『天珠傳奇』天地最厲害的邪魔之眼 . ….


「天珠」有著正向磁場與能量,使人以樂觀的態度去面對人生的挑戰 尤其在社會經濟不景氣,失業率高,容易使人意志消沉,做事缺乏信心,精神難以集中,對人生失去熱忱的朋友,可選擇適合自己的天珠。它與人體接觸後可發出無比的力量,能化解消極的思想,排除心裡的恐懼、不自信,使佩戴者能夠以積極的思想、心態來待人處事,樂觀面對生活挑戰。
The Legend of Dzi Bead – Evil eye

It is said that there is a kind of precious jewel which fell from heaven. This special jewel is deemed as the heaven’s bead which can be used to protect against disasters and accumulate wealth and fortune. As the beads are so precious and respected, it is called “Dzi bead”.

Dzi bead, also known as “heaven’s pearl”, originated from greater Asia region. The circles on the Dzi beads represent “eyes”. Why are the Dzi beads etched with “eyes”? Ancient folk legend has this saying that there was a hideous demon with bloody red and green eyes, sucking the soul and heart of people, possessing them and causing them to fall sick.

To counteract this, the folk healers and wizards painted the world’s largest eye of the demon, known as “evil eye”. If you bless and wear it, it will protect you against the evil eye. It means: your eyes are scary, but mine are scarier than yours. That probably marks the beginning of Dzi bead.

Also, in the past, due of the lack of medicine, people were more prone to disease. Hence, they had to resort to seeking folk witchcraft for treatment and Dzi beads were widely used as part of the traditional curative ritual.

If a Dzi bead is more than 200 years old, and has been used and chanted by monks and Buddhist practitioners, it would have carried with it a kind of compassionate energy and power and will bless and protect its wearer.

Take a simple example: many people have had the experience of suffocation in their sleep with their body pressed on by some forces and unable to wake up. When they struggled and eventually woke up, they continued to have a terrible heartache for two days. This is form of possession by evil spirit and there are many reasons for this phenomenon.

Benefits of Dzi Beads

1. For the mind
Dzi bead has a positive magnetic field energy, which helps you to face life with optimism. One may choose to wear a suitable Dzi bead during difficult time such as economic downturn or high unemployment. It also helps those who suffer from depression, lack of confidence, or lack of zest in life to find optimism. When in contact with our body, it emits exceptional power, which can clear negative thoughts and forces, thereby helping the wearer to have a positive attitude towards life.

2. For the body
Dzi beads can protect against danger and bring peace. Through years of immersion in heaven and earth’s energy, it serves as a protector against negative forces. It also helps practitioners to gain inspiration as well as improve their cultivation to attain an elevated level of compassion and wisdom.

Dzi bead provides overall benefit to the human body.
In the biography of King Gesar, it was documented that he made a vow while he buried the Dzi beads: “May the Dzi beads gather in the hands of Buddha and Master. May the heavenly dharma guardians safeguard the Dzi beads till the arrival of the virtuous disciple”. Thus the Tibetans believe that to have a Dzi bead is a reflection of one’s accumulated blessing and merits of many lifetimes. Thus to own a Dzi bead in the lifetime is in some sense, a sign of progression in your dharma cultivation.

One may invite a Dzi bead from a Bodhi Meditation center. We wish all who have the opportunity to read this article to own one of these propitious treasures. May you receive Buddha’s blessing. May your life be liberated and beautiful.

#LegendOfDziBead, #PowerOfCompassion, #Blessing, #WardOfNegativeForces, #Protection, #GoodFortune, #HealthAndLongevityrnrn『天珠傳奇』天地最厲害的邪魔之眼

「天珠」有著正向磁場與能量,使人以樂觀的態度去面對人生的挑戰 尤其在社會經濟不景氣,失業率高,容易使人意志消沉,做事缺乏信心,精神難以集中,對人生失去熱忱的朋友,可選擇適合自己的天珠。它與人體接觸後可發出無比的力量,能化解消極的思想,排除心裡的恐懼、不自信,使佩戴者能夠以積極的思想、心態來待人處事,樂觀面對生活挑戰。
The Legend of Dzi Bead – Evil eye

It is said that there is a kind of precious jewel which fell from heaven. This special jewel is deemed as the heaven’s bead which can be used to protect against disasters and accumulate wealth and fortune. As the beads are so precious and respected, it is called “Dzi bead”.

Dzi bead, also known as “heaven’s pearl”, originated from greater Asia region. The circles on the Dzi beads represent “eyes”. Why are the Dzi beads etched with “eyes”? Ancient folk legend has this saying that there was a hideous demon with bloody red and green eyes, sucking the soul and heart of people, possessing them and causing them to fall sick.

To counteract this, the folk healers and wizards painted the world’s largest eye of the demon, known as “evil eye”. If you bless and wear it, it will protect you against the evil eye. It means: your eyes are scary, but mine are scarier than yours. That probably marks the beginning of Dzi bead.

