因果奇談_菜中菜 . . 這是一個泰國真…

[Story of cause and effect – dish in dish]

This is a real story in Thailand.

Somewhere in Thailand, there lived a family that owned a house. Though the house was simple, the family consisting of mother, father and three lively and lovely children was happy. They did not have tap water. Drinking water was taken from a big water tank placed in front of their house.

Father liked to cook. During spring time, he would go to the pond and paddy field to catch some baby fish. He would then rear the fishes at home. When the fish grew to the thickness of a chopstick, he would cook with them. How did he prepare the dish?

People in the south like to eat “water spinach” (kangkong). Father would cut the stem of the water spinach section by section. The spinach is hollow in the middle, which together with the small live fish, were put into a pot with some water and placed on a stove. The cold water in the pot then heated up slowly. When the pot was getting hot, the fish, trying to escape from the heat, would hide inside the hollow stems. As the water grew even hotter, the fish inside the hollow stems would finally be cooked. The family could then drink the delicious soup with fish inside the water spinach. This dish is called “dish in dish”.

One day, the house built of wood and bamboo suddenly caught fire. Father, while busy trying to put the fire out, thought the safest place for his three children was the water tank. He scurried to carry the children into the tanks and put the lid back. He thought he would just leave them there for a while as a temporary measure. But the ferocious fire quickly engulfed the whole house and within a short time the house burnt down. As the children were still inside the water tank, Father hurried to carry them out of the tank but found that they had all died as the fire was too fierce. The cold water in the tank turned into boiling water and the children were scalded to death.

All their accumulated wealth, the house, three children and their happiness were all gone, together with the tragic death of their three clever and lovely children that happened before their eyes.

As a result, the husband and wife decided to live in a Buddhist monastery (becoming a monk and nun). There, they finally understood the principle of cause and effect and deeply repented. This is a very sad story. If this story could bring about some enlightenment in our daily life, then we should give ourselves a pat…

#20170518FBLiveBroadcast, #YouDon’tKnowWhat YouDon’tKnow, #CauseAndEffect, #RealStoryrnrn因果奇談_菜中菜
[Story of cause and effect – dish in dish]

This is a real story in Thailand.

Somewhere in Thailand, there lived a family that owned a house. Though the house was simple, the family consisting of mother, father and three lively and lovely children was happy. They did not have tap water. Drinking water was taken from a big water tank placed in front of their house.

Father liked to cook. During spring time, he would go to the pond and paddy field to catch some baby fish. He would then rear the fishes at home. When the fish grew to the thickness of a chopstick, he would cook with them. How did he prepare the dish?

People in the south like to eat “water spinach” (kangkong). Father would cut the stem of the water spinach section by section. The spinach is hollow in the middle, which together with the small live fish, were put into a pot with some water and placed on a stove. The cold water in the pot then heated up slowly. When the pot was getting hot, the fish, trying to escape from the heat, would hide inside the hollow stems. As the water grew even hotter, the fish inside the hollow stems would finally be cooked. The family could then drink the delicious soup with fish inside the water spinach. This dish is called “dish in dish”.

One day, the house built of wood and bamboo suddenly caught fire. Father, while busy trying to put the fire out, thought the safest place for his three children was the water tank. He scurried to carry the children into the tanks and put the lid back. He thought he would just leave them there for a while as a temporary measure. But the ferocious fire quickly engulfed the whole house and within a short time the house burnt down. As the children were still inside the water tank, Father hurried to carry them out of the tank but found that they had all died as the fire was too fierce. The cold water in the tank turned into boiling water and the children were scalded to death.

All their accumulated wealth, the house, three children and their happiness were all gone, together with the tragic death of their three clever and lovely children that happened before their eyes.

As a result, the husband and wife decided to live in a Buddhist monastery (becoming a monk and nun). There, they finally understood the principle of cause and effect and deeply repented. This is a very sad story. If this story could bring about some enlightenment in our daily life, then we should give ourselves a pat…

#20170518FBLiveBroadcast, #YouDon’tKnowWhat YouDon’tKnow, #CauseAndEffect, #RealStory


在〈因果奇談_菜中菜 . . 這是一個泰國真…〉中有 37 則留言

  1. 师父早安!修行难的不是战胜自己的懒惰而是修心,误解,冤枉,瞧不起,贬低,而有些也都是弟子,能够真正理解师父的法的不多啊!

  2. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲教导我们!恭敬感恩顶礼叩拜师父!恭祝师父师母吉祥如意!法体安康!恒久驻世!万事吉祥圆满!???

