八卦内功欢聚会 金菩提宗師 中文頻道: …


金菩提宗師 中文頻道:

金菩提宗師 英文頻道 English Channel:

Korean 진푸티선사 金菩提宗師 韓文頻道:

Indonesian 印尼語頻道:

Burmese မြန်မာ 緬甸語頻道:

oyous Energy Bagua gathering

Grandmaster JinBodhi Mandarin Channel:

Grandmaster JinBodhi English Channel:

Korean 진푸티선사 Channel:

Indonesian Channel:

Burmese မြန်မာ Channel:

【Facebook網路直播預告】 . 八…

1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥 北美太平洋時間:2017年6月11日,早上10:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港 上午時間: 2017年6月12日,凌晨1:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多 北美東部時間:2017年6月11日,下午1:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2017年6月11日,下午6:00開始.
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2017年6月11日,下午7:00開始.
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2017年6月11日,晚上8:00開始.
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2017年6月11日,午夜11:30開始.
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2017年6月12日,午夜12:00開始.
9. 韓國首爾時間:2017年6月12日,凌晨2:00開始
【Facebook Live Broadcast Notice】

Joyous Energy Bagua gathering
Regular Energy Bagua practice keeps your health in tip-top condition.

We will be having a Live broadcast session here on Facebook and welcome all to join us in this joyous gathering.

【 Global Live Broadcast Schedules】
1. Vancouver/ Seattle/ Portland/ Silicon Valley/ San Francisco/ Los Angeles/ San Diego
North America (Pacific Zone): June 11, 2017, at 10:30hrs
2. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore/Hong Kong: June 12, 2017, at 01:00hrs
3. Toronto/ New York/ Boston/ Washington D.C./ Miami/ Atlanta/ Orlando
North America (Eastern Zone): June 11, 2017, at 13:00hrs
4. London (England): June 11, 2017, at 18:00hrs
5. Paris (France)/ Berlin (Germany)/ Barcelona/ Stockholm (Sweden): June 11, 2017, at 19:00hrs
6. Romania: June 11, 2017, at 20:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar): June 11, 2017, at 23:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): June 12, 2017, at 00:00hrs
9. Seoul (Korea): June 12, 2017, at 02:00hrs
10. Melbourne/Sydney (Australia): June 12, 2017, at 03:00hrs

#MasterJinBodhiLiveBroadcast, #VancouverEnergyBagua, #LiveBroadcastOnlineNotice, #JoyousEnergyBaguaGathering
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥 北美太平洋時間:2017年6月11日,早上10:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港 上午時間: 2017年6月12日,凌晨1:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多 北美東部時間:2017年6月11日,下午1:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2017年6月11日,下午6:00開始.
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2017年6月11日,下午7:00開始.
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2017年6月11日,晚上8:00開始.
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2017年6月11日,午夜11:30開始.
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2017年6月12日,午夜12:00開始.
9. 韓國首爾時間:2017年6月12日,凌晨2:00開始
【Facebook Live Broadcast Notice】

Joyous Energy Bagua gathering
Regular Energy Bagua practice keeps your health in tip-top condition.

We will be having a Live broadcast session here on Facebook and welcome all to join us in this joyous gathering.

【 Global Live Broadcast Schedules】
1. Vancouver/ Seattle/ Portland/ Silicon Valley/ San Francisco/ Los Angeles/ San Diego
North America (Pacific Zone): June 11, 2017, at 10:30hrs
2. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore/Hong Kong: June 12, 2017, at 01:00hrs
3. Toronto/ New York/ Boston/ Washington D.C./ Miami/ Atlanta/ Orlando
North America (Eastern Zone): June 11, 2017, at 13:00hrs
4. London (England): June 11, 2017, at 18:00hrs
5. Paris (France)/ Berlin (Germany)/ Barcelona/ Stockholm (Sweden): June 11, 2017, at 19:00hrs
6. Romania: June 11, 2017, at 20:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar): June 11, 2017, at 23:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): June 12, 2017, at 00:00hrs
9. Seoul (Korea): June 12, 2017, at 02:00hrs
10. Melbourne/Sydney (Australia): June 12, 2017, at 03:00hrs

#MasterJinBodhiLiveBroadcast, #VancouverEnergyBagua, #LiveBroadcastOnlineNotice, #JoyousEnergyBaguaGathering

台灣台南「隆生禪堂」搬新家啦! . 一個…

台灣 台南菩提隆生禪堂
Tainan Longsheng Bodhi Meditation Center in Taiwan is moving!

