringHamper, #BeginningOfSpring, #GreatVirtuousnessGathersFortune, #AuspiciousnessAndFulfillment, #GiftRedPackets, #GlitteryGoldIllumination, #Fortune


在〈新春—吉祥、如意的故事。 . 新春臨…〉中有 20 則留言

  1. 感恩尊贵的上师开示与加持!在这佳节来临的吉祥日子里,佛菩萨、上师都会无时无刻的加倍慈爱众生给予无量的加持。新的一年我要更加刻苦修行努力精进。修在平时的点点滴滴里,炼在平凡的一事一物中。积善、养德、添慧、修心、增福!感恩教诲开示!

  2. 好感恩师父,我和同修们把吉祥,如意二位神仙接到家中,师父赐的福我们也都传递给所有的同修家了,同修们都欢喜,感恩师父!

  3. 感恩师父师赐于的2018新春吉祥大礼包!

  4. 师父好,感恩师父的慈悲大爱赐福我们新年祝福,吉祥如意,弟子都收到了师父慈悲的祝福,祝福师父师母新年快乐,法体安康,吉祥如意!

  5. 感恩师父讲的故事,师父送的吉祥如意,厚德载物新年祝福,弟子收到,感恩师父!视频里好像看到师父在擀饺子皮,好温馨一幕!师父吉祥如意!

  6. 师父好! 我们家已经早早把师父的新春大礼包请回家啦! 就等着除夕除旧迎新, 要把福气和厚德全挂在家中,让整个屋子充满喜气, 充满吉祥和如意???感恩师父⚘

  7. 师父好!感恩师父送吉祥如意!送红包!厚德聚福!大礼包!金光闪闪福气!我收了!还有两位门神!感恩大慈大悲恩师!祝愿您春节快乐!吉祥如意!顺利开心过好每一天!祝师母和全家合家欢乐!叩拜恩师!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!今年?️了师父赐福吉祥大礼包!吉祥如意临到家!自己更要慈悲为善!厚德载福!祈愿天下众生人人皆得师父赐福!?叩拜

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享与教导!行善之家福星高照,心宽仁厚鸿运当头,厚德聚福恩泽四方,子贤孙孝福寿延绵。愿小家大家都行善,愿世界祥和幸福平安。

  10. 感恩师父慈悲赐福!!行善之家福星高照,心宽仁厚鸿运当头,厚德聚福恩泽四方,子贤孙孝福寿延绵。我们全收到了!顶礼感恩师父!!!

  11. 师父我想您!在人生的道路上我们错的太多了!看到师父的辛苦我心里好难受,看到自己的不争气特别的恨!所以承受了很多!也让师父您超了太多的心!

  12. 菩提禅修,新春门神、挥春,让家宅瑞气喜庆,吉祥如意!威风的门神,吉祥的挥春,就犹如师父时时在,师父呵护时时在!感恩师父的赐福!这样的人家,都得到玉皇大帝派送下凡的如意、吉祥两吉童送宝和祝福,一年都吉祥如意,兴旺顺昌!家主人跟随师父学习慈悲,行善积福,得大福报及一切美好!感恩师父!??????
