
#2020農曆春年 #插頭香 #願望

#2020農曆春年 #插頭香 #願望


這是我們一起走過的2019年 . 感恩全…

#感恩 #開創 #願望


《守住心中的夢》 . 當尋夢的路上充滿了…



【九月台曆】佛前點燈,黑暗變光明。 . …

《菩薩藏經》中說:「百千燈明,懺除悔罪」。《華嚴經》也說:「慧燈可以破諸暗。」 這些經典中的記載,都說明在佛前供燈可以消除累世罪業,破除一切黑暗。下面給大家說個故事…



早安,愛護萬物,和諧共生。 . 為天地萬…




【八月台曆】願望決定成就。 . 因為願望…



【週六網路共修】人生的意義_完整版 . …



與青年人聊天 (之二) . 青年朋友最常…

與青年人聊天 (之二)
我還遇過加拿大的一位女孩, 女孩頭腦特別靈活,儘管她並沒有上過世界一流的學校。她在溫哥華的大學畢業之後,第一份工作做了兩年。兩年之後,她朋友的母親在非洲一個很貧窮的國家做救援的工作。給她介紹那地方:那裡的生活很苦,水都吃不上,很多河溝就是大家涉水過河,有些地方還有鱷魚,過著特別原始的生活,很缺技術和錢。

Chat with the youths (Part 2)

One predominant problem faced by youngsters: a sense of loss about their future…

Question: “Hi Master, in the near future, which area should I develop myself so as to create the greatest value? To make a difference so as not to waste my life.”

My reply: “That will depend on your goals and priorities in life.”

Recently, I watched a matchmaking television program from China. In the show, a Harvard graduate participated in the program. A few young ladies were eager to be match make with him. However, he posed them a question: “If you suddenly strike lottery and win ten million dollars, what will you do with the money?” Some of the replies by the young ladies: “Go traveling, visit Italy, but lots of branded bags and shoes, or buy a house for my mother…”

In the end, the young man did not choose anyone.

The program host interviewed the young man: “Why did you not choose any of the young ladies here?”

He replied: “I was hoping to hear a reply from one of them that she would donate the sum of money to help the less fortunate in the society. As Harvard graduates, we are the cream of the crop in the society. Hence, it is our mission to serve, create or even transform society.”

⭐Generally, lower class people are only interested in transforming their own lives. On the contrary, people who belong to the upper class, though they may not be very rich or earning a lot at the current moment, have great aspirations. Hence, our aspiration determines how far we will go in life. ⭐

I also met a Canadian young lady. She was very bright and intelligent although she was not from any top university. After she graduated from a University in Canada, she stayed two years in her first job. Two years later, she was introduced to her friend’s mother who was helping the poor in Africa. From her friend’s mother, the young lady got to know: Life was hard in Africa. Even getting clean water was difficult. People there needed to cross streams by foot. Some parts of the streams even had crocodiles. The people there led primitive lives since the country lacked technology and money.

After listening to this, the young lady made a vow: she wanted to use her skills to help the people in Africa. She knew how to build bridges as she was an architect. She said: “I want to build bridges for the Africans. If I can get used to the life there within 3 years, I will stay there my entire life.”

She discussed with her classmate: “I will go to Africa to design, build and supervise the building of bridges. You will try to get monetary donations at Canada and America. Let’s build roads and bridges in Africa.” These 2 young ladies were in their early twenties. Never in my wildest dream did I expect that the silly “ugly duckling”” whom I had seen a few years ago would suddenly made such a great vow. In reality, I praised her from the bottom of my heart.

⭐⭐⭐So, how do you create value out of your life?

Once a person had such a great aspiration to help society, how great is her capability? Only capable enough to earn money to support her family? In fact, her capability is far greater than that!

I believe that it would be an easy task for this girl even if she wanted to start an international enterprise in future. Because she is used to performing great tasks, her intellect had gone beyond herself, her thinking would be from a societal, international and global perspective. Hence, we should aspire to have a caring heart to achieve something for the society.

To the youths out there!!
If you understand what I am saying, if you are willing to let your life become more interesting and wants to be more capable and charismatic, you should aspire to serve the society. Perhaps it would be difficult during the initial stages, you may be overwhelmed by fear. However, once you understand and start to work hard in the right direction, success is not far!