A home is sustained by continued efforts
A warm home requires sincere management from the heart!

Located in the beautiful South Taiwan, Longsheng Bodhi Meditation Center has been opened for two-and-a-half years to date. The center’s smooth operation is due to the concerted efforts of everyone; your generous dedication and contributions to cater for a larger and warmer home for people living in this area, to provide a more comfortable place to practice, help more people who are suffering from illnesses, and provide a sense of hope, a ray of light.

Remember my aspiration for the Longsheng Bodhi Meditation Center:
“Auspicious opening, blessed with Buddha’s illumination; help those in peril, and benefit sentient beings; (may) Bodhi practitioners accumulate merits universally; practice the Bodhi path, and gain complete enlightenment.”

As the maxim go, “grasp the world in a flower, seek Bodhi in a leaf”

With a sincere mind, one can attain the Buddha and Bodhisattva’s blessings, and achieve the desired results.

In the near future, this “home” will accommodate many more people, and their hopes and dreams. I congratulate Tainan Longsheng Bodhi Meditation Center for having successfully completed its objectives. May everyone fulfill your dreams, realize your wishes, and enjoy everlasting health and happiness.

To volunteer and support us, please contact
Taiwan Tainan Longsheng Bodhi Meditation Center
Address: 11F, No. 47 Sec.2 Zhongyi Rd. West Central Dist., Tainan City
Telephone: (06) 221-2395
#TainanLongShengBodhiMeditationCenterCommissioned, #WarmHome, #AccumulateMerits, #Health, #Hope, #Moving
台灣 台南菩提隆生禪堂
Tainan Longsheng Bodhi Meditation Center in Taiwan is moving!

A home is sustained by continued efforts
A warm home requires sincere management from the heart!

Located in the beautiful South Taiwan, Longsheng Bodhi Meditation Center has been opened for two-and-a-half years to date. The center’s smooth operation is due to the concerted efforts of everyone; your generous dedication and contributions to cater for a larger and warmer home for people living in this area, to provide a more comfortable place to practice, help more people who are suffering from illnesses, and provide a sense of hope, a ray of light.

Remember my aspiration for the Longsheng Bodhi Meditation Center:
“Auspicious opening, blessed with Buddha’s illumination; help those in peril, and benefit sentient beings; (may) Bodhi practitioners accumulate merits universally; practice the Bodhi path, and gain complete enlightenment.”

As the maxim go, “grasp the world in a flower, seek Bodhi in a leaf”

With a sincere mind, one can attain the Buddha and Bodhisattva’s blessings, and achieve the desired results.

In the near future, this “home” will accommodate many more people, and their hopes and dreams. I congratulate Tainan Longsheng Bodhi Meditation Center for having successfully completed its objectives. May everyone fulfill your dreams, realize your wishes, and enjoy everlasting health and happiness.

To volunteer and support us, please contact
Taiwan Tainan Longsheng Bodhi Meditation Center
Address: 11F, No. 47 Sec.2 Zhongyi Rd. West Central Dist., Tainan City
Telephone: (06) 221-2395
#TainanLongShengBodhiMeditationCenterCommissioned, #WarmHome, #AccumulateMerits, #Health, #Hope, #Moving

吃肉=吃毒? . 我的學員中有從事「畜牧…

我的學員中有從事「畜牧業」的,他們說有些飼養者會在飼料中添加很多合成的配方,或者是不符合自然規律的添加物,這些成分對動物造成了很大的傷害,人們長期食用也會危害身體健康。下面我提出幾個看法給大家參考看看。。 。
Consuming meat product = taking poison?

I have students who are engaged in “animal husbandry”. They said that some breeders will add a lot of synthetic formula in the feed, some do not meet the additives regulations. These ingredients caused harm not only to animals, but humans as well. The long term effects to our health after consuming them is detrimental. Here I put forward a few opinions for everyone to ponder.

