
供養「十一面觀音古唐卡」的利益功德 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

摘自─ 金菩提宗師直播「不莊嚴」

歡迎供奉 – 明代大光普照十一面觀音古唐卡
#佛境探索之20 #供養 #十一面觀音古唐卡
#功德 #利益 #超渡自己

摘自─ 金菩提宗師直播「不莊嚴」
歡迎供奉 - 明代大光普照十一面觀音古唐卡
#佛境探索之20 #供養 #十一面觀音古唐卡 
#功德 #利益  #超渡自己


【九月台曆】佛前點燈,黑暗變光明。 . …

《菩薩藏經》中說:「百千燈明,懺除悔罪」。《華嚴經》也說:「慧燈可以破諸暗。」 這些經典中的記載,都說明在佛前供燈可以消除累世罪業,破除一切黑暗。下面給大家說個故事…



虔誠供奉「唐卡」的利益故事。 . 記得以…


Stories about the Benefits of Sincere Thangka Worship

I recall that in Qinghai, there was a Lama who managed a warehouse with many Buddha statues and Thangkas. The Lama would often brings the Buddha statues and Thangka out to air and sun.

The Lama did not feel lonely doing his tasks alone. In fact, he felt that he was living in the midst of so many Buddhas, and that every artifact was very much alive.

At meal time, he would said, “Dear Buddha, are you hungry? You shall eat first!” He would serve a bowl of rice and place it before the Buddhas, and would eat his meal later.

When he wanted tea, he would first pour a cup to offer to the Buddhas, “Dear Buddha, you shall drink first; I’ll drink after you.”

One day, he felt the Buddha came over to bless him. Tibetans revere such blessings, as they have the significance of energy enhancement, gaining wisdom and overall improvement in spiritual development. The lama thought to himself, “Now, is this for real?” He glanced around, and saw the Buddha statue smiling at him. At that instant, he felt that the Buddha statues were literally alive.

In fact, this Lama who maintains and serves the Buddha statues every day does not regard the statues as mere objects but as real Buddhas and treats them well. With such kind intentions, he can derive considerable energy of many forms from the Buddhas, including their powers, compassion, and energy when he works. Over time, it transcends beyond, and into reality. Naturally, his spiritual development and capabilities advance and he attains advanced levels in his cultivation.

There was also a female Bodhi practitioner in Shandong, China, whose experience I would like to share.

In 2006, she welcomed a ‘Sakyamuni Buddha Thangka’ to her home. Whenever she saw the Thangka, she would be inexplicably joyous and would worship it every time. Every morning, she would offer flowers, water and light before the Buddha Thangka. In the following few months, her family business gradually improved.

In Tibet, worshipers can give everything in exchange for a Thangka to worship. In fact, the significance of a Thangka far exceeds our comprehension, for the Buddha is the embodiment of ultimate compassion, supreme light, and immeasurable wisdom. It is the most noble.
Therefore, the Thangka encompasses the kind, compassionate and auspicious elements and energy, and ushers formidable blessings that transcends its immeasurable physical value.

The specially blessed ‘Sakyamuni Buddha Thangka’ can purify our spiritual environment, increase auspicious energy, usher the compassionate blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as well as their protection. Overall, it helps instill a better living.

On the eve of ‘Bathing the Buddha’ festival, I welcome everyone to visit our global Bodhi Meditation Centers to bring a ‘Sakyamuni Buddha Thangka’ home to venerate.

May everyone be blessed with much auspiciousness and prosperity, and receive the Buddha’s powerful energy and immeasurable blessings!

Please feel free to share. Sharing the auspicious Thangka begets more blessings!!!
#SakyamuniBuddha, #Thangka, #BathingTheBuddhaFestival, #Buddha’sBirthday, #Venerate, #Auspicious


人為什麼會有貧窮、富貴的差別? . 從前…

Why are there differences in people – some live in poverty; others in great wealth?

Once upon a time, the princess of a country had a whim. She decided to wear casual clothes and explore outside the palace with her maids. When the princess reached the crowded city centre, she saw many beggars on both sides of the street. Feeling sorry for them, she returned to the palace and requested the king to order part of the country’s wealth to be distributed to the poor so that everyone has the same wealth. But not long after, the poor remained as poor as before, and the rich were still rich. The princess wondered why it was so.

This is because the rich carry “rich” genes, and the poor carry “poor” genes.
How does the so-called “gene” evolve, and how do we resolve it?
You are welcome to join in my discussion relating to one of the Six Perfections – giving – to explore its true meaning.

Please share if you like.
More sharing, more blessings!