  3. 师父,您好!故事里这三个可愛孩子結局很残忍啊!正如太上感應篇的文章说:“祸福无门。惟人自召。善恶之报。如影随形。”一切的事情发生是有因果报应的。谢谢师父上传分享让大家引以为戒。感恩师父!

  4. 师父师母早上好,吉祥幸福,健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,相信因果,尽量不杀生就会减少疾病减少伤害,慈悲包容一切万事万物,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  5. 触目惊心的真实故事,提醒我们因果真实不虚,对生命的珍爱与尊重尤为重要,特别是对动物的生命更不能乱杀残害,否则后果不堪设想,所以我们一定要好好的持戒,做到不杀生,爱生护生,放下一切贪婪与欲望,深信因果。诸恶莫作,众善奉行!

  6. 师父好!顶礼叩拜师父!师父啊,前不久,我家宝宝外婆送了一点用盐腌过的小白鱼,是大半干的,谁知我家爷爷在做的时候我闻到鱼腥味特别浓。受不了了,平时他们在做鱼吃时,根本就没有什么味儿,不知今天怎么了,直到第二天开橱柜就还有一点点味儿,真得好奇怪!弟子真是太愚太笨。祈请慈悲尊贵师父明示!感恩叩拜大慈大悲上师!!!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享!好可怕的报应,真是恶有悪报,善有善报.为人处事应以慈悲心作主,与人为善,与己方便.宁做-小善,不做一小悪,深信因果论迵,懂得知足感恩,在佛师的慈悲教化中做一個知足常乐的学佛人.不做亏心事,不怕半夜鬼叫门.顶礼感恩佛师!

  8. 师父好,这个故事真是让人心情沉重!因果报应真实不虚!我们在替三个孩子惋惜的同时,那些被活活煮熟的小鱼又何尝不是非常的无辜?万物皆有灵,蝼蚁尚偷生!所以师父教导我们不杀生反而爱护生命!我们做父母长辈的更是要积德行善,才能惠及自身且荫蔽子孙!否则,因果循环,不但自身受罪,还祸及子孙!真是万分庆幸现在有师父的教导才深信因果,断恶修善!感恩叩拜伟大慈悲的师父!

  9. 看了这个故事,感觉触动心灵,世间万物都是一体,伤害彼既是伤害此,无分无别,所以,我们要爱万事万物,种善因结善果。

  10. 因果规律是宇宙的真理,可多少世间人不明白、不相信(我学佛之前也是如此啊,好忏悔!)。因果不虚,我们所有的病、所有的痛、所有的烦恼都是我们自己过往无知无明伤害了其他生命所造成的。。。曾经有个不信因果的人偷了寺庙里的金佛像去卖钱,卖了1000元,后来这个小偷被采石场的炸药无意中炸瞎了眼睛,治疗费刚好1000元,这件事情很快在方圆百里传开了。。。

  11. 感恩师父分享,看完这个故事,心里很难过,如果孩子的父母早点学佛,早点知道因果报应真实不虚,就不会去伤害这些小鱼,都是众生的无知无明,才造下了如此的罪业,愿众生都能从无知无明和愚痴中解脱出来,不再造业!阿密特?

  12. 感恩师父慈悲教诲!学佛使我们去除无明,明白因果的道理,希望更多的人学习佛法,明白事理,种善因得善果,使人生光明美好!顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!在恩师的慈悲教导下,让我们懂得了因果循环的道理,善有善报,恶有恶报,莫因善小而不为,莫因恶小而为之,放下贪执,从我作起,深信因果,用慈悲心善待身边的一切!感恩佛师慈悲加持护佑!!!

  14. 感恩师父赐教!???好惨烈呀!???因果报应,真实不虚!时时警惕我们的言行举止、起心动念!畏惧因果,才能平安吉祥!???

  15. 感恩师父!我妈妈家果树不种了,因为年龄问题自己干不动雇人又赚不多少,还有个弟弟没结婚,工作今年也不干了。他不知道要强,买台车拉水泥,没往家挣钱不说还把我妈的钱都添进去了。妈妈,没办法因为60岁身体也就一般,还有一个93岁的奶奶也不能出去打工,就在家养猪卖肉,补贴家用。这猪是不是不能养?不能杀?属于杀生行为?感恩师父开示!

  16. 感恩师父分享!听这个悲惨的故事!真的让自己警醒,杀生的果报如此可怕!因果真实不虚!弟子有时吃晕突然头痛,好几回了,就是吃某种食物,因此深深知道其实一定要吃素!不仅健康不杀生,还不招果报,师父加持玛驰等孩子俩上学后就全素,现在也慢慢多吃素!断恶修善!不知无畏!唉太可怕了!都说积善之家必有余庆!弟子必须做啊!?叩拜

  17. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲的教诲和关怀护佑,坚信因果,尽量不杀生就会减少疾病减少伤害,慈悲包容一切万事万。感恩最最尊贵的上师!顶礼叩拜师父!

