【八卦内功 身心健康之道_上】 ───人…

【八卦内功 身心健康之道_上】
1.八卦內功課程教學 https://www.puti.org/ch/?s=%E5%85%AB%E5%8D%A6
2..到慈悲音網購 https://www.cibeiyin.com/bagua
#生命能量 #健康長壽

【Energy Bagua Brings You Wellness, Part 1】
– the secret to robust legs as we advance in age, is it necessary to practice daily to enjoy longevity?

As the saying goes, “the tree withers at its roots first; (similarly) as we age, our legs weaken first”.
How could we solve this bothersome issue that had persisted over centuries?

The ‘legs’ are the most utilized part of our body, and bear the most load. If we do not pay attention to maintenance of leg health, early deterioration due to excessive strain naturally results.

Medical research shows that, “..our legs account for 50% of the nerves, 50% of the blood vessels, and 50% of the blood” as a proportion of the body. Thus, it can be seen that the legs and our general health share a very close relationship.

Therefore, if we want to live healthily and enjoy a long life, the health of the legs and our feet is the first step.
So how do we maintain our legs and even nurse our legs back to health?

I welcome everyone to join me to learn about Energy Bagua and the way to health and happiness. Here, we would discuss about the benefits of Energy Bagua, including its exceptional effects.

I wish that everyone is blessed with bountiful energy, joy, health, and longevity!

To learn more about Energy Bagua, please click ???

1. Energy Bagua Class https://www.puti.org/en/?s=Energy+Bagua
2. Purchase at Cibeiyin web portal https://www.cibeiyin.com/

#EnergyBaguaBringsYouWellness, #LifeVitality, #HealthAndLongevity


早安,多走八卦,可得長壽健康! 你今天走…


Good morning, practice more Energy Bagua for health and longevity!
Have you practiced Energy Bagua today?

#EnergyBagua, #EnergyAndVitality, #HealthAndLongevityrnrn早安,多走八卦,可得長壽健康!

Good morning, practice more Energy Bagua for health and longevity!
Have you practiced Energy Bagua today?

#EnergyBagua, #EnergyAndVitality, #HealthAndLongevity

Good morning, practice more Energy Bagua for health and longevity! 
Have you practiced Energy Bagua today?
#EnergyBagua, #EnergyAndVitality, #HealthAndLongevityrnrn早安,多走八卦,可得長壽健康!
Good morning, practice more Energy Bagua for health and longevity! 
Have you practiced Energy Bagua today?
#EnergyBagua, #EnergyAndVitality, #HealthAndLongevity


放下即解脫 . . 每逢佳節倍思親,即將…

Let go and be liberated

Ching Ming (Qing Ming) Festival is just a few days away and it is at occasions like this that we miss our dear ones the most. A fellow practitioner left me a message asking for advice on how to handle the parting of loved ones. I would like discussion this here during this period when all of us are commemorating our ancestors and the sense of longing for our loved ones is at the deepest.

This is what the fellow practitioner asked:
“My grandma passed away a year ago and her passing left me deeply heartbroken. Till today, I have not been able to get over it and I can still sense her presence. I long deeply to return to the time when my grandma was still alive. I became withdrawn, frequently hiding in a corner to cry. I felt totally alone and unloved in this world.”

Yearning breaks the cycle of reincarnation…
All of us have loved and been loved in our lives. It is not easy to let go of the bonds that were formed, regardless of whether it is romantic, platonic or familial love. As difficult as it is though, we still have to let go one of these days.
Do you know the effects on your grandma when you keep thinking about and yearning for her? You will harm her! When you miss her and think about her daily, it is as if she is really right by your side. She will be disturbed and will not be able to leave to be reborn in peace.

Maybe she is supposed to be reborn into a good family, as a healthy and pretty child with good fortune. Your constant yearning for her will hold her back. She will keep procrastinating her departure, and the cycle of reincarnation will be broken. Eventually she will end up in a place that she was never supposed to be. When that happens, both you and your grandma will suffer. This is why you have to learn to let go. Instead of holding on, give her lots and lots of blessings from the bottom of your heart and let her go to where she is supposed to be.

Love is about letting go ~
Therefore, regardless of how close you are to that person, or how much you love her, you have to let go once she is gone. Not only do you have to let go, you have to live your life well. When you yearn constantly for her, you are disturbing her. Let her leave without any attachments, give your blessings to her and pray that she gets reborn into a good family. Pray that she will have a good life, with no sufferings. After that, do not think about her any more.

