過了一個年,妳幸福肥了嗎? . 快樂的春…


After the New Year celebration, have you happily gained weight?
The joyous Spring Festival holiday is over, have you also become chubbier?
With all the feasting during the Spring Festival season, people are more likely to put on weight and add stress to their digestive system with high fat and high sodium food. With the upcoming beautiful spring in March and April, if you love to look beautiful or healthy, you need to make some adjustments now.
How do you get back your slim figure before the weather gets warmer and you have to remove your thick clothing?
Please spend a short 5 minutes to watch this video, “Three steps to healthy weight loss”, to regain back a healthy body.
Finally, I wish everyone ~
Happy New Year. May you be healthy and beautiful!!

Three Steps to Healthy Weight Loss:
1) Eat a balance diet, drink a glass of water every morning after you wake up.
2) Drink a glass of water (with a bit of oil or salt added) before meal.
3) Choose to use a smaller serving plate or bowl to limit your food intake and insist on taking only a bowl of food and not more. Add more fresh vegetables to your diet.
#ThreeStepstoHealthyWeightLoss, #HappilyGainWeight, #Health, # Slim, #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTeaching.#健康減肥三部曲、#幸福肥、#健康、#窈窕好身材、#金菩提宗師開示


《觀音靈感分享~之四》卻病延年 . . …

年關將近,大家都希望能藉這個吉祥的喜氣日子,也與佛菩薩圖個吉祥,平安,那麼,究竟要如何為最愛的親人祈福、 消災、 却病、 延年呢?下面分享幾個真實的故事給大家參考…
1.【粉絲_金藹佩 】
2. 【粉絲_金德達】
後來,女兒經過斷層掃描檢查,醫生說:「那個凹洞沒怎麼樣,是不是生出來就這樣?」一個baby凹了0.3cm耶,竟然沒事….! 真的也太神奇了,真的真的非常感恩觀世音菩薩的無私幫助!這是我第二次深刻感覺到菩薩的存在!

. 感恩師父!感恩大慈大悲救苦救難的觀世音菩薩!
感謝以上朋友們的真實分享,您的法布施,能幫助更多需要幫助的人們 ,找到方法、找回健康、獲得更幸福的生活。
《Sharing of inspiration from Guanyin Bodhisattva ~ Part 4》Free from illness throughout the year
As the closing of the Lunar year is near, everyone hopes to receive some good luck and peace on this auspicious festive season from Buddha and Bodhisattva. So how do we seek blessings for our love ones so that they can be free from calamities, illness and enjoy longevity? Below are some true experiences which have been shared…
1. Jin Ai Pei
In 2015 my father was admitted to the hospital’s intensive care unit and he was bedridden due to heart failure. He could not move and could only blink his eyes or make some sounds from his throat. When he woke up, my mother understood that he wanted to listen to Guanyin Bodhisattva and Medicine Buddha Heart Mantras. After repeated requests to the doctors, we were finally allowed to bring into the intensive care unit a MP3 player with master chanting Guanyin Bodhisattva and Medicine Buddha chant. We prayed sincerely to Buddha for his blessings and did light offering. The doctor said the success rate of doing heart bypass was only 20%. After one month’s evaluation, the doctor finally proposed installing an artificial pacemaker for my father. The surgery was a success! During the hospitalization period, my father also practiced “The Meditation of Greater Illumination” while lying in bed. He gradually improved to practicing the meditation while sitting and finally while standing. The doctors thought it was a miracle. My father is now healthy and very happy. I am very grateful to Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Master for their blessings.
2. Jin DeDa
Gratitude to Master! Gratitude to Guanyin Bodhisattva! I had a strong affinity with Guanyin Bodhisattva. I recall that when I was pregnant, I often had internal bleeding during work and had to take leave to rush to the hospital. The doctor often told me that my pregnancy was unstable and at risk of miscarriage. At that time, I often chanted to the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva for blessings to stabilize my pregnancy. One night, I dreamt of a huge Guanyin Bodhisattva lying across the sky. I could not decipher initially why I had that dream. Could it be that Guanyin Bodhisattva was asking me to take a rest? I thought there must be a reason for that dream. So I took two weeks leave. I stayed at my mother-in-law’s house to rest and with her care, my pregnancy gradually became stable. That was the first time I deeply felt that Guanyin Bodhisattva is everywhere.
I successfully gave birth to my daughter. When my daughter was about four months old, she fell off from her bed while I was not paying attention. When I frantically picked her up, I found there was a deep concave dent of 0.3 cm on her head. My daughter cried for only a short while and fell asleep. My whole body was trembling with fear as I was afraid that she would never wake up. On my way to the hospital, I was crying in my heart “Guanyin Bodhisattva, please help us”. In the crowded hospital’s emergency room, we could only stand there waiting. My whole hand was trembling throughout and I repeatedly chanted the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva. After performing a tomography scan on my daughter, the doctor asked: “Was she born with the concave dent on her head? There seems to be no problem internally.” What a relief! It was really amazing! I am really very grateful to Guanyin Bodhisattva’s selfless help! This is the second time I deeply felt the presence of Bodhisattva!
When you pray with sincerity, the Bodhisattva will be at your side to quietly help you, just like a loving mother. I am very grateful to the compassionate and forgiving Guanyin Bodhisattva for answering our thousands of prayers.
Gratitude to Master and Gratitude to Guanyin Bodhisattva!
Thank you to our friends for sharing their testimonies. Your sharing will inspire people who are in need of help, and help them find the methods to achieve good health and happiness in life!
The more you share, the more you gain immeasurable merits!!
#SharingAtLiveBroadcast, #ExtendGoodFortuneAndIncreaseLongevity, #Health #Happiness #SincereChanting,#直播分享、 #却病延年、 #健康快樂、 #真誠念佛