1. In October 26, 2015, the World Health Organization officially released news that processed meat is listed as a “first-class carcinogens”, and red meat is grade 2A carcinogens. The study found that having large intestine cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and other diseases are related to eating processed and red meat.

2. In the 1961 issue of the American Medical Association’s journal, it was reported that “vegetarianism can prevent at least ninety to ninety-seven percent of heart diseases.”

3. Not only does vegetarianism improve our health, it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by half.
Statistics done by Oxford University on dietary habits of more than 50,000 people in Britain and their corresponding carbon footprint showed that: If a person who eats more than 100 grams of meat daily were to convert to vegetarianism, their dietary carbon footprint will be reduced by 60%, resulting in an annual reduction of 1.5 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Even if you do not choose to be a complete vegetarian, carbon emission will be reduced by one third, equivalent to an annual reduction of nearly 1 ton of carbon dioxide. (Please refer to the original link below)

We can conclude from the above that:

The benefits of a vegetarian diet of mainly vegetables, fruits, cereals, far outweighs a meat diet.
Therefore, not only is being a vegetarian healthier, it is also environmentally friendly because we are helping to save both ourselves and our planet Earth.

1. World Health Organization website
2. Save the earth website 1
3. Save the earth website 2
#Vegetarian, #ConsumeLessMeat, #Health, #SaveThePlanet, #VegetarianismCanReduceGreenhouseGasEmissionsByHalf.
我的學員中有從事「畜牧業」的,他們說有些飼養者會在飼料中添加很多合成的配方,或者是不符合自然規律的添加物,這些成分對動物造成了很大的傷害,人們長期食用也會危害身體健康。下面我提出幾個看法給大家參考看看。。 。
Consuming meat product = taking poison?

I have students who are engaged in “animal husbandry”. They said that some breeders will add a lot of synthetic formula in the feed, some do not meet the additives regulations. These ingredients caused harm not only to animals, but humans as well. The long term effects to our health after consuming them is detrimental. Here I put forward a few opinions for everyone to ponder.

1. In October 26, 2015, the World Health Organization officially released news that processed meat is listed as a “first-class carcinogens”, and red meat is grade 2A carcinogens. The study found that having large intestine cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and other diseases are related to eating processed and red meat.

2. In the 1961 issue of the American Medical Association’s journal, it was reported that “vegetarianism can prevent at least ninety to ninety-seven percent of heart diseases.”

3. Not only does vegetarianism improve our health, it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by half.
Statistics done by Oxford University on dietary habits of more than 50,000 people in Britain and their corresponding carbon footprint showed that: If a person who eats more than 100 grams of meat daily were to convert to vegetarianism, their dietary carbon footprint will be reduced by 60%, resulting in an annual reduction of 1.5 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Even if you do not choose to be a complete vegetarian, carbon emission will be reduced by one third, equivalent to an annual reduction of nearly 1 ton of carbon dioxide. (Please refer to the original link below)

We can conclude from the above that:

The benefits of a vegetarian diet of mainly vegetables, fruits, cereals, far outweighs a meat diet.
Therefore, not only is being a vegetarian healthier, it is also environmentally friendly because we are helping to save both ourselves and our planet Earth.

1. World Health Organization website
2. Save the earth website 1
3. Save the earth website 2
#Vegetarian, #ConsumeLessMeat, #Health, #SaveThePlanet, #VegetarianismCanReduceGreenhouseGasEmissionsByHalf.

做自己的主人 . . 無論你今天來的目的…

You control your own destiny

What is the reason for you coming here today?
Perhaps its for happiness, health, self-liberation, career or maybe to find a better path for your future. Everyone has a long and broad path ahead.

However, I would like everyone to remember, “You reap what you sow”.

When you set a goal for yourself, make sure you follow it through.
By using kindness to deal with the daily happenings in life can turn bad things into good and make our lives more pleasant. Hence it’s imperative to cultivate a kind and compassionate heart.

You must have faith that you control your own destiny; you alone call the shots as to the kind of future you want for yourself!
#YouControlYourOwnDestiny, #KindThoughts, #GainOnlyComesWithGiving, #Happiness
You control your own destiny

What is the reason for you coming here today?
Perhaps its for happiness, health, self-liberation, career or maybe to find a better path for your future. Everyone has a long and broad path ahead.