#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart2, #DoNotWasteLife, #Aspiration, #Successrnrn與青年人聊天 (之二)
我還遇過加拿大的一位女孩, 女孩頭腦特別靈活,儘管她並沒有上過世界一流的學校。她在溫哥華的大學畢業之後,第一份工作做了兩年。兩年之後,她朋友的母親在非洲一個很貧窮的國家做救援的工作。給她介紹那地方:那裡的生活很苦,水都吃不上,很多河溝就是大家涉水過河,有些地方還有鱷魚,過著特別原始的生活,很缺技術和錢。

Chat with the youths (Part 2)

One predominant problem faced by youngsters: a sense of loss about their future…

Question: “Hi Master, in the near future, which area should I develop myself so as to create the greatest value? To make a difference so as not to waste my life.”

My reply: “That will depend on your goals and priorities in life.”

Recently, I watched a matchmaking television program from China. In the show, a Harvard graduate participated in the program. A few young ladies were eager to be match make with him. However, he posed them a question: “If you suddenly strike lottery and win ten million dollars, what will you do with the money?” Some of the replies by the young ladies: “Go traveling, visit Italy, but lots of branded bags and shoes, or buy a house for my mother…”

In the end, the young man did not choose anyone.

The program host interviewed the young man: “Why did you not choose any of the young ladies here?”

He replied: “I was hoping to hear a reply from one of them that she would donate the sum of money to help the less fortunate in the society. As Harvard graduates, we are the cream of the crop in the society. Hence, it is our mission to serve, create or even transform society.”

⭐Generally, lower class people are only interested in transforming their own lives. On the contrary, people who belong to the upper class, though they may not be very rich or earning a lot at the current moment, have great aspirations. Hence, our aspiration determines how far we will go in life. ⭐

I also met a Canadian young lady. She was very bright and intelligent although she was not from any top university. After she graduated from a University in Canada, she stayed two years in her first job. Two years later, she was introduced to her friend’s mother who was helping the poor in Africa. From her friend’s mother, the young lady got to know: Life was hard in Africa. Even getting clean water was difficult. People there needed to cross streams by foot. Some parts of the streams even had crocodiles. The people there led primitive lives since the country lacked technology and money.

After listening to this, the young lady made a vow: she wanted to use her skills to help the people in Africa. She knew how to build bridges as she was an architect. She said: “I want to build bridges for the Africans. If I can get used to the life there within 3 years, I will stay there my entire life.”

She discussed with her classmate: “I will go to Africa to design, build and supervise the building of bridges. You will try to get monetary donations at Canada and America. Let’s build roads and bridges in Africa.” These 2 young ladies were in their early twenties. Never in my wildest dream did I expect that the silly “ugly duckling”” whom I had seen a few years ago would suddenly made such a great vow. In reality, I praised her from the bottom of my heart.

⭐⭐⭐So, how do you create value out of your life?

Once a person had such a great aspiration to help society, how great is her capability? Only capable enough to earn money to support her family? In fact, her capability is far greater than that!

I believe that it would be an easy task for this girl even if she wanted to start an international enterprise in future. Because she is used to performing great tasks, her intellect had gone beyond herself, her thinking would be from a societal, international and global perspective. Hence, we should aspire to have a caring heart to achieve something for the society.

To the youths out there!!
If you understand what I am saying, if you are willing to let your life become more interesting and wants to be more capable and charismatic, you should aspire to serve the society. Perhaps it would be difficult during the initial stages, you may be overwhelmed by fear. However, once you understand and start to work hard in the right direction, success is not far!

#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart2, #DoNotWasteLife, #Aspiration, #Success