All of us know that we have to be respectful towards our parents and our ancestors, but not everyone knows the true meaning of the word “respect”. Crying and yearning for a loved one for ten years after she has passed on will prevent her from moving on. Your mental state breaks down, and your loved one is not able to get reborn in peace. So the best thing to do is to forget and let it all go! Offer lights to Buddha for your loved one and pray for Buddha to light up her path. Pray that she gets reborn into a family of good fortune.

If you would like your ancestors and loved ones to be at ease, you have to do what you need to do and learn what you need to learn. That is the only way for them to be happy.
#QingMingPayingRespectsToAncestors, #Gratitude, #Blessing, #LampOfferingsAndPrayers, #GoodFortuneAndHappiness, #HealthAndLongevity, #AphorismOfMasterJinBodhi, #LetGoToAttainLiberation, #AtEase
Let go and be liberated

Ching Ming (Qing Ming) Festival is just a few days away and it is at occasions like this that we miss our dear ones the most. A fellow practitioner left me a message asking for advice on how to handle the parting of loved ones. I would like discussion this here during this period when all of us are commemorating our ancestors and the sense of longing for our loved ones is at the deepest.

This is what the fellow practitioner asked:
“My grandma passed away a year ago and her passing left me deeply heartbroken. Till today, I have not been able to get over it and I can still sense her presence. I long deeply to return to the time when my grandma was still alive. I became withdrawn, frequently hiding in a corner to cry. I felt totally alone and unloved in this world.”

Yearning breaks the cycle of reincarnation…
All of us have loved and been loved in our lives. It is not easy to let go of the bonds that were formed, regardless of whether it is romantic, platonic or familial love. As difficult as it is though, we still have to let go one of these days.
Do you know the effects on your grandma when you keep thinking about and yearning for her? You will harm her! When you miss her and think about her daily, it is as if she is really right by your side. She will be disturbed and will not be able to leave to be reborn in peace.

Maybe she is supposed to be reborn into a good family, as a healthy and pretty child with good fortune. Your constant yearning for her will hold her back. She will keep procrastinating her departure, and the cycle of reincarnation will be broken. Eventually she will end up in a place that she was never supposed to be. When that happens, both you and your grandma will suffer. This is why you have to learn to let go. Instead of holding on, give her lots and lots of blessings from the bottom of your heart and let her go to where she is supposed to be.

Love is about letting go ~
Therefore, regardless of how close you are to that person, or how much you love her, you have to let go once she is gone. Not only do you have to let go, you have to live your life well. When you yearn constantly for her, you are disturbing her. Let her leave without any attachments, give your blessings to her and pray that she gets reborn into a good family. Pray that she will have a good life, with no sufferings. After that, do not think about her any more.

All of us know that we have to be respectful towards our parents and our ancestors, but not everyone knows the true meaning of the word “respect”. Crying and yearning for a loved one for ten years after she has passed on will prevent her from moving on. Your mental state breaks down, and your loved one is not able to get reborn in peace. So the best thing to do is to forget and let it all go! Offer lights to Buddha for your loved one and pray for Buddha to light up her path. Pray that she gets reborn into a family of good fortune.

If you would like your ancestors and loved ones to be at ease, you have to do what you need to do and learn what you need to learn. That is the only way for them to be happy.
#QingMingPayingRespectsToAncestors, #Gratitude, #Blessing, #LampOfferingsAndPrayers, #GoodFortuneAndHappiness, #HealthAndLongevity, #AphorismOfMasterJinBodhi, #LetGoToAttainLiberation, #AtEase


『天珠傳奇』天地最厲害的邪魔之眼 . ….


「天珠」有著正向磁場與能量,使人以樂觀的態度去面對人生的挑戰 尤其在社會經濟不景氣,失業率高,容易使人意志消沉,做事缺乏信心,精神難以集中,對人生失去熱忱的朋友,可選擇適合自己的天珠。它與人體接觸後可發出無比的力量,能化解消極的思想,排除心裡的恐懼、不自信,使佩戴者能夠以積極的思想、心態來待人處事,樂觀面對生活挑戰。
The Legend of Dzi Bead – Evil eye

It is said that there is a kind of precious jewel which fell from heaven. This special jewel is deemed as the heaven’s bead which can be used to protect against disasters and accumulate wealth and fortune. As the beads are so precious and respected, it is called “Dzi bead”.

Dzi bead, also known as “heaven’s pearl”, originated from greater Asia region. The circles on the Dzi beads represent “eyes”. Why are the Dzi beads etched with “eyes”? Ancient folk legend has this saying that there was a hideous demon with bloody red and green eyes, sucking the soul and heart of people, possessing them and causing them to fall sick.