However, I would like everyone to remember, “You reap what you sow”.

When you set a goal for yourself, make sure you follow it through.
By using kindness to deal with the daily happenings in life can turn bad things into good and make our lives more pleasant. Hence it’s imperative to cultivate a kind and compassionate heart.

You must have faith that you control your own destiny; you alone call the shots as to the kind of future you want for yourself!
#YouControlYourOwnDestiny, #KindThoughts, #GainOnlyComesWithGiving, #Happiness


1.臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
Notice of Online Global Group Practice on Saturday, 10 Jun 2017
Energy = Success?
Energy = Health?
Energy = Prosperity and auspiciousness?

In fact, everything has energy. Animals, plants, rivers, mountains and even small stones emit a natural glow because of the energy within. In humans, energy manifests in the form of aura which affects a person’s luck, health, personality and fate. Those with strong energy field tend to be leaders and attract success in all aspects of life.

For ladies, such energy will manifest through their natural grace and elegance.
To be a lady of grace and elegance is the wish of every woman and also the dream of every man for his future wife. If a man marries a virtuous and elegant wife, his family will thrive and prosper. How can we nurture grace and elegance? Is it possible to change for those who are already married?
Yes, there is a way to change and alter the negative aspects of our fate.

I welcome all to join me this coming Saturday to discuss what I talked about during the 20170225 Facebook Live Broadcast about the subtle beauty hidden in Nature.

May everyone be blessed with health, happiness and auspiciousness!

Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Jun 10, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Jun 10, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone):Jun 9, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone):Jun 9, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): Jun 10, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Jun 10, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Jun 10, 2017, at 3:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Jun 10, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Jun 10, 2017, at 11:00hrs

(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#OnlineGroupGlobalPracticeNotice, #20170225FBLiveBroadcast, #Health,#Happiness,#Meditation, #MasterJinBodhi’sTeachings
1.臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
Notice of Online Global Group Practice on Saturday, 10 Jun 2017
Energy = Success?
Energy = Health?
Energy = Prosperity and auspiciousness?

In fact, everything has energy. Animals, plants, rivers, mountains and even small stones emit a natural glow because of the energy within. In humans, energy manifests in the form of aura which affects a person’s luck, health, personality and fate. Those with strong energy field tend to be leaders and attract success in all aspects of life.

For ladies, such energy will manifest through their natural grace and elegance.
To be a lady of grace and elegance is the wish of every woman and also the dream of every man for his future wife. If a man marries a virtuous and elegant wife, his family will thrive and prosper. How can we nurture grace and elegance? Is it possible to change for those who are already married?
Yes, there is a way to change and alter the negative aspects of our fate.

I welcome all to join me this coming Saturday to discuss what I talked about during the 20170225 Facebook Live Broadcast about the subtle beauty hidden in Nature.

May everyone be blessed with health, happiness and auspiciousness!

Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Jun 10, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Jun 10, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone):Jun 9, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone):Jun 9, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): Jun 10, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Jun 10, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Jun 10, 2017, at 3:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Jun 10, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Jun 10, 2017, at 11:00hrs

(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#OnlineGroupGlobalPracticeNotice, #20170225FBLiveBroadcast, #Health,#Happiness,#Meditation, #MasterJinBodhi’sTeachings

不用手術。。。 一起來看看多倫多同修的分…



#禪修與健康 #多倫多禪堂見證 #八卦內功 #健步如飛
Without any surgery…

Lets look at the testimonial from a Toronto student

Practicing Energy Bagua has relieved me of my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi, I’m Kunjie from Bodhi Meditation Center in Toronto, Canada. I’m in my forties.
In 2013, I attended the 8 5-day Health and Happiness Retreat and learnt Energy Bagua. With regular practice, I was relieved of many minor illnesses in my body and felt much healthier.

In 2014, my aunt had a meniscal surgery on both her knees. After the surgery, she was ill and was unable to stand for more than 5 minutes or walk. As I already learnt how Energy Bagua can restore one’s inner energy, I managed to convince her to try Energy Bagua with me. At the start, she had to rest after struggling with Energy Bagua for barely 10 minutes After more than 10 days of practice, her legs got stronger until she could walk with us for an hour.

