
【快速減肥一杯水】 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

摘自《神秘的八卦內功之1》 :https://youtu.be/mL9jkU_NaFc?t=8403
#減肥 #便秘 #減肥方法 #好身材 #健康 #便秘改善 #便秘解消 #便秘救星 #八卦內功 #走八卦 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師

摘自《神秘的八卦內功之1》 :https://youtu.be/mL9jkU_NaFc?t=8403
#減肥 #便秘 #減肥方法 #好身材 #健康 #便秘改善 #便秘解消 #便秘救星 #八卦內功 #走八卦 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師



v 燃燒脂肪、減重、美容
v 強化身體代謝率、排毒
v 增強免疫力
v 促進血液循環丶柔軟筋骨
v 緩解身心壓力
v 增強耐力、定力與自信
**八卦健身操 **
#八卦健身操 #減肥 #排毒 #八卦內功
#有氧 #老少皆宜 #不傷膝蓋 #耐力


這樣喝水,減肥又通便 . 針對肥胖的人,早晨起床後,空腹喝一





#健康養生 #晨起一杯水 #便祕 #減肥


給身心來一次大掃除 . 禪修,會給身心帶…

#減肥 #高血壓 #健忘 #雙腿浮腫

#減肥 #高血壓 #健忘 #雙腿浮腫


解除中年危機 . 當一個人到了中年,他的…

Ⓞ 更多見證禪修故事可點擊以下連結


美容養生長壽茶──普洱茶 . 在《本草綱…


Beauty and Wellness Longevity tea ─ Pu’er

In the ‘Compendium of Materia Medica’, it is recorded that the Pu’er tea has the benefits of clearing excess ‘heat’, detoxification, reducing fats, aiding fluid circulation, easing bowel movement, expelling phlegm, clearing flatulence, anti-cough and soothing respiration, improving vitality, and amongst others, promote longevity and general health effects.

The Pu’er tea by Bodhi Meditation is further enhanced with the blessed vitality of Bodhisattva, so that you are fully revitalized in your everyday busy lives. Let us all consume the Pu’er to recharge ourselves wholesomely, and multiply our energy by several times!

May everyone with the karmic bond to consume the Pu’er tea by Bodhi Meditation be free from illness, be healthy, beautiful, and much lavished with fortune and joyousness!

#PuerTea, #Longevity, #Slimming, #Beautifying





Her dreams crumbled when she met with an accident. Life on a wheelchair was a nightmare for the health and beauty conscious. She chanced upon the magazine that transformed her life – Meditation & Health magazine!

She turned over her life bound to a wheelchair with confidence, courage and perseverance in practicing Bodhi meditation.

Lets see HuTong’s journey to health.
I am HuTong, 64 years old. I was a cargo checker before I retire.

It was in June 2010 when I was knocked down by a forklift while checking the cargo. Two main bones of my shin and calf of my left leg were broken. On the second day after the accident, the doctor performed a surgery to clean the clotted blood and bone fragments on the surface of my left calf bone. Eleven days later, I was operated on for 6 hours to implant 2 iron plates and 12 screws to restore the bone position. As my bone fracture was very serious, the doctor required me to wear “protective shoes” 24 hours everyday. I was bound to the wheelchair for a year during this period of time.

After an agonizing year of life on the wheelchair, I took the doctor’s suggestion to practice walking with crutches. Due to lack of use of my leg muscles, it was weak and had no strength. Every step I took was difficult. My left leg was not functioning and I could only rely on my right leg.

In January 2013, my husband drove passed a health restaurant when sending me to the hairdresser. I randomly picked up a Meditation & Health magazine outside the shop. I brought It home, read it and was deeply absorbed in the contents within, especially the article on losing weight with prostration which was exactly what I needed. I had been staying home for the past 2 years without any exercise. I grew fat and huge in size. Prostration seemed like a good method to lose weight and I could not wait to practice it.

I learnt Prostration at the Bodhi Meditation Center in Singapore and begun practicing at home. Initially, I could only practice 15 minutes and my whole body was sore and painful. Later, I progressed to half hour practice. Sometimes, acid reflux makes me uncomfortable. But to realize my dream of losing weight, I persevered.

After 3 months of prostration practice, my weight dropped from 68 to 60 kilograms!

In May 2015, I joined the 100-day foundation retreat for Energy Bagua. I knew it would be a challenge for my left leg. My entire body was shaking and I could not balance with my frail left leg when practicing Energy Bagua. However, after 3 months of practice, I felt my leg was stronger and on completion of the 100 days, my leg injuries recovered. I could walk steadily and fast like normal.

Through the meditation practice, my legs recovered quickly and I was able to move freely and easily. I became vibrant and energetic. Taking care of my grandchild and cooking chores are not tiring anymore. Now, I continue to practice meditation and volunteer at the center. I am contented and happy everyday. I know all my good fortune comes from Bodhi Meditation!