To counteract this, the folk healers and wizards painted the world’s largest eye of the demon, known as “evil eye”. If you bless and wear it, it will protect you against the evil eye. It means: your eyes are scary, but mine are scarier than yours. That probably marks the beginning of Dzi bead.

Also, in the past, due of the lack of medicine, people were more prone to disease. Hence, they had to resort to seeking folk witchcraft for treatment and Dzi beads were widely used as part of the traditional curative ritual.

If a Dzi bead is more than 200 years old, and has been used and chanted by monks and Buddhist practitioners, it would have carried with it a kind of compassionate energy and power and will bless and protect its wearer.

Take a simple example: many people have had the experience of suffocation in their sleep with their body pressed on by some forces and unable to wake up. When they struggled and eventually woke up, they continued to have a terrible heartache for two days. This is form of possession by evil spirit and there are many reasons for this phenomenon.

Benefits of Dzi Beads

1. For the mind
Dzi bead has a positive magnetic field energy, which helps you to face life with optimism. One may choose to wear a suitable Dzi bead during difficult time such as economic downturn or high unemployment. It also helps those who suffer from depression, lack of confidence, or lack of zest in life to find optimism. When in contact with our body, it emits exceptional power, which can clear negative thoughts and forces, thereby helping the wearer to have a positive attitude towards life.

2. For the body
Dzi beads can protect against danger and bring peace. Through years of immersion in heaven and earth’s energy, it serves as a protector against negative forces. It also helps practitioners to gain inspiration as well as improve their cultivation to attain an elevated level of compassion and wisdom.

Dzi bead provides overall benefit to the human body.
In the biography of King Gesar, it was documented that he made a vow while he buried the Dzi beads: “May the Dzi beads gather in the hands of Buddha and Master. May the heavenly dharma guardians safeguard the Dzi beads till the arrival of the virtuous disciple”. Thus the Tibetans believe that to have a Dzi bead is a reflection of one’s accumulated blessing and merits of many lifetimes. Thus to own a Dzi bead in the lifetime is in some sense, a sign of progression in your dharma cultivation.

One may invite a Dzi bead from a Bodhi Meditation center. We wish all who have the opportunity to read this article to own one of these propitious treasures. May you receive Buddha’s blessing. May your life be liberated and beautiful.

#LegendOfDziBead, #PowerOfCompassion, #Blessing, #WardOfNegativeForces, #Protection, #GoodFortune, #HealthAndLongevityrnrn『天珠傳奇』天地最厲害的邪魔之眼

「天珠」有著正向磁場與能量,使人以樂觀的態度去面對人生的挑戰 尤其在社會經濟不景氣,失業率高,容易使人意志消沉,做事缺乏信心,精神難以集中,對人生失去熱忱的朋友,可選擇適合自己的天珠。它與人體接觸後可發出無比的力量,能化解消極的思想,排除心裡的恐懼、不自信,使佩戴者能夠以積極的思想、心態來待人處事,樂觀面對生活挑戰。
The Legend of Dzi Bead – Evil eye

It is said that there is a kind of precious jewel which fell from heaven. This special jewel is deemed as the heaven’s bead which can be used to protect against disasters and accumulate wealth and fortune. As the beads are so precious and respected, it is called “Dzi bead”.

Dzi bead, also known as “heaven’s pearl”, originated from greater Asia region. The circles on the Dzi beads represent “eyes”. Why are the Dzi beads etched with “eyes”? Ancient folk legend has this saying that there was a hideous demon with bloody red and green eyes, sucking the soul and heart of people, possessing them and causing them to fall sick.

To counteract this, the folk healers and wizards painted the world’s largest eye of the demon, known as “evil eye”. If you bless and wear it, it will protect you against the evil eye. It means: your eyes are scary, but mine are scarier than yours. That probably marks the beginning of Dzi bead.

Also, in the past, due of the lack of medicine, people were more prone to disease. Hence, they had to resort to seeking folk witchcraft for treatment and Dzi beads were widely used as part of the traditional curative ritual.

If a Dzi bead is more than 200 years old, and has been used and chanted by monks and Buddhist practitioners, it would have carried with it a kind of compassionate energy and power and will bless and protect its wearer.

Take a simple example: many people have had the experience of suffocation in their sleep with their body pressed on by some forces and unable to wake up. When they struggled and eventually woke up, they continued to have a terrible heartache for two days. This is form of possession by evil spirit and there are many reasons for this phenomenon.