I was very encouraged by the improvement in my aunt’s knees and her ability to walk through practicing Bagua. From then on, I took Energy Bagua seriously and even signed my son up on a 7-day class. During the first 3 days of the Energy Bagua course, most of us would feel the aches in our upper limbs and muscles. On the 4th and 5th day, these aches will spread to the bones and one could even feel some warmth in the bones. It was painful yet pleasant to experience; something difficult to describe and could only be felt through experience.

I had rheumatoid arthritis since young and I believe that practicing the Bagua flushed out the illness within me. By the 6th day of my Bagua practice, I felt warm energy surged through my legs and cleared the blockages in my limbs. I was pleasantly surprised that my legs gained strength and felt very relaxed.

I cannot thank Grandmaster JinBodhi enough for teaching me the Energy Bagua. Since then, I’ve gained confidence to improve my health. I’ve even initiated sharing on the wonderful effects of Energy Bagua in Bodhi Meditation class with new friends with the hope that more people can benefit from Bagua practice.

Link to tathagata forum:
#MeditationAndHealth, #TorontoBodhiMeditationCenterTestimonial, #EnergyBagua, #WalkAtLightningSpeedrnrn不用手術。。。


#禪修與健康 #多倫多禪堂見證 #八卦內功 #健步如飛
Without any surgery…

Lets look at the testimonial from a Toronto student

Practicing Energy Bagua has relieved me of my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi, I’m Kunjie from Bodhi Meditation Center in Toronto, Canada. I’m in my forties.
In 2013, I attended the 8 5-day Health and Happiness Retreat and learnt Energy Bagua. With regular practice, I was relieved of many minor illnesses in my body and felt much healthier.

In 2014, my aunt had a meniscal surgery on both her knees. After the surgery, she was ill and was unable to stand for more than 5 minutes or walk. As I already learnt how Energy Bagua can restore one’s inner energy, I managed to convince her to try Energy Bagua with me. At the start, she had to rest after struggling with Energy Bagua for barely 10 minutes After more than 10 days of practice, her legs got stronger until she could walk with us for an hour.

I was very encouraged by the improvement in my aunt’s knees and her ability to walk through practicing Bagua. From then on, I took Energy Bagua seriously and even signed my son up on a 7-day class. During the first 3 days of the Energy Bagua course, most of us would feel the aches in our upper limbs and muscles. On the 4th and 5th day, these aches will spread to the bones and one could even feel some warmth in the bones. It was painful yet pleasant to experience; something difficult to describe and could only be felt through experience.

I had rheumatoid arthritis since young and I believe that practicing the Bagua flushed out the illness within me. By the 6th day of my Bagua practice, I felt warm energy surged through my legs and cleared the blockages in my limbs. I was pleasantly surprised that my legs gained strength and felt very relaxed.

I cannot thank Grandmaster JinBodhi enough for teaching me the Energy Bagua. Since then, I’ve gained confidence to improve my health. I’ve even initiated sharing on the wonderful effects of Energy Bagua in Bodhi Meditation class with new friends with the hope that more people can benefit from Bagua practice.

Link to tathagata forum:
#MeditationAndHealth, #TorontoBodhiMeditationCenterTestimonial, #EnergyBagua, #WalkAtLightningSpeed

不再讓情緒綁架你的生活 . 我的家鄉有一…



Don’t let your emotions destroy your life

There was a well-mannered and knowledgeable old man in my village, known to solve problems with ingenious methods.

One day when I was in his house, an old lady came to see him with a toothache. The old lady said: “I took two painkiller pills but my tooth is still aching. Since you’re so capable, can you help me?”

Old man asked: “Have you been having bad temper lately?”
Old lady replied: “Yes, I’ve been angry in the last three days.”

As the old man had the gifted ability to see the actual cause of the ache, he knew that the old lady had a row with her husband and chased her husband out of the house. She was so angry that her temper had caused her the toothache, which no pain-killer could cure.

As the old man knew the actual cause of the toothache, he first tried to relieve the old lady’s pain by letting her vent her frustration about how her husband had stopped loving her even though she was such a good wife. When the old lady finally finished, the old man told her to soak her legs in the river and also sing two songs.

