放生的真諦 . 最近有個學員來問我: 「…

#放生、#慈悲、#不殺生、#不忍 #20171019FB直播、#溫哥華rnrnThe True Meaning of Life Release.

A student asked me recently,
“Someone told me that to learn compassion, we need to release animals so that they can live (life release) or if I am sick, then I need to perform life release and only then will my sickness be cured. Is this true?”

A: “I do not advocate this form of life release.”
The idea of life release is good – it is a manifestation of compassion but if more fishes die because of your release of fishes, not only will you not achieve your goal, you would have sinned hugely instead!

For example, if you put the ocean fishes into the river, you actually kill them. If you put river fishes into a lake, they may not survive; it is also inappropriate to put ocean fishes back into the sea as how many fishes you put back to the sea equals to how many fishes get killed. Why?

Looking at the strict marine biological control adopted by all countries and you will understand why. There is a river called the Mississippi River in the United States. There is a flourishing number of Chinese carp. The local fishes have been eaten up. This may be caused by the release of Chinese carp by the Chinese people.

The concept of “compassion”, as I understand, means “letting go of life without killing”.

Instead of performing life release, it will be better if you practice non-killing – do not kill pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens etc. Let them not get killed because of your gluttony or because of your carelessness. You are then practicing releasing of lives.

Therefore, I think, the essence of “releasing of lives” should be:
In our daily practice, it is a way of treating all sentient beings, not bearing to see them suffer this in itself is compassion.

Therefore, in my opinion, “If you do not kill a sentient being, it means you are practicing releasing them! ”
Share if you like. More sharing, more blessing ~

#Release, #Compassion, #DoNotKill, #CouldNotBear, #20171019FBLive, #Vancouver


風水師不敢說的秘密 . . 我給大家講一…





#風水、#慈悲、#富豪、#命運rnrnThe undisclosed secret of Feng Shui masters

Let me tell you a true story.

A wealthy man bought a piece of land and built a detached family villa. His large courtyard was also planted with many hundred-year-old lychee trees. His friend persuaded him to engage the services of a famous geomancer. Originally not receptive to geomancy, the wealthy man nonetheless appreciated his friend’s kind intention and paid a special visit to invite a very famous Fengshui master to read the feng shui his house.

After receiving the master, they both went straight to the villa. On the way, the wealthy man would always give way to an overtaking car. The master smiled, “Your driving is most steady!” The wealthy man replied cordially, “.. well, let’s not delay these overtaking drivers, as they could be experiencing emergencies.”

When the car entered the town, the streets were narrower and the wealthy man had to slow down. Suddenly, a child who was laughing dashed out of the alley in front of them. The wealthy man pressed firmly on the brakes. The child smiled and ran past. Thereafter, the driver paused slightly instead of stepping on the gas. Soon, another child sprang out in pursuit of the earlier one.
The master was surprised, and asked, “How did you know that there were children behind?” 」
The wealthy man replied, “Children are typically chasing and playing, otherwise they would not be laughing so happily.”
After hearing this, the master agreed with a thumb-up, elaborating, “You really have a kind heart!”

Upon arriving at the villa, the wealthy man alighted with the key, ready to open the door. From the backyard, a few birds suddenly flew up, accompanied by a burst of laughter. The wealthy man saw the situation, and decided to stop at the gate. Apologetic, he turned to the master, and said, “..(may) the master stay here and wait for a while.”
Master asked, “What’s the matter?”
The wealthy man responded, “Now, there must be kids at my backyard stealing lychees from our orchard. If we open the gate now, the children will panic in a bid to escape, and it will not be good if they fall, so let them have a moment to pick the fruits.”
After some silence, the master said, “You can just send me back to the railway station. There’s no need to read the Fengshui of this house!”
The wealthy man was taken aback. He asked, “Why is that so, master?”
“Sir, wherever you are, the place will enjoy auspicious Fengshui energy” was the reply.

In reality, the general geomancy approach does not allow people’s luck or destiny to be fundamentally changed. Upon hearing this, you must be curious to understand how then can we change our luck or destiny. That should be premised on the energy and merit of compassion in order for a person to enjoy good luck. This is because the energy of compassion can resolve all calamities, change the destiny and usher in good fortune; hence we must perform more good deeds.