#SixPerfections, #Giving, #ToHelpOvercomeGreed, #MakeOffering, #WayOfNature, #WealthGenes


[最美的供養]—貧女施燈 . 願望是…

在佛陀時代,舍衛國中 有一個貧困孤苦的貧女,由於她生活貧窮,因此以流浪乞討維生。生命對她而言,只有卑微與貧賤,以及毫無希望的明天。
#貧女施燈 #供養 #功德 #願望
The most beautiful offering — A Poor Woman’s Light Offering
Aspiration gives strength and is the driving force; it’s magnitude can gives unfathomable results.

Aspiration can resist karmic force, eliminate all resentment and illuminate all.
During the Buddha’s time, in the city of Sravasti, there lived a impoverished lonely woman. As she was poor, she lived a vagrant life begging for food or spare change and there was no hope for her future.
However, a predestined relationship changes her life.
One day in the midst of a fiercely cold wind, using her weak and trembling hands, she begged for an entire day, finally receiving one small coin. With this coin she could only afford to buy a small morsel of food to support her life.
However, the news of offering light to the Buddha inspired her. Seeing everyone in the city, including the royal family, officials, and commoners using all kinds of valuable oil and exquisite decorated lamps to make light offerings to Buddha with devotion and sincerity, she couldn’t help but joyously praised all the devotees; the wish to make an offering to the Buddha also arose in her mind.
She thought, “The manifestation of the Buddha in this world is so rare and precious. I should really make use of this opportunity to make an offering to the Buddha”.

Such a desire resembles a young seeding quickly growing in her heart. “What a shame, because in my past I did not cultivate any merit, so in this life I am poor and miserable. Even if I would really like to make an offering, I don’t have anything special to offer!”

As she looked at the lone coin sitting in her hand, she knew that if she didn’t spend it on food for herself she would have to pass another long, endless night in hunger and cold. And yet, her vow to make a light offering to the Buddha remained strong and resolute.

Using that one small coin, she could only afford to buy the smallest amount of the crudest oil. However, her sincerity was much brighter than the light emitting from any lamps.

When the shopkeeper who was selling the oil saw how she was willing to suffer through another long and cold night in order to make an offering to the Buddha, he became so moved that he could not resist giving her several times more oil than what she had paid for, so as to help her achieve her dream.

As darkness descended upon the city, all the townsfolk, from the lords up in the imperial palace down to the commoners on the streets, with their hearts full of sincerity, illuminated their lamps for the Buddha. The lamps dazzled like a sparkling river and lit up the entire city of Sravasti. The penniless women was in the midst of that crowd, respectfully lighting her oil lamp.
When the very ordinary oil lamp of hers lighted up in the middle of the night, it was as if her own low and insignificant life was also being lit up. At that moment, she experienced an extraordinary feeling of richness and happiness. In her heart, she made a great vow: “I wish that this light may pervade through the ten directions, guiding every sentient beings out of the miserable sea of birth and death to the path of supreme peace and happiness.”
With the arrival of dawn, an unimaginable thing happened! All the oil lamps, no matter how precious, had already been extinguished from burning throughout the night or were blown out by Maudgalyayana, who was in charge of keeping watch on the lamps. However, the lamp offered by the penniless woman was still shining brightly. Even after exhausting every type of method for extinguishing the light, Maudgalyayana, who had the greatest supernatural powers out of all Buddha’s disciples, still could not put it out. He was astonished: “Whose lamp is this that is still burning? Even with my supernatural powers, I cannot put it out!”

The Buddha, who was present at the time said: “Maudgalyayana, the person who offered this lamp made a great vow to save all sentient beings. Even if you used all the water in the four great oceans, you would still not be able to extinguish this lamp. This lamp was lit using a great, compassionate vow, and because she was full of sincerity, the light radiating from this lamp is inexhaustible.”

#APoorWoman’sLightOffering, #Offerings, #Merit, #GreatVowrnrn[最美的供養]—貧女施燈
在佛陀時代,舍衛國中 有一個貧困孤苦的貧女,由於她生活貧窮,因此以流浪乞討維生。生命對她而言,只有卑微與貧賤,以及毫無希望的明天。
#貧女施燈 #供養 #功德 #願望
The most beautiful offering — A Poor Woman’s Light Offering
Aspiration gives strength and is the driving force; it’s magnitude can gives unfathomable results.

Aspiration can resist karmic force, eliminate all resentment and illuminate all.
During the Buddha’s time, in the city of Sravasti, there lived a impoverished lonely woman. As she was poor, she lived a vagrant life begging for food or spare change and there was no hope for her future.
However, a predestined relationship changes her life.
One day in the midst of a fiercely cold wind, using her weak and trembling hands, she begged for an entire day, finally receiving one small coin. With this coin she could only afford to buy a small morsel of food to support her life.
However, the news of offering light to the Buddha inspired her. Seeing everyone in the city, including the royal family, officials, and commoners using all kinds of valuable oil and exquisite decorated lamps to make light offerings to Buddha with devotion and sincerity, she couldn’t help but joyously praised all the devotees; the wish to make an offering to the Buddha also arose in her mind.
She thought, “The manifestation of the Buddha in this world is so rare and precious. I should really make use of this opportunity to make an offering to the Buddha”.

