
⏰ 3天課程時間
北美溫哥華 2022年 3月31日 – 4月2日(週四、五、六) 下午6點
亞洲台北 2022年 4月1日 – 4月3日(週五、六、日) 上午9點
👉🏻 第一天


English YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/MIlKnYK0Ad8

⭐️ 現已開放『佛前祈福報名表』,歡迎有需求的網友們填寫你的祈福願望。在念佛班期間,我會將名單供在佛前,得吉祥加持!

⭐️ 為祖先點燈做功德 ▶ 『清明祭祖特惠超薦 7天燈』

#清明 #清明節 #祭祖 #清明功德念佛班 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師



🎬 觀看完整影片:https://youtu.be/yH0is2CRbMI
⭐ 【清明功德念佛班】明天開課!
🔗 中文Youtube鏈接:https://youtu.be/w2obFymZAGk
🔗 English Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/MIlKnYK0Ad8
⭐️ 『佛前祈福報名表』▶ www.bit.ly/qingming88
⭐️ 為祖先點燈做功德 ▶ 『清明祭祖特惠超薦 7天燈』
#清明 #清明節 #祭祖 #清明功德念佛班 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師



🎬 觀看完整影片:https://youtu.be/vYbMSDzCEV0
⭐ 【清明功德念佛班】即將開課!
▶ https://www.facebook.com/jinbodhiworld/posts/3248191628801307
⭐️ 『佛前祈福報名表』▶ www.bit.ly/qingming88
⭐️ 為祖先點燈做功德 ▶ 『清明祭祖特惠超薦 7天燈』
#清明 #清明節 #祭祖 #清明功德念佛班 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師



【課程預告】清明功德念佛班 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

⏰ 開課時間
北美溫哥華 2022年 3月31日 – 4月2日(週四、五、六) 下午6點
亞洲台北 2022年 4月1日 – 4月3日(週五、六、日) 上午9點
⭐️ 現已開放『佛前祈福報名表』,歡迎有需求的網友們填寫你的祈福願望。在念佛班期間,我會將名單供在佛前,得吉祥加持!

⭐️ 為祖先點燈做功德 ▶ 『清明祭祖特惠超薦 7天燈』

#清明 #清明節 #祭祖 #清明功德念佛班 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師


【清明祭祖,緬懷感恩】 ──為祖先送去佛…



【菩提養生素食廚房】 青團——寒食節的江…


1、 鮮艾草葉洗淨,川燙2分鐘,放在料理機中,加水打碎。
2、 打碎的艾草汁與糯米粉混合,揉成青綠色的艾草麵團。
3、 艾草麵團分成核桃大小的劑子,擀平擀圓,再捏成碗窩的形狀。
4、 中間放入豆沙餡或自己喜歡的餡料,包好、揉圓揉勻。
5、 取大白菜葉或圓白菜葉,開水燙軟,鋪在蒸鍋的篦子上。
6、 將包好的青團放在白菜葉上,表面抹一層橄欖油,大火蒸8-10分鐘即可。


《清明》 ──清明前後,點瓜種豆 . ….

“Ching Ming”
─ Ching Ming, a time to grow melons and plant beans

Spring, being the first of the four seasons, is deemed to be the most important by many people. It is also the season with the largest number of festivals. For these reasons, early spring is the best time to be making plans of what to cultivate in the fields, and also which places to visit during the festivals. To the Chinese community, the most important spring festival that falls in the beautiful months of March and April is the Ching Ming (also commonly known as “Qing Ming”) festival. This is the festival during which the Chinese pay their respects to their ancestors. This year’s Qing Ming festival – which occurs when the sun reaches 15 degrees of the celestial longitude – falls on the 4th day of the 4th month in the Gregorian calendar.

Other than being a festival, Ching Ming is also one of the twenty-four solar terms. There is this saying regarding Ching Ming: “All things that grow during this time are both bright and clean. This is why this day is called Ching Ming – Ching (“Qing”) represents cleanliness and Ming represents radiance.” From this we can see the close link between Ching Ming and agricultural cultivation. In the agricultural world, the farmers have another saying: “Ching Ming is the best time to grow your melons and plant your seeds”.

In the fifteen days after the Spring Equinox, temperatures will start to rise and rain will fall in abundance. This is the best time to work on your crop cultivations. As the breeze blows and the rain falls, shoots will thrive. The sight of farmers busy sowing their seeds and transplanting their seedlings will be prevalent everywhere during this period of time, signaling the start of spring cultivation.

Ching Ming Festival is also about the Chinese tradition of expressing our respects to the ancestors via formal rituals. The tomb sweeping tradition inculcates the spirit of filial piety and emphasizes the importance of familial relations. The best that we can do for our ancestors during this time is to transfer to them the positive karmic merits from chanting sincerely, light offering and praying to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas to light up their paths. I welcome all of you to visit the Bodhi Meditation Centers on this day to chant and to make light offerings. Not only will our ancestors receive the blessings and guidance from the Buddha, we will also be blessed with safety and good fortune.
#SolarTerm #ChingMing #TombSweeping #LampOffering #GrowingMelonsPlantingBeans


肆月 . 「佛燈消萬業,孝念祖親恩。」 …





Light Offerings and Filial Piety

What do we actually get from light offerings to the Buddha?

Firstly, our minds are brightened up because when we make a prayer we will be facing a brightly lit Buddha with a solemn, beautiful and compassionate appearance. In addition, we will be guided when faced with obstacles or have worries in our life journey. Secondly, we will have increased wisdom and be able to do the things that others cannot. There should also be success if we are seeking employment. Thirdly, the Buddha will protect us from demonic attack and illnesses and also clear away our bad karma.

In fact, we should seize the opportunity to offer a lamp on behalf of our ancestors during this Qing Ming Festival. Because by doing so, we are sending warmth, illumination and merits to them as the Buddha’s light will illuminate their afterlives, eradicate their bad karma and clear away obstacles in order that they can be guided by the Buddha and Bodhisattvas to Pureland and be liberated from samsaric transmigration.

Simultaneously, the fire and radiating light from the Buddha will bless us – the compassionate ones who made the light offerings, with joy, health, happiness, peace, perfection and wisdom. For the ones that we love and respect, during this festival, they will also receive blessings and be sheltered by the radiating light and energy from the Buddha.

#April, #TableCalendar, #ChingMing, # ClearingKarmarnrnApril

Light Offerings and Filial Piety

What do we actually get from light offerings to the Buddha?

Firstly, our minds are brightened up because when we make a prayer we will be facing a brightly lit Buddha with a solemn, beautiful and compassionate appearance. In addition, we will be guided when faced with obstacles or have worries in our life journey. Secondly, we will have increased wisdom and be able to do the things that others cannot. There should also be success if we are seeking employment. Thirdly, the Buddha will protect us from demonic attack and illnesses and also clear away our bad karma.

In fact, we should seize the opportunity to offer a lamp on behalf of our ancestors during this Qing Ming Festival. Because by doing so, we are sending warmth, illumination and merits to them as the Buddha’s light will illuminate their afterlives, eradicate their bad karma and clear away obstacles in order that they can be guided by the Buddha and Bodhisattvas to Pureland and be liberated from samsaric transmigration.

Simultaneously, the fire and radiating light from the Buddha will bless us – the compassionate ones who made the light offerings, with joy, health, happiness, peace, perfection and wisdom. For the ones that we love and respect, during this festival, they will also receive blessings and be sheltered by the radiating light and energy from the Buddha.

#April, #TableCalendar, #ChingMing, # ClearingKarma
