2018門神和春聯、福字來賀年! . ….

year 2018 door deities and couplets, Chinese character “fortune” to bless the New Year!
As Chinese New year approaches, everywhere feels lively and crowded, Bodhi auspicious pack is ready for collection.
First sign of auspiciousness:
Chinese New Year door deities. Two generals holding on to gold swords, imposing and awe-inspiring, protectors of household peace and safety.
Second sign of auspiciousness:
Virtue and fortune accumulation couplets. May your family accumulate merits, fortune and wealth.
Third sign of auspiciousness:
Chinese character (fortune) and (amulet) has the same pronunciation. This is not only a Chinese character for fortune, it is also an amulet drawn by me encompassing strong auspicious energy.
With these 3 auspiciousness packed into a gift pack, your family will naturally be surrounded by bountiful blessings and this induces reunion, happiness, wealth, health and safety.
We welcome all to collect your auspicious gift pack at the nearest Bodhi Meditation Center and give them as gifts to your friends and relatives during Chinese New Year. Help to spread auspicious blessings and welcome good fortune into all houses!
#Couplets, #DoorDeities, #Fortune, #Auspicious, #Reunion, #Happiness


自我改變的力量 . 將狹隘而自我的心打開…


#改變 、 #慈悲、 #金光閃耀、#把握現在、 #掌握、 #福氣
The Power to Change Yourself

Let us open our narrow and self-centered mind and see things from a broader perspective, because when our mind broadens with a compassionate heart, we will then discover our most beautiful and brilliant self.

We may not be able to choose our circumstances or the environment we are in. Neither can we alter our past nor change the way others behave, but we can seize the moment and change ourselves by changing the way we listen and perceive things around us.
— Master Jin Bodhi

#Change, #Compassion, #Brilliance, #SeizeTheMoment, #Seize, #Auspicious


放下貪念,迎來富貴。 . 其實佛法說的,…

Let go of greed and unlock your wisdom
Buddha Dharma is primarily about “The way of life”; followed by “The way to liberation”.
In order to live well, we must be magnanimous and overcome self-centeredness. We should analyze and do things irrespective of the constraints of space and time. Only then, can we access to wholesome and long term benefits, attaining beauty, prosperity, auspiciousness, longevity and health.
#ExcerptFromTheKeysToBuddhistPractice, #Liberation, #Prosperity, #Auspicious


月光送吉祥、送平安。 . . 八月十五這…

Moonlight sends out auspiciousness and blessings.

Golden light shined upon the surrounding trees…
and illuminated the mountains and the woods. As I visualized in detail, there are three lotus under every tree. Each lotus is seated with a Bodhisattva looking so pure, calm, bright and auspicious. I am a Bodhisattva, I am compassionate, I wish to deliver all sentient beings from sufferings, I wish that all sentient beings become compassionate. I wish that the universe and all sentient beings are illuminated with compassion and warmth.

Before going to bed at night, I would like to reinforce the visualization of “compassion” in the mind.
This is the fundamental reason why I impart “Meditation of Greater Illumination”. Let us learn to visualize “compassion” in our everyday life so that “compassion” is fully internalized and integrated as part of us.

Our lifespan is limited, also known as “the impermanence of life”. On the other hand, “infinite life” is an eternal life. How do we get away from the six realms of reincarnation so as to get out of “limited life” and attain “infinite life” ?

“I am most compassionate! My entire body, both inside and outside together with every cell of my body, atomized a loving smile of the Buddha, I wish that all painful beings will experience joy, I wish that all ignorant people will develop wisdom, I wish that everyone who sees me to be happy and healthy. “.
“I am the most loving GuanYin Bodhisattva! I want all poor people to have food to eat, have roof over their head, have clothes to wear, have a job, I want to let every person suffering from pain to become healthy and happy! ”
“I am most compassionate! I am the kindest! I see golden moonlight with countless golden sparks flying into my body and into my heart. That is the Bodhisattva’s light!”

I am “Compassion”, “Compassion” is me. When this beautiful thought becomes a tangible “image” or “concept” ingrained in your mind, Bodhisattva and you become one. You will become wise and auspicious. The heavenly gods will assist you to succeed in anything you aspire to do.

On this auspicious and blessed day, may all our friends from all over the world continue to have ample food to eat and clothes to wear. May their dreams come true and may they be blessed with complete wisdom, good health and happiness!