《藥師佛心咒》 超越一切的力量,宇宙的聲…

《藥師佛心咒》 超越一切的力量,宇宙的聲音。
或到以下連結迎請_藥師佛心咒CD完整版本 (60分鐘)
<> a mantra beyond all energy, sound of the Universe
[A sincere chant of prayer begets infinite fortune and merits] .
The power of the Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra is inconceivable. When we listen to it with a calm and peaceful heart and chant it silently in our heart, our body and mind can be purified quickly. It will also help us to establish connections with Buddha and Bodhisattvas and attract heavenly deities to our sides to protect us.
The mantra also soothes our anxious emotions and helps us to relax so that we are able to receive the vast amount of energy bestowed by the universe. It will lead us into primordial tranquility, transforming us into our purest, most serene and transparent selves, like a white lotus flower. As a result, our bodies will naturally become lighter and our health will improve.
Hence chanting tthe <> brings about inconceivable good fortune, wonder and miracles.
Do you want to call out to the vast energy field of the universe and experience its inconceivable magical energy? If you do, please join me in chanting the <> …
「A sincere chant directly reaches the heart of Buddha! 」
Or you can visit the link below to purchase and download the full 60 min version of the Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra CD.
#MedicineBuddhaHeartMantra, #Serenity, #GoodFortune, #Health, #Purity, #Relaxation, #90secondAudioSample


八卦是什麼? . 大家都愛「八卦」, 大家…

#八卦 #健康 #快樂 #自信 #美麗
What is Bagua?

Everyone loves Bagua
Everyone is practicing Bagua .

Will Bagua lead you to become healthier ?
Will Bagua lead you to become more confidence ?
Will Bagua lead you to become more beautiful?

Let’s see why everyone is so obsessed about Bagua .

Feel free to share and like this post !

#Bagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Beautiful, #Confidence


生命的平衡 . 人生好比如天平,平衡貫穿…

Balance in Life
Life is like a scale – the objective is to attain balance between the two extremes of life. We must love ourselves, love others, and extend that love even to all living beings in this world.
When you views are no longer extreme,
We will be able to reach an equilibrium.
Naturally, we will find a balance in life.
Learn to attain a balance between reason and emotions. In this way, we will be able to achieve balance in our lives and any problems we encounter will be easily resolved.
#BalanceInLife, #Health, #Happiness, #Bliss


光明的節日,送你一帖良方。 . 曾經有一…

A great recipe for this bright festival
There is a Buddha whose wish is to illuminate all sentient beings.
He has a good recipe that allows people not to fall sick and also receive great relief from worries.
If you offer a light and pray to the Medicine Buddha with great sincerity, regardless of whether rich or poor, the Buddha will hear you.
If you prostrate to Medicine Buddha with utmost respect, not only will illnesses and misfortune be eliminated, you will also receive blessings, gain longevity, rid yourself of worries and have other aspirations fulfilled. You can also help family members and others live in great compassion and brightness. This is because Medicine Buddha is dedicated to giving health and happiness.
Offer a light to the Buddha on behalf of yourself and your family members!
A light can illuminate thousand years of darkness and gain wisdom over thousand years of ignorance.
May the Medicine Buddha bless you with an auspicious and successful life.
Welcome to like or share this blessings.
#MedicineBuddha, #MasterJinBodhi, #Health, #Happiness



中/英文下載區_ 菩提禪修雜誌
《New Download》 Bodhi Meditation latest issue of Meditation & Health magazine is now available for download.
People often ask, “What is happiness in life?”
“Listening to the whirring snores of your spouse by your side?”
“Listening to the rustling sound of your foot steps? “
I would say, “Happiness should be having good health and no worries. It is also the joy of spending time with your family and loved ones.”
In fact, the fountain of health is in “Zen lifestyle” . Lets read this Meditation & Health magazine and let it brings you happiness.
#NewDownload, #MeditationHealth, #HealthMagazine, #BodhiMeditationMagazines, #Meditation, #Health
#新下載, #禪修與健康, #健康雜誌, ,#菩提禪修雜誌, #Meditation& #Health


如何改變生活 . 我們學習禪修的初步目的…

#改變生活、 #解脫煩惱、 #健康、 #長壽、 #快樂
How to improve our lives
Our initial purpose of learning meditation is for health, longevity and happiness.
Hence, please choose to be a “kind” person. Be mindful of other people’s feelings. Be generous, magnanimous and forgiving.
When you are willing to be a good person and when you have these changes in your heart, your life and your family relationships will change for the better.