Such a desire resembles a young seeding quickly growing in her heart. “What a shame, because in my past I did not cultivate any merit, so in this life I am poor and miserable. Even if I would really like to make an offering, I don’t have anything special to offer!”

As she looked at the lone coin sitting in her hand, she knew that if she didn’t spend it on food for herself she would have to pass another long, endless night in hunger and cold. And yet, her vow to make a light offering to the Buddha remained strong and resolute.

Using that one small coin, she could only afford to buy the smallest amount of the crudest oil. However, her sincerity was much brighter than the light emitting from any lamps.

When the shopkeeper who was selling the oil saw how she was willing to suffer through another long and cold night in order to make an offering to the Buddha, he became so moved that he could not resist giving her several times more oil than what she had paid for, so as to help her achieve her dream.

As darkness descended upon the city, all the townsfolk, from the lords up in the imperial palace down to the commoners on the streets, with their hearts full of sincerity, illuminated their lamps for the Buddha. The lamps dazzled like a sparkling river and lit up the entire city of Sravasti. The penniless women was in the midst of that crowd, respectfully lighting her oil lamp.
When the very ordinary oil lamp of hers lighted up in the middle of the night, it was as if her own low and insignificant life was also being lit up. At that moment, she experienced an extraordinary feeling of richness and happiness. In her heart, she made a great vow: “I wish that this light may pervade through the ten directions, guiding every sentient beings out of the miserable sea of birth and death to the path of supreme peace and happiness.”
With the arrival of dawn, an unimaginable thing happened! All the oil lamps, no matter how precious, had already been extinguished from burning throughout the night or were blown out by Maudgalyayana, who was in charge of keeping watch on the lamps. However, the lamp offered by the penniless woman was still shining brightly. Even after exhausting every type of method for extinguishing the light, Maudgalyayana, who had the greatest supernatural powers out of all Buddha’s disciples, still could not put it out. He was astonished: “Whose lamp is this that is still burning? Even with my supernatural powers, I cannot put it out!”

The Buddha, who was present at the time said: “Maudgalyayana, the person who offered this lamp made a great vow to save all sentient beings. Even if you used all the water in the four great oceans, you would still not be able to extinguish this lamp. This lamp was lit using a great, compassionate vow, and because she was full of sincerity, the light radiating from this lamp is inexhaustible.”

#APoorWoman’sLightOffering, #Offerings, #Merit, #GreatVow


【至誠感恩觀世音菩薩】 . . 今天是一…


元魏時,有一個叫道泰的人,住在常山的衡唐精舍,曾經夢見有人告訴他說,他的壽命只有四十二歲。果然到了四十二歲的時候,他生起很重的病來,他憂慮自己必定如夢中所提示的會死,於是將他所有的衣食資產廣為佈施積福。有位朋友對他說:我聽過供養六十二億菩薩,和念一聲觀世音的人,得福報是一樣的,您何不皈依誦念觀世音菩薩?道泰猛然感悟,虔誠歸依誦念,不分日夜。精誠勤奮四天四夜後,忽然看見一道白光從戶外射進來,非常的耀眼,光芒中看見觀世音菩薩的金色雙腳,令全屋金光朗照。道泰馬上扯開帳子出來叩頭頂禮,一會兒光就消失了。他又悲又喜,周身流汗,全身輕鬆,所生的病也就一次都全好了。( 續高僧傳 第25卷)

1. 沐浴更衣,真誠誦念觀世音菩薩聖號。
2. 在家裡或是道場的觀世音菩薩像前,真誠供養、獻花、獻果、獻禮。
3. 參與共修誦念。因為共修的能量與感應是更強的。不在禪堂附近的同修可以晚上在我們約定的時間裡選一個時段一同誦念(晚上8:30-臨晨1:00)。

.# 觀世音菩薩聖誕、#念佛、#供養
Deepest gratitude to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Today is a very auspicious day, the birthday of the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva. Let me share with you a story from Chinese history in relation to Guanyin Bodhisattva:

During the Northern Wei dynasty there was a man named Dao-tai(道泰) who lived in the Changshan county. He had a dream in which he was told he had a lifespan of only forty-two years. True enough, he fell very sick on his forty-second birthday. Thinking that he was going to die, he donated all his wealth to the poor to gain karmic merits. One day, he heard from his friend that the karmic reward of calling out the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva with great sincerity is equivalent to making offerings to 6.2 billion Bodhisattvas. This inspired Dao-tai to chant reverently day and night. Suddenly, on the fourth night, he was enveloped by bright light shining in from the outside. In the blinding light, he could see the legs of Guanyin boddhisattva and immediately prostrated at the bodhisattva’s gold-sheathed feet. The light disappeared as fast as it came and Dao-tai found himself covered in perspiration. Amazingly, he was cured of all illnesses after that. (Continued in the 25th chapter of the Biographies of Eminent Monks).