與青年人聊天 (之二)
我還遇過加拿大的一位女孩, 女孩頭腦特別靈活,儘管她並沒有上過世界一流的學校。她在溫哥華的大學畢業之後,第一份工作做了兩年。兩年之後,她朋友的母親在非洲一個很貧窮的國家做救援的工作。給她介紹那地方:那裡的生活很苦,水都吃不上,很多河溝就是大家涉水過河,有些地方還有鱷魚,過著特別原始的生活,很缺技術和錢。
Chat with the youths (Part 2)
One predominant problem faced by youngsters: a sense of loss about their future…
Question: “Hi Master, in the near future, which area should I develop myself so as to create the greatest value? To make a difference so as not to waste my life.”
My reply: “That will depend on your goals and priorities in life.”
Recently, I watched a matchmaking television program from China. In the show, a Harvard graduate participated in the program. A few young ladies were eager to be match make with him. However, he posed them a question: “If you suddenly strike lottery and win ten million dollars, what will you do with the money?” Some of the replies by the young ladies: “Go traveling, visit Italy, but lots of branded bags and shoes, or buy a house for my mother…”
In the end, the young man did not choose anyone.
The program host interviewed the young man: “Why did you not choose any of the young ladies here?”
He replied: “I was hoping to hear a reply from one of them that she would donate the sum of money to help the less fortunate in the society. As Harvard graduates, we are the cream of the crop in the society. Hence, it is our mission to serve, create or even transform society.” 
⭐Generally, lower class people are only interested in transforming their own lives. On the contrary, people who belong to the upper class, though they may not be very rich or earning a lot at the current moment, have great aspirations. Hence, our aspiration determines how far we will go in life. ⭐
I also met a Canadian young lady. She was very bright and intelligent although she was not from any top university. After she graduated from a University in Canada, she stayed two years in her first job. Two years later, she was introduced to her friend’s mother who was helping the poor in Africa. From her friend’s mother, the young lady got to know: Life was hard in Africa. Even getting clean water was difficult.  People there needed to cross streams by foot. Some parts of the streams even had crocodiles. The people there led primitive lives since the country lacked technology and money.
After listening to this, the young lady made a vow: she wanted to use her skills to help the people in Africa. She knew how to build bridges as she was an architect. She said: “I want to build bridges for the Africans. If I can get used to the life there within 3 years, I will stay there my entire life.”
She discussed with her classmate: “I will go to Africa to design, build and supervise the building of bridges. You will try to get monetary donations at Canada and America. Let’s build roads and bridges in Africa.” These 2 young ladies were in their early twenties. Never in my wildest dream did I expect that the silly “ugly duckling”” whom I had seen a few years ago would suddenly made such a great vow. In reality, I praised her from the bottom of my heart.
⭐⭐⭐So, how do you create value out of your life?
Once a person had such a great aspiration to help society, how great is her capability? Only capable enough to earn money to support her family? In fact, her capability is far greater than that!
I believe that it would be an easy task for this girl even if she wanted to start an international enterprise in future. Because she is used to performing great tasks, her intellect had gone beyond herself, her thinking would be from a societal, international and global perspective. Hence, we should aspire to have a caring heart to achieve something for the society.
To the youths out there!!
If you understand what I am saying, if you are willing to let your life become more interesting and wants to be more capable and charismatic, you should aspire to serve the society. Perhaps it would be difficult during the initial stages, you may be overwhelmed by fear. However, once you understand and start to work hard in the right direction, success is not far!
#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart2, #DoNotWasteLife, #Aspiration, #Successrnrn與青年人聊天 (之二)
我還遇過加拿大的一位女孩, 女孩頭腦特別靈活,儘管她並沒有上過世界一流的學校。她在溫哥華的大學畢業之後,第一份工作做了兩年。兩年之後,她朋友的母親在非洲一個很貧窮的國家做救援的工作。給她介紹那地方:那裡的生活很苦,水都吃不上,很多河溝就是大家涉水過河,有些地方還有鱷魚,過著特別原始的生活,很缺技術和錢。
Chat with the youths (Part 2)
One predominant problem faced by youngsters: a sense of loss about their future…
Question: “Hi Master, in the near future, which area should I develop myself so as to create the greatest value? To make a difference so as not to waste my life.”
My reply: “That will depend on your goals and priorities in life.”
Recently, I watched a matchmaking television program from China. In the show, a Harvard graduate participated in the program. A few young ladies were eager to be match make with him. However, he posed them a question: “If you suddenly strike lottery and win ten million dollars, what will you do with the money?” Some of the replies by the young ladies: “Go traveling, visit Italy, but lots of branded bags and shoes, or buy a house for my mother…”
In the end, the young man did not choose anyone.
The program host interviewed the young man: “Why did you not choose any of the young ladies here?”
He replied: “I was hoping to hear a reply from one of them that she would donate the sum of money to help the less fortunate in the society. As Harvard graduates, we are the cream of the crop in the society. Hence, it is our mission to serve, create or even transform society.” 
⭐Generally, lower class people are only interested in transforming their own lives. On the contrary, people who belong to the upper class, though they may not be very rich or earning a lot at the current moment, have great aspirations. Hence, our aspiration determines how far we will go in life. ⭐
I also met a Canadian young lady. She was very bright and intelligent although she was not from any top university. After she graduated from a University in Canada, she stayed two years in her first job. Two years later, she was introduced to her friend’s mother who was helping the poor in Africa. From her friend’s mother, the young lady got to know: Life was hard in Africa. Even getting clean water was difficult.  People there needed to cross streams by foot. Some parts of the streams even had crocodiles. The people there led primitive lives since the country lacked technology and money.
After listening to this, the young lady made a vow: she wanted to use her skills to help the people in Africa. She knew how to build bridges as she was an architect. She said: “I want to build bridges for the Africans. If I can get used to the life there within 3 years, I will stay there my entire life.”
She discussed with her classmate: “I will go to Africa to design, build and supervise the building of bridges. You will try to get monetary donations at Canada and America. Let’s build roads and bridges in Africa.” These 2 young ladies were in their early twenties. Never in my wildest dream did I expect that the silly “ugly duckling”” whom I had seen a few years ago would suddenly made such a great vow. In reality, I praised her from the bottom of my heart.
⭐⭐⭐So, how do you create value out of your life?
Once a person had such a great aspiration to help society, how great is her capability? Only capable enough to earn money to support her family? In fact, her capability is far greater than that!
I believe that it would be an easy task for this girl even if she wanted to start an international enterprise in future. Because she is used to performing great tasks, her intellect had gone beyond herself, her thinking would be from a societal, international and global perspective. Hence, we should aspire to have a caring heart to achieve something for the society.
To the youths out there!!
If you understand what I am saying, if you are willing to let your life become more interesting and wants to be more capable and charismatic, you should aspire to serve the society. Perhaps it would be difficult during the initial stages, you may be overwhelmed by fear. However, once you understand and start to work hard in the right direction, success is not far!
#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart2, #DoNotWasteLife, #Aspiration, #Success