“Is that all it takes to cure me?” the old lady asked with much curiosity.
“Yes, that is all. I want you to take your time soaking your legs in the river, and sing a few songs before you head home.” the old man advised with confidence.

The old lady did what the old man told her to do and soon she was relieved of her toothache.

When I chanced to meet the old lady, she told me: “The old man’s method was effective!”

So how did it work?

Actually, the old man merely used the most authentic, traditional way of first allowing one to vent his emotions and then, using water to ameliorate unwanted internal heat. If your legs are soaked in water and hence become cooler, it can ward off or counter-balance the internal heat in the body.

The fruits Lychees and Longan are popular in Guangzhou but are known to cause internal heat in the body. When I went to Guangzhou, the locals shared that we can still enjoy the fruits if we have our legs soaked in water to counter the internal heat when consuming them. I tried and it was really effective. Emotions, either positive or negative, can have negative consequences on our health.

In fact, many deadly diseases such as cancer, hemorrhage, heart attack and stroke are closely linked to emotions. Once we get angry, our blood pressure increases, triggering the beginning of many illnesses.

This was how Lin DaiYu, the famous character in Chinese classics “Dream of the Red Chamber” died, owing to her emotions – depression. All her internal meridian are closed, how can she live?

Hence, we should learn to manage our emotions, and not let bad temper destroy our health and life.
Share if you are inspired! The more you share, the more you will receive.

#Life’sUpsAndDownSeenThroughTheEnlightenedEyes, #Emotions, #Health, #Abreactionrnrn不再讓情緒綁架你的生活


Don’t let your emotions destroy your life

There was a well-mannered and knowledgeable old man in my village, known to solve problems with ingenious methods.

One day when I was in his house, an old lady came to see him with a toothache. The old lady said: “I took two painkiller pills but my tooth is still aching. Since you’re so capable, can you help me?”

Old man asked: “Have you been having bad temper lately?”
Old lady replied: “Yes, I’ve been angry in the last three days.”

As the old man had the gifted ability to see the actual cause of the ache, he knew that the old lady had a row with her husband and chased her husband out of the house. She was so angry that her temper had caused her the toothache, which no pain-killer could cure.

As the old man knew the actual cause of the toothache, he first tried to relieve the old lady’s pain by letting her vent her frustration about how her husband had stopped loving her even though she was such a good wife. When the old lady finally finished, the old man told her to soak her legs in the river and also sing two songs.

“Is that all it takes to cure me?” the old lady asked with much curiosity.
“Yes, that is all. I want you to take your time soaking your legs in the river, and sing a few songs before you head home.” the old man advised with confidence.

The old lady did what the old man told her to do and soon she was relieved of her toothache.

When I chanced to meet the old lady, she told me: “The old man’s method was effective!”

So how did it work?

Actually, the old man merely used the most authentic, traditional way of first allowing one to vent his emotions and then, using water to ameliorate unwanted internal heat. If your legs are soaked in water and hence become cooler, it can ward off or counter-balance the internal heat in the body.

The fruits Lychees and Longan are popular in Guangzhou but are known to cause internal heat in the body. When I went to Guangzhou, the locals shared that we can still enjoy the fruits if we have our legs soaked in water to counter the internal heat when consuming them. I tried and it was really effective. Emotions, either positive or negative, can have negative consequences on our health.

In fact, many deadly diseases such as cancer, hemorrhage, heart attack and stroke are closely linked to emotions. Once we get angry, our blood pressure increases, triggering the beginning of many illnesses.

This was how Lin DaiYu, the famous character in Chinese classics “Dream of the Red Chamber” died, owing to her emotions – depression. All her internal meridian are closed, how can she live?

Hence, we should learn to manage our emotions, and not let bad temper destroy our health and life.
Share if you are inspired! The more you share, the more you will receive.

#Life’sUpsAndDownSeenThroughTheEnlightenedEyes, #Emotions, #Health, #Abreaction

【芒種忙,心清爽】 . 芒種是夏季的第三…


Grain in Ear (“Mang Zhong” in Mandarin) — being busy with a relaxed mind
Grain in Ear is the third solar term in summer and symbolizes the start of midsummer. During this time, the sun is at 75 degrees longitude. This year, the date falls on 5th June on the Gregorian calendar.