#LifeImprove, #WorryFree, #Health, #Longevity, #Happiness


二十年的脂肪肝消失了 . 重生的喜悅是因…


Twenty Years Fatty Liver Disappeared
The joy of being born again is due to the choice of faith
Believe and persevere on bravely with the practice
And be able to embrace your joy of rebirth today..

Min You, from Malaysia – JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center
I suffered from fatty liver for 20 years, medication did not help the situation and there was no improvement during the yearly medical check-ups. My doctor said he has no solution.
I started meditation in January 2016 and participated in the 8.5 days Health and Happiness Retreat and the chanting class at Bodhi Meditation Centre. In February 2017 this year, I went back to the hospital for a check-up again and my doctor actually told me that my liver had recovered and is normal now!
I also experienced another miracle. Last November, my head was hit by a metal plate at a shopping mall entrance. At that time, I felt vibration in my head and some pressure on the spine at the neck for a while. The next day, I had a very bad headache. The doctor said we had to wait for 3 months to see if my memory is affected or felt weird before deciding to have an x-ray taken. After this, my scalp started tingling and the back of the head felt like it did not stick to the skull. I felt my scalp was empty and my brain was blank frequently. My spine also felt more and more painful, more and more tight, as if something was pulling it. This feeling slowly extended to the shoulder, to the chest. I felt painful and had no strength to raise my head. When I lie down, I could not even raise my head.
When I practiced the Meditation of Greater Illumination, my head felt hot and it was comfortable. At that time my daughter-in-law obtained a bunch of beads from the meditation center and gave it to me. I like to beautify myself and would wear the bunch of beads on my hands and neck. Unexpectedly, on the second day of wearing the beads, my spine felt unobstructed, without pain, I felt very relaxed.
After 2 months of practice, I don’t feel empty or have any tingling feelings anymore; my brain also does not go blank. It’s unbelievable that at 65 years old, I am still able to lead a healthier and happier life. All thanks to me meeting Bodhi Meditation and meeting Grandmaster JinBodhi.
I wish to share my gratitude and touching story with all of you. May you persevere on with life like me, not giving up but growing in confidence. To help ourselves and others in life.
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
*Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medication dosage without consulting the doctor.
Please follow the advice of the doctor.
#FattyLiver, #Meditation, #Health, #Happiness, #MeditationJournal, #Reborn

Twenty Years Fatty Liver Disappeared
The joy of being born again is due to the choice of faith
Believe and persevere on bravely with the practice
And be able to embrace your joy of rebirth today..

Min You, from Malaysia – JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center
I suffered from fatty liver for 20 years, medication did not help the situation and there was no improvement during the yearly medical check-ups. My doctor said he has no solution.
I started meditation in January 2016 and participated in the 8.5 days Health and Happiness Retreat and the chanting class at Bodhi Meditation Centre. In February 2017 this year, I went back to the hospital for a check-up again and my doctor actually told me that my liver had recovered and is normal now!
I also experienced another miracle. Last November, my head was hit by a metal plate at a shopping mall entrance. At that time, I felt vibration in my head and some pressure on the spine at the neck for a while. The next day, I had a very bad headache. The doctor said we had to wait for 3 months to see if my memory is affected or felt weird before deciding to have an x-ray taken. After this, my scalp started tingling and the back of the head felt like it did not stick to the skull. I felt my scalp was empty and my brain was blank frequently. My spine also felt more and more painful, more and more tight, as if something was pulling it. This feeling slowly extended to the shoulder, to the chest. I felt painful and had no strength to raise my head. When I lie down, I could not even raise my head.
When I practiced the Meditation of Greater Illumination, my head felt hot and it was comfortable. At that time my daughter-in-law obtained a bunch of beads from the meditation center and gave it to me. I like to beautify myself and would wear the bunch of beads on my hands and neck. Unexpectedly, on the second day of wearing the beads, my spine felt unobstructed, without pain, I felt very relaxed.
After 2 months of practice, I don’t feel empty or have any tingling feelings anymore; my brain also does not go blank. It’s unbelievable that at 65 years old, I am still able to lead a healthier and happier life. All thanks to me meeting Bodhi Meditation and meeting Grandmaster JinBodhi.
I wish to share my gratitude and touching story with all of you. May you persevere on with life like me, not giving up but growing in confidence. To help ourselves and others in life.
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
*Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medication dosage without consulting the doctor.
Please follow the advice of the doctor.
#FattyLiver, #Meditation, #Health, #Happiness, #MeditationJournal, #Reborn


若想不被人伺候,必須八卦天天走。 朋友們…

If you do not want to be waited upon by others, practice Energy Bagua daily.
My friends, keep up the momentum!!!
#EnergyBagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Longevity
If you do not want to be waited upon by others, practice Energy Bagua daily.
My friends, keep up the momentum!!!
#EnergyBagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Longevity