Here’s wishing all:
When the moon is round and every family is complete during Mid Autumn Festival, may all your faces also become round after enjoying some moon cakes
May you be well-liked and have good affinity with people
Enjoying a walk in the park hand in hand with your family members
May your life be complete in every aspect
May you be fulfilled and filled with happiness during this Mid Autumn
Blessed with plenty of good fortune for years to come.
Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!!

#InfiniteLifeSutra, #MoonlightBodhisattva, #Moonlight, #Auspicious, #Compassion, #BuddhaWithinMyHeart



遠揚的思念… . 在這個孝親的月份裡…

#孝親 、#念佛 、#思念 、#吉祥如意
Missing in a distant…
This is the month to express our filial piety,
treat the positive and negative affinities we have encountered in life as benefactors that strengthen and lead us towards success.
There are so many people we need to be grateful to for the peace and health we enjoy today!
Let us vow, pray, venerate, repent and chant Buddha’s mantra with a sincere heart for our loved ones and deceased ancestors. With the help of the infinite merits of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as well as great blessing power of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, may all sentient beings and departed ancestors enjoy auspiciousness wherever they are!
#FilialPiety, #Chanting, #Commemorate, #Auspicious


學習大慈大悲觀世音菩薩 . . 每個人都…

Everyone can become a Bodhisattva!
As long as we allow our Bodhicitta to grow, to benefit all and practice Buddhadharma with the spirit of a Bodhisattva, everyone can obtain enlightenment and brings good fortune to all sentient beings, gain happiness and avoid sufferings just like a Bodhisattva.

As the Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day approaches, the days are filled with great auspiciousness. The energy field is extremely strong as the Buddha and Bodhisattvas shower compassionate blessings on all sentient beings.

I encourage all of you to chant the mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva for at least 30 minutes each day. Pray to the omnipresent Guanyin Bodhisattva who has a thousand hands and thousand eyes – who bear infinite wisdom and compassion – to help us overcome the difficulties and obstacles that we encounter in our lives. As we chant, make offerings, make vows and prostrate to the Bodhisattva with great sincerity during this period of time, we will be blessed with great fortune, great wisdom and strong energy.

As we chant with sincerity everyday, I also wish for the mantra to spread throughout the world, showering illumination and auspiciousness on everybody. May all enjoy good health and happiness.
#GuanyinBodhisattvaEnlightenmentDay, #Chant, #BodhisattvaOnEarth, #Auspicious, #GainHappinessAndAvoidSuffering, #Liberation


羅馬尼亞「FB 新粉絲專頁」已經開張啦 …

羅馬尼亞「FB 新粉絲專頁」已經開張啦 ? ?
在這一次溫哥華課程中,有好些位羅馬尼亞同修也來了,在聊天中他們希望能有更多羅馬尼亞的有缘人,也能够常常和我在網络上聊天,因為這漾的緣起,「金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi in Romania 」FB 粉絲專頁,於羅馬尼亞(Romania)開張啦.. ?
? ? ?FB前進東歐_羅馬尼亞!
有著「 ?東方巴黎 ?」美譽的—羅馬尼亞。
A “New Facebook” page in Romanian launches today! ? ?
A number of participants who attended the recent Vancouver class were from Romania. They shared with me their wish to have a Facebook page in their local language so that more from Romania will have the opportunity to engage with me via the Internet. As such, I am happy to announce the launch of a Grandmaster JinBodhi – Romania Facebook page today. ?
?? ?? ??My FB is making its way into Eastern Europe- Romania!
With this, let’s help to spread the word and welcome our Romanian friends. Together, we shall receive blessings of auspiciousness, health and happiness!

Bucharest, the capital of Romania, also known as ?“Paris of the East” ?. Romania has many beautiful castles and churches.
Below is a photo of Peles Castle.
Located at Sinaia, Peles Castle was built between 1873 and 1914. It is renowned for its majestic architecture. Today, Peles castle still preserves the rich traditional cultures of ancient Romanians.
Are you keen to learn more about this beautiful country and its culture?
Feel free to share your thoughts and let us treasure this rare opportunity to engage with our Romanian friends!

#MasterJinBodhiFansPage, # Romania, #Dawn, #Auspicious, #Healthy, #Happiness