(*Effects of meditation varies for individuals.)
#LeftLegBoneFracture, #Insomnia, #FrequentNocturia, #AcidReflux, #WeightLossrnrn她因為一場意外,從此失去了追逐夢想的機會!


Her dreams crumbled when she met with an accident. Life on a wheelchair was a nightmare for the health and beauty conscious. She chanced upon the magazine that transformed her life – Meditation & Health magazine!

She turned over her life bound to a wheelchair with confidence, courage and perseverance in practicing Bodhi meditation.

Lets see HuTong’s journey to health.
I am HuTong, 64 years old. I was a cargo checker before I retire.

It was in June 2010 when I was knocked down by a forklift while checking the cargo. Two main bones of my shin and calf of my left leg were broken. On the second day after the accident, the doctor performed a surgery to clean the clotted blood and bone fragments on the surface of my left calf bone. Eleven days later, I was operated on for 6 hours to implant 2 iron plates and 12 screws to restore the bone position. As my bone fracture was very serious, the doctor required me to wear “protective shoes” 24 hours everyday. I was bound to the wheelchair for a year during this period of time.

After an agonizing year of life on the wheelchair, I took the doctor’s suggestion to practice walking with crutches. Due to lack of use of my leg muscles, it was weak and had no strength. Every step I took was difficult. My left leg was not functioning and I could only rely on my right leg.

In January 2013, my husband drove passed a health restaurant when sending me to the hairdresser. I randomly picked up a Meditation & Health magazine outside the shop. I brought It home, read it and was deeply absorbed in the contents within, especially the article on losing weight with prostration which was exactly what I needed. I had been staying home for the past 2 years without any exercise. I grew fat and huge in size. Prostration seemed like a good method to lose weight and I could not wait to practice it.

I learnt Prostration at the Bodhi Meditation Center in Singapore and begun practicing at home. Initially, I could only practice 15 minutes and my whole body was sore and painful. Later, I progressed to half hour practice. Sometimes, acid reflux makes me uncomfortable. But to realize my dream of losing weight, I persevered.

After 3 months of prostration practice, my weight dropped from 68 to 60 kilograms!

In May 2015, I joined the 100-day foundation retreat for Energy Bagua. I knew it would be a challenge for my left leg. My entire body was shaking and I could not balance with my frail left leg when practicing Energy Bagua. However, after 3 months of practice, I felt my leg was stronger and on completion of the 100 days, my leg injuries recovered. I could walk steadily and fast like normal.

Through the meditation practice, my legs recovered quickly and I was able to move freely and easily. I became vibrant and energetic. Taking care of my grandchild and cooking chores are not tiring anymore. Now, I continue to practice meditation and volunteer at the center. I am contented and happy everyday. I know all my good fortune comes from Bodhi Meditation!

(*Effects of meditation varies for individuals.)
#LeftLegBoneFracture, #Insomnia, #FrequentNocturia, #AcidReflux, #WeightLoss


Her dreams crumbled when she met with an accident.  Life on a wheelchair was a nightmare for the health and beauty conscious.  She chanced upon the magazine that transformed her life - Meditation & Health magazine!
She turned over her life bound to a wheelchair with confidence, courage and perseverance in practicing Bodhi meditation.
Lets see HuTong's journey to health. 
I am HuTong, 64 years old.  I was a cargo checker before I retire.
It was in June 2010 when I was knocked down by a forklift while checking the cargo.  Two main bones of my shin and calf of my left leg were broken.  On the second day after the accident, the doctor performed a surgery to clean the clotted blood and bone fragments on the surface of my left calf bone.  Eleven days later, I was operated on for 6 hours to implant 2 iron plates and 12 screws to restore the bone position.  As my bone fracture was very serious, the doctor required me to wear “protective shoes” 24 hours everyday.  I was bound to the wheelchair for a year during this period of time.   
After an agonizing year of life on the wheelchair, I took the doctor's  suggestion to practice walking with crutches.  Due to lack of use of my leg muscles, it was weak and had no strength.  Every step I took was difficult.  My left leg was not functioning and I could only rely on my right leg.
In January 2013, my husband drove passed a health restaurant when sending me to the hairdresser.  I randomly picked up a Meditation & Health magazine outside the shop.  I brought It home, read it and was deeply absorbed in the contents within, especially the article on losing weight with prostration which was exactly what I needed.  I had been staying home for the past 2 years without any exercise.  I grew fat and huge in size.  Prostration seemed like a good method to lose weight and I could not wait to practice it.
I learnt Prostration at the Bodhi Meditation Center in Singapore and begun practicing at home.  Initially, I could only practice 15 minutes and my whole body was sore and painful. Later, I progressed to half hour practice. Sometimes, acid reflux makes me uncomfortable. But to realize  my dream of losing weight, I persevered.
After 3 months of prostration practice, my weight dropped from 68 to 60 kilograms!
In May 2015, I joined the 100-day foundation retreat for Energy Bagua.  I knew it would be a challenge for my left leg.  My entire body was shaking and I could not balance with my frail left leg when practicing Energy Bagua.  However, after 3 months of practice, I felt my leg was stronger and on completion of the 100 days, my leg injuries recovered.  I could walk steadily and fast like normal.
Through the meditation practice, my legs recovered quickly and I was able to move freely and easily. I became vibrant and energetic.  Taking care of my grandchild and cooking chores are not tiring anymore.  Now, I continue to practice meditation and volunteer at the center. I am contented and happy everyday.  I know all my good fortune comes from Bodhi Meditation!
(*Effects of meditation varies for individuals.) 
#LeftLegBoneFracture, #Insomnia, #FrequentNocturia, #AcidReflux, #WeightLossrnrn她因為一場意外,從此失去了追逐夢想的機會!