Also, in the past, due of the lack of medicine, people were more prone to disease. Hence, they had to resort to seeking folk witchcraft for treatment and Dzi beads were widely used as part of the traditional curative ritual.

If a Dzi bead is more than 200 years old, and has been used and chanted by monks and Buddhist practitioners, it would have carried with it a kind of compassionate energy and power and will bless and protect its wearer.

Take a simple example: many people have had the experience of suffocation in their sleep with their body pressed on by some forces and unable to wake up. When they struggled and eventually woke up, they continued to have a terrible heartache for two days. This is form of possession by evil spirit and there are many reasons for this phenomenon.

Benefits of Dzi Beads

1. For the mind
Dzi bead has a positive magnetic field energy, which helps you to face life with optimism. One may choose to wear a suitable Dzi bead during difficult time such as economic downturn or high unemployment. It also helps those who suffer from depression, lack of confidence, or lack of zest in life to find optimism. When in contact with our body, it emits exceptional power, which can clear negative thoughts and forces, thereby helping the wearer to have a positive attitude towards life.

2. For the body
Dzi beads can protect against danger and bring peace. Through years of immersion in heaven and earth’s energy, it serves as a protector against negative forces. It also helps practitioners to gain inspiration as well as improve their cultivation to attain an elevated level of compassion and wisdom.

Dzi bead provides overall benefit to the human body.
In the biography of King Gesar, it was documented that he made a vow while he buried the Dzi beads: “May the Dzi beads gather in the hands of Buddha and Master. May the heavenly dharma guardians safeguard the Dzi beads till the arrival of the virtuous disciple”. Thus the Tibetans believe that to have a Dzi bead is a reflection of one’s accumulated blessing and merits of many lifetimes. Thus to own a Dzi bead in the lifetime is in some sense, a sign of progression in your dharma cultivation.

One may invite a Dzi bead from a Bodhi Meditation center. We wish all who have the opportunity to read this article to own one of these propitious treasures. May you receive Buddha’s blessing. May your life be liberated and beautiful.

#LegendOfDziBead, #PowerOfCompassion, #Blessing, #WardOfNegativeForces, #Protection, #GoodFortune, #HealthAndLongevity


在〈『天珠傳奇』天地最厲害的邪魔之眼 . ….〉中有 38 則留言

  1. 感恩师父分享,使我们了解了天珠的特殊来历和缘起,有幸已经得到了师父加持的天珠,感恩天珠能量的护持,感恩师父的赐予,不忘初衷,不忘誓言,努力奋进,回向上师。 顶礼阿密特

  2. 师父好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父!我很想在佛前供灯,很想请到法物,可就是没办法,不知道通过什么方式能够得到。又不方便回老家,能直接联系上老家吗?感恩师父!礼敬师父!

  3. 感恩师父分享,使我们了解了天珠的特殊来历和缘起,有机缘让我们家人都能有师父加持的「天珠」,愿有緣得見此篇的人兒,都能獲得此吉祥寶物,集千年智慧與能量,得佛力加持護佑,使生命達到解脫、完美的境界。顶礼叩拜师父!恭祝师父师母吉祥如意!幸福安康!万事顺心顺利!!!

  4. 感恩师父分享佩戴天珠的种种好处,佩戴天珠辟邪,驱赶邪魔鬼魂;佩戴天珠得身心愉悦,对不自信的人,能带来积极向上的态度增加信心努力工作和生活!长期佩戴天珠得诸佛菩萨的加持护佑?得吉祥如意!感恩师父分享?

  5. 感恩师父分享『天珠傳奇』,一种从天上掉落在人间的宝物,能将鬼魅與邪魔給瞪跑。现在我们有佛护佑,跟随上师修行佛法,什么人间的酸 苦 辣都离开我们,平安健康快乐幸福永相伴.,感恩师父!

  6. 师父师母早安吉祥幸福,健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲加持天珠护佑我们健康快乐,幸福吉祥,除邪魔之眼是天地最历害的天珠,我给我们全家人都请了师父慈悲加持的天珠,感恩师父佛菩萨每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,多做善事多帮人,昨天在班上中午休息的空教我们班上的保安学走八卦很认真今天送他师父教走八卦的盘,机子,药师佛像,袈裟书和吉祥卡,他可以双盘会打坐,会颂念六字大明咒,愿他学菩提走八卦失眠会早日康复,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  7. 太好了!我上次请了一串给我父亲了。我老父亲晚上睡觉老做恶梦,总在梦中和别人吵架、打架,还滚到床下来,让我很担心。给他佩戴天珠后,他睡觉安稳多了。。感恩师父给我们宝贵的法物!