Such miraculous blessings from Guanyin Bodhisattva are not uncommon. While I was growing up, Guanyin Bodhisattva was always by my side; holding my hand as I walked the path, giving me guidance on my practice. She taught me all about the Buddha dharma and the natural way of things. Till today, she is there at all the key events of my life, watching over me, bestowing blessings to all as I spread the Dharma.

The Bodhisattva’s compassion is like that of a loving mother who gives unconditionally: She will go through all means to ensure that we are safe and healthy, even at the expense of herself. Such deep love is what a mother will bear towards her own child. To the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva, all of us, all sentient beings are like her children. Such compassion and love are truly admirable!

The great compassion that the Bodhisattva bears for us can only be repaid with the deepest respect and sincerity. How do we express that on this sacred day?
1. Freshen ourselves and sincerely chant the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva.
2. Make sincere offerings of flowers, fruits and gifts to the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva.
3. Join the group chanting practice at the Bodhi Meditation Center. If you stay far away from the center, you can chant together with us in your home, anytime between 8.30 in the evening to 1 in the morning. Group practice is beneficial as it yields much stronger energy and builds a stronger connection with the merciful Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva has vowed to help all sentient beings who call out to her, freeing them from suffering, pain, poverty and sickness. On this auspicious day, let us offer our sincerest gratitude and receive the blessings from the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva!

#GuanyinBodhisattvaBirthday #chanting #sincereOfferingsrnrnDeepest gratitude to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Today is a very auspicious day, the birthday of the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva. Let me share with you a story from Chinese history in relation to Guanyin Bodhisattva:

During the Northern Wei dynasty there was a man named Dao-tai(道泰) who lived in the Changshan county. He had a dream in which he was told he had a lifespan of only forty-two years. True enough, he fell very sick on his forty-second birthday. Thinking that he was going to die, he donated all his wealth to the poor to gain karmic merits. One day, he heard from his friend that the karmic reward of calling out the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva with great sincerity is equivalent to making offerings to 6.2 billion Bodhisattvas. This inspired Dao-tai to chant reverently day and night. Suddenly, on the fourth night, he was enveloped by bright light shining in from the outside. In the blinding light, he could see the legs of Guanyin boddhisattva and immediately prostrated at the bodhisattva’s gold-sheathed feet. The light disappeared as fast as it came and Dao-tai found himself covered in perspiration. Amazingly, he was cured of all illnesses after that. (Continued in the 25th chapter of the Biographies of Eminent Monks).

Such miraculous blessings from Guanyin Bodhisattva are not uncommon. While I was growing up, Guanyin Bodhisattva was always by my side; holding my hand as I walked the path, giving me guidance on my practice. She taught me all about the Buddha dharma and the natural way of things. Till today, she is there at all the key events of my life, watching over me, bestowing blessings to all as I spread the Dharma.

The Bodhisattva’s compassion is like that of a loving mother who gives unconditionally: She will go through all means to ensure that we are safe and healthy, even at the expense of herself. Such deep love is what a mother will bear towards her own child. To the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva, all of us, all sentient beings are like her children. Such compassion and love are truly admirable!

The great compassion that the Bodhisattva bears for us can only be repaid with the deepest respect and sincerity. How do we express that on this sacred day?
1. Freshen ourselves and sincerely chant the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva.
2. Make sincere offerings of flowers, fruits and gifts to the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva.
3. Join the group chanting practice at the Bodhi Meditation Center. If you stay far away from the center, you can chant together with us in your home, anytime between 8.30 in the evening to 1 in the morning. Group practice is beneficial as it yields much stronger energy and builds a stronger connection with the merciful Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva has vowed to help all sentient beings who call out to her, freeing them from suffering, pain, poverty and sickness. On this auspicious day, let us offer our sincerest gratitude and receive the blessings from the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva!

#GuanyinBodhisattvaBirthday #chanting #sincereOfferings


【金菩提禪語】 . 好好修行,如法修行,…

#金菩提禪語、 #好好修行、 #供養
[ Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism ] .
Cultivate oneself diligently in adherence with the Dharma is the best offerings.
#MasterJinBodhiAphorism, #cultivatediligently, #offeringsrnrn【 Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】
Cultivate diligently and follow closely to the dharma teaching is the greatest of all offerings.
#Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism, #cultivate diligently, #offerings
#金菩提禪語、 #好好修行、 #供養