Her dreams crumbled when she met with an accident.  Life on a wheelchair was a nightmare for the health and beauty conscious.  She chanced upon the magazine that transformed her life - Meditation & Health magazine!
She turned over her life bound to a wheelchair with confidence, courage and perseverance in practicing Bodhi meditation.
Lets see HuTong's journey to health. 
I am HuTong, 64 years old.  I was a cargo checker before I retire.
It was in June 2010 when I was knocked down by a forklift while checking the cargo.  Two main bones of my shin and calf of my left leg were broken.  On the second day after the accident, the doctor performed a surgery to clean the clotted blood and bone fragments on the surface of my left calf bone.  Eleven days later, I was operated on for 6 hours to implant 2 iron plates and 12 screws to restore the bone position.  As my bone fracture was very serious, the doctor required me to wear “protective shoes” 24 hours everyday.  I was bound to the wheelchair for a year during this period of time.   
After an agonizing year of life on the wheelchair, I took the doctor's  suggestion to practice walking with crutches.  Due to lack of use of my leg muscles, it was weak and had no strength.  Every step I took was difficult.  My left leg was not functioning and I could only rely on my right leg.
In January 2013, my husband drove passed a health restaurant when sending me to the hairdresser.  I randomly picked up a Meditation & Health magazine outside the shop.  I brought It home, read it and was deeply absorbed in the contents within, especially the article on losing weight with prostration which was exactly what I needed.  I had been staying home for the past 2 years without any exercise.  I grew fat and huge in size.  Prostration seemed like a good method to lose weight and I could not wait to practice it.
I learnt Prostration at the Bodhi Meditation Center in Singapore and begun practicing at home.  Initially, I could only practice 15 minutes and my whole body was sore and painful. Later, I progressed to half hour practice. Sometimes, acid reflux makes me uncomfortable. But to realize  my dream of losing weight, I persevered.
After 3 months of prostration practice, my weight dropped from 68 to 60 kilograms!
In May 2015, I joined the 100-day foundation retreat for Energy Bagua.  I knew it would be a challenge for my left leg.  My entire body was shaking and I could not balance with my frail left leg when practicing Energy Bagua.  However, after 3 months of practice, I felt my leg was stronger and on completion of the 100 days, my leg injuries recovered.  I could walk steadily and fast like normal.
Through the meditation practice, my legs recovered quickly and I was able to move freely and easily. I became vibrant and energetic.  Taking care of my grandchild and cooking chores are not tiring anymore.  Now, I continue to practice meditation and volunteer at the center. I am contented and happy everyday.  I know all my good fortune comes from Bodhi Meditation!
(*Effects of meditation varies for individuals.) 
#LeftLegBoneFracture, #Insomnia, #FrequentNocturia, #AcidReflux, #WeightLoss


不需要花大把銀子也能瘦身變窈窕!!! ….

富足的生活中,人們每天吃大餐,甜品、美食。加上食物的加工過程日新月異,這些東西每天有進無出,自然容易就會累出病來,當身體負擔重了,健康與美麗也會離我們越來越遠 。

You don’t need to spend a fortune to lose weight and slim down!
The cause of obesity may be due to the accumulation of toxics in the body.
With a life filled with abundance, people tend to feast on food and desserts. Coupled with the ever changing ways of processing food, these are consumed daily and remains in the body, thus causing sickness over time. When the body becomes overly burdened with these, our health and beauty are affected.
However it is not difficult to regain our health and beauty. Lets hear from Chen Xiu-Zhen (Ning Juan) from Malaysia who shares on how she has achieved it!
She came to Bodhi Meditation with the intention to slim down;
In the process of practicing meditation, the pain on her body that she was suffering from gradually disappeared and she became healthier and prettier; her original intention of wanting a drop of water turned out to be receiving an ocean instead…
# Backache, # Leg pain, # Aches and pain, # Slimming, # Full Prostration, # Meditation of Greater Illumination, # Meditation of Purity