  8. 师父好!去年我给女儿请了一个2眼天珠(促进人缘好的)她不带,我很高兴的带上了,真的感觉很自信,人缘很好,很乐观面对生活的挑战;没有消极的思想,只有积极的思想心态来待人处事。看到师父今天的开示好开心:今生得到一颗天珠,也是修法成功的一种征兆!愿所有金刚兄弟得师父加持护佑,使生命达到解脱完美的境界!感恩感谢伟大的佛师!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲开示!谢谢恩师对天珠的开示!只要是佛师加持过的宝物佩戴在身上,都会吉祥如意,心想事成!我也会将这一吉祥开示分享给更多有缘人共享。都能得到佛师的护佑!感恩师父!!!

  10. 师父好!我健康快乐吉祥,是师父赐福我天珠护佑我修行,增进我身心调和启发我的定慧,改变我心性,让我总有一个心愿报佛师恩,顶礼最爱的师父!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲开示!让我懂了天珠的来历,神奇故事。我给我妈请了天珠手串是六眼的。我自己的是14眼的。这是我的。请大家分享!真诚感恩师父加持的宝贝。陪我三个春夏秋冬了。

  12. 哇㗷!感恩师父慈悲分享!长见识了,天珠这么好!而且婵堂就有各种不同眼需求的天珠!呵呵呵我们太幸运了!这么难得的东西我们都可轻易拥有,而且是师父加持过的!我们菩提样样是宝贝!让我们都成有福气儿吧!?叩拜

  13. 感恩师父!我很幸运请到两个师父加持过的天珠!还有幸得到了一位修为很好的师姐结缘赠予我的一个天珠。我和老公每天都佩戴着天珠!师父的能量加持妙不可言!!!感恩师父!!!弟子殊群顶礼叩拜师父!

  14. 感恩师父,只知道天珠,不知道还有多少只眼的,我很需要一个来避邪的,要有几只眼的师兄们,去年冬天一个晚上我刚睡,就觉得有很大的压力,我就看见一只动物落在我的被子上,我赶忙伸出双手左手抓住他的头,右手抓住它的臀,就这样吓醒了

  15. 感恩师父对天珠的开示,弟子茅塞顿开,天珠犹久历史传奇和功效,拥有一颗天珠是累世修持积累的福报,得佛力加持是那么的吉祥、完美……弟子顶礼叩拜大慈大悲金菩提上师??????

  16. 感恩师父将天珠的传奇分享给我们。天珠采宇宙万物之灵气,是从天而降的天眼珠。天珠已成为菩提法门的吉祥加持宝物,师父的慈悲加持护佑让每一颗天珠都充满了智慧的能量,有福迎请佩戴者,会对我们的身心灵以及修行起到加持护佑,消灾灭难,辟邪保平安的作用。感恩师父对弟子同修们的呵护与加持,感恩师父为我们加持天珠给每一位佩戴者。

  17. 感恩师父

  18. 感恩师父介绍天珠的珍贵和大能量护持,弟子们有缘见到师父加持的天珠宝物,得佛力加持护佑,得智慧与能量,使生命达到解脱,完美的境界!感恩师父慈悲开示!

  19. 听说眼数不同的天珠,代表着不同的能量,越多眼越难得,很想要一条多眼的天珠,但自己得到也最多是六、七眼。后来想一想,“最好的不一定适合自己,适合自己的就是最好的”,因而心安理得,享受自己的天珠。每天早上带着去走八卦,口袋里再放一张师父的法相,走过”五更“静悄悄的路上,自感能量满满,正气足足。我给家里人每人请一条,还请了两条寄回给身体不好以前的”上级“,他们也陪感珍贵和珍惜,一条给他80多岁的老父亲,自己留一条。感恩师父给弟子们这么吉祥的法物,让我们时刻得到佛菩萨和师父的护佑和加持,感恩师父!我们爱师父!

  20. 師父好!齊化未進入菩提禪修之前,我對這些寶石的認識,可以說一竅不通,經師父的介紹後,漸漸有了概念,明白佛教七寶的珍貴,了解了天珠的緣起和功效,感恩師父!

  21. 感恩师父慈悲开示!让我们了解了天珠的来源、功效和意义!弟子有请了好几串自己喜爱的珠子 ,每天都会带着。感恩师父加持吉祥宝物,让我们配带者得到佛力加持护佑、吉祥、健康、又可避邪保平安。感恩师父!

  22. 感恩师父慈悲!弟子愚钝,昨晚半夜还是没理解透天珠的真正好处,今下午想这个东西太好了可以帮助失业的人,想下不对,所有精神情绪的杂念负面的,还有身体的,那可真是人人需要啊!那不是修行时带不就会有杂念了,这么想,噢天哪那可不是救天下众生的法宝!这个可是大大的不得了,人人就应该拥有一颗天珠,怪不得师父特别价绍,感恩师父大慈大悲心里都是想怎样拯救所有众生!???叩拜……

  23. 感恩师父慈悲加持天珠手琏护佑我们健康快乐,平安吉祥,祝师父师母健康快乐,平安吉祥,万事如意,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。