?雪白季節裡的溫暖__大耳婆婆? . ….

因此,每年的12月,聖誕老人都會灑下漫天的雪花與祝福 ,並且送出禮物 ?給孩子們,從此許多孩子們再也不受飢凍所苦了。
「 ❄ ❄ ❄聖 誕 節 快 樂 ❄ ❄ ❄」
Warmth in snowy white season- Big ear granny
According to legend, there was a granny with beautiful golden hair. She had a pair of attractive big ears to listen to the wishes of children from all over the world.
Her job was to fulfil the dreams and wishes of children by sending them presents. Her wish: (to see radiant and happy smiles on the innocent faces of all children and ensure they go to bed with pleasant dreams.)
How does the wish of Santa Claus (children’s all-time favourite character) come about?
Few thousand years ago at an island of Scandinavia, on a snowy and windy Christmas night , there was a little boy who was feeling very hungry and cold. Due to a few months of heavy snow, every household locked their houses and windows tightly to keep out the cold and food was precious and rare. As the boy walked on the street, he knocked on each door, hoping that some kind soul would offer him warm food. However, no one offered him and he continued to remain hungry. Just when he was about to freeze to death, a granny with big ears appeared in front of him. The granny offered him a sumptuous Christmas dinner and thoughtfully prepared a warm mattress and blanket for the night. On the very next day, the snow miraculously stopped.
Before the boy left, big ear granny gave him a redwood branch and instructed him: “Find a fertile land to grow this redwood branch. Look after it well and it will grow into a beautiful tree. On this day of every year, the tree will be filled with presents. However, I have one condition: you must help to fulfil my dream by giving out warmth and hope to children like yourself and others who needed help, make their wishes come true.”
Apparently the big ear granny was the incarnation of Thousand Hands Thousand Eyes Guanyin Bodhisattva and the little boy was Santa Claus.
Subsequently, children who received help from big ear granny grew up and aspired to be incarnation of Santa Claus. From then on, this heart-warming tradition of Christmas passed down over generations and manifest in the form of thousands and millions of Santa Claus!
Since then, on the December of every year, Santa Claus would sprinkle glittering brilliance and wishes to fill the entire sky and send out presents to children. Thanks to Santa Claus, children no longer suffer from hunger and bitter cold. All this is possible because it is the wish of Buddha….
Lastly, may all receive bountiful returns on Christmas and lead a happy and fulfilling life!
Merry Christmas !!
#Christmas, #WhiteBeardedOldMan, #IncarnationOfBuddha, #Presents, #Warmth, #Wish