  18. 感恩師父慈悲分享【菜中菜】!

  19. 心情沉重中 ,现在动员沈小姐吃素中,只是那是吃货,看见美食总忍不住大吃一顿 ,问题是工作中有人请,考验啊,我得坚强教育。在家我除了蛋奶,几乎就是全素了

  20. 师父好。好些年前,我哥哥一家在老屋前吃饭,打死一条从房檐上掉下的蛇。从此,我侄女经常讲,空中有一条蛇。犯病时,我哥嫂和我侄子三个大人都控制不住她。好多年才治好。教训呀。

  21. 感恩师父时时提醒,弟子相信因果,我观察了我周围的人和事,因果太现实了,真实不虚,感恩师父慈悲教化,让弟子们避开了人生中一个个痛苦的陷阱!

  22. 我上小学的时候,我们村有个媳妇经常打她婆婆,老人被打的好可怜,有一天她刚打完她婆婆,天上电闪雷鸣下起了大雨,雨过后村里就传开了,有一个大大的红火球进了她家,吓得媳妇躲在婆婆身后苦哭哀求婆婆为她求情,她家离村委很近,火球离开她家进了村委的房子转了一圈从房顶钻了出去,房子给钻了个大窟窿。还有几家不养他爹娘的,儿子都死在了他们的前头,这不就是因果报应当吗。

  23. 感恩师父慈悲教导,师父讲的这个故事,弟子也曾读过,可这次是最心痛的,孩子可怜,那些小鱼也好可怜,因果不得不虚啊,平时切记多种善因,不伤害动物,爱护它们,多培养慈悲心,叩谢慈父教悔!

  24. 每到一個節令,上師都會用心地從健康和快樂的角度,來提醒我們如何適當的應對那一個節令,對我們真的非常實用。

    平冰 合十感恩 ?????
    美國 白蓮菩提禪堂

  25. 感恩师父时刻提醒和教导第子们诸恶莫做、诸善奉行。种什么因缘,就得什么因果;师父时常倡导我们:不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之。师父弟子们牢记在心。空心鱼菜就是一个很好的因果例证。感恩师父慈悲分享!

  26. 师父好,这个因果故事让人们知道因果报应是多么可怕多么重要!所以深信因果,善念善行、爱惜生命,爱护动物,生灵万物皆有灵性的!慈悲为怀???

  27. 感恩师父慈悲教诲!学佛使我们去除无明,明白因果的道理,希望更多的人学习佛法,明白事理,种善因得善果,使人生光明美好!顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  28. 感恩師父慈悲分享!師父教化:因果的道理真實不虛。菩薩畏因,衆生畏果。感恩師父慈悲開示教化!深信因果,才能走上正軌,為人處事,待人接物都以(正念,慈悲)作主。弟子努力學中做,感恩師父!吉祥如意!?

  29. 感恩~恩师分享,让大众自己警惕性,必免悲剧发生如此可怕!相信因果,感恩~恩师慈悲开示,感恩顶礼尊敬恩师,法体安康,吉祥如意。

  30. 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛,南無本師消災延寿藥師佛,南無本師西方極樂世界阿彌陀佛,三寶佛,願吾佛,十方諸佛菩蕯,加持天下的一切佛子佛女們 修好佛法来度 一切万物眾生离苦得乐,合十,一切眾生平安順利,离苦得乐 , 消除一切病魔 身體健康,消除一切惡業 修得慈悲法身 一生平平安安 ,修得一切功德善果 諸事功德圓滿,.嗡啊吽 嗡啊吽 嗡啊喇巴札哪啼 南無本師文殊師利菩萨 南無本師大慈大悲救苦救难观世音菩萨 南無本師大願慈悲地藏王菩萨

  31. 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛,南無本師消災延寿藥師佛,南無本師西方極樂世界阿彌陀佛,三寶佛,願吾佛,十方諸佛菩蕯,加持天下的一切佛子佛女們 修好佛法来度 一切万物眾生离苦得乐,合十,一切眾生平安順利,离苦得乐 , 消除一切病魔 身體健康,消除一切惡業 修得慈悲法身 一生平平安安 ,修得一切功德善果 諸事功德圓滿,.嗡啊吽 嗡啊吽 嗡啊喇巴札哪啼 南無本師文殊師利菩萨 南無本師大慈大悲救苦救难观世音菩萨 南無本師大願慈悲地藏王菩萨