#Geomancy, #Compassion, #WealthyMan, #Destiny


自我改變的力量 . 將狹隘而自我的心打開…


#改變 、 #慈悲、 #金光閃耀、#把握現在、 #掌握、 #福氣
The Power to Change Yourself

Let us open our narrow and self-centered mind and see things from a broader perspective, because when our mind broadens with a compassionate heart, we will then discover our most beautiful and brilliant self.

We may not be able to choose our circumstances or the environment we are in. Neither can we alter our past nor change the way others behave, but we can seize the moment and change ourselves by changing the way we listen and perceive things around us.
— Master Jin Bodhi

#Change, #Compassion, #Brilliance, #SeizeTheMoment, #Seize, #Auspicious


自然之愛 ‧ 前些天一位參加多倫多閉關班…




Nature’s love
A few days ago, a participant from Toronto Bodhi Meditation Center Meditation retreat had an inspiration after the class and created a short video which he shared with me. Let me invite all of you to take a look!
Compassion is about generosity, making offerings and letting go of greed. The kindness of nurturing is also a form of compassion. That is exactly how Mother Nature has been towards us! – Grandmaster JinBodhi
#TorontoMeditationRetreat, #Compassion, #KindnessOfNurture, #NaturesLove


【週六網路共修】幸福從感恩開始 . . …

# #週六網路共修、#幸福從感恩開始、#慈悲、#寬容


月光送吉祥、送平安。 . . 八月十五這…

Moonlight sends out auspiciousness and blessings.

Golden light shined upon the surrounding trees…
and illuminated the mountains and the woods. As I visualized in detail, there are three lotus under every tree. Each lotus is seated with a Bodhisattva looking so pure, calm, bright and auspicious. I am a Bodhisattva, I am compassionate, I wish to deliver all sentient beings from sufferings, I wish that all sentient beings become compassionate. I wish that the universe and all sentient beings are illuminated with compassion and warmth.

Before going to bed at night, I would like to reinforce the visualization of “compassion” in the mind.
This is the fundamental reason why I impart “Meditation of Greater Illumination”. Let us learn to visualize “compassion” in our everyday life so that “compassion” is fully internalized and integrated as part of us.

Our lifespan is limited, also known as “the impermanence of life”. On the other hand, “infinite life” is an eternal life. How do we get away from the six realms of reincarnation so as to get out of “limited life” and attain “infinite life” ?

“I am most compassionate! My entire body, both inside and outside together with every cell of my body, atomized a loving smile of the Buddha, I wish that all painful beings will experience joy, I wish that all ignorant people will develop wisdom, I wish that everyone who sees me to be happy and healthy. “.
“I am the most loving GuanYin Bodhisattva! I want all poor people to have food to eat, have roof over their head, have clothes to wear, have a job, I want to let every person suffering from pain to become healthy and happy! ”
“I am most compassionate! I am the kindest! I see golden moonlight with countless golden sparks flying into my body and into my heart. That is the Bodhisattva’s light!”

I am “Compassion”, “Compassion” is me. When this beautiful thought becomes a tangible “image” or “concept” ingrained in your mind, Bodhisattva and you become one. You will become wise and auspicious. The heavenly gods will assist you to succeed in anything you aspire to do.

On this auspicious and blessed day, may all our friends from all over the world continue to have ample food to eat and clothes to wear. May their dreams come true and may they be blessed with complete wisdom, good health and happiness!

Here’s wishing all:
When the moon is round and every family is complete during Mid Autumn Festival, may all your faces also become round after enjoying some moon cakes
May you be well-liked and have good affinity with people
Enjoying a walk in the park hand in hand with your family members
May your life be complete in every aspect
May you be fulfilled and filled with happiness during this Mid Autumn
Blessed with plenty of good fortune for years to come.
Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!!

