[最美的供養]—貧女施燈 . 願望是…

在佛陀時代,舍衛國中 有一個貧困孤苦的貧女,由於她生活貧窮,因此以流浪乞討維生。生命對她而言,只有卑微與貧賤,以及毫無希望的明天。
#貧女施燈 #供養 #功德 #願望
The most beautiful offering — A Poor Woman’s Light Offering
Aspiration gives strength and is the driving force; it’s magnitude can gives unfathomable results.

Aspiration can resist karmic force, eliminate all resentment and illuminate all.
During the Buddha’s time, in the city of Sravasti, there lived a impoverished lonely woman. As she was poor, she lived a vagrant life begging for food or spare change and there was no hope for her future.
However, a predestined relationship changes her life.
One day in the midst of a fiercely cold wind, using her weak and trembling hands, she begged for an entire day, finally receiving one small coin. With this coin she could only afford to buy a small morsel of food to support her life.
However, the news of offering light to the Buddha inspired her. Seeing everyone in the city, including the royal family, officials, and commoners using all kinds of valuable oil and exquisite decorated lamps to make light offerings to Buddha with devotion and sincerity, she couldn’t help but joyously praised all the devotees; the wish to make an offering to the Buddha also arose in her mind.
She thought, “The manifestation of the Buddha in this world is so rare and precious. I should really make use of this opportunity to make an offering to the Buddha”.

Such a desire resembles a young seeding quickly growing in her heart. “What a shame, because in my past I did not cultivate any merit, so in this life I am poor and miserable. Even if I would really like to make an offering, I don’t have anything special to offer!”

As she looked at the lone coin sitting in her hand, she knew that if she didn’t spend it on food for herself she would have to pass another long, endless night in hunger and cold. And yet, her vow to make a light offering to the Buddha remained strong and resolute.

Using that one small coin, she could only afford to buy the smallest amount of the crudest oil. However, her sincerity was much brighter than the light emitting from any lamps.

When the shopkeeper who was selling the oil saw how she was willing to suffer through another long and cold night in order to make an offering to the Buddha, he became so moved that he could not resist giving her several times more oil than what she had paid for, so as to help her achieve her dream.

As darkness descended upon the city, all the townsfolk, from the lords up in the imperial palace down to the commoners on the streets, with their hearts full of sincerity, illuminated their lamps for the Buddha. The lamps dazzled like a sparkling river and lit up the entire city of Sravasti. The penniless women was in the midst of that crowd, respectfully lighting her oil lamp.
When the very ordinary oil lamp of hers lighted up in the middle of the night, it was as if her own low and insignificant life was also being lit up. At that moment, she experienced an extraordinary feeling of richness and happiness. In her heart, she made a great vow: “I wish that this light may pervade through the ten directions, guiding every sentient beings out of the miserable sea of birth and death to the path of supreme peace and happiness.”
With the arrival of dawn, an unimaginable thing happened! All the oil lamps, no matter how precious, had already been extinguished from burning throughout the night or were blown out by Maudgalyayana, who was in charge of keeping watch on the lamps. However, the lamp offered by the penniless woman was still shining brightly. Even after exhausting every type of method for extinguishing the light, Maudgalyayana, who had the greatest supernatural powers out of all Buddha’s disciples, still could not put it out. He was astonished: “Whose lamp is this that is still burning? Even with my supernatural powers, I cannot put it out!”

The Buddha, who was present at the time said: “Maudgalyayana, the person who offered this lamp made a great vow to save all sentient beings. Even if you used all the water in the four great oceans, you would still not be able to extinguish this lamp. This lamp was lit using a great, compassionate vow, and because she was full of sincerity, the light radiating from this lamp is inexhaustible.”

#APoorWoman’sLightOffering, #Offerings, #Merit, #GreatVowrnrn[最美的供養]—貧女施燈
在佛陀時代,舍衛國中 有一個貧困孤苦的貧女,由於她生活貧窮,因此以流浪乞討維生。生命對她而言,只有卑微與貧賤,以及毫無希望的明天。
#貧女施燈 #供養 #功德 #願望
The most beautiful offering — A Poor Woman’s Light Offering
Aspiration gives strength and is the driving force; it’s magnitude can gives unfathomable results.

Aspiration can resist karmic force, eliminate all resentment and illuminate all.
During the Buddha’s time, in the city of Sravasti, there lived a impoverished lonely woman. As she was poor, she lived a vagrant life begging for food or spare change and there was no hope for her future.
However, a predestined relationship changes her life.
One day in the midst of a fiercely cold wind, using her weak and trembling hands, she begged for an entire day, finally receiving one small coin. With this coin she could only afford to buy a small morsel of food to support her life.
However, the news of offering light to the Buddha inspired her. Seeing everyone in the city, including the royal family, officials, and commoners using all kinds of valuable oil and exquisite decorated lamps to make light offerings to Buddha with devotion and sincerity, she couldn’t help but joyously praised all the devotees; the wish to make an offering to the Buddha also arose in her mind.
She thought, “The manifestation of the Buddha in this world is so rare and precious. I should really make use of this opportunity to make an offering to the Buddha”.