In Mandarin, the term “Mang Zhong” sounds similar to another term that means ‘busy farming’. The “Mang” refers to the harvesting of plants with awns; the word “Zhong” refers to the planting of grains. Put together, the term “Mang Zhong” means that farmers have to quickly harvest plants with awns that mature during summer, and quickly sow the seeds for the plants that will be planted for the next cycle. This is perfectly demonstrated by the Chinese saying “During spring, we plan our work daily; During summer, we need to plan by the hour”. Harvesting the grains too late could lead to them being destroyed in a second by a sudden bout of rain, hail or tornado. Delay the planting of new seeds by a day and the plants may not reach full maturity by autumn, thus drastically reducing the harvest. The Grain in Ear solar term is the best illustration of the ancestors’ wisdom when it comes to planning ahead for changes in the weather.

The Grain in Ear period is also the time when the supply of melons, fruits and vegetables are most bountiful, with different varieties appearing on the marketplace almost simultaneously, example: cherries, peaches, strawberries and mulberries. These ‘cool-natured’’ fruits are also exactly what our bodies need during summer. People with allergies though, should stay away from peaches, watermelons and durians etc.
During this hot summer period, another important point is that we should not gulp down large quantities of cold or iced drinks after sports, when the body is giving out tremendous amount of heat. Similarly, we should not take cold showers or go into air-conditioned spaces when the body is giving out lots of heat and sweat. This will cause serious damage to our health.

I would suggest that this is a good time to do more exercises. Winter and summer are the best times to nurture the bodies through exercising and meditation, even though one is extremely cold and the other is extremely hot. During summer, the sky brightens very early in the morning. This is the best time to practice Energy Bagua. One hour of Bagua practice in the morning will maintain your state of mind in top condition for the rest of the day.

As we meditate more during summer, our mind will calm down. This helps us to control the irritation and bad temper brought about by the hot weather. In this way, we can live everyday healthily and at ease.

#GrainInEar, #Healthy, #ReduceConsumptionOfColdDrinks, #Allergies, #EnergyBaguarnrn【芒種忙,心清爽】

Grain in Ear (“Mang Zhong” in Mandarin) — being busy with a relaxed mind
Grain in Ear is the third solar term in summer and symbolizes the start of midsummer. During this time, the sun is at 75 degrees longitude. This year, the date falls on 5th June on the Gregorian calendar.

In Mandarin, the term “Mang Zhong” sounds similar to another term that means ‘busy farming’. The “Mang” refers to the harvesting of plants with awns; the word “Zhong” refers to the planting of grains. Put together, the term “Mang Zhong” means that farmers have to quickly harvest plants with awns that mature during summer, and quickly sow the seeds for the plants that will be planted for the next cycle. This is perfectly demonstrated by the Chinese saying “During spring, we plan our work daily; During summer, we need to plan by the hour”. Harvesting the grains too late could lead to them being destroyed in a second by a sudden bout of rain, hail or tornado. Delay the planting of new seeds by a day and the plants may not reach full maturity by autumn, thus drastically reducing the harvest. The Grain in Ear solar term is the best illustration of the ancestors’ wisdom when it comes to planning ahead for changes in the weather.

The Grain in Ear period is also the time when the supply of melons, fruits and vegetables are most bountiful, with different varieties appearing on the marketplace almost simultaneously, example: cherries, peaches, strawberries and mulberries. These ‘cool-natured’’ fruits are also exactly what our bodies need during summer. People with allergies though, should stay away from peaches, watermelons and durians etc.
During this hot summer period, another important point is that we should not gulp down large quantities of cold or iced drinks after sports, when the body is giving out tremendous amount of heat. Similarly, we should not take cold showers or go into air-conditioned spaces when the body is giving out lots of heat and sweat. This will cause serious damage to our health.

I would suggest that this is a good time to do more exercises. Winter and summer are the best times to nurture the bodies through exercising and meditation, even though one is extremely cold and the other is extremely hot. During summer, the sky brightens very early in the morning. This is the best time to practice Energy Bagua. One hour of Bagua practice in the morning will maintain your state of mind in top condition for the rest of the day.

As we meditate more during summer, our mind will calm down. This helps us to control the irritation and bad temper brought about by the hot weather. In this way, we can live everyday healthily and at ease.