#InfiniteLifeSutra, #MoonlightBodhisattva, #Moonlight, #Auspicious, #Compassion, #BuddhaWithinMyHeart



美麗秘笈__問與答 . 問:禪修為什麼能…




Beauty Secrets – Q & A

Q : How does meditation enhance beauty?
(Actual case: There was a class participant who was more than 60 years old. On the last day of her course, her daughter came to fetch her for dinner. At the entrance of the center, the daughter expressed in surprise upon seeing her mother, “Is that really you, mother? Why have you become so youthful, and beautiful?”
The elated mother replied, “ It’s me – your mother! I’m aware that I’ve “become” younger.”)

A :
In meditation, it is foremost that we learn to relax. When our body, brain, inner organs, and muscles are relaxed, the energy and blood circulations will be smooth. The meridians and blood vessels that were previously constricted would be restored naturally. With robust circulatory systems, our appearance – becomes beautiful; our brain – develops wisdom; our heart – gains a robust life-force. At the same time, with good physical circulations, we naturally experience health, happiness and beauty.

Thus, meditation can bring calm as well as benefits to our body, mind and spirit.

The most important reason for the beauty benefits of meditation lies in the development of compassion. As one practices, one gains compassion, and do not easily become angry and frustrated. With a gentler personality and stable temperament, one’s words and deeds naturally manifest kindness and serenity emanating from within – an innate sense of confidence and gracefulness – qualities that are beyond the benefits from cosmetic surgery.

Thus, meditation can enhance appearance, offering beauty.
Dear friends, if you wish to become beautiful, please come and learn meditation.

The beauty benefits of meditation are legendary. If you’d like to be beautiful, we welcome you to come and realize your dream.

#20170530FBLiveBroadcast, #BackToNature, #Beauty, #Compassion, #CalmAndFree, #Confident



Beauty Secrets – Q & A

Q : How does meditation enhance beauty?
(Actual case: There was a class participant who was more than 60 years old. On the last day of her course, her daughter came to fetch her for dinner. At the entrance of the center, the daughter expressed in surprise upon seeing her mother, “Is that really you, mother? Why have you become so youthful, and beautiful?”
The elated mother replied, “ It’s me – your mother! I’m aware that I’ve “become” younger.”)

A :
In meditation, it is foremost that we learn to relax. When our body, brain, inner organs, and muscles are relaxed, the energy and blood circulations will be smooth. The meridians and blood vessels that were previously constricted would be restored naturally. With robust circulatory systems, our appearance – becomes beautiful; our brain – develops wisdom; our heart – gains a robust life-force. At the same time, with good physical circulations, we naturally experience health, happiness and beauty.

Thus, meditation can bring calm as well as benefits to our body, mind and spirit.

The most important reason for the beauty benefits of meditation lies in the development of compassion. As one practices, one gains compassion, and do not easily become angry and frustrated. With a gentler personality and stable temperament, one’s words and deeds naturally manifest kindness and serenity emanating from within – an innate sense of confidence and gracefulness – qualities that are beyond the benefits from cosmetic surgery.

Thus, meditation can enhance appearance, offering beauty.
Dear friends, if you wish to become beautiful, please come and learn meditation.

The beauty benefits of meditation are legendary. If you’d like to be beautiful, we welcome you to come and realize your dream.

#20170530FBLiveBroadcast, #BackToNature, #Beauty, #Compassion, #CalmAndFree, #Confident


「什麼是風水?」 . 在過去,我去過很多…

.What is Feng Shui?

In the past, I have been to many homes that gave me an uncomfortable feeling the moment I stepped in. I would think to myself, “Oh, this household does not have good fengshui.” The children or other family members of the owner would usually be in poor health, be unreasonable in nature, and do not have stable jobs or careers. In contrast, a house that belongs to a family of compassionate and ,benevolent people will have a peaceful and comfortable ambience, which will make you want to stay longer. These people may be poor currently, but their offspring will definitely grow wealthy with time.

You can hire fengshui masters to improve the fengshui and ambience of your home, but that good fengshui may not necessarily benefit you. In fact, it may only bring benefits to the next owner of the house. This is most aptly described in the saying “Good fengshui needs to be matched with an equally good destiny.”