佛有圓滿的願望 . 相傳民間的《異聞錄》…

Buddha has a perfect wish
According to legend, “Yiwenlu” (records of unusual stories from ancient China) there is a story:
A long time ago, there was a practicing fox seeking the dharma from the Buddha.
The Buddha said: “To learn this method, one must first have Bodhicitta, practice according to the Dharma and practice with diligence. Benefit others through compassion and accumulate merit until you grow the ninth tail. That is when you achieve perfect enlightenment.
On the condition that you grow a tail every 100 years, you must help a destined person achieve a benevolent aspiration when you grow the eighth tail. When done, the new ninth tail will grow, but an old tail will immediately drop off”.
As the ninth new tail grows, an old tail will drop off. Hence the fox will still be left with eight tails. It is impossible to cultivate to become a fox with nine tails. But the fox did not give up following Buddha’s guidance and acted according to his teaching. It became more devout and diligent instead.
Thousands of years passed and the fox had helped thousands of people realize their aspirations but yet had only eight tails.
One day, during the storm, on the way to its hiding place, the eight-tailed fox encountered a young man who was surrounded by a pack of wolves. It dashed bravely towards the wolves and even though it was outnumbered, the fox managed to drive away the wolves and saved him. The young man like the fox very much but was reluctant to talk about his wish. The eight-tailed fox wanted to quickly achieve his aspiration and so followed the young man every day.
One day, the young man suddenly asked the eight-tailed Fox: “Is it true that you can help me achieve all my aspirations?” The eight-tail fox nodded happily and looked at the man eagerly.
Then the young man said each word slowly: “Then. My. Desire. Is. For. You. To. Have. Your. Ninth. Tail.”
At that moment, the eight-tailed fox was stunned; it was so touched that its small dark eyes were filled with gratitude. The fox finally realized the profound meaning of the Buddha’s teaching all these years: “It turns out that when you benefit others, you are beginning to accomplish yourself.” For thousands of years, too many people just want to fulfill themselves but forget the interests of others.
The ninth tail of the eight-tail fox was possible due to a pure and simple thought of the young man.
The eight-tailed fox saved the young man, who in turned fulfilled the practice of the fox. To the nine-tailed fox, it was a long wait that was not easy to go through.
The eight-tailed fox crawled in front of the young man, licked his hand and slowly stood up. In glittering, beautiful golden rays, it grew the ninth tail and then disappeared along with the brilliant rays.
Later, the young man had many descendants and led a life with riches and honor. His children and grandchildren were also with outstanding talent and they could be considered a family of officials, happy and blessed.
#BuddhasWish, #NineTailedFox, #Aspiration, #PowerOfCompassion, #BenefitOfHelpingOthers
Buddha has a perfect wish
According to legend, “Yiwenlu” (records of unusual stories from ancient China) there is a story:
A long time ago, there was a practicing fox seeking the dharma from the Buddha.
The Buddha said: “To learn this method, one must first have Bodhicitta, practice according to the Dharma and practice with diligence. Benefit others through compassion and accumulate merit until you grow the ninth tail. That is when you achieve perfect enlightenment.
On the condition that you grow a tail every 100 years, you must help a destined person achieve a benevolent aspiration when you grow the eighth tail. When done, the new ninth tail will grow, but an old tail will immediately drop off”.
As the ninth new tail grows, an old tail will drop off. Hence the fox will still be left with eight tails. It is impossible to cultivate to become a fox with nine tails. But the fox did not give up following Buddha’s guidance and acted according to his teaching. It became more devout and diligent instead.
Thousands of years passed and the fox had helped thousands of people realize their aspirations but yet had only eight tails.
One day, during the storm, on the way to its hiding place, the eight-tailed fox encountered a young man who was surrounded by a pack of wolves. It dashed bravely towards the wolves and even though it was outnumbered, the fox managed to drive away the wolves and saved him. The young man like the fox very much but was reluctant to talk about his wish. The eight-tailed fox wanted to quickly achieve his aspiration and so followed the young man every day.
One day, the young man suddenly asked the eight-tailed Fox: “Is it true that you can help me achieve all my aspirations?” The eight-tail fox nodded happily and looked at the man eagerly.
Then the young man said each word slowly: “Then. My. Desire. Is. For. You. To. Have. Your. Ninth. Tail.”
At that moment, the eight-tailed fox was stunned; it was so touched that its small dark eyes were filled with gratitude. The fox finally realized the profound meaning of the Buddha’s teaching all these years: “It turns out that when you benefit others, you are beginning to accomplish yourself.” For thousands of years, too many people just want to fulfill themselves but forget the interests of others.
The ninth tail of the eight-tail fox was possible due to a pure and simple thought of the young man.
The eight-tailed fox saved the young man, who in turned fulfilled the practice of the fox. To the nine-tailed fox, it was a long wait that was not easy to go through.
The eight-tailed fox crawled in front of the young man, licked his hand and slowly stood up. In glittering, beautiful golden rays, it grew the ninth tail and then disappeared along with the brilliant rays.
Later, the young man had many descendants and led a life with riches and honor. His children and grandchildren were also with outstanding talent and they could be considered a family of officials, happy and blessed.
#BuddhasWish, #NineTailedFox, #Aspiration, #PowerOfCompassion, #BenefitOfHelpingOthers
