「富人吃補藥,窮人泡泡腳。」 [The …


[The rich eat tonics, the poor soak their feet] What are the benefits of a foot bath in the winter season?

As the saying goes: 「Chills invade our body through our feet, the legs show the first sign of aging.」 According to the Chinese physicians, 「Humans possess feet just as trees possess roots. The roots will decline first, follow by the withering of the tree. When old age comes to a man, the feet will decline first.」 Therefore, it is important to maintain the health of our feet in the winter season.

5th January in the Gregorian calendar this year is known as the “Minor Cold” solar term. Though termed as Minor Cold, according to past records, temperatures during the Minor Cold are lower than in the “Major Cold”. According to Chinese physicians, 「Blood coagulates when temperature is low」, so blood circulation improves in a warm environment and easily stagnates in a cold environment. Hence it is imperative to engage in more physical activity during the Minor Cold solar term so as to improve blood circulation. Before engaging in any exercise, it is important to do proper warm-ups. The exercise should increase gradually in terms of strength. Do not engage in sudden strenuous exercises so as to avoid sports injuries.

There is an old saying circulating among common folks: 「The rich eat tonics, the poor soak their feet.」 Indeed, a foot bath brings tremendous benefits to the body. During the Minor Cold, it is especially beneficial to have a foot bath just before retiring to bed. A comfortable foot bath should have a water temperature of 40 ℃. You may like to add onions and ginger to further promote blood circulation. After soaking your feet, give your feet a good rub at the center of the sole and wriggle your toes to stimulate acupuncture points of the feet. By massaging your feet gently for ten minutes a day, you can get rid of negative chills, keep your body warm and relieve fatigue, thereby leading to a good sleep. Try it and reap the benefits!

#SolarTerm, #MinorCold, #SoakLegs

Reference website :http://www.39yst.com/20131231/143920.shtml