There is a Chinese legend about a person who made seven special swords that were especially sharp and could shear all other swords into two. What do you think would happen if these precious swords were to end up in the hands of an ordinary soldier? Would he transform into a general? Let me tell you, if a sword like that was to end up in the possession of a swordsman of mediocre skills, his end will be near. Precious swords and fine horses were only fitting for heroes with exceptional skills. If an ordinary man is to come into possession of a formidable weapon, it will usually result in his early demise.

Good fengshui and great wealth are meant for people with sufficient karmic merits. Only heroes can ride the finest steeds and take up the sharpest precious swords.

Many large diamonds and gems were discovered in India. Of these, the largest and, most beautiful and most precious gem is the one that is currently sitting on the crown of the British Queen. She is both rich and immensely powerful, with the backing of all the British people, which is why she can accept such a precious treasure.

If the huge jewel was in the hands of an ordinary farmer, he or she would have been robbed and killed the very next day. An uncountable number of people have lost their lives because of this precious jewel. The deaths were halted only when the jewel landed in the hands of the British Queen.

Good fengshui goes well with someone who has good fortune, while great wealth goes to someone auspicious, because these people have good karma. People become rich or powerful because they have sufficient karmic merits as the foundation.Compassion and karmic merits are the best fengshui that one can ever have.

#Compassion, #KarmicMerits, #20170618LiveBroadcastrnrn「什麼是風水?」
.What is Feng Shui?

In the past, I have been to many homes that gave me an uncomfortable feeling the moment I stepped in. I would think to myself, “Oh, this household does not have good fengshui.” The children or other family members of the owner would usually be in poor health, be unreasonable in nature, and do not have stable jobs or careers. In contrast, a house that belongs to a family of compassionate and ,benevolent people will have a peaceful and comfortable ambience, which will make you want to stay longer. These people may be poor currently, but their offspring will definitely grow wealthy with time.

You can hire fengshui masters to improve the fengshui and ambience of your home, but that good fengshui may not necessarily benefit you. In fact, it may only bring benefits to the next owner of the house. This is most aptly described in the saying “Good fengshui needs to be matched with an equally good destiny.”

There is a Chinese legend about a person who made seven special swords that were especially sharp and could shear all other swords into two. What do you think would happen if these precious swords were to end up in the hands of an ordinary soldier? Would he transform into a general? Let me tell you, if a sword like that was to end up in the possession of a swordsman of mediocre skills, his end will be near. Precious swords and fine horses were only fitting for heroes with exceptional skills. If an ordinary man is to come into possession of a formidable weapon, it will usually result in his early demise.

Good fengshui and great wealth are meant for people with sufficient karmic merits. Only heroes can ride the finest steeds and take up the sharpest precious swords.

Many large diamonds and gems were discovered in India. Of these, the largest and, most beautiful and most precious gem is the one that is currently sitting on the crown of the British Queen. She is both rich and immensely powerful, with the backing of all the British people, which is why she can accept such a precious treasure.

If the huge jewel was in the hands of an ordinary farmer, he or she would have been robbed and killed the very next day. An uncountable number of people have lost their lives because of this precious jewel. The deaths were halted only when the jewel landed in the hands of the British Queen.

Good fengshui goes well with someone who has good fortune, while great wealth goes to someone auspicious, because these people have good karma. People become rich or powerful because they have sufficient karmic merits as the foundation.Compassion and karmic merits are the best fengshui that one can ever have.

#Compassion, #KarmicMerits, #20170618LiveBroadcast


通向–美麗心世界 . 人有了慈悲心,就…

Head towards the splendor of this world

Compassion allows us to step out from the shadow of our reclusive world; compassion adds vibrance to our world; with compassion, motivation and aspirations take root in our lives, and from which the goodness and virtues in our lives blossom.

If you’d just nudge open the doors to heaven, you’ll relish the splendor of this world.

#Compassion, #Dharma, #UniversalLove
Head towards the splendor of this world

Compassion allows us to step out from the shadow of our reclusive world; compassion adds vibrance to our world; with compassion, motivation and aspirations take root in our lives, and from which the goodness and virtues in our lives blossom.

