傳家之寶 . . 問:「請問世界上什麼功…


The Inheritance
Question: “What has the greatest merit in this world?”
Reply of the Zen master: “A drop of water.”
Question: “Emptiness encompasses everything in the universe. What can hold the emptiness in return?”
Reply of the Zen master: “A drop of water.”
According to legend, an accomplished Zen Master lived on the Mountain of Yi. One night, the Zen Master was about to take a bath and found the bath water to be scalding hot. Hence, he called out to his little disciple to bring in a pail of cold water to mix into the bath water so as to bring the temperature down. When he has finished his task, the little disciple proceeded to discard the remaining cold water.
The Zen Master gave the disciple a knock on the head: “How can you be so wasteful? Everything in this world has its purpose and value, even a single drop of water. If the drop of water is given to a little sapling that is withering on parched land, the life of the sapling will be saved. That may also be the beginning of the formation of a forest. It may have been just one drop of water, but its value is infinite.”
The little disciple was ashamed after hearing this. This was a valuable lesson to him and from then on, he took on the Dharma name “Water Drop”. This little disciple later grew up to be the renowned and well-respected monk known as the “Water Drop Monk”.
The amount of blessings and good fortune that a person enjoys on Earth is actually limited. As the saying goes: “An inheritance of morality will last for more than ten generations; An inheritance of wealth will not last beyond three.” The amount of possessions, wealth, good fortune and longevity that a person has in his or her lifetime is limited. It is analogous to the savings in your bank account – if you keep spending more than what you are earning, eventually all your savings will run out.
Rich and prosperous people are where they are today because of the karmic merits accumulated in previous lives. For that to last through generations, it is important to cultivate morality and accumulate merits. Be thankful for what we have, be prudent with our resources, and do not waste even a drop of water. A drop of water may seem insignificant, but the collective energy of millions of them is very substantial.
I give my blessings to all of you, and hope that you can pass on an inheritance of morality to your descendants, so that they will be blessed with good fortune, prosperity and wealth, generation after generation!
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#aDropOfWater #karmicMerits #InheritanceOfMorality #goodFortune #prosperity


在〈傳家之寶 . . 問:「請問世界上什麼功…〉中有 29 則留言

  1. 以德传家,坚守世世代代的福德,并且跟随上师不断修福修慧,这样的家庭必定是「积善之家必有余庆」,富贵恒久绵长!感恩师父分享!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲教化!我們要節用惜福,雖是滴水,也不廢棄,滴水雖微,匯集後的能量卻是非常強大的。
    .  所以我们要安份守纪,以徳积福!上供下施!勤俭持家!修心養身,把好品德传承下去,富贵又吉祥!顶礼佛师!???

  3. 感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,多做善事多帮人,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享!正为此事发愁,昨晚儿子对我说妈妈爸爸是这家最辛苦的人,努力挣钱。妈妈是最能花钱的人。我听着就生气。我花钱都是往家里买菜,衣服跟化妆品基本买的都不是很贵,衣服也没买多少。再就是给他们买营养品,再就是给孩子买点水果,我感觉我没乱花钱她就说我乱花钱。从结婚到现在这烙印总是没去除。我婆婆家庭教育是一分钱不能花,自己感觉委屈还不能改变什么。可能自己德行不够吧!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲开示《以德传家》!弟子谨记一定要懂得惜福,不要浪费任何东西啊!厚德载物。感恩师父的教化!顶礼叩拜师父!??????❤??????

  6. 师父大吉祥!此时弟子很感恩很幸福!一边好好的活着,还到了另外的地方,要做一天一夜的火车去学习考试。师父,您知道吗?这个不太下雪的地方又今夫下雪了!师父!好开心!好感恩!祝我最尊贵的佛师时时自在开心吉祥!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲教导,我们要好好惜福,好好爱惜今生所拥有的一切,那怕小小一滴水,都不应浪费,多行善事,多积功累德,为子孙后代积福!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲教化!
    古人说: 勢不可使盡,使盡則禍必至;福不可受盡,受盡則緣必孤。
    「福德」就好比你在銀行存款,当我们在享福的同时,是否曾想到,这也是在消损我们的福份呢! 当然福本当享用,但要珍惜著。並要懂得享福的同时,也要修善积累福德。这样「銀行存款」才不会耗盡!

  9. 感恩师父教诲,积德惜福,行善忏善!知易行难,但在心中首先要种下这个善果,时时警醒自己!想起看到的这两句话:前方,就是远方;远方,一无所有,但又应有尽有!凭智慧去取舍。感恩师父!???

  10. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教诲!积德惜福,行善忏善!好好爱惜今生所拥有的一切,那怕小小一滴水,都不应浪费,多行善事,多积功累德,为子孙后代积福!???