#GrainInEar, #Healthy, #ReduceConsumptionOfColdDrinks, #Allergies, #EnergyBagua

因果奇談_菜中菜 . . 這是一個泰國真…

[Story of cause and effect – dish in dish]

This is a real story in Thailand.

Somewhere in Thailand, there lived a family that owned a house. Though the house was simple, the family consisting of mother, father and three lively and lovely children was happy. They did not have tap water. Drinking water was taken from a big water tank placed in front of their house.

Father liked to cook. During spring time, he would go to the pond and paddy field to catch some baby fish. He would then rear the fishes at home. When the fish grew to the thickness of a chopstick, he would cook with them. How did he prepare the dish?

People in the south like to eat “water spinach” (kangkong). Father would cut the stem of the water spinach section by section. The spinach is hollow in the middle, which together with the small live fish, were put into a pot with some water and placed on a stove. The cold water in the pot then heated up slowly. When the pot was getting hot, the fish, trying to escape from the heat, would hide inside the hollow stems. As the water grew even hotter, the fish inside the hollow stems would finally be cooked. The family could then drink the delicious soup with fish inside the water spinach. This dish is called “dish in dish”.

One day, the house built of wood and bamboo suddenly caught fire. Father, while busy trying to put the fire out, thought the safest place for his three children was the water tank. He scurried to carry the children into the tanks and put the lid back. He thought he would just leave them there for a while as a temporary measure. But the ferocious fire quickly engulfed the whole house and within a short time the house burnt down. As the children were still inside the water tank, Father hurried to carry them out of the tank but found that they had all died as the fire was too fierce. The cold water in the tank turned into boiling water and the children were scalded to death.

All their accumulated wealth, the house, three children and their happiness were all gone, together with the tragic death of their three clever and lovely children that happened before their eyes.

As a result, the husband and wife decided to live in a Buddhist monastery (becoming a monk and nun). There, they finally understood the principle of cause and effect and deeply repented. This is a very sad story. If this story could bring about some enlightenment in our daily life, then we should give ourselves a pat…

#20170518FBLiveBroadcast, #YouDon’tKnowWhat YouDon’tKnow, #CauseAndEffect, #RealStoryrnrn因果奇談_菜中菜
[Story of cause and effect – dish in dish]

This is a real story in Thailand.

Somewhere in Thailand, there lived a family that owned a house. Though the house was simple, the family consisting of mother, father and three lively and lovely children was happy. They did not have tap water. Drinking water was taken from a big water tank placed in front of their house.

Father liked to cook. During spring time, he would go to the pond and paddy field to catch some baby fish. He would then rear the fishes at home. When the fish grew to the thickness of a chopstick, he would cook with them. How did he prepare the dish?

People in the south like to eat “water spinach” (kangkong). Father would cut the stem of the water spinach section by section. The spinach is hollow in the middle, which together with the small live fish, were put into a pot with some water and placed on a stove. The cold water in the pot then heated up slowly. When the pot was getting hot, the fish, trying to escape from the heat, would hide inside the hollow stems. As the water grew even hotter, the fish inside the hollow stems would finally be cooked. The family could then drink the delicious soup with fish inside the water spinach. This dish is called “dish in dish”.

One day, the house built of wood and bamboo suddenly caught fire. Father, while busy trying to put the fire out, thought the safest place for his three children was the water tank. He scurried to carry the children into the tanks and put the lid back. He thought he would just leave them there for a while as a temporary measure. But the ferocious fire quickly engulfed the whole house and within a short time the house burnt down. As the children were still inside the water tank, Father hurried to carry them out of the tank but found that they had all died as the fire was too fierce. The cold water in the tank turned into boiling water and the children were scalded to death.

All their accumulated wealth, the house, three children and their happiness were all gone, together with the tragic death of their three clever and lovely children that happened before their eyes.

As a result, the husband and wife decided to live in a Buddhist monastery (becoming a monk and nun). There, they finally understood the principle of cause and effect and deeply repented. This is a very sad story. If this story could bring about some enlightenment in our daily life, then we should give ourselves a pat…

#20170518FBLiveBroadcast, #YouDon’tKnowWhat YouDon’tKnow, #CauseAndEffect, #RealStory