If you’d just nudge open the doors to heaven, you’ll relish the splendor of this world.

#Compassion, #Dharma, #UniversalLove


讓你無所不能的秘訣? . . 記得,我小…

The secret for you to be omnipotence
When I was learning martial arts as a child, the skin on my hands were extremely thick, resulting in them becoming stiff, dry and coarse. The skin was so thick and hard that I could even use them to split bricks. This hindered my journey of self-cultivation and prevented my progress. I hence sought the guidance from the Bodhisattva on the path forward.
In a dream, the Buddha reminded me, “When we harbor hateful or hurtful thoughts towards people, matters, or objects, it will eventually become a reality. How many times have you mentioned, “I want to kill you”, or “I want you to die..”? Treat these statements as though they have become a reality and repent. Additionally, do remember to practice repentance towards the people, matters and objects that we had either harbored the intention to hurt, or had actually hurt, scolded, deceived and cursed.
When I started out the practice of “Repentance and Chanting”, I felt that I’d not done any wrong, and was wondering why there was the need to repent. Gradually, I realized that the practice of repentance results in the bone-joints, and muscles becoming “tender” (as in “pliable”), as if they had been “steamed in a pot”. Subsequently, even the heart had become “tender” – smooth like silk, and unobstructed like water. The obstruction that had hindered my progress had been overcome, just like the saying, “a compassionate heart bears a tender hand.
When you have progressed in your repentance practice to a certain extent, with substantial depth, you will realize that the muscle tone has become “tender”. What about the body? It “ceases to exist” (having become truly at ease and at one with the universe). I realized that a tender, compassionate heart allows one to overcome the obstacles and progress in the practice!
Therefore, as we bear compassion in the heart, our body becomes “tender” (“pliable”); as compassion permeates our consciousness, even our bones can become “tender”.
With immense gratitude to the teachings of the Buddha:
Only “tenderness” can open the door of “compassion”. And “tenderness” can allow us to be “enlightened”.
#20170412FBSingaporeEventLive, #Repentance, #OvercomeObstacles, #Tenderness, #Compassion, #Listenrnrn讓你無所不能的秘訣?
The secret for you to be omnipotence
When I was learning martial arts as a child, the skin on my hands were extremely thick, resulting in them becoming stiff, dry and coarse. The skin was so thick and hard that I could even use them to split bricks. This hindered my journey of self-cultivation and prevented my progress. I hence sought the guidance from the Bodhisattva on the path forward.
In a dream, the Buddha reminded me, “When we harbor hateful or hurtful thoughts towards people, matters, or objects, it will eventually become a reality. How many times have you mentioned, “I want to kill you”, or “I want you to die..”? Treat these statements as though they have become a reality and repent. Additionally, do remember to practice repentance towards the people, matters and objects that we had either harbored the intention to hurt, or had actually hurt, scolded, deceived and cursed.
When I started out the practice of “Repentance and Chanting”, I felt that I’d not done any wrong, and was wondering why there was the need to repent. Gradually, I realized that the practice of repentance results in the bone-joints, and muscles becoming “tender” (as in “pliable”), as if they had been “steamed in a pot”. Subsequently, even the heart had become “tender” – smooth like silk, and unobstructed like water. The obstruction that had hindered my progress had been overcome, just like the saying, “a compassionate heart bears a tender hand.
When you have progressed in your repentance practice to a certain extent, with substantial depth, you will realize that the muscle tone has become “tender”. What about the body? It “ceases to exist” (having become truly at ease and at one with the universe). I realized that a tender, compassionate heart allows one to overcome the obstacles and progress in the practice!
Therefore, as we bear compassion in the heart, our body becomes “tender” (“pliable”); as compassion permeates our consciousness, even our bones can become “tender”.
With immense gratitude to the teachings of the Buddha:
Only “tenderness” can open the door of “compassion”. And “tenderness” can allow us to be “enlightened”.
#20170412FBSingaporeEventLive, #Repentance, #OvercomeObstacles, #Tenderness, #Compassion, #Listen
