【Facebook直播預告】_ 功德與福…

【Facebook直播預告】_ 功德與福報
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港 凌晨時間:
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多 
4. 英國倫敦時間:2018年3月10日,凌晨2:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2018年3月10日,凌晨2:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2018年3月10日,凌晨4:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2018年3月10日,早上7:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2018年3月10日,早上8:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2018年3月10日,上午10:00開始
#直播預告、#功德與福報、#福氣、#富貴健康rnrn【Facebook Live Broadcast Notice】- Merit accumulation and blessings

When one is blessed, other than possessing immeasurable wealth and being respected, he must live a healthy and long life.
What must we do in order to be a very blessed person!

Let’s meet on March 9th at 5pm Vancouver time for our online Live broadcast.
Let’s start sowing the seeds of happiness, and create a happy and joyful life!

Live Broadcast Schedules:
1. North America (Pacific Zone): Mar 9, 2018 at 17:00hrs
2. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Mar 10, 2018, at 9:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Mar 9, 2018 at 19:00hrs
4. London (United Kingdom): Mar 10, 2018, at 01:00hrs
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Mar 10, 2018, at 02:00 hrs
6. Romania: Mar 10, 2018, at 3:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar): Mar 10, 2018, at 06:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): Mar 10, 2018, at 07:00hrs
9. Seoul (Korea): Mar 10, 2018, at 02:00 hrs
10. Melbourne (Australia): Mar 10, 2017, at 10:00hrs

#LiveBroadcast, #MeritsAndBlessings, #Fortune, #ProsperousAndHealthy


新春—吉祥、如意的故事。 . 新春臨…

Spring—a Tale of Auspiciousness and Fulfillment
The auspicious Spring season is approaching. In the Heavenly realm, the season is much enjoyed with great festivity. Every year during the season, the Jade Emperor will send two celestial children – Auspicious and Fulfillment – to the earthly realm as representatives to find and deliver blessings to charitable homes.
Similarly this year, Auspicious and Fulfillment, under the orders of the Jade Emperor, descended to the sentient world to visit and to find 108 households to spread the Heavenly blessings to these families.
Auspicious and Fulfillment journeyed and searched conscientiously, and managed to deliver blessings to 107 households after much effort. They still had one household, however, to deliver blessings. All of a sudden, they sighted a bright golden hue in the distance, accompanied by several colorful clouds in the background – a glorious sight indeed! Auspicious and Fulfillment were most curious and approached to have a look. This family household was radiating golden illumination!
At the main door of the house, they saw the image of a suave pair of Door Gods- righteous and imposing. Entering the courtyard, they saw the door of the hall flashing the phrase, “virtuousness gathers fortune” and “fortune” on two couplets, constantly illuminating dazzling golden light. Auspicious and Fulfillment thought to themselves, “This family must also be charitable”. Let us deliver blessings to this family and then report back to the Jade Emperor!
Auspicious and Fulfillment were thinking of knocking on the door when they saw an adorable little kid in front approaching to open the door for them. In their line of sight was a family happily seated together, enjoying their reunion dinner and gifting auspicious red packets.
Auspicious and Fulfillment both went forth to explain to the white-haired grand-daddy figure, who was master of the house. They told him that they had wanted to search for a family outside of the village but had fatefully come across this warm and inviting sight It made them miss their family dearly, so they thought of joining in to usher in the new year.
The white-haired grand-daddy replied, “Well, we love to host guest service .” The whole family then warmly invited Auspicious and Fulfillment to join them for dinner. Afraid that they would catch a chill, the family provided warm clothing for them to put on. Before their departure, the family even handed them two big auspicious red packets for traveling expenses.
Auspicious and Fulfillment were both very touched by their gestures. In this family, they felt auspiciousness and virtuousness, and thus decided to deliver the Jade Emperor’s blessings to the family before contentedly embarking their journey back to the Heavenly court.
Like is a form of encouragement, and sharing is the best form of support.
?Welcome to share the post; may you reap multiple blessings!! ?
#SpringHamper, #BeginningOfSpring, #GreatVirtuousnessGathersFortune, #AuspiciousnessAndFulfillment, #GiftRedPackets, #GlitteryGoldIllumination, #Fortune


2018門神和春聯、福字來賀年! . ….

year 2018 door deities and couplets, Chinese character “fortune” to bless the New Year!
As Chinese New year approaches, everywhere feels lively and crowded, Bodhi auspicious pack is ready for collection.
First sign of auspiciousness:
Chinese New Year door deities. Two generals holding on to gold swords, imposing and awe-inspiring, protectors of household peace and safety.
Second sign of auspiciousness:
Virtue and fortune accumulation couplets. May your family accumulate merits, fortune and wealth.
Third sign of auspiciousness:
Chinese character (fortune) and (amulet) has the same pronunciation. This is not only a Chinese character for fortune, it is also an amulet drawn by me encompassing strong auspicious energy.
With these 3 auspiciousness packed into a gift pack, your family will naturally be surrounded by bountiful blessings and this induces reunion, happiness, wealth, health and safety.
We welcome all to collect your auspicious gift pack at the nearest Bodhi Meditation Center and give them as gifts to your friends and relatives during Chinese New Year. Help to spread auspicious blessings and welcome good fortune into all houses!
#Couplets, #DoorDeities, #Fortune, #Auspicious, #Reunion, #Happiness


自我改變的力量 . 將狹隘而自我的心打開…


#改變 、 #慈悲、 #金光閃耀、#把握現在、 #掌握、 #福氣
The Power to Change Yourself

Let us open our narrow and self-centered mind and see things from a broader perspective, because when our mind broadens with a compassionate heart, we will then discover our most beautiful and brilliant self.

We may not be able to choose our circumstances or the environment we are in. Neither can we alter our past nor change the way others behave, but we can seize the moment and change ourselves by changing the way we listen and perceive things around us.
— Master Jin Bodhi

#Change, #Compassion, #Brilliance, #SeizeTheMoment, #Seize, #Auspicious