Benefits of Dzi Beads

1. For the mind
Dzi bead has a positive magnetic field energy, which helps you to face life with optimism. One may choose to wear a suitable Dzi bead during difficult time such as economic downturn or high unemployment. It also helps those who suffer from depression, lack of confidence, or lack of zest in life to find optimism. When in contact with our body, it emits exceptional power, which can clear negative thoughts and forces, thereby helping the wearer to have a positive attitude towards life.

2. For the body
Dzi beads can protect against danger and bring peace. Through years of immersion in heaven and earth’s energy, it serves as a protector against negative forces. It also helps practitioners to gain inspiration as well as improve their cultivation to attain an elevated level of compassion and wisdom.

Dzi bead provides overall benefit to the human body.
In the biography of King Gesar, it was documented that he made a vow while he buried the Dzi beads: “May the Dzi beads gather in the hands of Buddha and Master. May the heavenly dharma guardians safeguard the Dzi beads till the arrival of the virtuous disciple”. Thus the Tibetans believe that to have a Dzi bead is a reflection of one’s accumulated blessing and merits of many lifetimes. Thus to own a Dzi bead in the lifetime is in some sense, a sign of progression in your dharma cultivation.

One may invite a Dzi bead from a Bodhi Meditation center. We wish all who have the opportunity to read this article to own one of these propitious treasures. May you receive Buddha’s blessing. May your life be liberated and beautiful.

#LegendOfDziBead, #PowerOfCompassion, #Blessing, #WardOfNegativeForces, #Protection, #GoodFortune, #HealthAndLongevity


能量與八卦 . . 八卦內功是一個非常獨…

Energy and Bagua

Energy Bagua is a very unique method of practice and is especially beneficial for people with health problems. My master once told me that Energy Bagua may be really helpful in the prevention and recovery of cancer. Hence, we are very fortunate to be able to learn this practice.

In ancient China, people believed that the sky was round. The circular motions in sports represented the orbits of the celestial bodies in the universe. It was believed that as we emulate the celestial movement, we would accumulate vital energy from the universe, which in turn would give us good health. In Energy Bagua, not only do we walk in circles, our arms and legs also move in arcs. This helps us to accumulate vital energy, which brings us longevity.

Energy Bagua is truly beneficial to health. For full benefits, we will need to practice for at least 108 hours, with not more than 1 or 2 hours each day. That will take 108 days. For optimal benefit, it is best to practice at the same time everyday. For instance, you can practice at five, six, seven, eight, nine or ten o’clock every morning and stick to that time.

According to the theory of cosmic energy, mornings are the best time to practice. As the sun rises, vital energy of the universe is on the rise, which brings benefits to our health. Practicing in the afternoon, in comparison, is not as good as practicing in the morning.

To experience the full benefits from any type of practice, perseverance is key. If we can practice an hour of Bagua, followed by an hour of chanting everyday, compassion will come naturally to us. We may even get enlightened about the universal truths. Only when we understand those truths will we feel peaceful and at ease.

To find out more about what to look out for when practicing Bagua, please refer to the link below:
Energy Bagua – The Pathway to Healthy Body and Mind Part 1

#EnergyBagua #HealthAndLongevity #Perseverancernrn能量與八卦
Energy and Bagua

Energy Bagua is a very unique method of practice and is especially beneficial for people with health problems. My master once told me that Energy Bagua may be really helpful in the prevention and recovery of cancer. Hence, we are very fortunate to be able to learn this practice.

In ancient China, people believed that the sky was round. The circular motions in sports represented the orbits of the celestial bodies in the universe. It was believed that as we emulate the celestial movement, we would accumulate vital energy from the universe, which in turn would give us good health. In Energy Bagua, not only do we walk in circles, our arms and legs also move in arcs. This helps us to accumulate vital energy, which brings us longevity.

Energy Bagua is truly beneficial to health. For full benefits, we will need to practice for at least 108 hours, with not more than 1 or 2 hours each day. That will take 108 days. For optimal benefit, it is best to practice at the same time everyday. For instance, you can practice at five, six, seven, eight, nine or ten o’clock every morning and stick to that time.

According to the theory of cosmic energy, mornings are the best time to practice. As the sun rises, vital energy of the universe is on the rise, which brings benefits to our health. Practicing in the afternoon, in comparison, is not as good as practicing in the morning.

To experience the full benefits from any type of practice, perseverance is key. If we can practice an hour of Bagua, followed by an hour of chanting everyday, compassion will come naturally to us. We may even get enlightened about the universal truths. Only when we understand those truths will we feel peaceful and at ease.

To find out more about what to look out for when practicing Bagua, please refer to the link below:
Energy Bagua – The Pathway to Healthy Body and Mind Part 1

#EnergyBagua #HealthAndLongevity #Perseverance