Such a desire resembles a young seeding quickly growing in her heart. “What a shame, because in my past I did not cultivate any merit, so in this life I am poor and miserable. Even if I would really like to make an offering, I don’t have anything special to offer!”

As she looked at the lone coin sitting in her hand, she knew that if she didn’t spend it on food for herself she would have to pass another long, endless night in hunger and cold. And yet, her vow to make a light offering to the Buddha remained strong and resolute.

Using that one small coin, she could only afford to buy the smallest amount of the crudest oil. However, her sincerity was much brighter than the light emitting from any lamps.

When the shopkeeper who was selling the oil saw how she was willing to suffer through another long and cold night in order to make an offering to the Buddha, he became so moved that he could not resist giving her several times more oil than what she had paid for, so as to help her achieve her dream.

As darkness descended upon the city, all the townsfolk, from the lords up in the imperial palace down to the commoners on the streets, with their hearts full of sincerity, illuminated their lamps for the Buddha. The lamps dazzled like a sparkling river and lit up the entire city of Sravasti. The penniless women was in the midst of that crowd, respectfully lighting her oil lamp.
When the very ordinary oil lamp of hers lighted up in the middle of the night, it was as if her own low and insignificant life was also being lit up. At that moment, she experienced an extraordinary feeling of richness and happiness. In her heart, she made a great vow: “I wish that this light may pervade through the ten directions, guiding every sentient beings out of the miserable sea of birth and death to the path of supreme peace and happiness.”
With the arrival of dawn, an unimaginable thing happened! All the oil lamps, no matter how precious, had already been extinguished from burning throughout the night or were blown out by Maudgalyayana, who was in charge of keeping watch on the lamps. However, the lamp offered by the penniless woman was still shining brightly. Even after exhausting every type of method for extinguishing the light, Maudgalyayana, who had the greatest supernatural powers out of all Buddha’s disciples, still could not put it out. He was astonished: “Whose lamp is this that is still burning? Even with my supernatural powers, I cannot put it out!”

The Buddha, who was present at the time said: “Maudgalyayana, the person who offered this lamp made a great vow to save all sentient beings. Even if you used all the water in the four great oceans, you would still not be able to extinguish this lamp. This lamp was lit using a great, compassionate vow, and because she was full of sincerity, the light radiating from this lamp is inexhaustible.”

#APoorWoman’sLightOffering, #Offerings, #Merit, #GreatVow


在〈[最美的供養]—貧女施燈 . 願望是…〉中有 26 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享!在佛前发愿真诚供灯,願望是力量的推手,願的大小不可思議,

  2. 師父,師母早上好,弟子金修闊恭敬頂礼叩拜師父,感恩師父今早慈悲開示,只要真誠,感恩在佛菩薩前供燈,佛菩薩都可收到,祈原願師父法体安康,法輪常轉,普渡更多有緣众生!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲开示!很感动呀!贫女供灯祈愿照亮十方世界,让所有众生光明离苦得乐!坚定不移的大愿望!度众生的心,连法力都灭不了的灯火!明白了很多!祈愿弟子的每一个观想与念佛都照亮十方世界让所有众生离苦得乐!?叩拜

  4. 师父师母早上好!感恩师父慈悲教诲!贫女施燈好感动,贫女 用
    真誠 恭敬! 慈悲 善心在彿前供燈发了大愿不为自己为的是十方众生施离苦海
    感动了彿菩薩 ! 弟子紧記在心。弟子感恩顶礼叩拜佛师!???

  5. 尊贵的佛师!早上好!感恩您的分享!贫女供灯的故事告诉人们:在佛前发愿真诚供灯,愿能对抗业力,消弭一切怨恨,光明超越一切。

  6. 真心感动天地!供養這盞燈的主人,發了救度眾生的大願。即使引取四大海水來灌注,也無法將之熄滅。。感恩师父的分享!???

  7. 师父师母早上好,吉祥幸福,健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,真诚供养供灯布施给师父佛菩萨才会消除我们的业障改变命运转好运更幸福吉祥,健康快乐生活,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  8. 感恩師父分享開示,願望是力量的推手,願的大小不可思議,願能對抗業力,消弭一切怨恨,光明超越一切。

  9. 感恩师父珍贵的开示!

  10. 感恩上师慈悲分享!弟子铭记:愿望是力量的推手,願的大小不可思議, 願能對抗業力,消弭一切怨恨,光明超越一切。叩拜恩师!

  11. 感恩师父!真诚就是最甜美的供养。贫女供灯给我们的启发是,在佛前供灯要真诚还得有愿力!不是为自己而是为众生!这样你才会的到的更多!顶礼师父!
